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Guest cilik

I also found the conversation between the queen/Shin's mum n Yul to be interesting:

Queen: Since you returned to the palace, I've been neglecting you. I feel so sorry for that.

Yul: It's not that way, Mama.

Queen: I'm your auntie afterall. Being so heartless towards you, how much do you hate me? Furthermore, the last time you went out with the BinGoong (refering to the trip to the bottle tree park)... after much thought, I felt that I've been overbearing towards you.

Yul: That was all my fault. I deserve to be scolded.

Queen: Thanks for thinkiing in this manner. But, YeSang DaeGun...

Yul: Yes, Mama?

Queen: In this world, what is the thing most beyond a person's wishes? Do you know?

Yul: I...don't really know.

Queen: It's the fate that brings lovers together. Lovers' fate, no matter how hard you try to hold on to it, it will not be captured. Even if you do capture it, it won't be in your hands forever.

Yul: What?

Queen: If you desire a fate that doesn't belong to you, you'll be punished. That's the moral of human nature. Affairs of the opposite sex is the same too; they're not something that can be solved by the brain. Think of them from another angle, as a decision made by your heart. I'm telling you these things today because a very long time ago, I saw such a lovers' fate.

Yul: That kind of lovers' fate?

Queen: It happened a long time ago, but the Palace had criss-crossed lovers' fate too. If you do not want to continue such ill fate, pls remember my words.

the queen's so smart...i love her character so much the past few episodes. and yul really needs to take this advice into consideration. thanks again, zinc, i was actually wondering what they were talking about since we don't get to see much of yul & the queen in a conversation together.

EDIT: as you can tell, even though i said i should be getting back to work my mind's not fully focused on work if i can keep coming back to check this thread every few minutes...hehehe

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Guest evy149

i see shenny, evy, Rebby, mangoicy, and probably a few other familiars that i know are currently at work.

ok...just wanted to say hi...gotta get back to work T__T

Hi there, Manda-cilik :) yeah, in the same boat here... need to work but don't really want to :sweatingbullets: but guess what ??? today is Friday :phew: hopefully, will have some time on the weeknd to catch up with gazillion pages in this thread and i still need to watch esp. 13-16 , can't wait !!!

Zinc: Thank you so much for ur spot translation :)

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Guest tinyxtina

i'm not too fluent in korean so i've been using subtitles to get by however now i'm too attach to it and too stubborn to just watch the raw version.

is it so wrong that i'm so impatient to wait for episode 13 subs?

its driving me nuts and episode 16 is already out xP

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I'm not crazy about the rumored ending from that Chinese website either. I have enough trouble overlooking Yul and Shin as first cousins fighting over the same girl. If they turned out to be half-brothers, it would be,


*sirens go crazy as producers and writers frantically flee from my wrath*

Agreed. I think that's why I inherently liked Yul better from the start. It wasn't the character (still isn't) so much as it was the technicalities of KJH's better acting. *nod nod*

But I think the elders blow the young'ins out of the water completely. Especially the Queen, she's awesome. She's got that stare. *wiggles fingers dramatically*

SnowApple, we think so much alike, we must be wonder-twins! I'm REALLY hoping they find a more creative direction to take this drama!

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i see shenny, evy, Rebby, mangoicy, and probably a few other familiars that i know are currently at work.

ok...just wanted to say hi...gotta get back to work T__T

Hi cilik! My fellow employee :D .. Hang on there guys, it's Friday!!! Once I get home tonite, I'm gonna rewatch the episodes again and drown myself in the Goong drool-pool.. bwuahahaha..

I agree that the Queen is indeed full of wisdom. She might not say much in front of the King and Hulmamama because of her status, but what's on her mind is beyond everyone's expectation of her. She finds out about the wrongdoings in the palace by her own, and she probably holds the key to end this whole ruckus and bring back the crown prince in his rightful place. Can't wait to see the Queen in action! :D

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Guest jinhee

so sorry to make a stupid post, but is it just me or are there no working non clubbox links for Episode 15 HQ? I see all the lq ones and the hq for episode 16, but i can't seem to find one for episode 15. if someone could kindly help me out...

i've been DYING to watch goong, but of course,on wednesday, my computer was attacked by SPYWARE and now it's pretty much dead. now i have to watch goong on my dad's computer >< which doesn't have clubbox on it. i'm in dire need of episode 15, hq. please help!

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Guest carlavb

If Hyorin is the one calling Shin.. that may explain his hesitation to answer it at first.. (that's just what i thought)

Thanks a lot for the people who does Spot translations...you guys quench our thirst!

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Guest sour-chocolate

I also found the conversation between the queen/Shin's mum n Yul to be interesting:

Queen: Since you returned to the palace, I've been neglecting you. I feel so sorry for that.

Yul: It's not that way, Mama.

Queen: I'm your auntie afterall. Being so heartless towards you, how much do you hate me? Furthermore, the last time you went out with the BinGoong (refering to the trip to the bottle tree park)... after much thought, I felt that I've been overbearing towards you.

Yul: That was all my fault. I deserve to be scolded.

