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Guest coreana

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yeah rebby! correct! but i think shin is not thinking that way right?? and in the comic he shld hug her right? but in the show.. -.- the hug happen last wk...

maybe he will tell her "dun mind hyorin, it was just a brief say"

like what he said in the manga?

no idea.. -.-

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Guest Telly


hee, you're all welcome for the pictures =) i just upload them as fast as i could, so you guys can enjoy them earlier, haha =p

hrmmm, i think we might be having 3 parties in the next two episodes =)

hehehe and RIERIEEEE, guhhrreat job on THE FIRST PAGE! *throws a bajillion confettis*, and hahahaha kang hyun and yul playing footsie?! whoohoo =D

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pssst I think it's a VW Passat though, but perhaps it has different names in different countries... expensive car $_$

hehe.. that was my initial thought also. Then I check with VW Korea (www.vwkorea.com) and they have Passat AND Phaeton :):D

like Manda said, Phaeton is VW luxury car line.... which is much more high-class to Passat, and perfect for our Prince ^^

That's why I wasn't too sure when I said Passat before, coz it certainly doesn't look like a Passat :D

*waves to Manda, hi there! hehe... I was 'invisible' @work today *sigh* :D but I read your lil note hehee.. thanks, I love those lil side notes from all of you lovelies ;)*

I like Phaeton better now... hahaha...

but they don't have it in US :(


Manda, they do have Phaeton in US? o_O YAY! hihi...

yeah you're right.. they should have it though... doesn't make sense if they don't :huh:

Oh I see Amanda & jann, my fellow subbers! *waves...* hiya to both of u there :D

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Guest cilik

pssst I think it's a VW Passat though, but perhaps it has different names in different countries... expensive car $_$

i think it's a phaeton rie, their luxury car line...it's a bit bigger and significantly more expensive than the passat...and i'm pretty sure they'd put in a more expensive car for our dear prince, don't ya think :P

EDIT: shenny, i'm pretty sure they have it in the US... (・_・?) or at least they had it at some point in time...and i've been invisible the past three days too, dear! kekekkeke :P

yeah rebby! correct! but i think shin is not thinking that way right?? and in the comic he shld hug her right? but in the show.. -.- the hug happen last wk...

maybe he will tell her "dun mind hyorin, it was just a brief say"

like what he said in the manga?

no idea.. -.-

and in the manhwa shin asked chae to study abroad with him, didn't he? i hope they do that for the drama too :unsure:

hi amanda :D

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Guest Pikachu

btw, those pics of the masquerade mask party looks so brilliant too!

I swear I'm like addicted to all MBC official Goong pictures! (the ones that has the Goong logo in it)....

I have like a separate folder for all of them haha.. (is this one of the many signs that you're so friggin addicted to Goong? *stunt* :huh: haha)

and well, after all, my avatar said it all :D

XDD I have a separate folder for the official pics too (mostly cause I find it hard to muddle around the already big Goong pics folder XDDD) But yes... the photgraphy is just soo excellent (well the photgraphy and I guess a bit of photo editting on the side). I love how the photos sometimes emphasizes the brilliance of the costumes and the set. *__*

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Guest echoRy

yeah rebby! correct! but i think shin is not thinking that way right?? and in the comic he shld hug her right? but in the show.. -.- the hug happen last wk...

maybe he will tell her "dun mind hyorin, it was just a brief say"

like what he said in the manga?

no idea.. -.-

i hope when Chae asks him where he was that Shin is honest, and not with the usual,

"u don't need to know" response. ChaeShin have BIG communication problemas, sheesh :rolleyes:

naughy J PoohBear - :mellow: oh my ur nickname's getting long lolxxxooo <33

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^ Yes, Rebby, you're right my dear... *sad sigh* Our poor Chae, just when she thinks that shin likes her, she hears them talking and out the window goes her hopes to share a life with shin...if she only knew.

Gee!!! My Bumble-Gee! Hi, Shenny too! Telly, dear, thanks muchos!

just the thought of CG thinking this way is depressing enough, i can't imagine watching the actual scene :tears::tears::tears:

I just hope Shin gives her some TLC after that particular sad episode. Better still, tell her that his plans have changed ever since she came into his life. *rainbow is dreaming again*

also, i don't know if we've seen these scenes before, but it looks like another party to me!


>> creds to imbc

hmm i think this is could be from an earlier episode but was not aired.

notice how Yul's hair is still brown. so don't think this is for the future episodes.

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Guest Pikachu

also, i don't know if we've seen these scenes before, but it looks like another party to me!


>> creds to imbc

Someone mentioned a billion posts ago how they saw an NG/behind the scenes of the episode where Chae Gyeong first goes to the horse riding club or something? And they said that there was a scene in which they were having lunch (Shin's frineds, Ho Rin, Yul, CG, etc) together and it seemed like Shins' friends were making fun of Chae Gyeong again? Apparently that scene was cut on the final episode.

