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Guest coreana

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Guest brighterthansunshine

WARNING: People who are going to watch ep. 23...plz bring a whole box of tissue with you cuz..it's mite make pplz break down and cry..cuz it's a really sad epizode..worst then the others! I"m warning you now!

and i heard that the ending is going to be weird!.....not a good one.....so ...if we really want 2 see wut wiill happen next..we have 2 wait for the seaason 2!

P.S. i really think they are dragging this......to go onto 2nd season..but can't they make something..a little happier??

p.s.s i seriously miss CG laughter and smile!!..plz PD can CG smile one last time before this season ends?? :o

OMG NOOOOOOOOO no more sad episodes. I can;t handle this loll did you see previews for eppie 23 already? nooo i want a happy ending....i think i need to get on a plane to pay a visit to the mbc producers....grrrr. i can;t wait till season 2 to find out what happens...ill die waiting or something lol i know same here i miss her laughing and smiling..ah those episodes were the best.

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I dont know how old you are for saying " I guess you have to be a little older to start believing this." You thinks that Shin is torturing CG emotionally ! Besides, I dun think Yul will make a much better King than Shin. Even though he live long time in UK, but he seems like doesn't want to make Goong to be the British Brats (lol my bad, ) Royal I mean. UK is a Constituitonal Monarchy whereas the Royal family doesn't interfere much with the politics. Yul wants to make Goong into some sort of Absolute Monarchy ( more power into Royal's hand), comm'on, It is not gonna work out ! Look at how the Czar of Russia, French Monarchy fell. !

The reference post didnt show so I dont know what youre referring to. With my quote: " I guess you have to be a little older to start believing this," what was the "this" I was talking about. I dont think the "this" was referring to was the next sentence you wrote following my quote. Placing that sentence after my quote is a little misleading, especially to those who are just reading your post and havent read my original post. By this, the 'this' I was talking about was my comment on how you cant change who a person really is. You can alter how you appear to people, but basically thats it when it comes to being able to change. Anyway, Im not revealing my age. What I can say is that Im not a teenager or a young adult.

I dont think Yul wants an absolute monarchy from what he said about wanting to remove the strict rules of the palace.


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Guest Pikachu

I dont think Yul wants an absolute monarchy from what he said about wanting to remove the strict rules of the palace.


Yeah but he also said he wants more power for the royal family. What could that mean? Means more power for them to influence the politics of the country. Okay, maybe not absolute monarchy, but something close enough in which they can once again rule and not just be "dolls".

And about removing strict rules of the palace. There is only really one thing he wants to remove: arranged marriages.

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o_O; We never actaully see what the Prime Minister does in Goong, but we do know that the King doesn't have power over the nation. The most they do are projects related to developing arts in the country, etc.

Yul even says himself (ep 15 lunch scene if you need reference.. around 50 minute mark) that the royal family is just an expensive toy "existing to ease the boredom of people". That itself is a clear sign that the monarchy of Korea in goong is nothing but a ceremonial role.

Anyway, Yul wants the exact opposite for the royal family of Korea. He wants more power for them. He wants an absolute monarchy. So no. it's not like England's monarchy, which I'll say again, is constitutional like Goong's korean monarchy.

and about the Simba thing. XD LOL.. it's like what's the point of comparing someone with something when they're obviously so different? XDDD;;;

I guess I must have missed the part in which Yul was the one pressuring Chae Gyeong for divorce divorce tra lalala Shin doesn't love you (even though I saw him acting tender around you during my birthday :ph34r: but still! he doesn't love you! :D)

I was referring to the latest episodes, new news and not old news.

The reference to episode 15 is a weak one. Yul may have been talking about the royal family, but he wasnt talking about the king's powers. My clan owns a few thousand hectares of land, but not everyone in my family gets to handle it and who works on it, only the head of the family does.

Repeat question, Goong has a Prime Minister yes, but does it have a Parliment which is essential in knowing who has the power.

Yul wanting an absolute monarchy? I dont see this after what he said about removing the rules and customs of the palace.

Please dont twist my words. I said Simba was like Yul because both wanted to regain the throne. That was the end of my comparison, and if you took what I wrote word for word without looking for hidden meanings, then my comment would be very clear. About what you said about Yul "pressuring" CG, this was before Yul was sure of Shin's feelings. Before Shin declared his feelings, he was looking out for CG. In the latest episodes, Yul did tell Shin that he would have backed off had Shin showed his love.


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Guest Pikachu

I'm wondering what episode is it that Yul sings to CG and CG is like playing this banjo looking instrument. THanks to who can help.

It's in episode 13.

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Guest Ailin*

I saw this on MBC's website.


