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►►YG________♠ 21 (2NE1) Official Thread ♫♪


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Guest trutje_liia

I found a very beautiful remix of 2NE1 I Don't Care!!

this sounds like an official version but I know it's not

becaue the user uploaded a few mixes already...

check it out::

another remix on that acount is a rather unusual

I don't like the song "push push of sistar"

but it's mashed up with 2NE1 Fire so...

anyways,, Check it out::

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2NE1’s Park Bom & Minzy with Jaeson Ma


Thanks to Sandara’s me2day updates, we’ve been getting a glimpse of 2NE1’s stay in Los Angeles. However, the latest update was not from Sandara, but from Jaeson Ma, a Christian pastor and rapper. Jaeson Ma is a friend and mentor to many of our favorite Korean stars from the YG family to members of SNSD.

We most recently saw him with Super Junior’s Siwon and Jung Ryeo Won, cheering on the Korean soccer team.

Today, he updated his Twitter with a photo of himself with 2NE1 members Park Bom and Minzy with the tweet, “365 Days of Love: Chilln w/ my sistaz BOM, MINZY (2NE1), & KEO at PINKBERRY! Showing them LA LOVE :)

They also talk about Dara's updates; Link

cr: AKP

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Guest danick

Glad to know the girls are having so much fun in LA.

Where's CL? Is she working while everyone is playing around? Probably with Teddy...hahahaha

Anyway, can't wait for them to make their comeback. With other YG artists on the comeback 2010 line up, we still have to wait a little longer.

Love Dara's M2 updates!!!

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Guest hanpan

I found a very beautiful remix of 2NE1 I Don't Care!!

this sounds like an official version but I know it's not

becaue the user uploaded a few mixes already...

The acoustic was actually from Coffee Prince OST instrumental entitled coffee over brim. the whole song was substituted to I Don't Care's original music. didn't expect it would go well, & im totally digging Fire on Push Push :) sounds great.

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Guest NV4ever

lol dara is having fun at the Wax Museum i see ^^ she's such a dork :lol: queen of fanservice!!

Bommie and Minzy @pinkberry, they looks kuteee~~ now i want some yogurt hahahaha

where's leader though? she's MIA again...i miss seeing her~~

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Dara me2day:


평소에 장난꾸러기 동생이던 영배가 촬영장에서 음악이 나오자 멋지고 매력적인 남자 태양으로 변했다! 멋있긴하더라^^ 복근만 쪼꼬렛인게 아니라 목소리도 쪼꼬렛이다 ㅋㅋ 달콤달콤 열매를 먹었나 영배가???

As soon as his music video is released, the typical silly dongsaeng Youngbae is going to transform into the really cool and charming man Taeyang! It really was cool^^ It isn't just his abs that are like chocolate, his voice is too keke Do you think he ate really sweet fruit???

cr: elise @ygladies

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Guest MidnightByul

gah! I need to see this MV. They look adorable together. I wonder if Dara has a dance scene..that'd be cool to see. LOL

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Dara's latest mitu update is pretty cool. I'm spazzing right now :w00t: . YG family ftw! Is it confirmed to be released on July 1?


CL with Jeremy Scott is pure love :wub: JS won't forget our leader of course. He sure is the 5th member of 2ne1 :lol:


I can't wait for the comeback.... at least give us something while waiting. Uhmm like 2ne1 TV ^_^

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Guest evilgary

yea i am also waiting for their comeback and felt that it has been a long while since they have returned to the scene to perform

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10/06/29 (AM 11:19) - DARA


엣지있게… 하지만 어색하게 ㅋㅋㅋ

Translation: Edgy... but awkward kekeke

text on photo: edgy!

10/06/29 (AM 11:32) - DARA


또 어색하게…ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Translation: Awkward again... kekekekeke

Translated by: elise@YGLadies.com

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Guest Ditri84

I love how relax dara looks, and i like how Ny&Co is right behind minzy (whos taking the pic btw)

 I hope they get a nice relaxing vaca before they're comeback..=) fighting!

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Guest Zelle

AWWW.. that's Minji baby taking the picture, isnt it?

love the shoes Dara she's wearing a plain white shirt but she's rocking it!

so this does seem like vacation too!

coz seems like the girls are hanging out with friends

CL with Jeremy Scott bonding. fierce duo

ahhfhfdgdfjghf the I Need a Girl teaser!!! im soooooooooooooooo excited really!

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Guest NV4ever

Leader CL-roo is reunited with 2NE1's 5th member Jeremy Scott~!! hahaha, they're really close ^^ and kuteee :lol:

and Minzy with Dara hanging out, probably went shopping...CL-roo, u should spend some time with ur wifey too good tat magnae is keeping the wannabe magnae company hahaha

bommie where're u at? sneaking off to find some more oksusu?~ lol

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Guest crazyxcami

Hi all just wanted to let you know, we did not forget about 2NE1 and their hard working staff.

YGL's [flashPROJECT#1] Welcome back to LA!

(IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT HOTLINK. That means right clicking, going to copy image url, and then sharing it to your friends. Save it and upload it. If the images disappear, we are NOT reuploading because it is REALLY a pain LOL. Just SAVE THE PICTURES! Thank you~)

Since a YGL admin had decided to visit the girls, we decided to do this quick project to show them international love. So the girls would recognize that the care package was from us, we used the same polka dot tissue paper and pink bags from the anniversary project.

We got them a variety of snacks, vitamin water, and things to keep them company on the plane - all based on what we know they like. They got larger bags than the staff, whom we also took care of in the same manner. Also, cupcakes were picked up on the way to the hotel to guarantee freshness.

Here are pictures of the goodies:
















An admin personally delivered the presents to their hotel. The staff were really surprised that we also included them in our care package.


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Guest tazanya

So, I recently met the girls. I have a detailed fanaccount --> Here but I have put some of the highlights in this post. There's ton more figured you all would care about my escapades getting to LA from Vegas or my wallet issues lol. Anyhow ENJOY!

Taz's Adventures in 2NE1 Stalking.

I have arrived


Look familiar?


Finally, I make it to Hollywood, traffic once I got to LA was pretty thick, but I am too anxious to care. I try to valet but its for guests only. Bummer. I go to the house of blues next door. There parking is full because of a special private event. DANGIT! Hmm there is a Kia and Seoul event, could the girls be planning on attending. Try to get some intel. nada. Back to M.

I pull up a second time to the valet, this time I say "I have a delivery for the Korean group staying here." He directs me to the loading zone. Holy TOledo Hollywood is hilly, parking is a beast on these steep hills. I walk in and look around.



There's this korean man in a go korea t-shirt, should I approach. Why not, nothing to lose. He is korean american doesn't know 2NE1 but he agrees to watch out for the girls while I work on unloading the gift packages. Everything gets unloaded, the porters are very helpful. I park, which man is really difficult cuz all the metered parking is full and has two hour maximums. End up paying 10 bucks to park down the street in this other hotel's parking lot. Back at the hotel Cool Korean dude has not seen our girls. We chit chat he has to leave. Now I am all alone. I get a drink to look less conspicuous. I sit at this lounge area. Pretty lovely actually, but I was too busy being nervous.

then I see someone who looks VERY familiar.

Me: I stroll up, "hey do you know 2NE1... "

Him: "who"

Me: "Its a korean girl group"

Him: "oh really, they are staying here"

random white guy "oh i saw those korean girls at the pool earlier."

Me: Ignoring nonresponsive korean dude in favor of random white dude with potential info "oh really, how long ago, what were they wearing, were they short."

random dude: fearfully looking at crazed fangirl "uh , uh I don't really know, maybe it wasn't them, uh it was couple hours ago, they were in high heel stilettos."

Me: thinks doesn't really sound like our girls.

Me: back to suspicous korean man "wow are you staying here, maybe you could check the pool area for me"


Him: "maybe, interesting" goes on phone

ten minutes later

ME: spies suspicious korean dude with IPAD..... dun dun dun, didn't 2NE1tv pd recently purchase himself an IPAD... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH BUSTED!!!!!.

Now that I know I am on to something, I start keeping an eye on Mr. Suspicious. another hour passes uneventfully. People are milling in and out, the BET awards are this weekend there are tons of rapper looking dudes and managers, the place is getting hectic. Wait wait is that a video camera I see... LIAR.

Me: "excuse me are you familar with 2NE1?"

Camera man (obviously with 2NE1tv): "huh?" stares at mr ipad toting pd-nim faking like he doesnt know what I am talking about.

Him: "excuse me"

Me: rolls eyes

Cameraman: "oh 2NE1?"

Me: "yeah" I am a fan I brought stuff for them. can I give it to them are they coming?

CameraMan: silly looking dolt expression,

Me: becoming frustrated

Cameraman: motions to elevators "give them"

Me: realization dawning, they want it to be unscripted -- I get it. stupid me. walks back to my lounge couch to wait.

ten minutes later --- WHERE DID THEY GO.

All the Mnet staff have left. I get concerned again, then maybe they are gone. Eventually these huge white guys come around. I think they may be security for the upteen rappers/singers/etc that are milling about. They see my I <3 YGL stuff and start to ask me questions. I learn they are 2NE1's bodyguards. He goes back to his perch, I go back to mine.

The security and I talk some more, they ask me my favorite songs (one of them loves In da club which I find cute). He emphasizes that no pics are allowed. (yeah right what is he smoking). He says he will make sure I meet the other three girls, he seems shocked that 1) I am over 30, 2) I drove 5 hours to visit with them 3) I am black 4) I am an atty 5) we have so many members. I felt like a proud aunt, I was gushing about YGL and all the people. Well then things calm back down. Sometime later the camerman and his friends seek me out.


MNET PD: (formerly suspicious korean dude): "Is it ok if we interview you?"

Me: "Huh" (i wasnt trying to be rude but the cameraman was literally in my face and I am too shy to be on camera, I am shy, and nervous I just want the girls dangit)

MNET PD: "Yes we would like to interview you if that is ok."

