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Guest coreana

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Guest yanzi84

thank you subbers for subbing GOONG...if it weren't for u guys i wouldn't be able to watch Goong...coz i won't understand it at all...i am sure a lot of other ppl share my thought on this...u guys rocks...

i dont know if anyone else notice this but the subs in ep20 and ep21 compared with the subs in some of the previews i see in youtube...the subs doesn't match...so which subs is the right ones????

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Episode 20 Eppie Awards Are here!

Yay, my site, along with apple's is up again! However, we moved to a new server and are no longer found at spirited-wings.net, but at http://www.still-frames.net

Also, about all this JJH stuff. Geh. That's basically my reaction in a nut shell. Who knows what JJH really said about YEH. There could be something lost in translation, or the translation was horribly off or whatever he said was improperly written about. I sit and watch that kiss in ep23 and I know that they like each other. I refuse to believe otherwise til I see actual evidence otherwise. And although his involvement in goong2 isn't finalized, we've got some time here. My stance is to remain optimistic and hopefully he'll return back. Because having someone replace him will look weird, so Hwang In-roe will probably do all he can to get JJH back.

Hwang In roe: Will you come back to Goong2?


Hwang In roe: Please?


HIN: Puh-leeeease?


HIN: I'll get you a car~

JJH: What kind of car?


JJH: no

HIN: a benz?

JJH: I'll think about it

HIN: Your own table of food on set?

JJH: I said I'll think about it!

HIN: ....more make-out scenes with YEH?

JJH: ...

HIN: =D????

JJH: ....





JJH: just make sure you deliver on your promises

*end scene*

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Guest cweeds

I 2nd Yanzi84. Thank you subbers. Without you, I wouldn't be able to watch and thoroughly enjoy Goong :).

As for JJH, I actually prefer Yul over him. A member had suggested an accident to sub another actor. Why not an accident to YEH ... she dreamed up this entire Goong 1 and wake up from the coma to find that the person she's to married is Yul, not JJH ... thus, a new beginning as Goong 2! Is this a plan or what?

It's going to be confusing at first with all the flash backs, but with YEH's cuteness and Yul's true love, they'll probably score another victory for Goong.

But then again, on the other hand, I don't mind it a bit if JJH comes back to Goong 2. Save us all the disappointments if the chemistry between YEH and the new Prince does not work out ... know what I mean??

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Guest vignette

Wow theedqueen is back with her eppie awards. Been looking forward to it for sometime now, thanks a lot!

I just finished downloading ep. 20 & 21, thanks to the entire subbing team. I know we are taking a big chunk of your time to make us non-koreans appreciate the drama more.

I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that JJH will be back as Shin for Goong Season 2. A lot of artist has their trademark character so I'm hoping his management company is getting feedbacks from all the korean fans after the release of all these news reports.

I remember someone posting a few weeks back about our fave minor episode. Mine will be from Ep. 19 when CG went to eat teoppoki and ramen with her friends not knowing that Shin is sitting behind her listening to her laments. I really found that scene so touching.

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Guest lilcuteeguh

i heard from some people that in the second season, there will be new casts? is that true or no? can someone clairy. i'm sorry if this question had been asked before. :)

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Guest mizzlinhie

Episode 20 Eppie Awards Are here!

Hwang In roe: Will you come back to Goong2?


Hwang In roe: Please?


HIN: Puh-leeeease?


HIN: I'll get you a car~

JJH: What kind of car?


JJH: no

HIN: a benz?

JJH: I'll think about it

HIN: Your own table of food on set?

JJH: I said I'll think about it!

HIN: ....more make-out scenes with YEH?

JJH: ...

HIN: =D????

JJH: ....





JJH: just make sure you deliver on your promises

*end scene*

Haha this is so funny n kute :D thx theedqueen , you make me feel better now :phew:

By the way guys, this is the new update that I got from d addicts:

Thx to WITH S2 for subbing GOONG !!

Episode 1-21: Released

Episode 22: Translation/Timing: Done. Editing: Pending

Episode 23: Translation: 90% Done/Timing:50%

Episode 24: Translation: 90% Done

Enjoy waiting for the subs :rolleyes:

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Guest lilazn1004

luved this series!! ^___^

the ending was really cute..kinda...weird..but CUTE!!!

^^;; i luved every minute of it though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Episode 20 Eppie Awards Are here!

Hwang In roe: Will you come back to Goong2?


Hwang In roe: Please?


HIN: Puh-leeeease?