Does this mean they're going to include the fire in Season 1? Can someone who understand Korean clarify this latest development? Okay, from the looks of things, they will include the fire arson scene in episode 22. :unsure:

EDIT: Here's an article about this if someone can translate it.


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Guest Loanie

aish...ep 19-21 has apparently been frustrating to watch for those who have watched it, & tomorrow's episode will probably add more frustration & exhaustion. for me, i'm holding off watching those episodes because i knew it was going to be one of those "i'm-gonna-rip-off-all-my-hair-off in frustration" moments because of the emotional roller coaster & complexities of the characters misunderstanding each other to get anywhere near where you want them to be. however, i've been keeping up with the episodes through the generous summeries & episode/preview translations, but i'm still pondering how Shin & CG will end up in Macau. several people in this thread have posted possible scenerios, & here's mine:

Shin, seeing how CG is miserable in the palace & so depressed--unlike the happy & cheerful CG that first entered the palace, will begin to ponder about letting CG go. since CG has recently been talking about divorce & leaving the palace, Shin may actually be taking Yul's suggestion seriously so CG can be happy again. maybe Shin is going to Macau to film for his graduation project or do some kind royal function, and he tells CG that if she wants to leave the palace that she can leave while he's gone on his trip. therefore, when Shin comes back from Macau, CG will be gone & he doesn't have to see her leave. maybe Shin will tell Yul that he's letting CG leave the palace while he's away in Macau, and that he should help CG leave. upon hearing this, Yul is glad Shin is letting CG be set free from her disparity. Shin will also tell Yul to take care of CG because a lot of chaos within the palace and the media will occur when news of CG leaving will be released. so while Shin is in Macau, CG reflects on everything that has happened between them since their first encounters with each other in school, to them getting married, to their interactions in their room, their "sunrise" trip, etc. and begin to realise that as much as she's been struggling and been conflicted she can't imagine herself living without Shin. just as she's decided to go to Macau to tell Shin about how she feels about him, she'll run into Yul who's on his way to see her to help her leave the palace. she'll, once and for all, tell Yul she cares for him only, and always will, as a friend and her husband's cousin. CG will also say how staying beside Shin and having her beside Shin is best because it'll help ease the loneliness Shin has always felt and it'll help her deal with palace life and the complexities that has or will occur with their royal life. she'll also state how much she cares for Shin to Yul, and that she no longer has intentions to leave the palace as long as she can stay by Shin's side or he is by her side. so here, Yul has no choice but to finally let CG go, and she goes to Macau to find Shin, and express to him that she can't & won't leave him--that as long she can stay by his side or he is by her side that she will continue to try to adapt to palace life & deal with all the complexities that has or will occur. maybe season 1 will end after Shin and CG meet in Macau and talk....or it could end with CG appearing before Shin in Macau leaving fans to wonder what will happen in season 2.

i don't know... that's kinda what i want to happen. i'd hate it if CG was the one to go to Macau first because her constantly running away is annoying me, & her apparent "doo doo brain" attitude, as discussed by people in this thread, wants me to have her run after Shin to redeem her selfish ways. having Shin give CG the chance to leave is his way of redeeming himself after all the arrogant and cold attitude he's projected towards CG in past episodes. plus, it'll show that Shin cares for CG so much that he's willing to live a life without CG as long as she can be happy--outside the palace as she keeps talking about. and maybe this act will appease Yul. so what do all of you Goong fans think of this scenerio? plausible? or absolutely off the track of this drama?

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Guest AznGrlz

Thank you everyone for reuploading ep. 21!

I didn't want to cry alone for such a sad episode so i had my friends over :they're obsessed too: and we actually used up a whole box of tissues :tears: ...so we had to get towels hehe i must say...yul and shin looks so hot when they cry!!!!!! :phew: such a sad episode...i'm still crying too.

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Guest piano4112000

OMG, I just found out something. They are still planning the fire arson scene. I just saw the pictures. I feel so bad for Shin because he will be blamed for it when we all know that it was Yul's mom and Yul knew abut it. I'm referring to Yu knowing about it in the manwha.

Every one is so quick, I just saw the fire pictures and here it is. You guys are good.

