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Guest coreana

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Guest Ailin*
sorry u guys but which episode was the cinderella dance scene????

I believe the scene you're referring to is in Episode 6.

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Guest AzN*aNgEl07

Hi guys! I was wondering if someone can re-up ep. 19. 'Cus for some reason, when i download it off all the ysi and megaupload links, the download stops with 5 seconds left. So it never ends up completing the download.. :( Thanks in advance!!

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Guest dr jung

This is just so...... frustrating and sad.. I feel so terribly sympathetic to Shin.. poor boy.. going through all these.. Yul is so evil.. how can he... ahhhhhhh.

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Guest taiping

is it true that in the manhwa, shin gets blamed for the fire? even CG doesnt believe him? what exactly happened in the manhwa regarding this arson thing? only 3 eps left and theyre doing this to us! anything would do but just give us a happy ending please!

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Guest blue_rose

ok check out the new here


ok darn. there is GOING to be a fire

Sorry all..........just by looking at that image pretty much indicates an 'open ending'........how can they possibly include the FIRE event so LATE in the game unless they meant to pick it up on season 2???.............aiiiiish :wacko::wacko:

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Thank you Sophendo for all the links!! You are the best!! Also, thanks to everyone for the previews, spoilers, caps, and explainations!! You guys make watching the series so much more easier!!

It's so weird, I wanted to vent so badly, but now I don't know what to say. The series has gone from good to great to excellent to sad to depress to angry for me!! I don't even know what to say about it anymore. It is seriously going downhill for me, I don't even know how I'm suppose to continue watching to the end. And after I hearing from susammie that the last two episodes wouldn't be any better, I don't know what motivation there is for me to continue watching. After Hyorin left, it was thought that maybe now their would be like more scenes from Shin and CG together, but it just seems that in every episode, they get further apart. I can't even watch the older episodes when they were together because that would make me way depressed about how such a funny and cute drama lead to this. I keep hoping and hoping that every episode will give me at least some little bit of hope that Shin and CG's relationship would get better, but it gets crushed all the time. I don't like to have to fast forward my favorite series to see if there was anything good to watch. In a way, I kept thinking, if the PDs were going to drive us in a roller coaster ride, then I would rather they end at episode 20 with a happy ending and start second season off with them together. These heart wrenching episodes do not make me want to watch season 2 because I don't want to be depressed over it again.

Let's just say that they have a cliff-hanger at the end of the 24, and I continue to watch second season. I know for a fact that they won't be able to be together until the end of the second season because the PDs need to do something to make it interesting to watch. I really hope they do not end up doing that because I seriously want to give up. After being dragged through so many episodes of seeing CG not being able to be with Shin and then finally an episode or two with them happy together to seeing Shin not being able to be with CG, I don't want to see that happening again. I want them happy together, that is what would make me want to watch the second season. An episode or two of them sad is bad enough, we don't even get to see them together for that many episodes, do we need to see them apart again? Yes, its true that couples go through these conflicts all the time, but can we just get a least two more episodes where they are completely happy together and then the conflicts? I know I will stick to the end, but hopefully it doesn't disappoint me because I don't want to end up hating it. Sorry for the ranting, but I really needed to get it off my chest! :tears:

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Guest starryeyedwonder

oh dang.

im getting REALLY worried.

how are they gonna fit all this fire stuff in?!? we are already on eppy 22 (tomorrow) !

next week is gonna be the end.... and i dunno. all these bad things keep coming and coming.

i have a question.. could someone please answer it?

is it completely confirmed news.. about the filming starting in Macau?

if so... i still have hope for that scene in 24 (crosses fingers)

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Guest manipogoshipo

i just started to watch this drama and i am starting to love it! i love the different characters because they are young and very new. the plot is funny and the scenery is really beautiful! shin is very cute and yul is even better. this is my new favorite right along with My Girl... :):D:sweatingbullets::w00t:

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Guest usyagitntn

Darn I missed ep 21 in the morning so I was trying so hard scrolling through the pages without reading ep 21's spoiler but then the arson scene hit me in the eyes :wacko: I thought that they would not include the arson since it's so close to the end and the conflicts are building up (thanks for adding to that <_< by having the arson scene) I have less and less hope for a satisfying ending (the happy ending seems so far now :tears: ) .Well at least we know for sure that they're going to Macau and there's no evil Yul there *praying*

Thanks to those who have uploaded and translated :lol: love you guys!!!

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Guest glaze


one of the things i liked about the drama was that it was keeping it pretty simple by excluding the fire scandal.. but guess what? they PUT IT IN on the THIRD TO THE LAST EPISODE. great. greaaaaaaat. GREAAAAAAAT.

