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[drama 2008] You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명

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In the preview for the next episode on Monday, it looks like MJ will pass away.

who is this mj??

i've only seen up to ep 30 so im a little confused by all this. does a new character come into the story??? :unsure:

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Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 171 [Countdown: 8th final episode]

SB: Yes, I'm KSB. What? Someone is to receive my bone marrow .That's quick to find a recipient. Yes, I'll be a donor. Yes, I will go to the center for a consultation. (MO enters) [MO: It's a wonderful day, everyone. My, our SJ is here. Perfect, mom misses our SJ. Mother and you seem to have a heart to heart intuition. Mom has something to be happy about. My goodness, Our SJ is much prettier than these flowers.] SB: What happened in the theatre the other day? [MO: I'm sorry, I suddenly fainted, after I woke up I was embarrassed to see you.] SB: So, are you better now? [MO: SJ, our SJ is worrying for mother now. Yes, I'll be careful, won't let you worry for me.]

(In MO's room) MO: Good, who is CMO, a happy woman found her daughter after 20 years. Yes, continue to be happy, someone donates his/her bone marrow to me so I can live on with my daughter. [sB: Dad, mom.] MO: SJ, wait just a moment, I have this for you.(MO enters the living room) Mom had said before I would like for you to lift up those shoulders of yours in your hubby's home and live, here, this is mother's plan. [sB: What is this?] MO: I've brought all the stocks from other shareholders, all these will be transferred to your name. After you become the owner of these shares, your arrogant MIL... [sB: Madam, these words you're saying to me now, have you spoken same to my MIL?] MO: Of course, that woman has a steel rock face on her. [sB: Madam, do you know if you continue on, the relationship between my MIL and I would get worst? As a human being, how can you do things as you see fit? Abandoned me and returned to find me, both actions are just plain selfish, do you know?] YSK: SB. [sB: Mom] YSK: Yes, we know that you've been hurt. Nevertheless, time has come for you to soften down, your mother's health... [MO: unni, don't say any more. SJ, you're still young, lack knowledge about the people in the world. Do you know the reason why that family can't accept you? She rejects you and deems you inferior and unworthy because you don't have a strong background with influential power behind you. You don't have to do anything, just follow what mom tells you, your mother, I...] (SB stands up): I'm unable to communicate with people like you, madam.(walks away) [MO speaks loudly to SB: If you have substances, your MIL would not disregard or treat you with contempt. Do you know it?]

(MO's room) YSK: Something I would like to ask you, as SB's mother, so please don't misunderstand me. You found out you had leukemia and returned to Korean, is it your intent to get a bone marrow transplant from SB? [MO: What? Unni, what are you saying? I may not have a pass that I could brag about, how can I?] YSK: Yes, I'm sorry. I was wrong, I said the wrong thing. Lately this household has many problems internally and externally, please don't get mad, forgive me. [MO: Unni, actually, there appears a donor. I now become a bone marrow transplant recipient. My case is a chronic leukemia with proper medication treatments, as my wish comes true, there appears a donor; roughly I'll stay in the hospital for one mouth to receive the transplant. Please absolutely don't tell SB.] YSK: Wonderful, it's really wonderful. [MO: Yes, unni, it is wonderful. I've gotten my daughter and unni by my side, from now on we all can live together for a long time.] YSK: Congratulation to you, really congratulate you...

YSK: Did you turn the heat off? [sB: No, I simmer it.] YSK: SB, someone said, forgive those who deserves to be forgave is not true "forgiveness" [sB: mom] YSK: SB, you are a girl with a big heart, with your MIL's abuses and tortures, did you not forget her cruelty and willfully donate your bone marrow to her. [sB: Actually, youngest aunt decides to donate now.] YSK: Oh Yea. Then you don't need to donate anymore. [sB: Yes, but earlier, I've received a call from the bone marrow donor center, said that someone matches my DNA stem cell and asked me to donate. It does no harm to my health; why not help someone when I've gotten the chance.] YSK: Yes, good. Then everything looks smooth. For your MIL and you, even your bio-mom. [sB: What?] YSK: Nothing, nothing! Have dinner with us before you leave, ok?

SB: Get off early. By the way, HS, earlier the hospital bone marrow stem cell center called me, my God, someone matches my bone marrow.[HS: Really.] SB: Really amazing right? If I've known this, I should have done this earlier and be a donor. That recipient must have waited for me for a long time. [HS: So?] SB: So, then, I'll go to the center for a consultation. This is wonderful, mom receives help from aunt and I can help someone else. [HS: SB, aunt can't be a donor.] SB: What? Suddenly said no? Why? [HS: She's not young and has no children; she wants to get pregnant in a hurry. Maybe I'm selfish; I'm disappointed at my aunt. If mom doesn't get the transplant, she may possibly get worst.] SB: What am I going to do? I've already promised the center to be a donor. If I refuse now, from the recipient stand point, it would be like dropped from heaven to hell, very devastating. [HS: I'll go to the States now.] SB: What? [HS: I'll talk to aunt to see if I could convince her again.SB, for the time being don't cancel the donor agreement, wait and see ok!]

MO: Ray, honey, I've gotten good news. In Korean I found a bone marrow donor match. Now I'm going to live, for about 1 month I'll stay in the hospital. Ray, I've a favor to ask, during the time when I'm in the hospital, please handle Lohas business for me. Yes, as my agent, apply pressures to the Lohas management and administration.

SY: Wow, look square headed fish. [YSK: This fish is very healthy for the body, I only made one. Tofu is also good, soy bean soup, is it ok?] MO: Thank you Unni... Hmm, it's really good. [TY: Mom, only one fish? Our SY likes square headed fish too. ] YSK: I'm sorry, just hold off today, I'll make another one, ok? [sY: Yes, mom.] MO: No, DIL, we'll share this together. [YSK: No, MO, you eat before it gets cold. Too much sauce is not good, here.] GM: Today YSK has special treats for the one from US, like taking care of a pathetic child. [MO: My stomach is sensitive; unni is pampering me with her good dishes. By the way, temporary I'll go back to America for about one month.] DJ: Why do you need to go back to the States all of a sudden? Something bad happened? [MO: No, on contrary, something very meaningful for me, something wonderful happened.] SY: The suits and hairstyle both in perfect harmony. What happens if you have an upset stomach? [TY: So far it's ok! Today, I have a good feeling about this open public lecture presentation.] SY: Hope this time everything goes smooth. Fighting! [TY: Fighting!] SY: Be good.

MJ: I ate quite good. Who made this pumpkin porridge? Doesn't taste like the maid's cooking though. [CB: It's YR. She made this.] MJ: YR? Our daughter finally grows up. When mom is sick, she cooks me pumpkin porridge. Time to give her away for marriage... I'll lie down a bit. [CB: Yes...] MJ: By the way, when will my younger sister come from US? [CB: Uhh. youngest aunt.. once she's ready she will be here.] MJ: Treat her good when she's here. No matter what, siblings are the most reliable in this world. If transplant donor is an outsider, how can decision be made as quick and easy as is? Even though the distance may be far away, blood related relatives will run and rush to help. [CB: Yes, that is the case.] MJ: Why I don't see HS lately? [CB: Company is busy, he's on a business trip. I'm here with you all the time by your side. Don't worry for anything; think about getting a speedy recovery.] MJ: Of course, of course, I'll get well soon. My youngest sister from US is rushing to save her sister life. Of course I'll be well.

TP: Just return my clothes to me, no need to treat me for dinner. [YR: Eat with me, my appetite has returned. Oh, so cold.] TP: Hey, let go, don't put your arm around me, let go.[YR:I said it's cold, wow, Oppa, your hand is warm] TP: Hey, hand is for someone I like to hold on to, let go of me quickly. [YR: What? Oppa, you like me and I like you too. Of course we can hold hands.] TP: Well, it's not good though. [YR: Oppa, after dinner, let's go for a movie then we go to a nice place to have a drink. Since we are out, we'll listen to the New Year bells too. It has always been my dream to listen to New Year bells with my boyfriend.] TP: Boyfriend? Although you see thru me, I'll be brunt and tell you truthfully, I still like you, but liking is one thing, we are inlaws. [YR: Inlaws are closer than strangers, Oppa we'll stay closer together then.] TP: KYR, what? [YR: Hurry.] TP: What? [YR: This cell phone chain is lovely, Oppa, let these be our coupling chains.] TP: Ahh, this won't work.

DG: Finding BD probably made you over excited and nervous, that's why you caught a flu. [sUB: Mom, eat something before taking the med.] YS: No, don't worry, I'm not dying. All of you, go back to do your own thing. Our BD, go play in the living room. I don't want you to catch anything from me. (BD leaves the room) How can you say that in front of the child? I caught this cold because of him. He's a clever boy. [DG: When did I say it's because of BD? I only said you were nervous? Yea... when did I say it was BD? Lunch hour is over, I need to get back to the office. Take care of yourself.] SUB: Mom, I'm going too. Here, mom, I've made you some porridge. [DG: We'll be back. Let mom rest.] (Phone rings)YS: Hello, [Lady: Is this the family fostering KBD, this is the orphanage. Tomorrow, we'll come to get BD and deliver him to the adopted family. I'm calling to let you know] YS: Tomorrow? Can you let him stay for few more weeks? I would like to cook BD some good food, bring him to the playground, ok, I know. Will get him ready! (Hangs up phone) Haven't been taken good care of him and now he's being taken away. My BD... what smell is this? Something is burning! BD! (In the kitchen) Ohhhh.... What is this? BD, are you ok? Are you hurt? [bD: I did wrong.] YS: Did you turn the stove on? Did you play with fire? It's dangerous. [bD: Aunt is sick, I want to cook you porridge.] YS: What? [bD: I want to cook you porridge.] YS: Porridge for me? BD, how can I send you away? I don't want to let go of you.

(MJ House) SB: How is your trip to the States? What did aunt say? She refused? She didn't agree to it? [HS: She's waited for 10 years for a child, uncle refused to. What are we going to do? ] SB: HS. [HS: We have to apologize to the person who's supposed to receive your bone marrow. We are just human; our first priority is to save my own mother, am I being too selfish?] SB: ok, I understand. Mom is important to me too. I need to call and inform the bone marrow donor center and apologize to the expected recipient too!

