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Guest coreana

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Here's some more behind the scene sweet moments

Ep.18 BTS

1. YEH keep laughin at JJH's makeup face haha funny :D

2. JJH do something to YEH's nose *he's was teasin her i guess* awww >_<

3. JJH tickled YEH's feet

4. JJH was sayin something to YEH, then he laughed at her then she gave him a quick glance haha

5. JJH was practicin the kissin cheek part wit YEH, suddenly he laughed, then he looks at YEH and laughs again ^^; YEH then gave him a cruel look lolz how kutee

Anyway this thread was so quiet for a couple hrs, I was bored so I make this just for fun and to test my skill lolz, i'm not good at photoshop :( But hope you'll like it .


Awesome PS-ed!!!

Bubbles** :lol:

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i culdn't c any other perfect young couple than them....they look no Good with other ppl...but they DEFINIETLY look Match WEll 2gether...

I was thinking the same thing...it seems like JJH would kiss his gf in the street if she asked him to/if he wanted to (KYA~<3)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the reporter guy's saying to YEH that JJH once said that his type of girl is YEH (hehehehehehe) I noticed all the similarities between what they said, too! They should definitely get together soon~~

Haha they already have so many parts they like about each other! Hopefully even if they don't start dating right away, Goong2 will change that....*crosses fingers for luck* ^^

Words i culdn't agree more... :D

OMG!!! You guys are really bubble making machines man (specifically cheli001 and mizzlinhie)...Just took a leave to college (had exams) and back here now...all these stuff came on...the GIFs, Images, Bubble making BTS Translations, Bubble-Making, Fantasizing about under blanket stories, JJH's fetish for YEH's body odour???YEH's Hot Lips??Smooth Skin??CG's fetish for JJH's back??JJH and YEH marrying?? KIds too?? Must marry within 2 years so that KJK dun come disrupt??? Good Housewife, curtains, young father, marry early...Oh Gosh what more??? My head is spinning in circles...

BTW cheli thanks for all the GIFs, they are so so so so so cute...i'm putting them on my mobile...lol....i'm goong CZ...!!

Oh yeah the translation for the MV...woohoo...nice....

But i kinda dun wanna get my head up in the air about this YEH and JJH thingie....Its making me a lil insane...like unreal...u knoe what i mean??? i'm going crazee here..


U rite...dont xpect too much...but we still culd hope en wish rite?!?!?!

we just pray for the best...en i hope they culd b 2gether...maybe not this year...maybe YEH&JJH will date other ppl 1st...but i hope in the end they will b 2gether...no matter how long we shuld wait...but when that time comes...then that will b one of the Happiest time of mylife...it's gonna b like....Wow my dream&imagination bout my two fave artist actually come true.... :blush:

May is almost over... no news yet about gung2? huhuhu

I want yeh and jjh to see each other soon!!!!! (if they're not secretly seeing/calling each other) hahaha

btw, thanks for all you comments about my gif images... :P it was my first time to make gif images hahaha!

i'm still thinkin of what ep to do next... kinda like the perverted shin (ep. 13) and perverted cg (ep.18/naked shin) hahaha!

anyway, i'll just upload later...

who knows....maybe they're actually do contact with eachother...bside they shuld discuss bout Goong 2 rite?!?!?!?....sooooo i dun believe if they dun make any contact at all...even if it's only text messages...

maybe they need sumtimes to figure it out...bout their feeling to each other...en they're gonna clear it up when they meet on Goong 2.....

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Guest cunto

Oh LaBelle, it's so bad of you, haha :lol: puhahaha :lol: , bubbles everywhere again

And YES, I agree that they must have contacted each other, at least they have to discuss Goong 2 rite? Arghh, and then..., hohoho B)

I love how you think they can date others first, and then realize how much they're perfect for each other :phew: After all, people need to try some times before they know which is their true love, don't they? I mean...YES.. YES ..I can wait, 1 year, 2 years, or even more, as long as they will be together :lol:

My bubbles are killing me :sweatingbullets: I'm off now, bye guys <3 <3

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Guest carebears

Thanks for posting all those wallpapers, so nice...at least my computer will have a new look, being goong as my wallpaper...Love JJH alot! :blush:

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Guest rongxanhtihon

Can someone please explain to me why did JJH having to be the person who always says.................. and then says................not............... which totally confuse me. Hahaha! Just joking!!! You guys probably know what I mean. When reading news about JJH and YEH, remind me of ME and MY LOVEONE when my family asked about our relationship, I said "We are FRIENDS" and now................ we have 2 KIDS TOGETHER!!! hihihi!