Queen: Thanks for thinkiing in this manner. But, YeSang DaeGun...

Yul: Yes, Mama?

Queen: In this world, what is the thing most beyond a person's wishes? Do you know?

Yul: I...don't really know.

Queen: It's the fate that brings lovers together. Lovers' fate, no matter how hard you try to hold on to it, it will not be captured. Even if you do capture it, it won't be in your hands forever.

Yul: What?

Queen: If you desire a fate that doesn't belong to you, you'll be punished. That's the moral of human nature. Affairs of the opposite sex is the same too; they're not something that can be solved by the brain. Think of them from another angle, as a decision made by your heart. I'm telling you these things today because a very long time ago, I saw such a lovers' fate.

Yul: That kind of lovers' fate?

Queen: It happened a long time ago, but the Palace had criss-crossed lovers' fate too. If you do not want to continue such ill fate, pls remember my words.

Oh my Oh my....I love her.... :P Those words are just meaningful.....I think I can understand her feeling of all the hardships and responsibility she has to bear..... :( Hope that after being evil for a while...Yul can recall those statements and return to a sweet smiling prince... :sweatingbullets:

I agree that the Queen is indeed full of wisdom. She might not say much in front of the King and Hulmamama because of her status, but what's on her mind is beyond everyone's expectation of her. She finds out about the wrongdoings in the palace by her own, and she probably holds the key to end this whole ruckus and bring back the crown prince in his rightful place. Can't wait to see the Queen in action! :D

Yah....we didnt see Queen's action really....Hope to see it soon....She's smart and clever too....it will be the 1-die-1 live with MoToot :w00t:

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1260 pages? OMG.........there are mad people who are hooked on this drama now!

we are all goongified or goongnified or goongerised whatever we call our syndrome but we are certainly not mad, :lol:

uploaded :

Epi 17 preview (chinese subbed by YYCAF) - clubbox link

** edit **

HAHAHAHA...the bingungmama cracks me up!!! she's so adorable it's hard not to love her...thanks for the translation, zinc, and of course thanks mandapanda for other spot translations you posted :) (and nighty night, sleep tight, sweet goongian dreams)

i see shenny, evy, Rebby, mangoicy, and probably a few other familiars that i know are currently at work.

ok...just wanted to say hi...gotta get back to work T__T

i bet all of us are finding it extremely hard to focus on work & studies!

i'm gonna go dream my sweet goong dreams now.. :blush:

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so sorry to make a stupid post, but is it just me or are there no working non clubbox links for Episode 15 HQ? I see all the lq ones and the hq for episode 16, but i can't seem to find one for episode 15. if someone could kindly help me out...

i've been DYING to watch goong, but of course,on wednesday, my computer was attacked by SPYWARE and now it's pretty much dead. now i have to watch goong on my dad's computer >< which doesn't have clubbox on it. i'm in dire need of episode 15, hq. please help!

I uploaded it over 12 hours ago to SendSpace. That is a LONG time in the Goong thread though. I'll just add 13 & 14 to the list too.

Goong Ep. 13 [HQ] 700mb SendSpace

Goong Ep. 14 [HQ] 700mb SendSpace --NOTE-- Description says 13, but go with the Name, it IS 14.

Goong Ep. 15 [HQ] 700mb SendSpace

Goong Ep. 16 [HQ] 700mb SendSpace

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*waves to all my darlings who have gone to bed... amanda, kyotoji....*

I see mangoicy *waves* heya! me @ work too hehehee...

glad to know there are Goongers here camping at work XD

.. just finish backlogging like usual... and it's soooo much fun reading you guys' posts.

I keep saying this after a while lolz... dunno why ppl dont bother to backlog =p

OK.. this post is gonna be a looooong post, consider yourself warned. XD

.... and since there are so many interesting stuffs to talk about, please pardon me :P

Rebby & mangoicy : yeahh...that phone# should be real.

and someone setup "Min Hyo Rin" in Shin's phone's contact list :D

I just love little details like this in a drama hehe...

wow now i realised that you are also observant over these. i thought i am the only one who looks over these spots besides the characters themselves. Yeah... i find buddy in this area. My friend also say "why you like to see those areas other than the characters". I feel so dis-heartened that no1 want to share these views with me.

kyotoji, YAY! hi-5! hehehe *so happy also to have found a buddy in this area* XD

let's share views in this 'area' from now on! hehehee XD

I like to see those that sometimes act as 'clues' and little hints here and there in a drama...

that's why I was so happy when Rebby posted that zoomed piccie of shin's phone hehe

lilibee, the song used in qtbeautygirl/rikasan MV is by Jaci Velasquez - imagine me with you.

I have the mp3 version but it's at home (i'm now @work), so remind me again later, k? ^^

Anyway, Goong's PDs are more straighforward, Yul is starting to show his ebilness. Period. Unlike Jeong Woo. Therefore, I'm certain, though not 100%, considering Kim Jung Hoon popularity, the PDs will provide a vessel/medium which(who *wink*) can change him to the previous state.