(DJ's Home) MO: I shut my eyes when this picture was taken.[DJ: But, you look the best among all of us.] MO: Of course, I'm a good looking woman.[GM: Look at this one, they say daughter looks like her father, but our SB is an exact copy-cat of you, here you look at this!] MO: Let me see, this is a nice picture, unni, you look real good too. I'm going to frame this in America. [YSK: Have you set a date for surgery... back to US?] MO: No, not yet, no date has been set, (phone rings) one moment please. Hello, this is CMO, yes, how are you! I'm waiting for your call .What? Say what? Is it true? Wait, just a minute .(leaves the living room) [GM: Why does her face turn white all of a sudden?] MO: What does this mean? The donor cancels the donation? Why? Why the cancellation? All of a sudden why does he cancel? Can I go and petition for it? I can give him whatever he wants. Not even beg him for it? Can I go kneel and beg him for it? I know, you cannot disclose the donor's identity, but, I know. Yes. [YSK: What happened?] MO: The donor canceled suddenly. [YSK: Why?] MO: Something happened, he can't donate anymore. [YSK:MO] MO: It's ok with me. Unni, let me stay by myself and think.(sobbing) Unni, I really want to live. [YSK: MO] MO: Honestly, I was so happy when I found out about the surgery, if I live I can do alot more for my daughter and spend more time with her. But now all these become bobbles. [YSK: No, not like this, there will be other donors another matching donor will appear.] MO: Maybe it is better from the very beginning, there is no donor. I've found my daughter and think that I could stay and live by her side and have a happy life together. Unni, I don't want to die, I don't want to die.(Crying)

YSK: That's right, I can't just leave MO alone and do nothing. At least SB and the family should know about this. (makes a call to SB) SB, it's mom, I have something to tell you, come home now. [sB: I can't today, I'm in the hospital, MIL is having transplant preparation.]YSK: This is important, doesn't take long, hurry, come home. [sB: Can I come next time, I'm preparing for MIL's transplant.]YSK loudly: Do you only care for your MIL? Are you the ONLY person that can take care of her? When I ask you to come back, you come back. (hangs up the phone).

DR: KSB, there will be X-ray, electro cardiogram, blood works and other various tests to again confirm you have the matching bone marrow stem cell to donate. [sB: So, after all those I can transplant to my MIL?] Dr: Yes, check in the hospital one day before surgery, we'll take one last exam for confirmation. [HS: Is there any danger to the donor? Would it bring harm to her body or affect her overall health?] DR: No, absolutely no problem. The procedure will take 2 hours, you will have no pain, and stay in the hospital for one day then you can go home. [CB: Thank you, really thank you to you. HS and I have a yearend meeting, so we have to leave first.] SB: I think Mom has something to tell me, I'll go home first. (To the doctor) Can my bone marrow be donated to two people simultaneously?[DR: Our national bone marrow transplant regulation stipulates that a donor only allows to donate his/her bone marrow to 1 person per year.

SY: Mom, I've made an appointment for you to take a physical exam tomorrow. [hr: Physical Exam? No, I don't need it.] SY: Mom, lately, because of me and SK's incident, you've lost weight, go to the hospital with me tomorrow, ok? [hr: Yes, ok. They all say those don't have children are lonely. Is this exam costly, where do you get the money?] SY: Huh, I'll use your credit card you gave me.[hr: What? So, what you are doing now is just lip service, bad girl. anyone can do that.] (TY comes in) SY: How is your presentation? Hurry, tell me.[hr: Did your stomach act up again?] TY: No, not today. [sY: Wow, great! I'm sure you'll pass this time.]TY: I don't know, that was a tough competition. Where is YH? [sY: Is she in her room? I think I've heard her earlier.] (YH reads a Korea university major declaration form).TY: This is University major declaration. [YH: Give it back to me] TY: This expires tomorrow. Why do you still hold on to this form? [YH: I don't want to go into pre-med] TY: What do you mean by that? [YH: My grade point average doesn't allow me to get in.] TY: YH, this is the end result of your hard work for the whole year, doesn't make sense if you don't declare? There is a possibility you know. [YH: I'll stay in my original school.]TY: YH.YH.

SB: This looks good, right, I'll buy this for mom. When she stays in the hospital by herself, her shoulders will get cold.

SB: This is nice. I'll buy this for mom. When she sits in the hospital bed her shoulders are cold. [YR: Yea, thank you. This SIL is more considerate than the daughter. I've never thought of this.] SB: Please bag this for me. [YR: SIL, thank you.] SB: Also this one too. I'll buy this for my mother too. [YR: Oh, yea, If this is for your mother, let me buy as a gift for her. How much is it? I'll pay] SB: No, SIL next time.[YR: Ok, I'll do the same for you next time.] (SB Flashes back when she was with MO, she collapsed on her shoulder.) I'll take another one of the same style please.

(In the Office. Female tm complains this year the company cuts back most of the benefits, like bonuses, meal coupons, parties etc.) SUB: Yes, sales plunged to their lowest level, and things are extremely tough. But we have to keep our hopes up, next year will be a better year. [Male TL: I'm glad and thankful I still have a job.] (HS enters and Male TM runs in and breaks the news that Company stocks tumbled and the stockowners are very upset and gather in the director's office.) MR. Kim: Please calm down first, if you've any questions please bring them up officially [.Man #1: I invested all my money into Lohas stocks, how much do they worth now? What are you talking about official or non-official? Huh!] (Team staffs and HS rush into the office and try to calm everyone down. Man #1 says there are rumors about change of the chief officer and power struggles in the management and administration and they demand explanations)

(Outside YSK/DJ House) SB answers her phone: Yes, HS, I'm at my mom's house. What? Stock owners make troubles in director's office. Why? Because of the stock price? Change of ownership? Oh, my, could this have anything do with CMO madam?

YSK: Check in to the hospital and wait for the next available donor. [MO: Before I die, I wish I could hear my daughter calls me "mother", then I would have no regrets. Last night I had a dream, my daughter called me mom and slept in my bosom, so blessed so happy.] (SB enters) SB: Madam, what did you do to our company? [MO: What happened?] SB: When you said to give me all your stocks, I should have detected this, so, you finally used your own ways to attack Lohas and rouse up troubles in the company. Does this make you happy when my inlaw family goes through turmoil? [YSK: What are you talking about? What about Lohas?] SB: Madam, you've been messing and stirring things, the company is in trouble now. [MO: Looks like my daughter has some misunderstandings. What happened to the stockowners is one thing and what mother has done for you is another thing, they are entirely two different issues.] SB: Don't go around the bush and lie to me. Clean up your acts, apologize to my MIL and FIL, put things back in its original order. [MO: Let me think about this, depends on how they treat you and I'll decide.] SB: What do you say? I beg you to go back to America; you have no use in my life. Why do you show up and drag me down, I'm tired of you, please go back. [YSK: SB] (SB leaves the house)

(Outside YSK's front door) YSK: You, why do you treat your mother this way? Why? With the most stinky attitude? [sB: What is the reason that causes me to act this way? She makes my life miserable and tiresome. I can't face my MIL and FIL.] YSK: Is this all you've got? So much so that you ONLY care and worry for your in-law’s family?? She, so much has done only for her daughter. Don't blame your bio-mother anymore, take your own mother in your thoughts and worry for her. [sB: She has a good life without me, what is there for me to worry for her?] YSK: Your bio-mother... (sigh) from now on, call her mother. [sB: Mom, I don't want to, I really don't want to.] YSK: Do it, it's my order. [sB: Mom!] YSK: Your bio-mother.. do you know what kind of condition she's in? CMO is very sick now. [sB: What?] YSK: Your bio-mother has leukemia, the same disease as your MIL.


EP 172

Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 172 [Countdown: 7th final episode]

YSK: Leukemia! The same disease like your MIL. When she fainted in the theatre with you, it was because of that. She couldn't face you and asked me to keep this a secret. [sB: Sure? It's leukemia?] YSK: Yes, I saw her in the same hospital where your MIL stays with my own eyes, she supposedly had a bone marrow transplant but recently canceled. [sB: No, doesn't make any sense, how could it be leukemia? It's not a flu, she's able to talk and laugh... I don't know, no, I can't believe this. No, I don't believe it. Sorry, mom, I have to go now.] YSK: SB. [MO: Unni, where's SJ?] YSK: She left. MO, your body is not well, just leave her MIL's family business alone like she'd asked, I don't know anything about their business nor stocks, but your health is utmost important now, huh. [MO: Unni, don't worry, SJ misunderstood me, it'll be alright later. What are these?] YSK: Yea, SB left these here. Hey, this is for you, MO! [MO: For me? SJ, our SJ, Oh, my, it's a jacket, unni, the color is very pretty, very nice. Unni, open yours and see. My goodness, we're not twin sisters, she brought the same color. Unni, let me try this. How do I look, does it fit me?] YSK: Yes, very beautiful. [MO: Look the size is perfect. Unni, look at our SJ, on the outside she hates me, but she cares for me.]

(SB's room) SB: This is not true. How can madam has this disease? (Flashes back when MO fainted: Madam, wake up and open your eyes, madam.)

(CB's office) SUB: Lohas is very secure. All of you, please support us like you used to. [Man: don't talk empty words, show us proofs so that we can believe you] HS: In a short time, we'll make a clarification, please just be patient. We will explain to all the shareholders where the rumors come from. First calm down and leave please. [Man: Alright, due to our friendship with Lohas, we leave first, but one week, we'll see you in one week. Don't ever think that you could take advantage of us, we won't let you get out of it, let's go.] (Shareholders and staffs leave) HS: Are you ok? [CB: I'm fine. You go back. (SUB leaves) What's going on? Change of ownership?] HS: My friend at the stock exchange firm told me earlier, this US Company brought alot of our stocks and rumors started to spread. [CB: You said an American Company?] HS: Yes, every way you look at it, this Company has connection with CMO. It's been confirmed some of the shareholders sold their stocks to CMO already. [CB: Uahugg!]HS: We have to go and meet with CMO and get a direct response from her.

MO: My goodness, she sure knows how to pick a good color. (flashes SB said: Madam, because of your messing and stirring, Lohas Company is in turmoil now.) Could it be Ray? (makes a call to US) Ray, it's me. Last time I asked you to take action on Lohas' management, how did it go? I'm curious. What did you say? Oh, no, because you wanted to buy their shares low and purposely spread the rumors. Ok, I'll talk to you again. (hangs up phone). No wonder SB misunderstood me; I must go and explain right away.

(SB flashes back what YSK told her earlier about seeing MO in the same hospital.) SB to self: No, I can't stay here and wonder, go and make sure. (HS enters) [HS: SB, where are you going?] SB: Something I have to do. By the way, how about the Company? [HS: The shareholders have calm down and left. We have to explain the rumor about the change of ownership in the near future and convince them that is only a rumor.] SB: Is my bio-mom really responsible for that? [HS: It appears that way. But, up to this point, I still don't believe she is the type of person could do this to Lohas, even if she's angry. Should we go to ask her why she's angry and what she wants?] SB: HS, I need to go out and confirm something first, regarding the stocks issue, I'll help you ask her later.