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Oh LaBelle, it's so bad of you, haha :lol: puhahaha :lol: , bubbles everywhere again

And YES, I agree that they must have contacted each other, at least they have to discuss Goong 2 rite? Arghh, and then..., hohoho B)

I love how you think they can date others first, and then realize how much they're perfect for each other :phew: After all, people need to try some times before they know which is their true love, don't they? I mean...YES.. YES ..I can wait, 1 year, 2 years, or even more, as long as they will be together :lol:

My bubbles are killing me :sweatingbullets: I'm off now, bye guys <3 <3

hehehe shuld i say sorry to make many bubbles around here...hehehe :P

i mean Cmon....they must have contact even if only for like...2 or 3 times...i bet YEH once asked to JH bout his comin back to Goong 2 or not....en after hearing YEH voice...he decided to comeback....hahaha *this is just my guess*....

So we'll wait then...till YEH&JJH date(then get married...they do have the same vision rite?!)...even if it's gonna take a loooooonnnnggggg way to go...hahaha

Can someone please explain to me why did JJH having to be the person who always says.................. and then says................not............... which totally confuse me. Hahaha! Just joking!!! You guys probably know what I mean. When reading news about JJH and YEH, remind me of ME and MY LOVEONE when my family asked about our relationship, I said "We are FRIENDS" and now................ we have 2 KIDS TOGETHER!!! hihihi!

Whoaaaaa i respect u already...u hide ur relationship from ur parents en now u got 2 kids....

dont say that....5 years from now we're goin t c lil' JJH en lil' YEH....hahaha

well he's a Guy...so he's the one who shuld say sumthing to the media...so they wont bother YEH...

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Guest rongxanhtihon

Whoaaaaa i respect u already...u hide ur relationship from ur parents en now u got 2 kids....

dont say that....5 years from now we're goin t c lil' JJH en lil' YEH....hahaha

well he's a Guy...so he's the one who shuld say sumthing to the media...so they wont bother YEH...

What I mean is that time will tell it all whether JJH and YEH are LOVERS or not. But I myself don't have patient to wait and waitsssssssssss, I just want to see JJH and YEH as LUVERS NOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!


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What I mean is that time will tell it all whether JJH and YEH are LOVERS or not. But I myself don't have patient to wait and waitsssssssssss, I just want to see JJH and YEH as LUVERS NOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!


ow i c :sweatingbullets:

ur not the only one Sista...me too....want to c them 2gether!!!!

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Guest cheli001

waahhh... bubbles keep poppin!!!

I think almost all of us hir wants yeh and jjh to be together...

gung 2 should start filming!!! hurry hurry hurry!!!! and please please please give us more BTS with yeh+jjh sweet adorable moments...

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Guest umbanana



i started watching yesterday (hehe bought the dvd set woooot)

and watched 2 eppies yesterday

and am up to 9 today =)


its simply ADDICTIVE. i love how pwetty everything is =)

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Guest muimui86

wow.. someone posted on yoon eun hye thread saying tt she is in singapore now.. can anyone confrim this news?? hehehe...

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Guest kimchibabygurl

hee hee, visiting this thread often.. anyway.. i am excited that goong is showing in singapore! but i am disappointed with one thing.. i heard from my friend that the chinese title for the show will be 我的野蛮王妃 instead of 宫..i(sorry, i guess you'll have to understand chinese to get what i am saying)

i think it was due to buying of the drama from taiwan or something and they used that title? i wasn't sure. nevermind.

then me and my friend were like.. how can they use that title! goong is suppose to be like classy, so by using the word 宫 will bring that out.. and we started humming the goong opening theme and said " 我的野蛮王妃" and we straight away conclude that it is a very bad title...it gives a very playful feeling instead of classy.

since i was the one who started goong fever among some of my friends in class, we have been constantly talking about it.. and is like everyone prefered KJH.. and i rooted for JJH. the ratio is like 10:1 then we started to say about why we like KJH or JJH.. they prefered the cuteness of KJH i prefer the coolness, attitude and that manly look of JJH. haha!CONFLICTS.

well, i will always be a SHIN camper! i love JJH!

