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[sitcom 2005] Nonstop 6 - Rainbow Romance 레인보우 로망스

Guest jew-lee

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wow YSI's are up already. you guys are fast.

Nonstop 6 Rainbow Romance Ep. 46.wmv [57.5MB]

available in my CB :lol:


hey guys, i heard from yelinoh that a site called File Front lets you upload stuff for free and it STAYS there. :D have you guys tried downloading from File Front before? if so, how's the speed? :unsure:

i'm contemplating uploading Rainbow Romance onto File Front if i can get some help. since i don't have much comp. space, i've been deleting each episode after i watch it except ep. 4 & 6 with micky. so, i'd need help to get all the episodes that have aired so far. after that, i can start uploading to File Front starting today. i don't know how long this sitcom will run for, but it'd be nice to have permanent links, right? :P

lemme know what you guys think. ^_^

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Guest amydien

oh dang it! The spoiler pics wont show up in my computer! I want to see them! >_< :lol:

Thanks for the pics anyway!

Haha....I just finished watching. The ending is not enough!!! I wanted more of the story! Im once again excited to see tomorrow's episode! :lol:

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Guest `starry.night


could I get subs for all the scenes that KiBum and Eunbi was together?? and also the conversation on the phone with that guy?



could I get subs for these scenes in LQ??

1:26 --> 2:37

5:44 --> 6:38

6:40 --> 8:37

11:36 --> 12:27

14:21 --> 15:34

16:20 --> 17:03

18:24 --> 18:48

20: 17 --> 21:57


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could I get subs for all the scenes that KiBum and Eunbi was together?? and also the conversation on the phone with that guy?



could I get subs for these scenes in LQ??

1:26 --> 2:37

5:44 --> 6:38

6:40 --> 8:37

11:36 --> 12:27

14:21 --> 15:34

16:20 --> 17:03

18:24 --> 18:48

20: 17 --> 21:57


Here are the translations for those scenes for now. I'm sure someone will provide subs soon. Enjoy~:)

*1:26 --> 2:37

EB: Where did I drop it at?

KB: Did you lose something?

EB: Uh, I lost my lense.

KB: Is that so? I'll help you find it. Hey, it's on your clothes.

EB: Where?

KB: Wait. Stand still for a second.

HC: Hey! What are you two doing during the day?

EB: Oppah found my lense for me.

EC: Than, how come you guys have red faces?

KB: What's wrong with you guys?

EB: We'll be late for class. Oppah, weren't you going out?

KB: Yeah.

HC: Don't you think something is wrong with them?

EC: Yeah. Very ackward feeling.

HC: I think that KiBum is having an affair. (Cheating on HK)

KB: Hey, don't you think their imaginations are going too far?

EB: That's right. They are so overeacting.

*5:44 --> 6:38

EB: Hey, this is really a misunderstanding. The lense was caught on my clothes and so KiBum just took if off for me.

HK: Is that really true?

EB: That's right. I'll even swear it on this 24k necklace that I think preciously of.

HK: I'm sorry for misunderstanding. They were talking about it so seriously.

EB: HeeChul's thinking is the same level as an Alien, so it's hard to believe him.

SM: EunBi, do you have time today?

EB: Why?

HC: We want you to go to YangPyung with us. KiBum's uncle has a cabin (?) up there.

EB: Well, I don't really...

BR: Oh why? Come with us! Hey KiBum...EunBi can come with us, right?

KB: Yeah.

Everyone: Come on, lets go!

EB: Okay, I'll go.

HC: This is my first time going there.

SM: Lets play Go-Stop! (Japanese card game)

BR: Wow, good good.

*6:40 --> 8:37

KB: They said they were going to come early, but how come they're not here? Uh, you're here. How come you're alone?

EB: Everyone else is going to be a little late because something came up.

KB: Where did my cell phone go?

EB: Oppah, it's my call.

KB: Oh, right. Pick it up.

EB: Hello? Hello?

KB: Hey EunBi, you have it upside down.

EB: Ah, oh. Hello?

HM: This is HyunMin. Do you want to go to the Amusement Park with me today?

EB: What should I do? I'm at YangPyung right now.

