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Guest coreana

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Guest xx-outsider-xx

i guess they all need to grow up, eh?

looks like hyorin is the only one who's mature enough, kind of. lol.

miss her!


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Guest piano4112000

The problem with that statement is that he isn't a wife beater. He hasn't done anything I would considered wrong. If you ask me which he should choose I would tell him to choose to be a crown prince because look at Yul and his mother, they want the palace to have most of the powerful and that is not the way its suppose to be. Shin has to think more about the people than his wife. His wife chose to believe Yul and that is what is causing all the trouble in the palace.

He loves her but it is she who doesn't believe it and listens to Yul bad mouth him. If Yul was not on her ear talking like a mad man I don't think that there problem would have resulted in the mention of divorce.

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I dont know what is it with you guys who like Shin with CG so much. Is it it because theyre married or that he has the money and the power? Yes theyre married, but Shin reminds me of the husband who beats his wife and feels sorry for it later and brings roses and treats the wife nicely once in a while. Shin isnt physically beating CG, but he is draining her emotionally. This isnt a healthy relationship. [repeat] This isnt a healthy relationship. If this happened in real life to one of your friends, I bet you would tell her to divorce the guy, unless youre one of those highly religious people who will tell the girl to put up with it, bruises and all, for better or for worse.

I also dont like how the palace is changing CG from a carefree person to a depressed one. Shin isnt helping when he insults her and shuts her out. I really doubt Shin would change that much because he really believes in the palace rules/customs. Besides, you cant change who a person is. Some of you guys think CG can change Shin, but I believe she cant. He is who he is. I guess you have to be a little older to start believing this. Hopefully Shin can just learn to appreciate CG and actually show her his appreciation. Maybe he needs some counseling from a foreign doctor since he's surrounded by people who suck up to him.

Some of you guys seem to like Shin because he's the crown prince and has the money. Well, CG doesnt care about money or power. Shes a simple person who wants to be surrounded by people who love and care for her, and show it. Shes not like Shin's mom. Sure Shin's mom wants love, but it seems like she prefers the power more, because she stayed in the palace. I cant really blame her because shes trapped and is too deep in her hole to get out. This show is just telling people that money cant make you happy.

Anyway, Yul reminds me of Simba from The Lion King. He came back to regain his throne. I personally think he should get it back.

My opinion on the ending: Yul gets his throne and abolishes the royal system making it like England's. (After all, he was in England for a loong time, and he learned a lot about its political system). CG and Shin go away but separate for a while. Shin grows up a bit and experiences life outside the palace. CG regains some of her happy nature back. Shin is more relaxed, CG is more mature. Shin and CG unexpectedly meet each other again and start fresh, then fall in love for real with no strings attached.

But if I had what I really wanted: Yul gets his throne, Shin goes away. Shin/CG divorce. CG goes back home. Yul still changed the royal system so he doesnt force CG to marry him. He still visits her and helps her family. Though CG doesnt love Yul, she starts to fall in love with him. Shin and Hyorin meet and begin their love again. Like in real life some first loves never stay, while others do (ie CG/Shin love vs. Shin/Hyorin love).


hmmm we dun even know if yul is really the son of the previous crown prince.. there is some big secret that we haven know yet... and the whole story IS in reality revolve around if cg will get together with shin.. because if they dun.. it juz doesnt make sense..

why i say that? read the Manhwa.

and i really cannot take the separation thing.. it is too cliche for korean dramas.. it will be copying my girl.

and i dun like shin because he has the money and he is the crown prince.. i like him because.. he doesnt force something if it doesnt belong to him. he KNows his place and where he stands.. he doesnt plot for power.

erhmm and also.. when the news reports Cg was with a man at the river..

Shin actually told cg NOT to tell the truth else it will get yul and cg both into trouble.. and shin is at least honest about how he feels about yul and he confronts yul about it..

Yul BACK stabs shin ALL the time.. and LIES about the truth..

if u only know wad yul tells cg in that car. i wanna kill him for it.

and right. one last thing.. have some self control yul.. she is afterall ur cousin inlaw.. dun hang on the that idea

"SHE USEd to be my fiance.." rem.. it is in PASt tense :sweatingbullets:

No offense though.. we are all entitled to who we chose to like..

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Yes he's not a wife beater, I know that and I stated that clearly in my post. I also stated that he hurts her emotionally. If I had a friend who was always hurt emotionally by a guy, I would tell them to break up. They deserve better. I would never be with a guy who hurt me emotionally. But I guess there are some people who get a kick out of getting their feelings hurt. Some people like drama in their lives.

Actually, Im was little alarmed when you thought there was nothing wrong with Shin hurting CG emotionally. I deal with kids who are hurt emotionally by their loved ones, and I see how the results are. Emotional pain lasts longer and is deeper than physical, so I think its more dangerous.