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Guest kyotoji

EDIT: ririe...*group hug* too! kekeke sorry i didn't notice the group hug part when i first read your post that kyotoji quoted up there...:P

OO... how can u miss that? You have broken Ririe's heart meh... she wants to have a good hug with u LOL.


hi kyotoji *waves back* :) yeah you're right...i think she did say "can" following the "can't". sorry..my bad! :P

kyotoji, *waves*

yeah just to clarify,... CG said, "un-dwae, un-dwae" then "dwae dwae" hehehe.. ^^

Thanks for the clarification, buddy ay_link and re-clarification from cilik again.

I thought my korean listening has deteriorated. :vicx:

And ya, buddy ay_link ... i will post my thoughts and my little spot-scenes when i have time later.

I spotted some when i am re-watching epi 13-14 yesterday with the subs. This has indeed helped me in improving my korean language and which part i did not really catch it when watching them raws.

Thanks for the subbers, translators, timers and QC/Editor and woowww... my buddy ay_link is the QC/Editor.

Angeline is here also as a hidden star?

*waves to u also, i have not been around for some time*

Just see Ririe also. *waves to u also*

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Guest Pikachu

idream... x_x earrings are my current weakness/obsessions. x___x omg. Those are just soo cute, but I'm still waiting on her pink fluffy earrrings. XD

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^ Yes, Rebby, you're right my dear... *sad sigh* Our poor Chae, just when she thinks that shin likes her, she hears them talking and out the window goes her hopes to share a life with shin...if she only knew.

Gee!!! My Bumble-Gee! Hi, Shenny too! Telly, dear, thanks muchos!

yeah rebby! correct! but i think shin is not thinking that way right?? and in the comic he shld hug her right? but in the show.. -.- the hug happen last wk...

maybe he will tell her "dun mind hyorin, it was just a brief say"

like what he said in the manga?

no idea.. -.-

and in the manhwa shin asked chae to study abroad with him, didn't he? i hope they do that for the drama too :unsure:

yes it's later on that shin said he wanted her to go with him...

but like what amanda said, i think this is happening on a HATEFUL THURSDAY episode where we are left hanging on the edge of the cliff again :tears: but still.. it makes me look forward to every WEDNESDAY for the sweetness in them :sweatingbullets:

in vol 10, they got to share a room again!!! when is this gonna happen with the drama.. oh gawd!!!

headlines : GOONG viewers in protest march for more SKINSHIP

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Guest beautifulxmess


i'd just like to point out how much i love the seating arrangements...i wonder, are they indicative of the pairings?? Yes, it would be predictable if all the characters were paired off but the thought of the monkey trios ending up with CG's wacko friends is too cutee!!

jang kyung-kim soon young

ryu hwan - yoon hee song

kang in - Hyorin

Yul - lee kang hyun

and finally, our golden couple:

SHIN & CG!!!!!!!!! kekeee..

ps> ay_link, i'll gladly add the term to our ever growing dictionary..hehee...love ur definition!

to everyone else, thanks for pictures, info, clips and everything.

and ririe dear, i said it but i'll say it again, the first pg is ROCKIN! thanks alot for ur great work! ^^

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Looking forward to Yul's party episode! Is the party storyline gonna start in episode 17 or in episode 18? I read the preview translations and episode 17 sounded like it's gonna be just another political episode... :( So I hope the party stuff starts in episode 17 at least (Goong is just too famous for showing scenes that appear two episodes or more down the line...)

I just started catching up with this thread and I can't believe the second season's not gonna air until next winter?! :crazy: I hope the drama doesn't end on some big cliffhanger! I was so looking forward to four more eps of Goong too... Sorry, but the next drama that replaces Goong sounds kinda so-so in comparison.

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Guest echoRy

Angeline is here also as a hidden star?

*waves to u also, i have not been around for some time*

yup, that's moi! i'm to used to being anon, i'll change it later, but hi 2 u! :)

idream - ur back to temp us with more GOONG goodies!

Pika- that would be me lolxxxooo and i said the same thing in that post ur referring to also,

but i'm glad they didn't air it. i really hate when the PD's make Chae the butt of jokes from

those 3 or embarass her for no reason! like when she hit herself with Shin's stamp thing :blink:

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Guest beautifulxmess

amanda, try holding down the 'ctrl' button as u click on the link. that way, it disables pop ups..or something like that. :)

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Guest kyotoji

can anyone help?

i wanna go into eunhye's http://cyworld.nate.com/dbsdmsgp

but apparently it keep jumpin into the main webby

Panda Manda, i have no prob accessing.

It open up another window. Got YEH's small photo on the left-side.

also Thanks for this website.

[sorry for off-topic here] how to sign up for this type of web pages? Can u PM me the details on how to?


My pop-up blocker is not off, but i can still access..

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