HIN: I'll get you a car~

JJH: What kind of car?


JJH: no

HIN: a benz?

JJH: I'll think about it

HIN: Your own table of food on set?

JJH: I said I'll think about it!

HIN: ....more make-out scenes with YEH?

JJH: ...

HIN: =D????

JJH: ....





JJH: just make sure you deliver on your promises

*end scene*

this is really funny theed! loosened all the built-up tension from the past few days with those news :sweatingbullets:

according to a nite paper yesterday (singapore's wan bao), there's a small article abt YEH denying that she's dating JJH - a clarification she posted on her personal website - assuming its her cyworld here...)

the clarifications came at about the same time - its like, they were practically PREPARED to do so on the same day!

take a few steps back and look at the bigger picture ok, stand too near and you only see a small part...

there's more to it than what we could see upfront, perhaps the mgmt companies planned to do these together .. damange control or whatever you call that, its might not be a good thing for Goong 2 if they go public announcing they are together (if, they ARE dating..) as viewers might just focus on their relationship and not the drama... As with what a few others had said before this, it might affect their future collaboration with other talents.

and, as much as most of us want JJH & YEH to be together for real, there would be fans of the individuals who doesn't want them to be attached at this moment... so if you think broadly, its for the good of everyone.

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Guest mizzlinhie


Shin on the phone


Shin self-taken pic in the bus

credit: baidu

For those who wish CG and Shin get together in real life...

I sersiouly think they should just get together no matter what!! Both of them seem to be soooooo nice/adorable in real person


" 我也有去澳門, 現上班中, 先說一小段趣事吧

在機場, 本來信信和恩惠是一塊平排而行

但實在太多人, 在場的fans, 有香港/澳門/新加坡/台灣/國內

一出來便幾十人擁向信君 (fans應該有100以內, 計埋路人便過百)

他們串步難行, mbc沒請保安, 只是幾個工作人 員圍住信君

走了幾步, 我見到有一女子上半身趴在信身上, 露出一隻手, 好像扯著信君的手

當時心想~~~ 哇~~~哪個fans這麼狼死呀~~完全是女色狼要強扯輕薄人家一樣


(While at the airport, JJH and YEH were walking together, however, there were 100+ fans there, MBC did not hire any bodyguard to protect the casts, that made it difficult to pass the crowds. One of the fans saw a girl who was basically lying on JJH and was trying to grab JJH's hand. The fan was in shock and thought who that girl is dare to take such action, the fan thought it's another fan's crazy action or something.. later on, she found out it was YEH)

因為本來兩人一起行, 人太多, 把彩靜擠了出去, 見到的是

gentleman王子信從人群外, 踎低身, 把彩靜扯回進來, 彩靜當時好狼背, 頭髮也亂

信君攬著她一起行. 所以我就看到一女子趴在信君上半身的情況

(Cause there were too many ppl, tho they were walking together, YEH got pushed over... and while YEH got push out, JJH returned to save YEH, he hold her to walk together and that's why the fan saw YEH lying on JJH all over...)

這件事, 回想起來也覺得好sweet , 當時就覺得他們好好朋友呢~~

呵呵~~希望能有所進展吧 "

联想起有亲说的在旅游车上小朱又是问恩惠要不要听mp3,又是问她要不要吃东西,觉得小朱真是不错的同学,还挺细心的,尤其在机场那种混乱的时候也没把妃宫忘了, 呵呵!(ps: 虽然很希望他们私下有点什么,不过还是理智一点好,要不然希望越大失望越大....)

(Some other fans saw JJH ask YEH if she wants to liten to MP3 or to eat anything.. they just thought he is quite nice and detail-oriented(?)... especially while he didn't forget to "save" YEH at the chaos... they just hope they really have something going on in real life...

credit to kdorn/koreanwind

MV_Reasons to LUV - Shin

credit to Korean Website 빠져빠져

LOL i found this on page 1605 or something :rolleyes: I was bored haha xD Anyway after reading this, it really brings my hopes back again :w00t: haha JJH & YEH :phew: Soo kuteee...