Thats not how its supposed to be?? What are you referring to? The old ways of royalty? If you actually looked back into the powers of the royals, they had more power than they have now. If your saying thats what its supposed to be, then Shin would have more power than he has. He could just have Yul killed which is probably what you want. From the summaries and translations of Shin and Yul's conversations about the royal system, it looks like Shin actually prefers it and Yul wants to do away with its strict rules. As for CG, her beliefs come from what she experienced, not from what you see.


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Guest Pikachu

Anyway, Yul reminds me of Simba from The Lion King. He came back to regain his throne. I personally think he should get it back.

My opinion on the ending: Yul gets his throne and abolishes the royal system making it like England's. (After all, he was in England for a loong time, and he learned a lot about its political system). CG and Shin go away but separate for a while. Shin grows up a bit and experiences life outside the palace. CG regains some of her happy nature back. Shin is more relaxed, CG is more mature. Shin and CG unexpectedly meet each other again and start fresh, then fall in love for real with no strings attached.

But if I had what I really wanted: Yul gets his throne, Shin goes away. Shin/CG divorce. CG goes back home. Yul still changed the royal system so he doesnt force CG to marry him. He still visits her and helps her family. Though CG doesnt love Yul, she starts to fall in love with him. Shin and Hyorin meet and begin their love again. Like in real life some first loves never stay, while others do (ie CG/Shin love vs. Shin/Hyorin love).


Uhh... you do know that England has a constitutional monarchy.. the same type of monarchy in Goong's setting in which the King just has a ceremonial role and doesn't directly control the affairs of the nation (which the Prime Minister handle)? XD I mean... England has always had the PM handle the affairs, and so does the government in Goong's setting... sooo... I mean if you want it to be like England.. XDD then there'll be no changes?

And as for Yul = Simba.. XDDD the similiarity only really ends to the fact that he came back to regain his throne. XD On the personality and everything else.. I beg to differ. XDD 5% similarity maybe..

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitutional_monarchy <-- info on the type of monarchy England has now. :3 and Goong..

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Guest cilik

I also dont like how the palace is changing CG from a carefree person to a depressed one. Shin isnt helping when he insults her and shuts her out. I really doubt Shin would change that much because he really believes in the palace rules/customs. Besides, you cant change who a person is. Some of you guys think CG can change Shin, but I believe she cant. He is who he is. I guess you have to be a little older to start believing this. Hopefully Shin can just learn to appreciate CG and actually show her his appreciation. Maybe he needs some counseling from a foreign doctor since he's surrounded by people who suck up to him.

I respect your opinion and enjoyed reading your post. But like some people here, I'd like to offer my take on the situation. I don't think I agree with you when you say you can't change who a person is. I've seen a lot of people change, both for the good and bad. I wonder how old we have to be before we can start believing that people can't change no matter what? Besides, I don't think we even know what Shin's really like, since I don't believe he's ever revealed his true self. So if Chae can't change Shin, I wonder what it is that made Shin warm up to Chae (i.e., how the icey prince suddenly gave in to his wife when she force fed him, how the equivalent of a "wife-beater" can profess his love for his wife on live TV and can be so loving when the couple took a trip to the beach)? Was it just a facade? Because if I remember correctly, even Kang In, who is supposed to have known Shin for a while, has admitted that Shin is slowly changing.

EDIT: I won't try to deny that Shin has badly hurt Chae emotionally. But at the same time, I can't exactly say that both Chae and Yul have been such angels either. All three of them have inflicted some emotional pain upon one another, albeit in different ways.

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Guest donilpark

Viewer ratings 24.6%...

Just as expected... Bad Family is definitely a more formidable opponent than Tree of Heaven. I never worried about Tree of Heaven because it was such a wrek. (not that there can't be anyone who likes a show like that... just saying that it doesn't appeal to the majority. At least not any more)

Going 30% will probably be impossible now.

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Guest piano4112000

Yes he's not a wife beater, I know that and I stated that clearly in my post. I also stated that he hurts her emotionally. If I had a friend who was always hurt emotionally by a guy, I would tell them to break up. They deserve better. I would never be with a guy who hurt me emotionally. But I guess there are some people who get a kick out of getting their feelings hurt. Some people like drama in their lives.

Actually, Im was little alarmed when you thought there was nothing wrong with Shin hurting CG emotionally. I deal with kids who are hurt emotionally by their loved ones, and I see how the results are. Emotional pain lasts longer and is deeper than physical, so I think its more dangerous.

Thats not how its supposed to be?? What are you referring to? The old ways of royalty? If you actually looked back into the powers of the royals, they had more power than they have now. If your saying thats what its supposed to be, then Shin would have more power than he has. He could just have Yul killed which is probably what you want. From the summaries and translations of Shin and Yul's conversations about the royal system, it looks like Shin actually prefers it and Yul wants to do away with its strict rules. As for CG, her beliefs come from what she experienced, not from what you see.