(In the hospital) DR: As I recall, you suppose to check in tomorrow. Why do you come so soon? [sB: No, not for that. Doctor, Do you have a patient name CMO?] DR: Patient CMO? You mean the patient transfers from America not too long ago? Why? Is something the matter? [sB: Heard that she's a leukemia patient. Is it true?] DR. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. I have to protect our patients privacy, can't disclose anything to you. [sB: I beg you, please tell me.] DR: Sorry, I just can't. [sB: That person is my biological mother. Doctor, a daughter should know about her mother's sickness, please tell me.] DR: Really, CMO is your bio-mother. (As SB walks down the corridor, her ears are ringing with doctor's voice: CMO is a chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient, but her case has drastically turned from chronic to acute, very deadly and terminal.)

(In front of MJ's house) MO: She doesn't answer her cell phone and is not home either. (SB arrives)

MO: SJ, SJ, why couldn't I get hold of you? About Lohas' stocks, there is a misunderstanding, I've called US and ... [sB: Why are you so stubborn?] MO: What? [sB: It' so cold today, and you only wear this on you?] MO: Ohh, you mean this, you bought me this, mother wears this to show you, also.. [sB: Are you sick? Leukemia isn't it?] MO: SJ! [sB: After abandoned me, why wouldn't you live well in America? Get treated when you are sick, why did you come back to Korean? What are you going to do after you'd found me? What do you want me to do? I don't care. Not even a bit. The one who abandoned me, sick or not sick, I don't care.] MO: SJ, don't worry! I'm not the type of person who would allow sickness to pound and knock me down easily, and I'm not that sick that you should worry so much. I'm very strong, I'm... ok, we'll stop here today, about Lohas, we'll talk again next time. [sB: Wait a moment! I didn't give you this because I like you. (Takes off her coat and puts it on MO) Just didn't want you to get even more sick and blame me for it.] MO: SJ.

YSK to self: SB must be distressed over her MIL condition in addition to finding out about her bio-mother sickness. Call and see how she copes with it. [(Outside vendor: Blessings catcher spoon, blessings catcher spoon.] GM: YSK, is he selling blessings catcher spoon? Call him in. Ask him not to call outside, but bring him inside our house. [DJ: Haven't heard the sound selling blessings catcher spoon for a long time.] YSK: Sir, right here, bring the blessings in this house. [GM: Blessings are here, welcome, welcome! Looks neat, they are all handcrafted.] DJ: Let's get 4 or 5 of them, give some to DG and in laws. Give me five then. [MO: No, give them all to me.] TP: Madam, you are rich. [MO: is this blessings catcher? The more I buy the more the blessings, right?] GM: The American is ambitious. Blessings are to be shared. Everyone takes part and shares. [MO: Is that the way? Then, give me 10.] (In MO's room) MO: My daughter, this coat has my daughter's scent, hmm, smell so good (YSK enters) Unni, SJ knows about my sickness. Did you tell her? [YSK: MO]

MJ sleeping state: HS, honey, YR. Don't go, HS, YR, don't go.. don't go..What is this? Why SB? [YR: Mom, time to eat, I brought chicken porridge from home. This is pretty, mom's favorite color, bought this for mom. Wait, let me remove the bones from the chicken first before I serve you.] MJ: You've lost weight, when mom is sick, you can't eat properly either. [YR: Don't worry, mom. SB takes care not only you but all of us too.] MJ: What? Who takes care of whom? [YR: Huh, huh. nothing.] MJ: Tell me the truth, are you saying this here is, no. Do you mean everything I ate so far is made by SB? [YR: Mom, SB is sincere toward you. Can't you accept SB's genuine sincerity?] MJ: What did you say? [YR: Mom, you don't know this, I also hate SB very much, but she clearly knows that mother, you hate her. But on the contrary, in order to cook nutritional food for you, there are things I wouldn't touch, like eels, octopus, loach; she personally went to the market and cooked them one dish after another. Who can treat you with such kindness and worry for your well being specially and knowingly realize you hate her guts] MJ: Hate it! [YR: Mom.] MJ: Sincere? Who's sincere? You are useless; my only daughter can't even stand on my side. What are you saying to me? [YR: No, even if the sky is divided into two parts, I will stand on mom's side. Now, I feel SB is truly a member of our family, look at this jacket, she brought me to the store and bought this specially for you.] MJ: Take it away. [YR: Mom, you are harming yourself, alright, I'll leave] (MJ thinks over YR's comment about SB being genuine and sincere toward her and for her to accept SB)

YR: Oppa, why are you here? [TP: Here, take this and catch all the new year blessings with it. Next year your mother's sickness will be completely cured and only good things will happen.] YR: Oppa, for me, good things will be mom is healthy and you and I, be together.[TP: Well, that's touching, I'm here as an inlaw, to share some of our blessings with you, ok, bye.]YR: Oppa.[TP: Yah, someone will see us]YR: My mood was lousy when I came back, after seeing you, I'm much better now, Oppa, you are still the best.

YSK: Mom, hurry, the bell ringing is coming. [GM: Yes, we're passing another peaceful year.] MO: I haven't heard this bell ringing sound for 20 years, here, we take this and catch all the new year blessings, the more the merrier.[DJ:I don't wish for too much, I just wish my family is healthy and happy. Those are my wishes for the rest of my life.] GM: My son's wish is also my wish. [TY: Baby, next year make sure mom has a easy delivery and you, be a healthy baby, ok!] SY to self: Next year let my husband be a professor, no more toiling for him, ok! [MO: I don't ask for much, If only I could be here with you all next new year and share the bell ringing sound again.] GM: You two are really like blood related sisters. [TY: Here comes the new year bell ringing.] MO to self: Please save me, let me stay with SJ for a longer period of time, please spare my life...

MJ: Everything will be fine. Transplant will be successful and I can return home. I will live and will not fall. I'll be healthy again.

Man: Express mail, are you PYH? [YR: Hmm.]Man: Please sign for it.[hr: Who sent you mail?]YR: It's from dad. Dad![hr: Getting gift from SK is a rare surprise!]

YS: Our BD is so handsome, like a little prince with the hanbok. (Phone rings) Hello, [Lady: is this HYS's house, BD's adopted parents will be at your house in 10 minutes, please get him ready.] YS: You mean now? What about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? I know, ok. Ohh, my BD, I can't separate from you. SUB, GM called and asked us to go drink the new year soup, let's go to her place.[sUB: Mom, isn't today the date BD's adopted parents will take him away?] YS: We have to leave now, BD, let's hurry and leave.

CB: Going to in-law’s house?[HS: Yes, go there for new year greetings, will be back around 2 o'clock. SB will get ready for the transplant.]CB: SB, I'm ashamed to face you, thank you very much.[sB: Dad] CB: We're afraid your MIL will fight back and resist, even doing her a good deed like this would have to be hidden from her. We will never forget this great gift from you.

GM: We drink new year soup on the first new year day.[DJ: In the old days, to drink new year soup is to add longevity to one's life. Not only to gain another year in age, but adult will also gain in maturity and being a better human being.]MO: Oppa seems to know everything. SJ, eat a little more .[sB: Don't eat this, it's not good for you.] MO: SJ. [TY: You two reconciled. Wow, this is wonderful!] YSK: DG called and said his office has some activities, so he can't come. (Outside) YS: Mom, SIL (Everyone greets and wishes happy new year to each other.) GM: Who is this handsome fellow? Who are you? [YS: BD, say hello, ok.] BD: Hello, how are you! [YS: He's our temporary foster child, BD come, and have some New Year soup. Sit down.] (BD bows and GM gives BD lucky money, TP brings BD outside to play)

YS: Nowadays, when I sleep or awake, all I could do is to think about BD. This is so amazing though, how I could love someone so deep when that person's not blood related to me. [YSK: Is that right? Do you remember when SB first came into our home; you said what's so good about an adopted daughter whose not blood related to you?] YS: Did I say that? But that bio-mom of SB, how long will she stay in your house? If she continues to stay, what would you do if she takes SB away from you? Right now whenever I think BD will be taken away from me... (Sigh) ..[DG: BD] DJ: It's my brother DG. [DG:YS, YS, let's go] YS: Ooohhh, (runs out to the courtyard) Wait, wait! (grasps BD in her bosom).

DG: What do you think you're doing? Don't you know his adopted parents waited and waited, finally called the office and made a big commotion?[YS: Honey, honey, I can't, I can't give our BD away.]DG: What are you doing now?[YS: Honey, let me have him another month, I'll take him for another month. ok?]DG: YS! (BD is taken away) YS: BD, be happy and live well.

MO: Come in! My daughter and her hubby have something to say to me. Let's hear it. I'll listen to whatever you say. [HS: Mom, the rumors about Lohas ownership struggles.]MO: Oh, that.. my husband in US has some misunderstanding about the situation, and is working on a solution, so don't worry about it. [HS: Yea, but, do you not feel well? You look pale.] MO: Huh, my face looks pale. Really, oh.. mirror.. oh (picture breaks), no, this is the picture of SJ and me.[sB: Don't touch! It's dangerous if you bleed. I'll clean this up, you stay put.] MO: SJ. [sB: Like HS said, lately you don't look well, you need to take good care of yourself. Be strong, in order to have the energy to fight with me.] HS: There is something to do at home, can't come to the in-law's home for a few days. We'll come back after the matter is settled.(HS leaves)[ MO to self: My daughter wants me well and healthy; wants me to take good care of my body.]

HS: SB, thank you for donating your bone marrow to mother. Thank you again. [sB: Don't say that. Isn't it obvious, as a member of the family, this is the least one could do? HS, what about you? If my own family is in the same situation, would you do the same?] HS: Well, it may be the obvious thing to do, but after seeing my aunt's reaction, there are different situations and circumstances, after all, deciding for bone marrow transplant donation is not as simple as it looks. [sB: I'm the recipient that received alot of benefit from Dr. KNY, whom donated her cornea to me. It's a joy to be able to give something of mine to someone else.] HS: Not everyone thinks the same, there are those who signed an agreement to donate and changed their minds later. [sB: I feel very sorry for the person, whom supposed to receive my bone marrow (Flashes back what YSK said about MO's situation: Said she could have a bone marrow transplant but was canceled later.)] HS: Hope that recipient can find another donor soon. Maybe that patient is in the same hospital where mom is, one can receive and the other canceled. I can understand that patient's disappointment after healing the cancelation news. (SB is in deep thoughts) What?[sB to self: No, how can it be.. no.. not like that..]

MO to self: My daughter smiles at me. She wants me healthy, starts to worry for me. Finally has opened her heart... how can I leave her and go.. no.. I don't want to go... I want to live. I'll stay with my SJ for thousand years, no, ten thousand years...