HM: EunBi, you are going to regret it. Than promise me that you'll go to the Amusement Park with me some other time, okay? Promise? EunBi, promise?

EB: Yes, okay.

KB: Who is it? Is it that HyunMin guy?

EB: Huh? Yeah.

KB: It seemed like he asked you to go out with him.

EB: Huh? Oppah, how did you know...

KB: Huh? That is...Oh it's so hot. I'm going to go get some fresh air, okay?

EB: Oh, I also should organize my stuff. I think my hair's stuck.

KB: Hey, stand still for a second. I'll try to take it out.

(Someone's voice...couldn't hear what was said)

EB: Oh no, they're here! If they see this, they're going to make a fuss about it and HyungKyung is going to take it the wrong way again.

KB: Hey hey...lets hide somewhere first.

HC: Uh, no one's here.

HK: KiBum oppah said that he was going to come here early and clean up the room.

BR: EunBi didn't come here before us either?


*11:36 --> 12:27

HC: Oh, I'm hungry.

BR: Should we go out to buy groceries after we settle down?

KB: When everyone leaves, lets go out and act like we just came.

HK: I already bought the groceries.

EB/KB: Ah, what the heck?

EC: How come KiBum and EunBi isn't coming?

BR: HyunKyung, try calling KiBum. I'll call EunBi.

HK: His phone is turned off.

BR: EunBi's phone is turned off as well.

HC: KiBum and EunBi...I really think something is fishy about them. I think they disappeared together somewhere.

HB: Hey! Why do you whisper so loudly?

*14:21 --> 15:34

HC: It's still turned off right? What did I tell you. They left us here and went somewhere together...Ah!

HB: Are you okay? You must be really drunk. You've been saying all these nonsense. Stop drinking.

HC: I'm not drunk!

EB: Ah, my legs are numb.

KB: You can straighten out your legs on my side.

EB: Thanks.

NHC: Uh...did you guys hear something growl?

BR: No.

NHC: It seemed like it was coming from the closet.

EB: Oh no.

NHC: Hey you guys, the closet must be hungry. It keeps on growling. Is someone inside?

EB: What should we do?

KB: Lean against the wall.

SM: Oppah, Bora is eating all of it!

NHC: NO! My meat! My meat. My meat. You sneaky girl.

*16:20 --> 17:03

NHC: Oh, I'm getting sleepy after drinking. I'm going to sleep now so wake me up later. Pillow, I'm here. Come out. The closet takes out the pillow for me.

HC: Perhaps KiBum and EunBi is hiding inside there.

HB: Hey you guys, if you are drunk, why don't you just go to sleep.

NHC: I'm not drunk. I'm completely normal.

EB: Why is my stomach aching all of a sudden? Is it because I'm starving?

*18:24 --> 18:48

KB: What's wrong? Are you sick?

EB: My stomach hurts a little.

KB: It must not be a little. You're sweating. EunBi, lets just go out.

EB: I can hold it in. If we go out right now, HyunKyung is going to take it the wrong way again.

*20: 17 --> 21:57

BR: Is the phone still turned off?

HK: Yes. I'm so worried.

HC: Don't be. Turning off the phone is a method for guys having an affair. From what I see, they are really together somewhere...

HB: HeeChul, why does your breath stink so much? Just stay still.

KB: It seems like you are really sick. Lets just go out, okay?

EB: No, HyunKyung is outside.

HC: Look. I was right. They were hiding in the closet. I kept telling you.

HK: Oppah? What happened?

KB: Lets talk later. Call the ambulance, hurry.

HK: Are you okay?

EB: Yeah. All of you were shocked, huh? I'm sorry.

HB: You got lucky. Something could have gone wrong with your appendicitis if we were just a little late.

SM: You guys...how can you think about hiding in the closet?

HB: That's right. Think how shocked HyunKyung would have been.

SM: Did something really happen between you two?

EB: It's not like that...

HK: Stop it. KiBum oppah keeps hiding because you guys keep accusing them. If I was in that kind of situations, I would have hid somewhere because I wouldn't want someone to misunderstand it. Oppah, I trust you so don't worry about it.

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