If you say that what about CG hurting Shin emotionally. Maybe Shin hurts her emotionally by not saying he loves her out right but what about her. She feels jealous when he is with HR and yet she is always with Yul who she knows perfectly well loves her and doesn't that hurt Shin. Its a two way street. These two wuld not be in so much pain if it wasn't for Yul and that can't be denied. We can go on and on abut Yul being there for her but that doesn't defeat the fact that he lies to her and tries to sway her when he knows in his heart where her heart lies.

I see we will ave differences of opinion and I respect that but I feel the way I feel.

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Guest lenakeem



THAT EP WAS A DISSPOINTMENT. IM WOULDNT BE SUPRISED IF THE RATINGS WERE LIKE 5% RAWR!sdflksdjflsjdf whens it ever gonna get better?!

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and i really cannot take the separation thing.. it is too cliche for korean dramas.. it will be copying my girl.

Yes the separation thing is cliche, but they probably do it a lot because they know its what people want, for the popular couple to end up together.

and i dun like shin because he has the money and he is the crown prince.. i like him because.. he doesnt force something if it doesnt belong to him. he KNows his place and where he stands.. he doesnt plot for power.

You may not like Shin for his money, but some people here do. Its sad really when I read posts about people wanting to stay in the palace just because of the privileges. I dont like how Shin forced his kiss on CG. If he knew his place, he would be kind to CG and actually show her how a husband should treat his wife.

Shin actually told cg NOT to tell the truth else it will get yul and cg both into trouble.. and shin is at least honest about how he feels about yul and he confronts yul about it..Yul BACK stabs shin ALL the time.. and LIES about the truth..if u only know wad yul tells cg in that car. i wanna kill him for it.

I think Shin confronts Yul because it makes him look bad. Shin doesnt like looking bad. Yul was honest when the question was asked. He didnt care what people thought. Remember what Yul said, that if Shin showed more of caring for CG, he would back off. Since Shin didnt, Yul became defensive for CG.

and right. one last thing.. have some self control yul.. she is afterall ur cousin inlaw.. dun hang on the that idea"SHE USEd to be my fiance.." rem.. it is in PASt tense :sweatingbullets:

You cant control how you feel, its automatic, like when you see someone hurt, you cant help but feel a little hurt too. When you feel love, you feel it. But how you act..it depends on the person. That kiss on her forehead, he should have controlled himself, but he probably couldnt control himself because his heart took over his brain. Think about a time you were so close to a guy you really loved, you'll probably say something stupid, something you shouldnt say. Then later on, you would beat yourself in the head for saying it.


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Guest greentea:vee xo

i need help .. :blush:

can someone please tell me how do you download the english subtitle ones ?

because i`ve tried both the links and it wouldn`t work for me ..

and i suppose to download the korean one first ?

i really want to watch this. :sweatingbullets:

did i do something wrong ? because when i download it, it says that it`s only

40 kb, and that`s too little to be an episode.


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Guest thienly

Yul honest ? please.....he back stabs his cousin, telling lies into CG''s and manipulating her knowing that she doesnt love him (as the story goes but now I dont know...CG kept geting close to Yul knowing that she will get herself into trouble)....who is so blind to say that Yul is HONEST? gosh

CG claims she loves Shin, but what does she do for him? nothing, she chose to be in the palace the in the first place, no 1 was forcing her the marriage, she wanted to marry Shin to help her family ....and now she claims she loves him...but she doesnt do much except causing trouble, she doesnt like the palace,....but I think every1 there is supporting her....there...only when she makes mistakes...yet she made so many anyway. and now her family is well of she wants to leave the palace...hmmm think about this...

Shin doesnt do alot to her,,,but at least he let her go home, and a few things here and there...taking her to summer place and so on...yet he didnt say a word about love....seem like his love for her is lots stronger than her love for him.

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If you say that what about CG hurting Shin emotionally. Maybe Shin hurts her emotionally by not saying he loves her out right but what about her. She feels jealous when he is with HR and yet she is always with Yul who she knows perfectly well loves her and doesn't that hurt Shin. Its a two way street. These two wuld not be in so much pain if it wasn't for Yul and that can't be denied. We can go on and on abut Yul being there for her but that doesn't defeat the fact that he lies to her and tries to sway her when he knows in his heart where her heart lies.

I see we will ave differences of opinion and I respect that but I feel the way I feel.

CG hurts by Shin's relationship with Hyorin because she knew they had a past. Yul and CG never had a past. Shin's just being possessive over CG, he doesnt want CG to talk to anyone whos attracted to her because he knows its a threat. CG dedicated herself to the relationship while Shin treats it like just another job. I dont see Yul lying. He saying what hes saying because of what he sees.