(In the hospital) CB: I'm sure you will be scared, thank you.[sB: No, nothing to be scared of, the doctors said withdrawing bone marrow is a simple procedure. I only take a nap and come out later.] YR: Thank you SIL. (SB remembers the words of the doctor:" Right now, for CMO, bone marrow transplant is the best cure." YSK:"Said she could have a bone marrow transplant but was canceled later.") [HS: What is it?] SB: I need to see someone for 10 minutes to confirm something.

MO: Doctor, Doc, please save me, I beg you. I know too, right now, medication cannot sustain my life anymore. I missed that donor, when will another matching donor appear. I desperately need that donor, I want to live, I beg you, Doc. I beg you. [DR: CMO, this is not the way to solve something like this, come, get up. calm down first.] MO: I'm pleading you, save me. Tell me the name of the donor. I'll go and plead with that donor, I will go beg, please tell me. The one that said to save me and donate bone marrow to me. That donor should keep his word, he said to give me his bone marrow and overnight changed his mind, how can he do that to me? [DR: CMO, that donor has a matching bone marrow for a family member who also needs bone-marrow transplant, that is why she can't donate to you. You know that donor's hands are tied too.]

MJ: Why do I feel unrest? Bone marrow transplant is a clean-cut deal, just wait, I'll take care the mess in Lohas and that woman CMO.

CB: When is SB coming back? She needs to take her final testing.[YR: That's right, it's already passed 30 minutes. Oppa, give her a call.]

DR: CMO, please get up first.[MO: No, Doctor, no, ]DR: KSB.[MO: SJ]


EP 173

Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 173 [Countdown: 6th final episode]

MO: SJ. [sB: Doc, the person supposed to receive my bone marrow transplant...] MO: SJ [sB: Doc, tell me, is this the person? Had my bone marrow almost donated to her?] (HS calls but SB doesn't answer) DR: Don't be like this, you two come into my office first. [MO: No, no. NO. (and runs away)] SB answers her phone: Hello.[HS: SB, where are you now?] SB: In the hospital. [HS: Why aren't you coming? We are waiting for you in the hospital room., SB, hello?]SB:HS, I... I'm unable to donate, sorry, sorry, HS, talk to you later. [HS: SB]YR: Oppa, what happened to SIL? [CB: What happened?] HS: Dad, I need to go out first.(In the hospital corridor) [sB: Wait, wait just a moment.](Both MO and SB get into individual taxi) SB: Sir, please follow the cab in front of you. [CB: Call your Oppa, the person supposedly goes find the other person disappears too.] YR: Yes. (HS enters) Oppa! [CB: Where is SB? What happened?] HS: I don't know. [CB: What do you mean you don't know?] HS: I've lost contact with SB. [CB: Lost contact? Well then, what happens to your mom's bone marrow transplant?] HS: Looks like SB is unable to check in the hospital today, Dad, talk to the doctor and postpone the procedure first. [YR: Is SIL scared? That is why she fled? She'd changed her mind because she is afraid.] HS: No, although I don't know the reason, but I don't think fear is the reason she fled. Dad, I'll go out and be back later.

(In MJ's hospital room) MJ: What do you mean? To postpone my bone marrow transplant? [DR. Actually...] MJ: What? Is it because my sister from the States hasn't arrived yet? [DR: No, not that, temporary, there is a problem.] MJ: What kind of problem? [DR: I'll let director Kang explain to you. In the mean time, Ms. K, be patient and wait,] MJ: Doctor, I have to live, you are sure I'll get a transplant, are you not? [DR: Of course, don't worry, get some rest.]

(GM's room) GM: TP, make sure your nail is secured and the blessing catcher spoon doesn't fall down. I'd put money and cadies inside.[TP: Don't worry, I'll fasten it tightly for more blessings to come. Yes, blessings, more to come, all the blessings in the world, come!]GM: I'll catch all of them.[DJ: Let my mother be healthy, our family has a peaceful year.] YSK: Hang one in MO's room too. [GM: Yes, open the doors and let all the blessings come] YSK: This year the biggest event is SIL's delivery. Put one in your room, hope that you'll get a healthy baby. (HS enters) [HS: Mom, did SB drop by here?] DJ: No, after she left with you, she hasn't come again, what? Did something happen? [YSK: What? Did something happen to SB?] DJ: What? SB decided to donate her bone marrow to inlaw madam? [HS: Yes.] GM: Why didn't you guys tell us earlier? [HS: We were afraid you'd worried. So, we were planning to tell you afterwards.] YSK: Last time I've heard your aunt is the donor, is she not? And SB said hers would be donated to another person. [HS: Well, something happened to my aunt, she's unable to help.] TP: Then, where did SB go after leaving the hospital? [YSK: Maybe she's saddened by her mother's situation and left.] DJ: What do you mean by that? [YSK: Actually, MO has leukemia.] GM: OMG! [sY: Mom, is it true?] YSK: She said it's chronic, and is not that terminal yet. [TY: Does SB know about this?] YSK: Just recently. [GM: Oh heaven, she just looks good on the outside. I don't even know deep inside her, are wounds and scares. TP, go and ask the American to come. Unless I hear from her directly, I would not believe this.] TP: She went out. What are we going to do? How is it possible both inlaw madam and that woman have the same disease. Wait a minute; don't tell me that woman came back because of SB's bone marrow. [sY: What? TP, how can it be?]

(In DJ/YSK room) DJ: When did you know about this? [YSK: Not too long ago. I saw her in the hospital when we took our bone marrow blood screening test last time.] DJ: You should've told me first. [YSK: My hands are tied, MO would not want me to tell.] DJ: Geez, after she found her abandoned daughter, this is merciless, what a dreadful news.[YSK: (On the phone) Where is SB?] DJ: She doesn't answer. I'm sure our SB is very sad now.]

SB: Sir, can you try to stop the car in front of you? [Drive: Customer, the car behind has been following us and is honking now.] MO: Really? [Driver: What should I do?] MO: Stop the car. [(SB opens the door) SB: Where are you going? You're going to just leave like this. (SB gets into the cab) Fine, wherever you are going, let's go together. [MO: SJ.] SB: Driver, let's go.

CB: What? Which patient has the same bone marrow match as SB? [DR: CMO, KSB's biological mother.] CB: So you are saying CMO and my wife both have leukemia, aren't they? [DR: Yes, Mrs. Kang's acute, and CMO was chronic when she first came and is now drastically changed to acute not long ago.] CB: How can something like this happen? (HS enters) [HS: Dad, you are here.] CB: Yea, come hurry, sit down. I've just heard from the doctor about your wife's situation. [HS: Perhaps you've heard about SB's bio mom?] CB: You mean CMO has leukemia. [HS: Yes, I've just found out from the in-law’s.] CB: Then, you also know, SB and CMO have the same bone-marrow stem cell match too? [HS: No, not that! Is that true?] DR: Yes, it's been confirmed. [HS: Does SB know about this?] DR: Yes, just now. When SB saw CMO.

YS: Oh, I feel so empty when he's gone. Honey, SUB, KDG, KSUB. [sUB: What? Mom.] YS: Must I yell so loud to get both you Kim's to show up? [DJ: What? We always give you all of our attention; you've always been our queen.] YS: This house is empty, BD used to sit here and play here. [sUB: Why don't we move the furniture’s around?] YS: This, move over there. That, move over here. [DG: SUB, come, let's move. 1 2 3.(After moving the sofas) YS: This sofa should not been moved on this side, move it to that side instead.(So, they continue to move back and forth to please YS. Door bell rings, someone comes to see DG and SUB, they are happy so YS tells them to just disappear and goes back to her room. The office accountant tells DG that there are several projects come to a halt because of lack of findings. DG expresses concern over cut back on charity donation for the poor and the disables, organ transplants organization so forth. He sees BD's toy and starts to wonder how he's doing.)

TY: YH, I know you worked hard for the exams before, but still you should keep looking forward and don't waste your time. [sY: TY, this show is funny, oh, let’s YH has some fun she's been working hard.] (HR calls SY in to the room) TY: YH, shall we talk a bit? [YH: What is there to talk about? I didn't submit the application form.] TY: Application form, I did it .[YH: Teacher!] TY: If you repeat another year, I'm sure you will see good result.

SY: Mom, this is ridiculous! What kind of person do you think TY is? Money? [hr: So, as you've said SIL is a capable educated PHD, he'd finished his public lecture presentation and is waiting for his confirmation and yet, so far no news, right? I can't stand to see TY disappoint again, if this (money bribery) is what it takes.] SY: But, I don't want to and have never thought to do it either. TY doesn't need to take this cheap route to become a professor. If he did, I, as his wife would feel ashamed too. [hr: Alright, then forget it. I'm anxious and feel unrest; this is probably a wrong move.] SY: Mom, do it. [hr: What?] SY: Go ahead, but make sure keep it a secret from TY. Got it! [hr: Ok, you first, be careful too.]SY: I'm shaking, so scare. But, this takes someone who had done this before. [hr: That's true.]

(TY enters) TY: MIL, are you ok? What's happening? [hr: Nothing, nothing happens.] TY: You two looked shock, I was startled by you too.(TY picks up the money bag) [sY: Give me, give me.] TY: What is this? [hr: Well, this is.]TY: SY, MIL. [sY: Honey, It's not like that.] TY: If you have that in mind, I would be very disappointed with you two. [hr: I did that because I didn't think it's fair, you are a capable and qualified person, it's unfortunate if the university doesn't recognize that. I've thought this over and backward, and ended up with the wrong approach. [TY: MIL, it's my fault, can't meet up to your expectation. But I don't want to use this route. I would like to become an equitable and morally justified professor with right standing. [sY: Exactly right, TY, you're right, I was temporary out of my mind, sorry.] TY: SY, in spite of everything, I still believe this world has some conscience left and to prove that I'm able and capable without using this.{SY: Yes.]

(In the hotel room) MO: Either then or now, this snow scenic view is pretty as usual. So strange though, when I see the snow, I have a flush of warm feelings although the snow is cold. [sB: Regarding the bone marrow transplant...] MO: Forget it, don't get into that subject now. After the crying and pleading in the hospital, I'm hungry. Let's go eat first after I fresh up myself. (SB makes a call) [sB: HS] HS: SB [sB: Sorry, I have you worried over me.] HS: Are you ok? Where are you now? [sB: This place is... for now, don't ask me anything. Give me some time, one day; I'll be back to Seoul tomorrow. Right now I'm very confused and mixed up, can't figure out what I should do, it's too complicated.] HS: I know. [sB: I'm sorry to mom and the rest of the family. I must have startled them, really sorry about it.] (YR enters HS's room) YR: Oppa, did SB call you? [HS: don't worry, she'll be back, just wait.] YR: How could she be so irresponsible? Oppa, do you worry at all, she affects mom's survival and all of our lives. This is too much, she went overboard. Does she not know she's holding a knife in her hand? [HS: YR, go back to your room and get some rest.]

