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[sitcom 2005] Nonstop 6 - Rainbow Romance 레인보우 로망스

Guest jew-lee

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i'm fine with them dragging the love triangle because that means more kibum-eunah scenes. seriously, they are so cute together! especially when they're affectionate towards each other, like when he keeps messing up her hair in 213, their first kiss scene in 215, and when ill kibum tries to steal kisses from her in 218. you can tell they're close in real life because half the time they don't seem like they're acting but actually just goofing off! :D

also, i don't blame kibum for his actions. he doesn't know that jihoo likes eunah, so he thinks he can just win over her feelings with his love. plus, it's not like he's taking advantage of her because actually eunah approached him first.

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Guest damifino

But it's not like we didn't know that Eunah likes someone else, but just can't remember it because she has amnesia. Most of the things that happened to Kibum were just coincidences, but some of them were actually Kibum's guilt over deceiving Eunah and Jihoo just manifesting itself. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you expect bad things to happen, they undoubtedly will. Because he knew what Hyunkyung said was true, his feelings of guilt probably made him make all those silly mistakes.

is it just me or does anyone else feel like their kind of dragging the whole triangle love thing?

Believe me, it's just not you. They are clinging onto this lame story because they have no other love STORY on the show now besides their story. Sure, Prof. Heejin and Kim C are engaged and are about to get married, but it's not like they are getting any screentime. Euichul finally let go of his feelings for Prof. Heejin so there's no longer the unrequited crush. Ayumi and Myunghoon have had possibly the shortest courtship on RR history. All of a sudden she liked him and within two episodes, they were together. Heechul and Hyunkyung story can't go anywhere since Heechul still can't come back to the show. None of the other characters have a love story, much less any story so it seems they are putting all their energy into this storyline.

The whole melodrama angle with the amnesia and two best friends in love with the same girl and all is enough to make one's eyes roll, but the added fact of one of the main characters being deceptive and betraying his best friend, all over a girl? It's totally distasteful, especially on a youth sitcom of all things. Kibum is not only lying to Eunah and to Jihoo, but to himself. He honestly seems to believe that this is the best for everyone, even though it is really only best for him since he's keeping Eunah from her memory and keeping Eunah and Jihoo apart. Who knows, if he hadn't interfered, Eunah and Jihoo could have dated and found out they really don't like each other that much and moved on. A lot of RR characters have done that... Borah with Ryan, Hyunkyung with Kibum, Ayumi with Kibum, etc. Instead, he's keeping their star-crossed lover status going and just prolonging the inevitable. As it is, he constantly has to look over his shoulder and wait for the other shoe to drop, wondering when she will remember that she liked Jihoo not him.

also, i don't blame kibum for his actions. he doesn't know that jihoo likes eunah, so he thinks he can just win over her feelings with his love. plus, it's not like he's taking advantage of her because actually eunah approached him first.

But he DOES know that Eunah liked Jihoo. And yes, it is like he's taking advantage of her. She has amnesia. She doesn't know all the facts. He does. He's lying to her by keeping something that could affect her decision from her. In essense, he made the decision for her by keeping her from being informed.

At this point, it's not as if I want Jihoo and Eunah together. Heck, if they promised not to continue this lame Bermuda triangle of love and forget the whole Eunah liked Jihoo angle and just kept Eunah and Kibum together without all the melodrama, I say congratulations Kibum and Eunah and ignore them like I usually try to. But the fact is, they aren't. They keep going for the sappy melodrama. Frankly, I think Jihoo deserves better than Eunah anyway. But as much as I dislike Eunah, Kibum has no right to do this to her and he certainly doesn't have the right to do this to Jihoo. This story has been disappointing all around.

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Where do you guys watch rainbow romance episodes?

(other than clubbox..)

i have to watch RR on youtube because my university blocked clubbox ><"

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Guest damifino

A lot of fans in Korea like the netizens want KIBUM and EUNAH although they feel bad for JIHOO~

Of course, they do... it's Kibum. He could run over Eunah's dog and they'd still want him to get the girl. They wanted Kibum with Eunbi even knowing that Eunbi loved someone else, why wouldn't they want him with Eunah when she loves someone else? But what does it matter what the fans want on RR? It's not like they always listen to them anyway. If they listened to what the majority of fans wanted, Eunbi wouldn't have loved Hyungmin. And after he left, they would have put Eunbi and Kibum together. Frankly, I'm glad that they don't listen to fans because they should stick to what they had in mind be it for good or bad and not cater to a vocal segment.

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Guest christina

I missed a few episodes and I have a few questions...

What happened to heechul and hyunkyung?

What happened to professer Park and that other guy professer?

And what kind of accident did Eunah go through?

Hee chul confessed his feelings for hyun kyung but she rejected hiim because she didnt feel a pounding in her heart when she was with him. But then later she relized that she missed him and decided to accept his feelings for her but she hasnt told him yet since, in the show, they made him have a family emergency at home and therefore having to leave for a while (they did this because he got into a car accident in real life and was hospitalized).

