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Guest coreana

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Yul is understanding? How is he understanding? He manipulates CG to do what he wants and lies to her and you call that undrstanding, I'm sorry but as much as you love Yul you can't possibly think what he is doing is right do you because I know if someone was doing that to my friend I would kick him in the nuts.

i knoe but its still better then nuthing look at shin he isnt really trying anything to make her feel better.(i would kik them too if any of my fwends did that)

as much as yul manipulates cg wat can she do? she has basicly no1 that would listen.

shin really should do something. cuz i love him and cg being together. and i gotta see more of that.

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Guest missy

basically CG says "truthfully we were going to divorce..." gets cut off by shin (remeber in korean it sounds a little different just doign the best i can to traslate) shin says "so it becomes revelaed.. She is just a normal girl suddenly put into a situation like this, she is a very free girl who feels like a strager to the palace... etc.." then CG says to herself "this is not what i meant.. " and whines..

thank you so much! that's kinda what i was thinking was going on...

my two cents: i think cg is really confused and just fed up of being torn in different directions. she's tired of being in love with a person she isn't even sure loves her back. shin is realizing that if he doesn't do something he is going to lose her, only for him he doesn't know how to express love because he hasn't had good examples (palace life, parents not loving each other, not being able to call his own mom "mom, etc.) so he is still learning. i think he will have to do some kind of big act to get her to believe he really does love her, not just saying it on the talk show. question is... is it going to be too little too late?

yul isn't going to back off until he realizes cg isn't going to be happy with him. even if her and shin breakup, i don't think cg will want to be with yul. yul has it in his mind that he is playing the knight in shining armor and cg need rescuing.

i think we need to keep in mind that while we see everything thats going on, the characters don't see what we see. they only know what they experence & see themselves.

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Time for another friendly reminder :D . Soorimee, thanks for helping me putting this up a couple of pages back. Anybody who can help putting it up on every new page which doesn't have one already, it'd be great.. coz i think it's working pretty well :sweatingbullets: -- at least until this whole "transition" period is over.

:) SUPER FRIENDLY REMINDER: People, we are NO LONGER ALLOWED to request for links (episode/preview/BTS/etc) in this thread. If the rule continues to be broken, this thread will be shut down. Please WAIT for others to re-upload the links or PM if you need extra help. IF YOU D/L, BE NICE AND PLEASE ALSO RE-UPLOAD for others. GO GOONGERS!!

*Hiya to everyone!!!* :lol:

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Guest thegraduate

Bella, I'm with you here.

I think some time apart will do both some good. They both can go on to achieve their dreams of Photography/Directing and Design, then once they've lived their lives to the fullest as singletons they can get together as a couple again, if they both still love each other, which I'm sure they do.

I got on the Goongwagon and I'm not getting off till the ride is over :tongue2: . Good or bad, smooth or bumpy my seat belt is fasten and I'm not moving. Got my tissue boxes and my puke bags ready :P .

LoL, speaking of rides, this series is sure one hell of a rollercoaster. Starts out smooth and slow, then it ascends to it's highest point, then drops, then slows down again, drops, and back up to its highest and finally comes to an end where everyone has a smile on their face from an amazing ride :lol: .

v Gee, dearie, seeing how everyone is so down and out about what's been going on, I just wanted to add a bit of sunshine to the gloomy thread...hehe.

Everyone! Hang in there! We're all in this together.

I was thinking the exact same thing. I mean, why do we need a season 2 when everything can be solved in the next 4 eps. But, wouldn't that be the ultimate test of their love if they were to reunite after years of seperation and still have those feelings for each other. Perhaps after some time apart, they'll have the maturity to truthfully express their feelings for each other.

I'm really thinking that the writers are going to give Goong an open ending to leave the viewers wanting me. If they solv everything, who'd watch next season. But then again, who'd still remember the whole storyline?