(MO flashes back what SB said in the hospital:" Doctor, is this the person? She is the person I'd almost donated my bone marrow to, is she?" (MO answers SB phone calling from YR) YR: SIL, where are you? After all, you promised to donate your bone marrow to my mother. How could you disappear and not call us. You are too much, I hope you didn't get scared and run away. [MO: What's she talking about? The person SJ decided to donate her bone marrow is MJ? (MO flashes back when the doctor told her the donor 's hands are tied because a family member needs her bone marrow as well.) Then, is MJ.] SB: You look really pale, are you alright? Want to go back to Seoul? [MO: No, no.] SB: No, let's go to the hospital. [MO: No, I' said no, we've reconciled. Don't talk about sickness today. I'm hungry, go eat first, come on!] SB: Try the soft appetizer first, wait for the soup to cool off before drinking it. Excuse me, may I have some water please. [Waitress: Yes, I'll get you some wheat tea. [MO: My daughter knows how to take care of her mother. When you were little, whenever I was not around, you refused to eat and you were a picky eater.] SB: I don't remember anything before the orphanage.

(Outside, MO throws snow at SB) SB: What are you doing? I'm not in the mood to play around. [MO: When you are in the midst of such beautiful white snow field, do you not feel your body and soul open up and enjoy the breath of fresh air. Don't show me that long face of yours, you'll get wringed up pretty soon.] SB: You have a good life, you can do whatever your heart leads you. [MO: Are you trying to talk about the child abandonment incident?] SB: You think you can take advantage of me and expect me to just stand here and take your punches. Don't forget I used to deliver milk and newspapers for years. I've got some power in me. [MO: Huh, is that so?] SB: You think I won't react? [MO: No, your throws are too weak?] (Mother and daughter are playing in the snow having fun)

MO: We're done. (Both lying on the snow) I want to live, really want to live. I want to live with my daughter forever.

(MJ's hospital room) MJ to self: Remember, when my youngest sister gets here I will have the transplant tomorrow, just relax and wait. But what if she doesn't come, does it mean I will die.

MO: You and I had not bathed for 19 years. When you were little, you were afraid of the water and glued yourself to me, and refused to get into the water. I then as a favorite of yours, gave you a banana split before washing you. I was so blessed and happy when my daughter glued herself by my side. [sB: But, nevertheless you ultimately abandoned me on the beach.] MO: Yes, I did. (Holds SB's hand as she is trying to move away) [sB: Let go of me.] MO: Kim Do Jin, is your father's name. We were poor art college students, both are orphans, fell in love at first sight. Like you and your husband HS, we were deeply in love and begotten you. Then, the nightmare started, everyday was life in a battle field, we fought on everything, lacking bus fares, colors, milk for you and food on the table. Finally I left with you before we started to hate each other, but. [sB: But what?] MO: I wanted to make money and live right, so I quitted school and got a job at a construction place. After deserting you, living was like hell, I thought it must have been my punishment. Sorry, all these may sound like excuses, I did wrong. Please forgive mother. [sB: Where is his grave?] MO: Right here, on the top of the hill across the hotel. Your father's best friend spread his ashes, he liked mountains. (SB and MO sleep) MO: So, pretty! (SB's cell phone rings, HS left her a message: I love you, wherever you are, whatever you do; I'll stand by your side.) Don't worry! I'll watch over you, your love, your husband, your family, mother will protect and keep my eyes on you.

HS: Yes, mother. [MO: This is Taibak, XX hotel. SB is sleeping in room #501, please come and take her back. Thank you.] HS: Hello, hello, Taibak? [sB: Madam, madam, mom.]

(In the hospital) MJ: Before the transplant surgery, I should be staying at the "Bacteria free" room. [YR: Mom, it is boring in that room, we can't visit you freely.] MJ: Am I supposed to get a transplant? I'm waiting for my youngest sister to come? Why am I staying in this regular room and wait indefinitely? Dr. Kim, when will I get my transplant? Why wouldn't you let me know? This is related to my sister. [CB: Honey, over excitement is not good to your health.] DR: Mrs. Kang, we're working on the room arrangement. [MJ: Don't say anymore, everyone leaves the room. I need to rest, just go. My intuition is right, something has gone wrong, something is very strange.] (MO walks on the corridor) MO: Yes, mother will act accordingly, I'll watch over your happiness. [MJ: I'm scared, something is real strange, I've a terrible feeling. (MO enters her room) MJ: YR, help mom, give me a hand. YR. (MJ sees MO)


Episode 176/177 are yet to be translated...

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Guest sheragerl

Hey can anyone please please help me give the translations for episode 176 and 177 please ? :)

thanks a lot in advance okay!

the sendspace links isent working for me. and my comp is darn slow such that i hv to

wait hours before being able to view vids on utube or even dl vids from megaupload links

that a lot gave on this thread.

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Guest sweetheart0085

Here is one of the last remaining two sheragerl, Episode 177 is almost complete, I will post it hopefully by tomorrow [sunday]^.^


Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 176 [Countdown: 3th final episode]

(CB's office) CB: What did you say? Is it true? [HS: Yes, to replace the Chief Operating Officer, and it's you, dad.] CB: What? How can they do that? [HS: Are you ok, dad?] CB: This finally happens. The few stockholders who have the most shares side with the 2nd largest stockholder Mr. Shu Kee Pei, we don't have enough power to hold on to run the company anymore. [HS: We can't just sit and let them slash us. I'll find ways to salvage the situation no matter what it takes.] CB: Call for an emergency shareholders meeting first, try to regroup the stockholders whom will support us. At a time like this, we'll regain our strength if we have CMO's vote.

(MO's room) MO to self: No, I can't catch a cold (phone rings) Yes, this is CMO, who is this? [Mr. Shu: Hello, I'm the 2nd largest stockholder of Lohas, Shu Kee Pei.] MO: Yes, what is it? What? Emergency shareholders meeting? Why is it necessary to hold an emergency shareholders meeting? Did something happen to Lohas?

(While driving, MJ flashes back the doctor's comment: CMO is in a desperate and dangerous situation, she must receive a transplant to live. Your DIL had been thru the most difficult struggle of her life.) MJ to self: Ridiculous! How could this happen? Why? What do I do now?

(MJ's house) SB: Mom, where did you go? (SB runs back to her room, her phone rings) Mom, the welcome home party? Yes, of course, mom was very happy too. How is the mother across from your room? Yes, I know. (hangs up the phone. MJ enters) Mom. [MJ: What is your motive?] SB: Motive? What motive? [MJ: Your bone marrow! What was your motive that you donated your bone marrows to me and not your mom?] SB: Mom, how did you know this? [MJ: You intend to play me and my life within your palm.] SB: How can you say that? Mom, you knew from the very beginning, I decided to donate my bone marrow to you. [MJ: Answer my question! What was the purpose to donate to me and left your mom at a limbo?] SB: There is no specific reason. Although I wanted to donate to both of you, but I was told I could only donate to one person. At that time, your condition was more desperate and dangerous than my bio-mom. [MJ: This would be better for me, I'd rather die than to face the person I hate the most. What did you do to me and why let me be so pitiful and pathetic?] SB: Mom, you are way out of line. You're the mother of my beloved husband, do you think that I can stand and witness your death when I know I can do something about it? I've been thru a very difficult struggle too, left in a dilemma to choose between 2 recipients; I didn't want to do it either. But, my bio-mom told me to save you. [MJ: That woman, CMO?] SB: Yes, she told me to donate my bone marrow to you first. She said she will stay strong and hold on to her life to fight. [MJ: What if she can't hold on and die? If she dies and I live, how do you suppose I can live with that shadow hanging over me?] SB: Don't worry, my bio mom won't die like that. She is a strong person. I'll save her with all I've got and with whatever means available. [MJ: You really! You really! How could you let a person feel so sorry and have so much regrets?] (MJ leaves the room) SB to self: Mom, I'm very tired too.

(SB enters MJ's room) SB: Mom, You can't react like this. You are not completely well yet. You need to stay calm, relax and recuperate. [MJ: Get out!] SB: mom. (SB leaves MJ's room, MJ flashes back what MO said to her in her hospital bed: Heard that you'll receive the bone marrow transplant, I earnestly and sincerely pray for a successful surgery for you.) MJ to self: Yes, let me save your bio-mom, that woman CMO, I must save her.

YR: This is really good, I haven't have this much fun for a long time. [TP: Is it really that good?] YR; Of course, during the time when I didn't marry you and mom got sick, I was not living well at all. [bartender: Today's special treat, free cocktails for kissers. Anyone interested?] YR: Oppa, we'll do that, free cocktails! [TP No, no, they are for kissers.] YR: So what! We've kissed before, what's the big deal? Right here, here. [bartender: A lovely couple.] TP: No, no, we don't kiss, we are inlaws, take them away please. [YR: Inlaws! What about the inlaws relationship? Oppa, can we be unified?] TP: Inlaws cannot be unified, we are relatives.]

(Outside) TP: Why did you drink so much? Hey, be sober and wake up. [YR: I'm so relaxed, haven't drank so much for a long time.] TP: Relax what? It's freezing cold, if I go home now, sure will get scolded, oh, so cold. [YR: Very cold!] TP: Just wait for a little while, the heater's on already. I'll take you home when you become sober. Is your stomach ok? [YR: Hmm!] TP: Well, who can stop us, we are drunk.

TP: Dawn already, hey, YR, get up. It's morning already. YR, get up. YR! YR!, Don't tell me you suffocated with the heater on. Hey, KYR, KYR (performs CPR) YR, get up 119,119. Where is my cell phone? (CPR again) Hey, are you ok? [YR: What do you think you're doing? What did you do to a sleeping person?] TP: Why didn't you wake up? You really scared me. [YR: Don't you know when I fall asleep I won't know if people take me away on their back? In the bar, you said no kissing and came up all the excuses, so when I was asleep, you kissed me to satisfy your urges.] TP: What urges? I thought you suffocated because of the heater and you scared the heck out of me. You stupid girl. [YR: Oppa, you thought I died and you worried? Oppa] TP: Let go of me. [YR: Oppa, now you know what your heart really desires. You also can't do without me.] TP: I hate it, I hate the fact we are inlaws. [YR: I love you. ]TP: Me too.

YSK: You need to eat more high protein food, I know you don't have much of an appetite, but eat some anyway. [GM: Eat a spoon full after another spoon, my DIL cooked this over night since yesterday for you.] DJ: Where is TP? He didn't come home last night? [TY: He's been working hard lately making deliveries, I'm sure once he got together with his buddies, his old habits came back again.] DJ: Still, meeting with friends didn't justify he could stay out all night. [Man from outside: Express Mail delivery.] GM: Who is this for? [Man: CMO.] MO: That's me! Who sent them? [Man: I only deliver.] SY: What are these? Octopus, genseng, fruits, escargots. [TY: These are all nutritious food, no sender's name though.] YSK: Are they form SB & HS? [DJ: We live so close, they can deliver directly themselves.] MO: Are they from US? [YSK: Call your husband.] MO: Ray only knows my telephone number, he doesn't know my address here. [GM: We may not know who sent them, but this is a big box with lots of good stuffs.]