Ririe hun, I like your theory!! hehee.. that's precisely what I had in mind also....

with Kim Jung Hoon rising popularity, I think the PDs will have some nice "surprises" for us in the end...

and I'm SO looking forward to it... especially now after reading the rumored ending from chinese webbie over and over again.... it seems quite r.e.a.l now HM B)

random note 2: um, technical laziness sighting. when shin and cg are in bed, the editing on "perhaps love" was ghastly. did anyone else's hands automatically go to their ears? wtf, sound editors, wtf.

haha... I catched that too!! I was replaying that scene over and over, and my ears were -as if- saying, "huh? you skip a beat there" lolz..

If they could have done it smoothly, then it's perfecto though -_-

the lyrics match so friggin well! ^^ mad props to the song writer of "perhaps love"

Some of u asked where was the beach outing filmed. According to this Yahoo news, it was filmed at Gangwon-do, where they also filmed Autmn in My Heart n Winter Sonata.


I searched the interactive tourist map, and it showed 4 popular tourist beach spots. This is one of them, Sokcho Beach



wow... thank you so so so much!!

This is so many info at one time, my brain is overloadedly happy... lol!

the beach spots are so gorgeous... man... i wanna go to korea! :D

and thank you for the spot translations! wow.. goongers angels are really spoiling us a whole lot XD me like it... kekekee...

yeah~i was like eeekkkk! stop making her worried.

but i like what cg said at the endof epi 16 when she was talking to yul

yul : But u want shin as well right?

cg : U can say that but at least i won't force it if it doesnt belong to me. That is plain greediness.

yul : U are that worried for him?

cg : I kind of wish he would just shout at me, bully me. It's better than he not being around.

yul : .............

i am goin to bed peepz! i see u aY_link.. huggiesssssss. i give u subs tmr. muhahah!! i am high on the epi 16 huggin in bed scenes..

omg itz 2.44am here. and i have korean class tmr. i am dead. okok gone

*huggiessss back* hehee perhaps you're asleep now, but you'll read it somehow in the morning rite? hihi XD

yay! subs tmr! moahahaha....tq so muchieee hehehe...

haha... I'm also high on that huggin in bed scene and many others like the car scene, like Jess said before, whoever thought of just is just tripled-doze of awesomeness! kekeke....

btw... really? CG said that? haha... rite on, CG!

.. the more I watch, the more I'm amused and adore her bubbly & thoughtful personality :)

Like how she bows and says 'thank you' to the unnies after they serve her the foods (eppie 15 -- luncheon scene).

It's just... simply nice and really pay full respect to her elders :)

the flashback gave us lots of new clues hehee... *excited*

I see Manda *waves*

Hwang-Hu mama is also so pretty in hanbok, isn't she? :)

not only pretty, but I think she has that graceful'ness (is this even a word? haha) effect XD

{edited:} ok! after reading zinc's translations, I just got to say this: woohoo~~! hwang-hu mama hit the jackpot!! LOL...

no wonder yul has this o_O look on his face after that convo.... =)


wow.. this is really a loooong post hahahaa... miahne :blush:

this is what happened when you slept late after watching Goong ep15-16 and the next day happened to be a Friday. lol!

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Guest chubbyone

I also found the conversation between the queen/Shin's mum n Yul to be interesting:

Queen: Since you returned to the palace, I've been neglecting you. I feel so sorry for that.

Yul: It's not that way, Mama.

Queen: I'm your auntie afterall. Being so heartless towards you, how much do you hate me? Furthermore, the last time you went out with the BinGoong (refering to the trip to the bottle tree park)... after much thought, I felt that I've been overbearing towards you.

Yul: That was all my fault. I deserve to be scolded.

Queen: Thanks for thinkiing in this manner. But, YeSang DaeGun...

Yul: Yes, Mama?

Queen: In this world, what is the thing most beyond a person's wishes? Do you know?

Yul: I...don't really know.

Queen: It's the fate that brings lovers together. Lovers' fate, no matter how hard you try to hold on to it, it will not be captured. Even if you do capture it, it won't be in your hands forever.

Yul: What?

Queen: If you desire a fate that doesn't belong to you, you'll be punished. That's the moral of human nature. Affairs of the opposite sex is the same too; they're not something that can be solved by the brain. Think of them from another angle, as a decision made by your heart. I'm telling you these things today because a very long time ago, I saw such a lovers' fate.

Yul: That kind of lovers' fate?

Queen: It happened a long time ago, but the Palace had criss-crossed lovers' fate too. If you do not want to continue such ill fate, pls remember my words.

I'll take it that she is talking about her own triangle love experience with the king and Yul's mum. :tears:

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thanks but the link fro ep 15 die i think

Nope, it's still good. After each countdown, try again. I just checked. I took me about 4 tries on that episode.

Edit:: Right now its working every time for me. Keep trying ;)

if you hvn't list yourself ;)

Goong Global Fanbase

I was the second one to sign up Rebby. I'm the red dot in the middle of the U.S. all alone.

*sings "Allllllll by myyyyself, I don't wanna be, alllllll by myseeeelllllf"* :tears:

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