Professor Park and Professor C got engaged.

Eunah got hit by a car when she was on her way to meet ji hoo with that bracelet she got him. So she gets amnesia.

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Hee chul confessed his feelings for hyun kyung but she rejected hiim because she didnt feel a pounding in her heart when she was with him. But then later she relized that she missed him and decided to accept his feelings for her but she hasnt told him yet since, in the show, they made him have a family emergency at home and therefore having to leave for a while (they did this because he got into a car accident in real life and was hospitalized).

Professor Park and Professor C got engaged.

Eunah got hit by a car when she was on her way to meet ji hoo with that bracelet she got him. So she gets amnesia.

Thank you thank you~!!

But where's Professor C now?

And were Eunah and jihoo going out before the accident?

Ahhh, sorry if it's too much but...could someone please provide with the episode numbers between when the professors got engaged and episode 213?

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yeah, i totally agree with damafino... just b/c the netizens want it doesn't make for a good story...

and the triangle is going on way too long.. i mean, in some aspects, this whole kibum's inner conflict thing is interesting to watch, but for a drama that's directed towards younger people.. i dunnooo

ANYWAY... i hope jihoo gets the girl... even though i don't like eunah much, he deserves to have SOME happiness in his life. kibum can probably find a new girl--he's been with like every girl on RR...

...man, i really miss heechul

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Guest chipotle2104

this sitcom just keeps getting more and more disappointing...I stopped watching like a month ago and waited to see if it'd get better and then I finally caught up with all the episodes, but it's even worse than before......the only reason I watch this now is mainly to see what they wear on the show....seriously, that's the only thing that keeps this sitcom interesting....their clothes.....how sad.....

and as for all the other little stories, those keep taking up precious screen time....they should freaking DO something with smile man and heebon.....since heechul is gone, I only watch this for heebon, but since she's doing a drama now, she might not come out as much.....maybe I should just take another break....

Jihoo doesn't deserve what Kibum is doing to him.....I remember when Jihoo had the chance to help her and be with her, he kept thinking of Kibum, so he stopped himself and stepped aside for Kibum.... If they really are "you're in my heart" friends, Kibum should be willling to sacrifice his love for the happiness of his friend.... I hate how Kibum is ALWAYS involved in something....it's so annoying!!! THIS SITCOM NEEDS HEECHUL!!!

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Guest hannahlove


I'm way way behind... I'm only episode 145 and am trying to desperately catch up but always get faulty clubboxes so it takes forever to get episodes.

Anyways does MyungHoon come back? No Hong Chul? They randomly disappeared.

Right now things aren't going anywhere..... Bora and Mingki are together still... Euichul finally got a hair and is hot.

But I hope that in later episodes that MyungHoon comes back.

Anyways sorry I'm so behind!

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Guest jenoh4jc

im not sure if im allowed to request this...

but does anyone have Nuhl Sarang Hae by Kim Jung Eun

its the song that plays when Eunah and Kibum are in the car when Eunah is trying to get Kibum to kiss her

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Guest damifino

Anyways does MyungHoon come back? No Hong Chul? They randomly disappeared.

Right now things aren't going anywhere..... Bora and Mingki are together still... Euichul finally got a hair and is hot.

But I hope that in later episodes that MyungHoon comes back.

Choi MyungHoon comes back in episode 197. He and his management company were in a contract dispute in real life so he was prohibited from appearing on TV while they worked through their problems. As soon as the contract dispute was resolved, he was able to come back on the show.

Noh Hongchul left the show around episode 115, I think. On the show, they explained that he went to study in Japan or something like that. I don't know why he left in real life, but it was probably because he became really busy with all the game shows he appears in as well as his radio show.

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Guest yongieee

hahaha i finally caught up with my rr episodes after a longgg week of school work

and having watched this weeks..

i really really really want kibum and eunah together now.

i mean.. i feel REALLY REALLY bad for ji hoo and everything..

but they just cant be that cruel to kibum!! and she really seems to be having a happy time with him..

gosh but i know the directors are going to make it sooo much more complicated!

and im sooo curious as to who euchul might end up with... :)

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Guest babixtin3

eunah's memory comes back!! i kinda hopes she stays with kibum regardless of what he did. i think i like them together after seeing all those kibum-eunah moments.

oh and smileman moves in the the guys. ahh i want him to start talking!



명훈은 자신의 미래를 위해, 또 아유미에게 당당한 남자친구가 되기 위해, 강도를 잡아 용감한 시민상을 받으려고 합니다. 우범지대에서 강도를 잡기 위해 기다리는 명훈! 과연 명훈은 용감한 시민상을 거머쥘 수 있을까요?

myunghoon thinks about his future and about becoming a boyfriend that ayumi can be proud of. and so, he tries to catch a criminal so that he can receive a citizen award.