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Don't throw sandals at me :lol: New page, new reminder:

:) SUPER FRIENDLY REMINDER: People, we are NO LONGER ALLOWED to request for links (episode/preview/BTS/etc) in this thread. If the rule continues to be broken, this thread will be shut down. Please WAIT for others to re-upload the links or PM if you need extra help. IF YOU D/L, BE NICE AND PLEASE ALSO RE-UPLOAD for others. GO GOONGERS!!

Btw, I read something about the pregnant teddy bear on the ending credit of ep 20? Maybe my eyes are playing me.. Regardless of what it represents (possibility of a sehson?!??!?!), a pregnant teddy bear is still kinda freaky.. bwhahahahahhaa.. I haven't watched this ep yet, anybody can confirm? Maybe we can have a sehson this season after all.. kekekeke ^ ^

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Personally, I think the whole "Hyorin is now a great person and will step down for Chaegyung" turn is too much. I mean, at first, she rejects Shin. Then, she wants to be with him and in order to do so, she hurts both Chaegyung and Shin. Now, she's suddenly Ms. Virtuous? Puh-lease. ):<

I'd like to beat her around with a stick. Don't try to act all sweet and nice now, when you realize you've lost. >:o!

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Guest Bebot

Don't throw sandals at me :lol: New page, new reminder:

:) SUPER FRIENDLY REMINDER: People, we are NO LONGER ALLOWED to request for links (episode/preview/BTS/etc) in this thread. If the rule continues to be broken, this thread will be shut down. Please WAIT for others to re-upload the links or PM if you need extra help. IF YOU D/L, BE NICE AND PLEASE ALSO RE-UPLOAD for others. GO GOONGERS!!

LOl! No sandals here! :D It looks like it's working GREAT! I will definitely help you out putting out the reminders to our Goong Newbies! I'm seeing a lot more conversation from new faces.. I'm glad!! although the recent episodes have been .. grrrrr... :crazy: so much misunderstanding... since we only have 4 more episodes left, I hope the PD doesn't keep all the SWEET, KISSING, LOVING, Making UP, I love You Too moments between CG and Shin at the last episode... SPREAD IT OUT! :w00t:

[edit] Pregnant Teddy Bear???? OMG! Let me check that out! :)

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Guest YoungNgo

Argh!!! this is so depressing!!! Wish I know what Shin and CG were talking about at the interview on EPS 20. It's so frustrating!!!

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btw... wat the heck was with the teddy bears???? the girl teddy is pregnant!! who is the girl and who is the boy???? AHHHHH!

:blink: o_O? Chongmalyo? hehe...

I better pay extra attention to the bears tonite as I watch ep 20.

Interesting clues :D:P thanks for pointing that out hehe..

bellaangel012, glad to know that I wasn't alone refraining myself from making any comments after watching eppie 19 yesterday :D

Yeah quite frankly, I think it'd be interesting to see how they both will mature up when the divorce is really happening. Pretty much we can tell that each of them will have their time alone to decide what they want to do and be a better person

(Jess, I can just imagine how good Shin would make as a film director especially after ep 19 hehe! and also CG with her dream to be a 'dee-jain-ner' lol! I always crack up everytime I hear this 'designer' part again. so hella funnie... ^^)

So yeah, some time alone to breathe and just live life would be really good for both of them.

Even though I might not like the idea of them separating (can't imagine how sad they both will be), but if that is the high price to pay in order to be the mature Shin and Chaegyung, then so be it.

But then the thing is... after this TV confession from Shin, their relationship pretty much hits rock bottom as he feels that she's betrayed him and he refuses to trust her for like a whole volume of the comic. She on the other hand has herself convinced that the speech was a rehearsed cover-up because Shin somehow foresaw that she was going to announce a divorce.

Seeing as how we're at episode 20 of the drama, and there are only 4 episodes left, I'm afraid that this means next week's 2 episodes will be sad stuff as well. I'm just crossing my fingers that the last two episodes will be somewhat happy episodes with Shin and CG making amends with each other.