(On the phone) MJ: Don't miss out, making sure everything is in the box. Either now or in the future, don't let them know who sent the box. Thank you Mr. Kim. (hangs up the phone) to self: These food only nourish the body, ultimately bone marrow transplant is the absolute cure. Wait, if my youngest sister has the same bone marrow match with mine, perhaps she and CMO are the same too. (makes a phone call) It's me, your older sister. Oh! I heard that you tried the test tube baby procedure. [sister: It failed] MJ: Is that so? Don't give up, try again next time. I'm sorry to hear that but since last time you didn't donate your bone marrow to me, can you donate now. Of course it's not for me, I want to help someone. [sister: Unni, how can you ask me that when you clearly understand my situation. Do you think I'm in the mood to help anyone now? (hangs up the phone)] MJ: Hello, yah, yah.

YR: Good morning! I feel really good after the morning exercise. Where is everybody? [sB: HS and dad went out early this morning for work. Mom is in her room.] YR: SIL, are you pregnant? Why do you eat so much? [sB: I purposely eat alot, I want to fatten myself and get healthy quickly in order to donate my bone marrow to my mom. [YR: SIL.]

MJ to self: No, there is only one solution. (makes a call) Youngest sis, it's me. Can you reconsider the bone marrow issue again? [sister: Unni, I'm already upset to death, why do you persist?] MJ: Yes, I know your sufferings, but I have no choice but to do this to you. This is a matter of life or death to somebody. [sister: I'm very sorry and I'm not interested to know, I hang up first.] MJ: Someone's life depends on it. That woman took my death upon herself and gave me her bone borrow transplant. How can you treat me this way? We are blood related sisters. [sister: I'm sorry, tomorrow I'm taking a vacation trip, and I can't be reach for about a month, don't call me anymore. (hangs up phone)]MJ: Yah, yah! (to self) At this crucial moment, she's taking a month off, no; I've to go to the States. I'll have to convince her one way or the other, it's a matter of life or death.

HS: This is the newest company business projection, it will not disappoint you. Please give us your support. (on the phone) Hello, stockholder, I'm KHS, manager from Lohas, I'm calling because of the upcoming emergency shareholders meeting. (Meeting with staffs) HS: How many attendants do we expect in the meeting?[ Man: about 70 to 80.] (While the designing team discuss ideas on new products, male TL comes in and breaks the news that Lohas is in the process to replace Chief Executive Officer, KCB, and all staff members are furious and want to support KCB.)

(HR and SY play card game and HR wins. TY enters and complains SY should not gamble with money, bad influence to the baby. YH enters.) YH: GM, Mom and teacher, I've been accepted by Seoul Medical School. [sY: YR, last time you told me they rejected you, how did you get accepted again?] YH: Actually, I was their number 1 back up reserve applicant, they called me today and I'm now a pre-med college student. [sY: Really.] TY: You know how hard it is for Korean Medical School to choose a reserve student. YR you are extremely lucky, congratulation! [YH: Thank you! All the credit goes to you, teacher. You didn't give up on me and insisted on submitting my application, without you I wouldn't be chosen.] SY: I'm not only a wife of a professor but also a mother of a physician.

(Lohas employees holds different signs said: Support! We support Director KCB, Liar/SKP, get out of Lohas, OUT! OUT!/ We are here to guard over Lohas) Male Tm: If KCB stays we stay, if SKP takes over the ownership of Lohas, the company will face structural reorganization. We are here to back director KCB, get out SKP. Support KCB.(MJ drives in) MJ to self: What's going on here?

CB: Why are you here? [MJ: What's going on? Why are Lohas' employees protesting in front of the building? What do they mean by guard over the ownership of Lohas.] CB: I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. Actually the 2nd largest stockholder Mr. SKP calls for an emergency shareholders meeting, he flares up the emotions of the stockholders and call everyone to vote me out. [MJ: What? Then? How can you sit still in the desk and wait for them to vote?] CB: We are working on a strategy. HS is meeting with other shareholders to see if he can convince them to support us. [MJ: How can I not know when the Company is imperiled and quietly resting in the hospital?] CB: Don't worry! We'll find a solution. Why do you come to the Company? [MJ: I need to go to USA.] CB: Why all of a sudden? [MJ: I can't be the only one survive, I'll go to persuade my youngest sister to donate her bone marrow to CMO.] CB: So you found out CMO has leukemia. [MJ: Everyone knows except me. How can you make me feel so sorry to DIL? Do you know I feel guilty and sorry when I take my breath in front of SB?] CB: Not now though, you are not healthy enough to fly, wait a few days, I'll go with you. [MJ: No time to waste anymore, time is of the ascent.]

(DG's office) Man: You have a guest.[MO: How are you? Uncle.] DG: Oh, artist CMO, what brings you here? [MO: Heard that I can do this here, I want to participate in what you are doing.] DG: Yes, please sit down, I'll forward this card to the organ donor center. [MO: The second charity association. Different charity groups need a place like this to operate in.] DG: Yes, that's right; it is not easy to raise funds to build this kind of outlets. This is only a preliminary design drawing.

MJ: What should I do? The company is in distress at a most crucial time and the bone marrow is even more imperative. She said she'll be taking a trip for a month.(remembers MO violently vomiting in the toilet) Yes, we only have one life to live, the company matters will have to put on hold and wait for now.

(YS and DG's living room)YS: Like artist CMO said, our BD has drawing talents. [DG: BD.]YS: Quiet! our BD is bathing in his artistic world. [bD: Uncle.] DG: What does our BD do today?] YS: Look at this, our BD's drawing, look at the colors and lines, his drawing is great. Our BD's is a talent, a genius. [DG: You stop that, don't over protect him like you did SUB. I'll take over and be responsible for teaching and educating him.] YS: This is our family uniforms, you wear this to take a family photo with BD. [DG: Oh! What a childish act! What's the number on the back?] YS: Our family numbers, BD #1, I'm #3 and you are #4. When SUB comes back she'll have her #. I don't know why her Company is so busy, keeping her at work all the time, I hardly see her home.

(YS's bedroom) DG: BD slept already. [YS: Once we obtain BD's official adoption paper, he is legally my son. Whoever despises BD because he is an adopted child, I will not forgive ] DG: Despise? Who will do that? [YS: Our relatives, your brother's family. They only know to treat TP and TY well. If anyone mistreat my BD, you think I will sit and do nothing?] DG: You know my brother's family very well. They don't have such person in their family. [YS: What do you mean no such person? Remember how much SB suffered when she got adopted? A kind and modest meek girl described as a fox and treated with hostilities. When she arrived into the family she was treated harshly, I felt so sorry for her.]

DG: Oh look, look who's talking? Did you forget what you did to her? You really don't remember? After my brother adopted SB, the person who inflicted pains and hardships, mistreated and caused sufferings to her is YOU. [YS: What? When did I do that? I've always been the one who has tons of love and kindness to give away.] DG: Oh! My goodness!

YR: Oppa, what's in my mind? How do you know all I could think of is you? Let us be unified and become one. Like north (Korea) & south (Korea) hold talks and our love is to be unified, ok! (MJ enters) Mom. [MJ: Mom will be away for a few days, you look after the house.] YR: What? Where are you going? [MJ: You don't have to know, my cell phone has roaming service, you can call me anytime.] YR: What roaming? You are going overseas? No, you can't go. Dr. Kim said you need to stay home and rest to recuperate. [MJ: That is when situation permitted. Anyway, I'll only be gone for a little while, look after the house and here (hands YR an envelope) deliver to your Dad tomorrow morning.] YR: What is it?[MJ: He knows when he sees it.]YR: Mom, mom, where are you going?[MJ: To America and beg for your Aunt's bone marrows. Don't tell your dad, Oppa and SB. You are the only one knows about this.] YR: Mom. [MJ: I feel thankful and regretful. If I were to continue to live here I couldn't face your SIL.] YR: Mom.

MO to self: What happens to me? CMO, be alert and this is not the time yet, just a little while more. (HS drives up and his phone rings) HS: Yes, Dad, after talking to Artist CMO about the Company stocks, I'll come back to the office and discuss more on our strategies. Yes. (hangs up phone) Mom. [MO: Oh, Mr. Kang, my SIL] HS: If you've problem walking up I'll carry you. Come, hop on! [MO: My daughter will hate me if you carry me and hurt your back.] HS: Mom, do I look that weak and useless? I'll carry you home. [MO: Really?] HS: Mom, you are very light, you need to eat a little more. [MO: Mr. Kang, please carry SB with you throughout your life.] HS: Yes.

(YSK's home) YSK: What happened? Why did you carry her home? [MO: Unni, do you envy me? I'm the only one that my SIL carried on his back.] YSK: Yes, I envy you to death. [HS: Mom, take some rest. (To self) How can I ask her about the stocks when she's in this condition.] (Big sigh)

(MO reads the newspaper: A kitchen appliances and furniture’s Company, Lohas's chairman KCB's popularity drops to the lowest point and the 2nd largest shareholder Mr. SKP requests an emergency shareholders meeting. Both has certain numbers of supporters, the meeting will determine the outcome of chairman KCB's controlling power in the Company.) MO: Who allows this? How dare he? Wants to drag my daughter's FIL down from operating the Company. As long as CMO is alive, no one can lay his fingers on my daughter’s happiness.

YSK: MO, time for breakfast! [MO (on the phone): SJ, mom has to go out for a little while to take care of some important matters. Don't worry.]

(Outside Lohas) Male TM: Kick out SKP. [Employees echo: Kick him out, kick him out] Male TM: Keep Director KCB's operating right. (Employees echo and the emotions get tense, angry and frustrated when SKP (the 2nd largest stockholder) shows up.

CB: Are we ready to tackle with SKP? [HS: Yes.] CB: Do you know if Artist CMO will attend the meeting? [HS: I tried to call her, but she didn't answer her phone. But if she shows up, I'm sure she's on our side.] (YR enters) YR: Dad. [CB: Why are you here?] YR: Mom asked me to give you this.[CB: Your mom?] YR: Yes, she gave me this envelope to give you and left to America for aunt Min Harry yesterday. [CB & HS: What?]

Sister: Who is it? [MJ: Me, your eldest sister.]


one more to go^.~

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Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 177 [Countdown: 2th final episode]

Sister: Unni. [MJ: Long time no see, let's go in and talk.] Sister: Unni, how come you're here? This is not Pusan, here is America, how can you do this? This is ridiculous, preposterous to death. [MJ: Something is extremely urgent.] Sister: Unni. [MJ: Before you agree to donate your bone marrow, I'm not going anywhere, I'll stay put until I die. It is that urgent, Min Har, you're holding a key to someone's life.]