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aish...ep 19-21 has apparently been frustrating to watch for those who have watched it, & tomorrow's episode will probably add more frustration & exhaustion. for me, i'm holding off watching those episodes because i knew it was going to be one of those "i'm-gonna-rip-off-all-my-hair-off in frustration" moments because of the emotional roller coaster & complexities of the characters misunderstanding each other to get anywhere near where you want them to be. however, i've been keeping up with the episodes through the generous summeries & episode/preview translations, but i'm still pondering how Shin & CG will end up in Macau. several people in this thread have posted possible scenerios, & here's mine:

Shin, seeing how CG is miserable in the palace & so depressed--unlike the happy & cheerful CG that first entered the palace, will begin to ponder about letting CG go. since CG has recently been talking about divorce & leaving the palace, Shin may actually be taking Yul's suggestion seriously so CG can be happy again. maybe Shin is going to Macau to film for his graduation project or do some kind royal function, and he tells CG that if she wants to leave the palace that she can leave while he's gone on his trip. therefore, when Shin comes back from Macau, CG will be gone & he doesn't have to see her leave. maybe Shin will tell Yul that he's letting CG leave the palace while he's away in Macau, and that he should help CG leave. upon hearing this, Yul is glad Shin is letting CG be set free from her disparity. Shin will also tell Yul to take care of CG because a lot of chaos within the palace and the media will occur when news of CG leaving will be released. so while Shin is in Macau, CG reflects on everything that has happened between them since their first encounters with each other in school, to them getting married, to their interactions in their room, their "sunrise" trip, etc. and begin to realise that as much as she's been struggling and been conflicted she can't imagine herself living without Shin. just as she's decided to go to Macau to tell Shin about how she feels about him, she'll run into Yul who's on his way to see her to help her leave the palace. she'll, once and for all, tell Yul she cares for him only, and always will, as a friend and her husband's cousin. CG will also say how staying beside Shin and having her beside Shin is best because it'll help ease the loneliness Shin has always felt and it'll help her deal with palace life and the complexities that has or will occur with their royal life. she'll also state how much she cares for Shin to Yul, and that she no longer has intentions to leave the palace as long as she can stay by Shin's side or he is by her side. so here, Yul has no choice but to finally let CG go, and she goes to Macau to find Shin, and express to him that she can't & won't leave him--that as long she can stay by his side or he is by her side that she will continue to try to adapt to palace life & deal with all the complexities that has or will occur. maybe season 1 will end after Shin and CG meet in Macau and talk....or it could end with CG appearing before Shin in Macau leaving fans to wonder what will happen in season 2.

i don't know... that's kinda what i want to happen. i'd hate it if CG was the one to go to Macau first because her constantly running away is annoying me, & her apparent "doo doo brain" attitude, as discussed by people in this thread, wants me to have her run after Shin to redeem her selfish ways. having Shin give CG the chance to leave is his way of redeeming himself after all the arrogant and cold attitude he's projected towards CG in past episodes. plus, it'll show that Shin cares for CG so much that he's willing to live a life without CG as long as she can be happy--outside the palace as she keeps talking about. and maybe this act will appease Yul. so what do all of you Goong fans think of this scenerio? plausible? or absolutely off the track of this drama?

i really like that scenario alot and hopefully it will follow along those lines. i do hope that CG will clear with her feelings towards Yul so there will be no ambiguity of their relationship.

i cant wait for tomorrow actually, tomorrow's episode i think will be the turning point with all the relationships, and that picture of the fire looks like will be the defining moment.

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I was just wondering if someone will update the first page. I read the page and there is only ep. 16 but everyone is talking about ep.21. I'm starting to feel a little left out. ;)

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Guest mrshyunbin

Yul looks so sad at the end :( all he wants is to protect CG

shin is being a b r a t i'm sorry but its true

i'm glad the truth is out so everyone knows now

cant wait till tomolo's ep

yay yul cheer up babes

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hi it has been translated a few pages back =D

and Aivi : this is a friendly thread... we are having friendly disccusiion.. pls do not sound like u want to kill all the shin campers lOlx

i dun wanna continue because i can come up with a whole million list of what to say to defend shin so i dun want to spam the thread.

edited : and U are entitled to what u think.. we are juz giving some opinions.. well i think i am bias.. i love shin.

and getting cg out of the unhealthy relationship when yul is the one making it unhealthy.. he needs a doc.

off to bed bye

Do I sound like I want to kill Shin campers? Now I feel like Im being singled out... :tears:

I wrote my observations, people wrote back. My comments were based on other people's comments. I dont think its wrong to respond just as long as Im not saying things without any concrete basis to it. I dont like reading generalizations or assumptions without examples. I try to be analytical.

As for Yul, he's just a side character caught in the trap of CG and Shin's issues. He was helping Shin and CG in the beginning, like when he told Shin it was Shin's duty to be with his wife during Shin's birthday. It was Shin's constant negligence of his wife that caused Yul to rethink about Shin's feelings. Now that Shin did say he loved CG, maybe Yul will back off a bit.


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Guest boo_its_lisa

OMGSHH HOW ARE THEY GOIGN TO END IT IF THERE IS A FIRE SCENE?? i don't want to wait till next year too see wut will happen this really stinks!!~

BTW Shin is soo hot..

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