Well, about what will happen after the TV confession, I can't say much since I'm not a fortuneteller nor I have an insight from miss scriptwriter herself lol.... but really, for me, I'm more interested in seeing how Ms. In Eun-Ah as the scriptwriter will do her job in finishing up Season 1 as what the viewers always wanted.

I'm 100% sure she knows and already knew from the beginning what we fans are all want. :)

I try to put myself in her shoes, and that's why I truly think she did a good job so far in playing around with the story (yes, it tends to get 'draggy', but dunno, I'm still enjoying Goong and like Gee said *high-five!*, both Shin & CG are idiots, but why do I still love them both to bits and pieces I can't really explain it lolz)

As for Yul,... I'm gonna go with Telly on this one.

Circumstances force people to do stuffs and shape on how they're becoming now.

Childhood memories, past experiences and especially, the influence of a mother which really important, I think in some fact, really put some affect on Yul's life.

I had the feeling that all the characters in Goong will soon be mature up someday (perhaps at the end of Season 2 in 2007? lol.. dunno), but seeing Hyorin like that, my feelings got even stronger.

Hyorin did what she had to do on that stage, telling Shin that even though it might seem that she knew Shin better than CG, but that doesn't mean that CG's heart is not enough to love Shin.

It shows how hyorin is now one-step closer to become a stronger girl and leaving behind her selfish self to the past. It's kinda sad to see her leaving the cast first.... it must be hard on her too, seeing from all those airport pictures :mellow:

Funny... they have to say goodbye to hyorin at the airport as she's leaving for ballet school, AND also as the mark of now she's leaving the crew for the rest of Season 1. :unsure::)

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Guest starryeyedwonder

Personally, I think the whole "Hyorin is now a great person and will step down for Chaegyung" turn is too much. I mean, at first, she rejects Shin. Then, she wants to be with him and in order to do so, she hurts both Chaegyung and Shin. Now, she's suddenly Ms. Virtuous? Puh-lease. ):<

I'd like to beat her around with a stick. Don't try to act all sweet and nice now, when you realize you've lost. >:o!

i disagree with this.

i respect hyorin now. i really do. she realizes that she's lost.. and shes being honest and true about it. yeah, i hated her before.. but seeing this new side of her gives her my respect.

Yul on the other hand .... :ph34r:

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Guest *sOo.RiM.eE*

yeah i mentioned the pregnant bears but it kinda got lost. :S but i think that my eyes were playing tricks on me. >.< b/c no one seems to be talking about it. >.< haha... yeah this episode was a lot less depressing than yesterday but really it wasnt any better though. :( *sigh* man i was one DEPRESSED girl though.

even though hyorin went away this epi you guys know shes coming back. i have a feeling once she finds out things are REALLY rocky between chae and shin shes gonna come back season 2 with determination to capture shin back. b/c you cna still tell she has feelings for shin. A LOT. but she did supress it which was good. :) i know off topic though... shin serioulsy looked like he came straight off from the runway when he walked into the airport! haha. anyone agree wiht me??? :) keke..

but boy the talk show was interesting. >.< i mean i know shin actually said he loved her but really if i was in chae's shoes i would not believe ONE single word of it. i mean at that moment the only thing that could salvage their face was those words you know??? i know he meant it but still. OH i dont know. i have a feeling that the next two are going to get worse and worse till 24 might be an kinda decent one. *sigh*

and ooh! the part where shin starts hinting that he knows about the past relationship of his dad and yul's mom was TOOOO great!!!!! i was like YES!!! now he needs to blackmail them. :) keke. seriously though, i cant believe that shin's dad has the NERVE to say that kind of crap to shin. shin is being really respectful; if i was shin, i would have just started yelling like crazy at him. WOW.

and yul... my oh my!!!!! WHY IS HE SOOOO EVIL!!!! you know whats the STRANGE part?? in the end, he actually made his mom succumb to him!!! WOOW... i dont think us goongers would have imagined that day seriously. that's why yul's mom had that speech with CG. she was helping yul convince CG of a divorce. *shakes head* but that speech yul gave his mom after she admitted she married for power was pretty powerful... something like "mom if you had married your true love, you would have been more happier and lovelier" right?? that part was kinda sad and i think yul's mom was starting to regret what she did in terms of picking power over love. i really wish though he would see that shin adn CG are meant to be together. he's so caught up with his love that he really doesnt acknowledge the fact that SERIOUSLY she only shes him as a FRIEND.

anywaz... i cant wait for next week!!! AHHH!!! yes as much as i hate this drama right now... i will stick through it NO MATTER WHAT!!!!