Me: Uh sure (dangit should have done my nails and worn a fancier shirt and like rebraided my hair FML)

MNET PD: "Who is your favorite"

Me: I love them all, well, well I may like Minzy a teeny tiny teeny bit more.

Cameraman: cackles

MNET PM: Cackles

Jinu: surprised look again.

MNET PD: What's your fave song?

Me: I love them all but actually I think the SBS Inki Goodbye stage of In da club is their best live (Jinu stops texting and just stares at me like, how the heck does she even know this then we have a moment, he nods like maybe he really likes that performance too) fave video try to follow me and fave song pretty boy. (jinu kept nodding. I think they never expect i-fan especially a non-Asian Ifan to be so knowledgeable about the girls.)

[omitted more interview stuff cuz need to hurry to the good stuff]

and then I hear the elevator open, I see some short korean ladies and then I see Bom. and I can't breath.






I try to grab all the bags plus the cupcakes plus everything. Its hard and like I just give up. I walk up to them and my first impression is I am FLOORED by how beautiful they are. Like not just pretty but absolutely STUNNING, beyond anything they are just gorgeous. They are also the tiniest people ever. They are so small and tiny and little. I can't stop staring and their prettiness. They are so pretty. I shake hands say hi. Minzy says hi they all greet me warmly and friendly. I say I am from ygladies. I talk really really really fast. and they all look a bit shell -shocked. When I get nervous I speed talk and so next time I will remember to SLOW!!!!! dOWN!!!!.

Bom and I had like a 10 second moment were we basically spoke in gibberish but totally understood each other, it was strange but it also calmed me, it made me feel like they were normal not just these SUPERSTARS. Oh and then I HUGGED ALL THREE OF THEM.


My impression of Minzy: Most of you know I stan Minzy, though really I adore them all. She was seriously the most elegant demure, doll-like being. her skin is luminescent. Her hair was so healthy and full and framed her face lovely. She was like a princess seriously. I don't think its shyness because she came forward and she was not awkward. She had a chanel clutch and was very confident. I don't think she is that shy, I just thing she is elegant, so its hard to like be casual with her. That why to me now she is definitely womanly. She was casually dressed (I think they were headed to wax museum and/or disney based on the me2s and their outfits) but still gave off an air of cool confidence. Oh she is also tiny, like small, not one mm of chubbiness. Like I want to stab anyone in the throat that ever says she is in anyway not 1000% perfect. One word to describe her Empress-like. (yeah not really one word)

sorry for the blurriness, but security was really working for their money.


My Impression of Dara: Gorgeous, Urban, Microscopic, Thin but not unhealthy, much more shy than I thought she would be. She is really pretty and vivacious, I think my crazed speed talking threw her off lol. Sorry Dara-shi next time unnie will not talk so fast. I expected Minzy to be the most shy but actually it was Dara. But she smiled so brightly, she just has the essence of spunkiness. She had the MCM backpack and blue jeans and a t-shirt. Oh and if you check her me2 she was wearing the cross necklace. I ended up handing her the cupcakes and she was very sweet. I like the way she says "thanks" its adorable.

My Impression of Bom: Bom surprised me, I instantly hit it off with her, she was so warm and inviting. Oh and she is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. Like off the Richter scale stunning. and its not just a pretty face, I think she has a confidence and a brightness that is very inviting and loving. I was most comfortable with her. Maybe because she understood my spazzisms, It was great. She has some cute face expressions just in her natural talking. She just is so cute... but also sexy. So like I said it was Bom's idea to autograph over on this little table. She made the cutest noises while signing (cuz my pen was complete FAIL). Afterwards I thought they would just leave. Nope. Bom talked to me we chit chatted about Tae Yang, LA, them having fun, YGL, we laughed, we giggled, I felt like I was chatting with an cool acquaintance. Then like I ran out of things to say and was just staring at all of them like a fool and started blushing in shyness. Bom was like "ohhhhh" here let me give you a hug. I was so shocked I didn't even think about a hug (stupid me I would have let them leave without one.) Then I hugged Dara and Minzy and I just saying so nice to meet you thanks for the autograph. BomJi gave me tiny waves as they got into their NICEEE SUV and they left. /sigh so awesome.

My Impression of CL -- She is 2NE1's ghost... but don't worry I have no plans on giving up. I will eventually find a way to meet her and get that autograph. What I did get to witness was a radiant face and awesome hair. Whoever does her hair wow, great job. So eager to see what has her so busy in LA. Blackjacks I have no doubt we are in for a supreme treat.

2NE1 impression -- We all know they are talented, We all know they are charismatic, these ladies are so beautiful inside and out. It really invigorates me to support them even more. I think that 2NE1 has cornered the market on cute/sexy lol. They are marvelous ladies, simply perfect.

There is more but I think for those who just want like a standard fanaccount, this may already be too much. Sorry.

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tazanya - you are so lucky!!! I wish I'm in LA but I am out of the country :tears: I would love to see them all. I was laughing so hard when you said that you talked fast when you are with them but at least you talked, I probably do the opposite when I meet them :lol:

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