(CB's office) CB: Are you saying your mom gave you this proxy and left for America? [YR: Yea, Dad.] HS: Why did Mom go to America suddenly? [CB: She said she needs to go for your aunt's bone marrow. Anyhow, before the shareholders meeting, you must get in touch with Artist CMO.]

(In the car, MO is suffering) MO: I need to go and attend the shareholders meeting, I must finish the job that I've started. Please not now. (In agony, makes a call) Attorney Jung, it's me. The issues I discussed with you before, now is the time to get everything ready.

YSK: Did you call? Where can a sick person go? [sB: She said there are some important matters that she needs to take care and will be back soon.] YSK: Yesterday she almost fainted; luckily HS saw her and carried her back. It would be better for her to stay home and preserve her energy. Call her immediately and ask her to come home ASAP, apparently, she only listens to her daughter. (SB phone rings) [sB: Hello, yes, this is KSB. Attend the shareholders meeting? But I don't hold any Lohas stocks.]

(In the cafe) SB: This is authorized by my Mom. [Attorney: Yes, these documents are prepared recently, also these are Lohas stock-holding certificates.] SB: Why do you give them to me? Where is my mother? [ Attorney: Your mom said she has some urgent matters to take care and authorizes you as her agent to attend the shareholders meeting. This is her "Power of Attorney" to you.] SB: For me to go to the shareholders meeting? [ Attorney: Yes, you must attend and give the current CEO your full support.]

(In Lohas) CB: First, I apologize to all who has interest over Lohas. Last year's tough economy hit Lohas, sales plunged and fell to their lowest level and reflected stock prices to fall. As the CEO of the Company, I take full responsibility. My future with the Company is pending upon the outcome of your votes today. [sKP: There is no need to vote, just resign and surrender your operating right in Lohas.] CB: I acknowledge last year sales slide was caused by my misjudgment. But for the future of Lohas, I will not and cannot step down and give up. [sKP: An incompetent CEO should step down.] CB: I spent all of my youth into Lohas, my 30 years history with the company. Yes, one may ultimately has to step down, but Lohas has just stepped into a new and challenging era in research and development , in terms of training qualified, talented designers, innovate new ideas and designs to adhere to the global markets etc... [sKP: Say no more, repeating passed regrets has no value and is meaningless.] Man's voice: Let us exercise our right to vote. (The rest of shareholders yell the same)

[Man #1: Can we still trust CEO KCB?] Man #2: I don't know, but where is the other big shareholder, the American artist CMO? I don't see her anywhere. [Chairperson: We now start voting, please indicate your yea or nay vote on the form in front of you and deposit to the voting box afterwards.] (SB enters) SB: How are you! I'm KSB, representing CMO and I have the proxy from CMO to vote on her behalf. [CB: My DIL.] HS: SB. [Chairperson: I now announce the voting result: Lohas yea votes 51, nay votes 35, neutral votes 4. With all the attending shareholders counts, Lohas obtains a total of 57% yea votes to KCB to remain as Chairman of the board.]

(The employees outside the board room are anxious and weary, awaiting the result, SUB comes and announces KCB has been voted to stay, everyone is thrilled, exultant and rejoice triumphantly.)

(In US) Sister: Unni, I really don't know what to do! The last IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) failed. I'm physically and emotionally drained. Honestly speaking, right now I take no thoughts in considering for someone else. [MJ: Min Har, this concerns someone's life and death. I know you attempted all alternative solutions for conception for the last 6 years and it made you extremely tired. But after donating your bone marrow, it poses no danger for you to try the "test tube baby" procedure again.] Sister: Unni, stop this, say no more. My heart refuses to donate, ok! What can I do? Pleading, crying and harassing me can't turn my heart around. [MJ: Min Har, I beg you, please help me, help me save my DIL's mother. If that woman dies, I can't unload this baggage and live the rest of my life. (Sister walks away)You are too much, how can you be so heartless?] Sister: Unni. [MJ: I'll be grateful to you and remember your kindness and good deeds for the rest of my life. I'll open my window facing the direction where you live and bow to you daily. If that woman dies, I can't live anymore. Please I'm pleading!] Sister: Unni. [MJ: Do you still remember when mother passed away, with your whispering low voice, you said, "It would be best if mother could see and witness I give birth to a newborn child before she passes."? My DIL's mother said she has no other desire for herself except wishing her daughter to live a happy and blessed life. I want to fulfill her wish and save her and give her a chance to witness her daughter indeed lives a happy life. For that, I beg you, please!] Sister: Yes, unni, I know, I'll do it, I know. [MJ: Really. really!]

(CB's office) CB: What happened? How did your bio-mom authorize you to come as her agent? [sB: I was notified suddenly, astonished and confused, didn't really know what was going on.] HS: Anyway, thank you SB, if it weren't for you, the outcome of this voting would be detrimental to us. [CB: Yes, that's right! I'm rescued and restored by my DIL. Thank you.] SB: Dad, even without me, I'm sure Dad will get "a yay vote" from other shareholders as well because you are still the most popular among all the others in Lohas. [CB: Now, I worry for your mother, we agreed to go together after the shareholders meeting, but she was so eager and anxious, disregarded her overall health and rushed to look for your aunt in America.] SB: What? To America? What does this mean? [YR: To beg her youngest sister to donate her bone marrow.] SB: Mom. (Phone rings) [HS: Mom, yes, mother.] MJ: It's mom, HS. Your MIL is going to live, SB's bio mom will live. [HS: What? My MIL will live? Then, you're saying Aunt agrees?] MJ: Yes, your aunt agrees to donate her bone marrow. [HS: Really, aunt really agrees? Thank you mother, thank you.] MJ: Yes, your aunt may not be able to fly immediately, but you contact Dr. Kim right away and get everything set up and schedule a surgery date for transplant. (Hangs up phone) [HS: Aunt agrees, mom will bring aunt back with her, SB.] SB: Really? Really? [HS: Yes.] SB: Mom, she personally... thank you, mom. Dad, sorry, I need to go home and tell my mother. [CB: Yes, go ahead, I'll go there as soon as I finish my work here.] HS: SB, I'll go with you.

(DJ/YSK home) SB: Mom, mom. [YSK: SB, HS, what's happening at this hour of the day?] SB: She not back yet? [YSK: Yea, some urgent matters, I was told.] HS: Mom, good news, found someone who's willing to donate her bone marrow to SB's mom. Our American aunt has agreed to donate. [YSK: What? Is this true?] DJ: I thought your aunt refused. [sB: Mom flew there personally and convinced her.] GM: OMG, this is wonderful, wonderful! God's angels come to rescue our American, wonderful! [YSK: Yes, this is good news! I could never dream that inlaw madam would do such a wondrous work behind our backs. My goodness, I'm very grateful.] SB: We were in the dark didn't know about it either. [sY: Sister, congratulation, really congrats...] TY: Me too, from now on, what's left is for our SB to smile, this really is wonderful, congratulation! [TP: Wow, this is the best new year gift from SB's MIL sister to SB's mom.] DJ: This is a happy news and something to be thankful for. Did you tell your bio-mom yet?

(In the hospital) Dr. Kim: At the present moment, even a matching donor is found, you're in no condition to receive the transplant. Your condition deteriorates rapidly, you need to come and check into the hospital ASAP. [MO: My original plan is to go back to America to receive more anti-cancer treatments after I finish my business here. I'll contact you.]

(DJ/YSK home) YSK: No answer? [sB: Yes.] DJ: She looks really bad and hardly eats anything lately. Should get her to receive the transplant right away. [TY: Inlaw madam is a strong woman though, she hasn't recuperated back to health yet she flew to America.] GM: You see, inlaw madam feels sorry and remorseful toward the American. Whosoever is sick shared the feelings and the anguish of another sick person. [sY: You're back.] YSK: Oh!, she's back. [MO: What's going on? Hey! I'm not the general, who comes back from a triumphant battle, when all of you come out to greet me, what am I supposed to do?] SB: Where did you go? Why didn't you answer your phone? [MO: To take care of some business… By the way, how did the shareholders meeting go, did it go smooth?] HS: Yes, because of you, everything settled well. We are grateful for your support; our family regains the power to run operations. Thank you very much, mom. [MO: Yes, wonderful, this is marvelous! But, what's going on? Looks like all of you are waiting for me.] YSK: You can live now! Someone appears to donate her bone marrow to you. [MO: Say what?] SB: Our aunt from US decided to donate her bone marrow to you. [MO: Is that true? Really?] GM: Of course! It's true. Your sincere endeavor touches heaven, you and SB will live together and enjoy the blessings. [MO: OMG, SJ.SJ.] (CB & YR enter) CB: Excuse me, hello, everyone. [All: Welcome] CB: How are you all doing? (family sits around the table) CB: We should be the ones expressing our gratitude, under extreme pressures and struggles, SB donated her bone marrow to my wife, and also today, Artist CMO extended her supports to us in the shareholders meeting. We are grateful and exceedingly thankful. [MO: Don't say that anymore, actually when I and inlaw madam have our tense moments and angry contentions, I bought Lohas stocks to protect our SJ, never thought the stocks could show its usefulness in such a way. I'm embarrassed by those grateful words. On the contrary, is it true that inlaw madam went to the States for me?] CB: Yes, unfortunately our aunt's "Test tube baby" attempt failed, so she now agrees. [GM: To us, this is a good thing, but to her, we can only express our regrets.]

YR: I feel wonderful! Things are running smooth in yours and my family. SB deserves all the credit, she saved my mom and rescued our Company. [TP: Now you realize SB is a blessing to your family.] YR shouts loudly: Yes, SIL is the blessing to us. Thank you. From now on, I will obey all your commands, whatever you want I will do. [TP: People are watching you.] YR: The climates between our 2 families are right, shall we tell them? [TP: What? No, absolutely not!] YR: Why not? Sooner or later they will find out, we might as well tell them now. If they stab us, we will tolerate and accept the stab. ok! [TP: What if that stab becomes our death sentence, what will we do then? So, don't do it now. Give ourselves some times, one year, wait for a year and see if we still want to be together, if we do, we'll tell them.] YR: What will our future be if they disagree? [TP: Then, we'll elope to the end of the globe and live there together.] YR: Fine, as long as I'm with you, I don't care if we live in the South Pole. [TP: Before going to South Pole, let's go skiing now.] YR: Yes, skiing, here we come. Let's go.