OMG!!! your right! it isnt a pregnant bear!!! OOPS!!! :blush: embarassing.. i guess i wasnt looking carefully. all i saw was a kinda big shirt and the hand over the stomach!!!! HAHAHA... sorry for the misconceptions. :lol: (no wonder i was like why didnt ANYONE mention that! )

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Guest missy

Btw, I read something about the pregnant teddy bear on the ending credit of ep 20? Maybe my eyes are playing me.. Regardless of what it represents (possibility of a sehson?!??!?!), a pregnant teddy bear is still kinda freaky.. bwhahahahahhaa.. I haven't watched this ep yet, anybody can confirm? Maybe we can have a sehson this season after all.. kekekeke ^ ^

uh, hate to burst the bubble but i don't think so. ;) there's bears showing the scene between shin and hyorin at the airport and then one that suppost to be cg. the bear appears to be sitting and is in the navy outfit from this episode (you can also see in the preview pics) and so the outfit kinda gives the illusion because its weird, plus one of the bears arms looks like its touching its stomach but i don't think they did this on purpose. i think it just suppost to represent the depressed cg in this episode.

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i disagree with this.

i respect hyorin now. i really do. she realizes that she's lost.. and shes being honest and true about it. yeah, i hated her before.. but seeing this new side of her gives her my respect.

Yul on the other hand .... :ph34r:

I think the reason I still hate her is because of (hilight to read) the suicide thing she tried to pull. I mean, I wouldn't mind as much if she stepped down on her own, but it took a rejection from Shin for her to back off. I don't really think she wants to give up on Shin, but rather is giving up because her ego took a beating.

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Guest echoRy




the teddy just looks a little weird. KangHyun is so pretty.

i hope they follow the little storyline with them...it's so cute.

~~~and u guys are killing me with ep 20, i haven't watched the whole thing fully yet.

1 more hr to go, b4 school's over!~~~

>>>mangoicy<<< since ur determined to post that on every page, i have a suggestion...

put it on the post of every pg owner instead. the poster can copy and add it on their own accord,

or if they forget u can pm them with it.

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This is my first post.....

finished watching Episode 19 with the Chinese subs..... when Shin and Chae ran out from the restaurant, Shin asked her to hold his hand and don't let go as it may be dangerous..... as they ran through the crowd of reporters, they showed Chae's hand slipping out of Shin's hand as the mob closes in... he should have stopped and went back to get her instead of ran ahead and wait for her at the car.... he should have stayed & protected his loved one... I hope they have a better script than the mangwa..... from what I read so far, it doesn't look good....

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Hyorin will come back. (DUH) ^ Like mentioned. .. She did pull the "suicide" trick and all. Which is totally out of her mind. It's pretty stupid of what she did. She might not just give up yet though. She's losing yet she can't seem to let it go. I admire her courage though. On the other hand CG, she's just too carefree(?), she shouldn't even be going to Yul anymore. After what had happened, the kiss-cheek thing, it was kind of odd how it got onto the newpaper. The queen seemed to be very harsh though, she's doing the right thing( through my perspective). Yul is just an immature boy(as someone mentioned in earlier posts). He and his mother may be no different. Though his mother married for power and all. They're both as selfish. I agree with a goonger from earlier. Said Shin is being mature and responsible. That's agreeable. He's a king. He can't just go chase after a teenage girl,.. Aigoo~ I don't have time to type up more of my complaints but yeah...


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