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Yul's lies caused Shin to kiss CG? I thought it was because Yul kissed CG on the forehead and Shin was there to see it. At least thats what I saw. Shin wanted to claim his territory by leaving his saliva on CG.


HAHAH! that's got to be my Goong-thread quote of the week! Love it

Ai, 'm in the midst of some back-logging here, but I want to chime in and say I agree with most of what you've said, and I've been saying the same thing for a long time. I'm not sure to what degree I'd say that Shin is emotionally abusive to CG, though. I think he's emotinally stunted, though, and can't seem to see much further than his own nose. He gets all upset due to his own jealousy, but never sees what actions he's done to bring about the situations where CG ends up getting comfort from Yul.

Case in point, the scenes you're referring to above... Yul has a party, Shin gets pissy at CG for some unknown reason (b/c she said she had a dream that involved a life outside the palace?), CG burns herself, Shin just sits there, CG falls on a broken step, again, Shin just sits there while Yul ends up breaking her fall. CG and Yul have a quiet moment alone, Yul fairly innocently kisses her forehead, Shin over reacts and "claims his territory by leaving his saliva"!

None of the above would have happened if Shin had either told CG he cared for her, or at the very least not sat there like a bump when she hurt herself. To him, his feelings are more important than her feelings. The harm he sees that Yul is doing to him is more important than trying to make CG happy.

That said, I think that like myself, you take the situations from the drama into real life and say "if this happened to me or my friend I'd do such-and-such." When Shin planted that kiss on CG I'd guess that atleast 90-95% of the comments I saw here were "OMG, that's soooo hot!" There were a few of us, including myself, who were appalled. THAT move on his part was abusive, he forced himself on her. However, it seems that most Goong fans, well, they don't take the situations into the real world and look at them the same way. It's all very fantasy (though I say that excusing a man when he behaves that way is seriously disturbing!)

Ummm... rambling now, probably more later!

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they are now including the fire scene????!!!! what?????!!!!! with so many things going on, they still want to complicate it more!! how can they end this series on a peaceful note.. gosh... not only is the series getting more sad... its also getting more complicated.. i am starting to doubt that the ending will be good... i mean with everythings thats happening and about to happen.. how could they end it with cg and shin finally being together...








credits to sophendo :)

REMINDER: We are not allowed to ask for uploads anymore.. please pm the person who provided the link.... they might close our thread if we do... as for the subs, don't ask for subs.. they delay the release of the subs if we continue to ask for it.. please be patient... read the first post before posting :)

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Guest Pikachu

I was referring to the latest episodes, new news and not old news.

The reference to episode 15 is a weak one. Yul may have been talking about the royal family, but he wasnt talking about the king's powers. My clan owns a few thousand hectares of land, but not everyone in my family gets to handle it and who works on it, only the head of the family does.

Repeat question, Goong has a Prime Minister yes, but does it have a Parliment which is essential in knowing who has the power.

Yul wanting an absolute monarchy? I dont see this after what he said about removing the rules and customs of the palace.

Please dont twist my words. I said Simba was like Yul because both wanted to regain the throne. That was the end of my comparison, and if you took what I wrote word for word without looking for hidden meanings, then my comment would be very clear. About what you said about Yul "pressuring" CG, this was before Yul was sure of Shin's feelings. Before Shin declared his feelings, he was looking out for CG. In the latest episodes, Yul did tell Shin that he would have backed off had Shin showed his love.


Please explain how the episode 15 reference is weak? This is the dialogue (from the subs) from the scene I was talking about.

Even the Royal family still exist, but we can't rule in reality anymore.

Although it's basic spirit of Constitutional Monarchy.

But actually if we see it from another angle.

The royal family just plainly exist however without any reason.


To be honest, the royal family is an expensive toy, existing to ease the boredom of the people.


So to say, I feel that the royal family should not stay this way, enjoying life with the people's taxes.

If we want to fight* back the power rights of the Royal family that doesn't owe the society anything

We, the royal family needs to become stronger and more powerful.

(*I actaully got confused with this part of the translation.. do they mean fight back or take back o_O and the "..." represents the parts where other people were speaking)

As I said in an earlier post,

Yeah but he also said he wants more power for the royal family. What could that mean? Means more power for them to influence the politics of the country. Okay, maybe not absolute monarchy, but something close enough in which they can once again rule and not just be "dolls".