YS: SUB, hurry up come, what are you doing? [DG: Hurry, SUB come over here.] BD: Yes, SUB Come. [sUB: BD, look at this, I spent the whole night on these drawings and you messed them up.] YS: Just re-do them, here, wear this. We'll take a family photo. [sUB: Mom] YS: Today, we commemorate BD is an added member of our family. Show him he has a sweet looking sister, ok! [sUB: Mom, I'm not in the mood to do this now.] DJ: BD, from now on don't draw on your sister's design books. [sUB: Give me your YES answer.] YS: Come on, you are not a child, get jealous over your little brother. [sUB: I'm not jealous.] YS: Come, come, our BD sits in the middle, one side is your unni, and the other side, your dad. Dad will hold BD's legal official adoption paper and take a photo. [DG: Yes, here we go, kimche, smile.] SUB: Really, at my age do I need to fight with a 5 year old? Re-draw this will take the entire night. What is this? BD, you rascal! Oh! Mom, Dad, look at this. [YS: What now? This is a small thing, just let it go.] SUB: Look at BD's drawings. BD, what are these? [bD: A heart with love. Mom, Dad, Unni and BD.] YS: Oh, goodness heaven, BD said he loves dad and mom. [sUB: Unni loves BD too, you're so cute.] YS: look at him and his little brain, drawing on 4 sheets of paper to make a heart. My BD is a genius, genius.

SY: Dad's birthday is June 8th, GM's birthday is Feb 19th. So many family members, my calendar is filled with big circles. TY, may I ask you a question? What date is July 31st? [TY: Hum, TY and SY's big day.] SY: That's right, you remember. [TY: Of course, that date has significant meanings to our lives.] SY: But which is Dad and Mom's wedding anniversary? [TY: Wedding anniversary? Actually my parents only registered.] SY: Why? [TY: At that time, the family couldn't afford to pay for their wedding and decided to push everything off for a later date. But as time passes they raise us 3 siblings until now.] SY: My goodness, no wonder Dad and Mom don't have any wedding pictures, TY, I have a good idea. [TY: What?]

MO: Ray, there appears a matching bone marrow donor here in Korea; I'm going to have a transplant. Yes, so wonderful and so blessed. Of course, I'll take the anti -cancer treatments and get my body healthy first. Once the surgery date is set, I'll call you and let you know. Make sure you bring our boys with you to Korea too. I'll introduce SJ to you all. Yes, I love you, Ray. [sB: Can I sleep here with you tonight.] MO: Of course, I welcome you wholeheartedly. What does HS say to this? Is it ok to sleep with mom? [sB: Yes, he said for me stay here with you tonight.] MO: Really, wonderful! SJ, mom will clean your ears. [sB: What?] MO: When you were little, whenever mom cleansed your ears, you fell asleep on my laps, you said mother had a certain fragrance, liked some kind of tea smell and you liked it. Come! [sB: Is the uncle in America a good man? Heard I have brothers too. Do they love mom?] MO: Yes, they are curious about you too. Same as your adopted parents and brothers’, they like you. Mom will introduce you to them. [sB: Mom's smell is really fantastic. We must have a successful transplant, alright, mom.] MO: Hughh!

DJ: Don't worry! Everything will be fine. [YSK: Looks like it's going to snow, may all unhappy events in the world be covered and buried after a big snow fall.

YR: Dad, it's mom. SIL, Mom and Oppa are back, Oppa is back with mom. [CB: Honey, welcome home.] SB: Mom. [MJ: Min Har, come in.] CB: Welcome, SIL, haven't seen you for years, how are you? [MH: Long time no see, BIL, your belly is sticking out.] CB: Is it really? [MH: This must be my nephew's wife. Wow, you look better in real person, much prettier than your wedding pictures. Glad to meet you, I'm HS's youngest aunt.] SB: How are you? Aunt, really thank you for coming. I'm so grateful, don't know what to say! [MH: Unni makes a big deal out of this.] MJ: YR and aunt share the same room. Bone marrow transplant requires some preparations, they can be quite tiresome. Go upstairs, unpack and get some rest. [MH: Ok! YR, HS, let's go upstairs.] SB: Mom, thank you. I love you, mom. [MJ: What are you doing? You girl, I'm merely paying off my debts.] (MJ's room) MJ to self: What do I say when I give her this ring? It looks kind of awkward. [CB: Is this the ring? You said when the moment comes that you feel right for her to become your DIL; you will give her this ring. Do you plan to give it to her now?] MJ: Don't let your imagination fly, I'm only glancing thru my jewelry.

(TY/SY's room) TP: In this small room, what kind of special event do you want to discuss with us? [sY: Here, read this.] SB: What's this? Our parents' wedding arrangements. [TY: When our parents got married, the families' financial condition could not afford them to have a wedding. Therefore, we think that us kids can make it up for them and want your feedback on this.] HS: Oh, I see. Good, of course, we'll do it. [TP: Brother, heaven dropped you an older wife, she's one of a kind.] SY: TP, not older but better. [TP: Yea, yea, yea.] SY: I roughly estimate the cost of all various expenses for the wedding, if I miss anything, say so now. [HS: Don't worry about the expenses, just tell us the total cost. I'll take care of the wedding hall rental too.] TP: Yea, this fellow is showing off his wealth, us sons and daughter should participate into a portion of that as well. [sB: I'm sure Dad and Mom will be elated.] TP: Which date is the wedding set for? Within this week?

(MO's room) MO to self: Oh! What am I going to do? I can't be weak like this now. All I need is to get a transplant, why do I feel so sick? No, no! (makes a call) Inlaw madam, if you're back in Korea, I would like to meet with you. [MJ: Yes!] MO: Yea, I have something to tell you.

YSK: The kids gather in one room, why are they so quiet? HS likes kimche pancakes, I'll make some more for SB to take home with her. (MO enters the kitchen) [MO: Unni, I'll go out for a while.] YSK: You've put alot of make up on today, are you covering your pale look? [MO: You know I'm the type of woman likes to show glamour and luxury, unni, you should put some make up on too, wear some of my clothes, you know after the season is over, those clothes cannot be worn anymore.] YSK: No, it's ok! Where are you going? [MO: To meet SJ's MIL and thank her for finding the bone marrow donor, also before it is too late, I'll bestow SJ to her.] YSK: I'll go with you, SB precisely emphasizes not to allow you to go out by yourself. [MO: Oh, no problem. We are meeting in the nearby cafe. I'll be back soon. Unni, thank you! Thank you for taking good care of SJ, giving her your love and your devotion. I bestow her to you, and you, be a good mother to her continuously.] YSK: MO. [MO: I don't know how and when I'll repay your kindness, but your goodness shall be remembered. I'll be back in a little while.] YSK: Why? Why do I feel so uncomfortable and burdened?

(In the cafe) MJ: CMO, long time no see. [MO: Walking from home to here seems like a 900 miles journey, I rested in between blocks, I'm late.] MJ: I should pick you up from home instead. Please sit down. (MO faints) Are you alright? Oh! My goodness, CMO, CMO, wake up. Please help! Here, please help me, CMO.

(YSK's living room) YSK to self: She said she will be back soon, why hasn't she come back yet? (Phone rings) Hello, yea, inlaw madam, SB's bio-mother is... say what?

(TY/SY's room) SY: What about a villa with a nice view for the wedding ceremony? [sB: Both families can go for a vacation trip at the same time.] TP: Why don't we go to Hawaii? Mom and Dad never take an overseas vacation before, Hawaii... (YSK stands outside the room.) [YSK: SB, get up, SB.]SB: What?[YSK: Go to the hospital, hurry!]


Oh wow, this is the last of the translations. all episodes now have their translations somewhere within these 421 pages of posts in this thread.

I miss all of you already, see you all in other threads.

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Translations [Credit to 46527eu4] EP 177 [Countdown: 2th final episode]

^ Thank you so much sweethare0085 and 46527eu4 for the translations and all your hard work.

Yay! I'm finally finished with the drama now that I have the full translations. ^_^

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Guest langmui1487

i just started watching this sitcom not long ago.

i have a lot to rant about it, a long long long lists.

some of the actors and actresses isn't doing a great job on their parts.

i dislike almost every single one of the characters in this sitcom "OMFG!!!"

number one character on my hate list is "KIM SUBIN'S MOTHER"

god, she is so annoying that i just can't stay her any longer. ahhh!!!!!!

i really want to slap her across the face or beat the beep out of her.

the characters who i like so far is "the fathers' character", father KIM, KIM, and KANG.

thoses three are cool.

i still got more and more to rant about.

this is the place where i can place bombs HAHAHAHAHAHA

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy


Is anybody watching this drama on KBS (in CA)? I just watched an episode tonight, but I didn't catch what episode # it was and I want to watch the next one online (such a cliff hanger!). Can someone tell me what episode was aired tonight on KBS.

Or if anyone can tell me what the episode # is when SB was kicked out of the house by Hose's mother and spent the night sleeping outside by the front gate. Then Hose's mother threatened to kick her out permanently by packing up her belongings. The episode ends w/ SB's adopted mother came into the house and asked what Hose's mother was doing.

Thank you.

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Or if anyone can tell me what the episode # is when SB was kicked out of the house by Hose's mother and spent the night sleeping outside by the front gate. Then Hose's mother threatened to kick her out permanently by packing up her belongings. The episode ends w/ SB's adopted mother came into the house and asked what Hose's mother was doing.

Thank you.

I think it's episode 157 or thereabout.

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Could anybody direct me to a site/clubbox that has RAWS of this drama? My mother wants to see it, but I can't find any raws to download for her.

Thanks for all your help!

-- ji eun

^I really don't know of any clubbox sites that may have the raw episodes but here are some streaming links to the show. Most of them by now probably have the full show available to watch.

YAMD 178 [Final Episode]

VEOH HQ: -----

YAMD streaming for all episodes,

including E-Subbed episodes 001-119 from SoShi-Subs for viewing and HQ download,

including Chinese-Subbed episodes 001-current from TuDou.

SoShified 001-119: ---
[Official SoShi-Subs Streaming Site]

VEOH 001-119: -------
[E-Subbed SoShi-Subs version]

VEOH 120-138: -------
[E-Subbed KBS-World version]

VEOH 120-178: --------

YouTube 075-177: ----
[RAW with English translation transcripts]


MySoju 001-137: -----
[E-Subbed SoShi-Subs & KBS-World versions]


TuDou 001-167: ------

YAMD is on our streaming site now (full version with subs and without well dealing with the Youtube mess) but you need membership to view it:


There is also Drama Crazy.net which has all the episodes available through streaming.

There are some raw episodes (Ep. 61 thru Ep.173) available to download through megaupload. Click on the following link:http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...&p=12126815







At the front of this thread page there is Ep.1-111 from Soshisubs. They aren't raw but the quality isn't too bad.

I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.


I found a clubbox for You Are My Destiny

Cashewmania Clubbox

Cashewmania WordPress Blog Site-Direct Links to Clubbox links

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