기범은 박희진 교수님의 사진에 낙서를 했다는 누명을 뒤집어씁니다. 기범의 억울한 누명을 벗겨주기 위해 은아와 지후는 함께 수사에 들어가는데...

kibum gets accused of doodling on professor heejin's picture. eunah and jihoo work together and investigate to prove kibum's innocence


기억이 돌아 온 은아는 지금 자신의 옆에 있는 남자친구 기범과, 기억을 잃기 전에 자신이 좋아했던 지후 사이에서 고민합니다. 과연 은아의 선택은 누구일까요?

eunah's memory comes back and she doesnt know what to do between kibum, her current boyfriend, and jihoo whom she used to like before she lost her memory

은비와 붐, 아유미, 명훈, 의철은 스마일맨을 앞세워 학교 축제 때 노래대회에 나가기로 합니다. 그런데 상금에 욕심이 생긴 은비와 붐은 돈을 나눠가지기 싫어 아유미, 명훈, 의철을 빼고 대회에 나가려고 하고...

eunbi, boom, ayumi, myunghoon, and euichul try to use smile man to enter a singing contest. but eunbi and boom, who do not want to share the prize money, decides to enter the contest without ayumi, myunghoon, and euichul


싸움이 붙은 명훈과 붐. 명훈은 아유미만큼 예쁜 여자친구가 있냐고 붐을 약올립니다. 이에 붐은 은비와 사귀는 척 하기로 하는데.. 그런데 쌈닭 김은비가 붐과 사귀더니 현모양처가 됐다고 하네요! 은비가 붐의 매력에 빠져든 걸까요?

boom and myunghoon get into a fight. myunghoon keeps mocking boom and asks if he has a pretty girlfriend like ayumi. because of this, boom pretends to date eunbi. but after dating boom, eunbi becomes more and more sophisticated. can it be that eunbi fell for boom?

은아의 삼각관계를 알게 된 현경은 은아보다 더 나서서 걱정을 합니다. 은아는 현경이가 아이들 앞에서 비밀을 말해 버릴까봐 조마조마하기만 한데요..과연 은아는 현경이의 비밀발설을 막을 수 있을까요?

hyungkyung finds out the truth about eunah's love dilemma and worries for her. but eunah worries that hyunkyung will absent mindedly blurt out her secret to the others.


스마일맨이 남자네 집으로 이사옵니다. 명훈은 스마일맨이 워낙 조용하고 매사에 웃기만 한다고 만만하게 봅니다. 그런데 스마일맨에게도 이런 의외의 면이 있었네요!!

smileman moves in with the guys. myunghoon takes advantage of smileman since he's so quiet and smiles all the time. but there was a whole new side of smileman that they never saw before.

희진 교수님이 ‘올해의 경호인상’을 받게된다는 소식을 들은 희진의 할머님이 시골에서 먹을 것을 잔뜩 싸가지고 올라오신다고 합니다. 희진은 될 수 있는 한 많은 제자가 시상식에 참석했으면 좋겠는데, 아이들은 모두 그 날 빠쁘다고 하는데요.. 박교수님은 할머님을 위해 반드시 제자들을 참석시키려 하는데...

after hearing that prof heejin will be receiving an award, her grandmother decides to pay a visit with lots of food. heejin hopes that her students can accompany her when she meets her grandmother, but the girls say that they are all busy.


학교에 전생을 봐주는 사람이 옵니다. 지후도 전생을 보게 되는데...

때는 조선시대...자객인 지후는 눈은 멀었지만 천하절색의 기생인 은아에게 반하게 됩니다. 하지만 포도대장인 기범도 역시 은아를 눈 여겨 봅니다. 기범과 지후는 쫓고 쫓기는 가운데 은아를 두고 싸우게 되는데.. 전생에서도 이어지는 팽팽한 삼각관계! 과연 지후는 전생에서 은아와의 사랑을 이루었을까요?

jihoo meets a fortuneteller and asks about his past life. the fortuneteller says that jihoo used to be a commoner during the choseun era who fell in love with eunah who was a blind woman. however, kibum who happens to be a commander loves eunah as well. even though they are being chased by their enemies, kibum and jihoo fight each other over eunah. will jihoo be able to win eunah's heart?

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ahahh thank you so very much for the previews babixtin3

I think the love triangle is finally getting somewhere..after reading these previews ..phew ^.^;;

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Guest damifino

Reading the previews, that's interesting that Eunah is hesitating after she gets her memory back since she still doesn't even know how Jihoo feels about her. If she got her memory back, all she knows is that she made a fool of herself in front of him and that she was on her way to meet him, not what he was going to tell her. I'm assuming she doesn't know that Kibum knew about her feelings for Jihoo so she feels guilty towards Kibum for having become a couple with him, realizing now that it wasn't him that she liked.

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