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Guest asterionlhs

Hello, :) First of all I would like to thank the subbers for finding time to translate this wonderful series to us. The English subs were pretty good. I enjoy watching this drama because of the neat translation. I think MBC should buy the rights of the English subtitle made by our dear subbing team coz I think this is better compare to their DVD subs. Hehehe. :P

Anyways, I came to love Goong and I would say that it's one of my fave drama now. At first, I was hesitant to watch this series because I thought JJH is not appealing. He seems to have a straight face always and looks like a lamp post. Oooopss. :vicx: Hehehe.. But you know after watching the scene when he started getting jealous to Yul, I loved him then. I like those scenes when he is pissed off (esp those scene when he always see CG with Yul). Because this scene aside from his sweet moments with CG, is one slow realization on his part how CG meant or special to him. :wub:

Uuhhm. I have a question. :unsure: I've watched episode 21 today and there is one thing that I can't understand on what Shin said during the interview. It's on subs time: 00:03:55,091. He said: "There are some things in life where nothing makes sense. What happened in Jeju was one of those things. I'm thankful for that incident." I don't know which Jeju trip Shin is referring to. Was this on his birthday, the road trip with CG & Great Queen or the beach scene with CG on episode16? Well, I keep thinking about it and I'm curious because I think this is the final realization that he came to love CG. :blush:

Nice meeting you all Goongers!

Me Goongers too.. :blush:

hi! I am a korean visiter

During the interview in ep22, shin said " There are some things in life where nothing makes sense. the change happened in my surrounding was one of those things. I'm thankful for that incident"

in korean, jeju is "제주" but he said "제 주위(je juhwi)"which means circumstance surrounding him

"주변(jubeun)" is a synonym of "주위(juhwi)"

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hi! I am a korean visiter

During the interview in ep22, shin said " There are some things in life where nothing makes sense. What happened in my surrounding was one of those things. I'm thankful for that incident"

in korean, jeju is "제주" but he said "제 주변(je jubuen)"which mean circumstance surrounding him

hi asterionlhs,

thank you so much for the clarification. :D We appreciate it loads!

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hi! I am a korean visiter

During the interview in ep22, shin said " There are some things in life where nothing makes sense. What happened in my surrounding was one of those things. I'm thankful for that incident"

in korean, jeju is "제주" but he said "제 주변(je jubuen)"which mean circumstance surrounding him

hey asterionlhs! thanks for your clarification!

what about the reference to that incident? which incident is it pointing to?

is Shin talking about his 'promised' marriage to CG?

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Guest cheli001


according to a nite paper yesterday (singapore's wan bao), there's a small article abt YEH denying that she's dating JJH - a clarification she posted on her personal website - assuming its her cyworld here...)

the clarifications came at about the same time - its like, they were practically PREPARED to do so on the same day!


hmmm... i agree with you wid the damage control thing... why make statements/clarification at about the same time??!! I also agree with you that fans are probably starting to focus too much on jjh and yeh's relationship off cam.

well... me i'm just hoping that jjh comes back for s2.

i'm also wondering if yeh and jjh knows that they're becoming popular in other countries bec. of goong.. hmmm

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Guest Pikachu

hi! I am a korean visiter

During the interview in ep22, shin said " There are some things in life where nothing makes sense. What happened in my surrounding was one of those things. I'm thankful for that incident"

in korean, jeju is "제주" but he said "제 주변(je jubuen)"which mean circumstance surrounding him

:D Thanks for the clarification. XDDD It makes more sense now.

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Guest ` k s

I just rewatched the 1st episode and haha...... it is going to all be a dream. It seems like everything about the Prince and etc was just a story she made up. I don't see how they can continue the story as a real story in Goong 2 if CG is making it all up.

And was anyone else annoyed how they put all the blame on CG towards the end of the drama along with the "divorce" interview incident. I don't blame CG for how she acted since the whole time she'd been mistreated by Shin and it must have been confusing as hell for her. Any sane person would have gotten tired of Shin's behavior, regardless of love. I thought it was unrealistic how she still loved him since their relationship was way too overdrawn out to me and went back and forth WAY too many times. He was a butthole. They made her into the bad person and I had no sympathy towards Shin when he talked about how he finally "opened" up during the interview.. NICE GOING JACKASS. IT WAS YOUR FAULT, NOT HERS.

Good thing he was a figment of her imagination.

hehe... :phew::D

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Guest valandy

As much as I love for JJH and YEH to be together, let's leave them as it is right now. ;) I know of a couple who were so uncomfortable during the shoot because of the rumours that they stayed out of each other's way. They only started talking to each other after both of them had a heart-to-heart talk about the rumours. I don't wish for JJH to be uncomfortable around YEH if he really decides to act in Goong 2 :tears:

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Guest bluenitesky

I don't noe if this is inappropriate to ask or not, but im jsut wondering will the subber do the sub for the 1.5 goong ?

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