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Guest cheli001


not sure if any of you seen this, click to enlarge..

this clip of shin and cg..

huhuhu :tears::tears::tears: this vid is depressing ... huhuhuhuhuhu :tears:BUT good job on the SIDE by SIDE thing though.. :D hope to see more vids :)

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Guest cunto

Can someone please explain to me why did JJH having to be the person who always says.................. and then says................not............... which totally confuse me. Hahaha! Just joking!!! You guys probably know what I mean. When reading news about JJH and YEH, remind me of ME and MY LOVEONE when my family asked about our relationship, I said "We are FRIENDS" and now................ we have 2 KIDS TOGETHER!!! hihihi!

OMG, so you already have two kids? That's so cute! :w00t: And you hide the fact that you guys are dating??aghhhhh, so sweet :lol: Hmmm, sorry but actually, your nick is quite misleading, hihi. It's rongxanhtihon, which means "a dwarf dragon" rite? that's why I thought you're still, well, "kid" like us? *wink wink* But you have kids yourself already :w00t::w00t:

hohoho, I reaaaally hope that our JJH&YEH will have the same story like you :rolleyes:



Hey kimchibabygurl, dun worry, I believe after ep 13, peeps will begin rooting for JJH. My friends're also the same. At first they're hooked by cuteness and warmness of KJH, then more towards the end, they switched their camps, hahaha. :P Who can resist the coolness of our oppa? B)

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wow.. someone posted on yoon eun hye thread saying tt she is in singapore now.. can anyone confrim this news?? hehehe...

ohh she is ? ~ :unsure:

i live in Singapore ~ :lol:

hee hee, visiting this thread often.. anyway.. i am excited that goong is showing in singapore! but i am disappointed with one thing.. i heard from my friend that the chinese title for the show will be 我的野蛮王妃 instead of 宫..i(sorry, i guess you'll have to understand chinese to get what i am saying)

since i was the one who started goong fever among some of my friends in class, we have been constantly talking about it.. and is like everyone prefered KJH.. and i rooted for JJH. the ratio is like 10:1 then we started to say about why we like KJH or JJH.. they prefered the cuteness of KJH i prefer the coolness, attitude and that manly look of JJH. haha!CONFLICTS.

well, i will always be a SHIN camper! i love JJH!

ohh wat's the title tht Singapore is gonna be using , erm i mean the meaning or translation of 我的野蛮王妃 ? ~ 宫 is definitely a much cooler & shorter title to use haha ~ i can't wait to watch it on tv screen , probably my father would be like interested in the high hair of halmamama like he's interested in seeing the ladies of Dae JangGeum now ~

anyways , initially i preferred Kim JungHoon but i kinda moved to Joo JiHoon even before halfway thru the 24 eps & well i never looked back since ! ~ :D

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Guest cunto

Hey Rebby, sorry to ask about this, but how can you post your images so big? Don't they shrink? I mean...juz now I tried to upload some wallies, and they always become so small when I post, even my avatar suffers same thing :sweatingbullets: Can you show me how to fix it if you know? Thanx :D

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Hey Rebby, sorry to ask about this, but how can you post your images so big? Don't they shrink? I mean...juz now I tried to upload some wallies, and they always become so small when I post, even my avatar suffers same thing :sweatingbullets: Can you show me how to fix it if you know? Thanx :D

are you using photobucket? i think you hv to set the max file size limit under your account settings first, the default shd be 256kb, so anything bigger than this will be resized. you can change it to max 1MB, but if your files are still larger than 1MB, it will be resized anyway...

i'm using imageshack, the size limit is also 1MB, but they dont' hv the file resizing feature - if you try to upload anything bigger than 1MB, you'll only get an error msg to say the file size is too large, maybe you want to give it a try:


both got its pros & cons so you can switch between the 2 :D

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