Other than ep 15, he says this again in ep 17.. to a different group of people. How can it be weak when he said this in front of the King? What he said is not something someone can easily joke about, in front of the whole family. And if this is what you're referring about as "old news" and now he wants to change the rules and customs of the palace in the latest eps, I don't see how this "old news" can be invalid compared to whatever else he added to his ambition in the recent eps. If this wasn't what you were referring too then oops. :3

I also don't get the whole clan thing either... I mean... you said the head of the family handles everything... but King = head of royal family... I don't see the connection between the 2 and what you said about the royal family powers... u_ua so don't know how to reply to that. XDDD

and as for parliament.. yes. They have a parliamentary system, and Prime Minister is the head. We don't hear anything about the parliament in this because they don't deal with national or international government affairs. Most of the stuff we have seen so far in this drama are mostly "personal" problems. And as I said, the fact that it is stated that it's a constitutional monarchy already says where the power lies, there's an extent to how powerful the King is, and most of the time it's just ceremonial in a modern constitutional monarchy. So it's not even a question of who has power.. the fact is the royal family doesn't have a lot of power (and again, see Yul's explanation).

and as for the Yul pressuring CG... He did it after he heard from Hyo Rin that it was CG that Shin loves. He did it after their mini lunch/dinner in which both were acting very much like a couple towards each other. He did it after he saw the video of Shin kissing CG's cheek. And I don't see why Shin has to confirm his feelings to Yul. Looking out for CG? If you call planting doubts in her head looking out for CG, then I guess you're right. I mean there are times when Shin showed his love... Why does Yul have to see it? The thing is, he just sees the percent of the time when she's sad because that's the only time when she talks to him. He doesn't know about the chunk of her life in which she is being happy around Shin, because of course, she and Shin spent an intimate time and you won't exactly tell the whole world about it.

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Fire!!!! (eppie 22)


creds: imbc.com

he's really on 'fire' :wub: ...why things happened like this? These coming episodes will be the sadest episodes..i'll be prepared with boxes of tissues and i'm still hoping the ending will be unforgetable thou...

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The reference post didnt show so I dont know what youre referring to. With my quote: " I guess you have to be a little older to start believing this," what was the "this" I was talking about. I dont think the "this" was referring to was the next sentence you wrote following my quote. Placing that sentence after my quote is a little misleading, especially to those who are just reading your post and havent read my original post. By this, the 'this' I was talking about was my comment on how you cant change who a person really is. You can alter how you appear to people, but basically thats it when it comes to being able to change. Anyway, Im not revealing my age. What I can say is that Im not a teenager or a young adult.

I dont think Yul wants an absolute monarchy from what he said about wanting to remove the strict rules of the palace.


actually i'm in my 40s and i'd like to give my views too...

i think humans are such complex creatures, there's no 1 fix way of how people think or will react to situations.

i believe who we are is being shaped daily ie. i believe people do change

not just in the way they appear to others but also how they think and what action they will take,

their outlook on life and decision-making etc

it's all evolving according to our experiences, our personality etc

hence its so important to choose wisely every day what we do with our lives to become who we wanna be

hence sometimes i think when we look for a spouse compatible to us with similar taste/preference etc it's a fallacy

even if you're similar now, over time people do change and if there's no commitment to manage that change together that's how marriages fall apart!

i think in a way that's what happened to ChaeShin. they were thrown together from the start.

they may have started to like each other but they've not committed to make it work!

they also lack that trust factor so needed in any relationship particularly theirs.

so when they dun know how each other thinks/feels hence all the misunderstandings

enuf preachy stuff!

My take on what Yul said about monarchy....sounded like his view was to have a more powerful palace with more authority to rule the citizens

cuz he thinks its not right for the palace to be just ceremonial only (enjoying life with people's tax money!)

this is as opposed to Shin's view that the palace needs to earn that respect from the people rather than come across as a forced upon authority

Yippee! thanks sophendo! Ep21 just DLed. Gosh! did Queen Mother actually say that CG looks Uhljang (how to spell this?) on TV? so adorable!


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Guest Babigrl

OMG I LOVE THis weeks' eps so far! lol I LOVE the friend with the glasses lol he's all hitting on the other girl haha so cute!

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Guest mellon

OMG!!! I hope Goong will not have a cliff hanger ending like some American series. Have to wait till next season to see what is going to happen. All those time gone-a-wasting to download the episodes, and it would be heart breaking if Goong has a bad ending. Cross my finger that the last episode will be happy and fun. Why is the series started going downhill at the end? I miss the happier moments at the beginning of Goong.

By the way, I am so impressed with all the pictures and links that all you guys post. Keep up witht he good work!

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