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Guest HomelessBird

I dont know how old you are for saying " I guess you have to be a little older to start believing this." You thinks that Shin is torturing CG emotionally ! Who is the one that make him cry and hurt his feeling so bad? " We" didn't say that it is ok for Shin to hurt Cg's feelings. In fact, we were upsetting at him for his coldness and agrogant attitude toward CG at the beginning, and his "lil trip" to Thailand with Hyorin( even though he didn't plan to meet Hyorin there). BUT the table turns around ! CG is hurting his feeling and his pride now , with all of her action. The thing btw Shin and Hyorin is the affection between 2 friends, but Yul-CG is the cousin-in-law relationship. It s not like I'm defending Shin ,but think of this, which one is more disgusting ?? Your ending about Shin and Hyorin together... It appears to me that Shin actually didn't love Hyorin. He seems to be comfortable to be with her ( like the way you do with your close friends) .

Dont you think that Yul is not torturing CG's emotions ! All he talks to CG in recent eps were " Divorce your husband, he never love you ...vbalabalbla..." Does he even know how Shin feel to talk in Shin's place ?

Yul= Simba ! It is a big NO NO there ! Simba didn't lie ! He was loyal lion ! He doesnt decieve anyone ! I believe if Nanda ( or whatever the female lion's name) didn't like him, he wont keep bathmouthing Nanda's love. Besides, I dun think Yul will make a much better King than Shin. Even though he live long time in UK, but he seems like doesn't want to make Goong to be the British Brats (lol my bad, ) Royal I mean. UK is a Constituitonal Monarchy whereas the Royal family doesn't interfere much with the politics. Yul wants to make Goong into some sort of Absolute Monarchy ( more power into Royal's hand), comm'on, It is not gonna work out ! Look at how the Czar of Russia, French Monarchy fell. !

About changing one's personality, I know it doesn't not happen often. But it doesn't mean that It never . Shin's personality indeed wasn't that bad. He is just a guy who doesn't know how to express his feelings, and CG shows him that.

Besides, I dont like Shin b/c he has money, power, or being Crown Prince. I like him because of ... Shin Ramen. LOL ! :sweatingbullets::phew:

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Guest Pikachu

i need help .. :blush:

can someone please tell me how do you download the english subtitle ones ?

because i`ve tried both the links and it wouldn`t work for me ..

and i suppose to download the korean one first ?

i really want to watch this. :sweatingbullets:

did i do something wrong ? because when i download it, it says that it`s only

40 kb, and that`s too little to be an episode.


You need to download the raws first. :3 (whish is 700 mb big) You only downloaded the subtitle file. Then read this: http://www.d-addicts.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=141457#141457

DL the raws at d-addicts.com torrent page. Search for "goong"

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Yes the separation thing is cliche, but they probably do it a lot because they know its what people want, for the popular couple to end up together.

You may not like Shin for his money, but some people here do. Its sad really when I read posts about people wanting to stay in the palace just because of the privileges. I dont like how Shin forced his kiss on CG. If he knew his place, he would be kind to CG and actually show her how a husband should treat his wife.

I think Shin confronts Yul because it makes him look bad. Shin doesnt like looking bad. Yul was honest when the question was asked. He didnt care what people thought. Remember what Yul said, that if Shin showed more of caring for CG, he would back off. Since Shin didnt, Yul became defensive for CG.

You cant control how you feel, its automatic, like when you see someone hurt, you cant help but feel a little hurt too. When you feel love, you feel it. But how you act..it depends on the person. That kiss on her forehead, he should have controlled himself, but he probably couldnt control himself because his heart took over his brain. Think about a time you were so close to a guy you really loved, you'll probably say something stupid, something you shouldnt say. Then later on, you would beat yourself in the head for saying it.


hmmm yes. i guess..

and when i say he knew his place. i mean he knows his responsibilities as a crown prince unlike yul who really doesnt care about anything else except his obsessiveness toward cg.

and yeah his forced kiss is not right.. but who caused that to happen actually? Isnt it yul's lies??

Erhmm and yul already knows how shin feels for cg.. if he leave and give them some space.. shin wouldnt be jealous and everything wouldnt happen.. what piano says is true.. yul knows where cg's heart lies and he deliberating lies about shin, etc etc..

and yeah i know it is because of shin being an richard simmons in the 1st place so cg believed yul..

but since yul already knows that shin likes cg already, isnt that "if u care more for CG, i would have back off"an excuse to stay by cg's side??

Shin changed for the better already and he tries his best to shows it but cg kind of shove everything in shin's face.

and yeah love is uncontrollable.. yes. my thinking is.. since u know the person u love, love another. and that guy loves her back.. shouldnt u help them insteading of lying and tear them apart?

well.. and what cilik said is also true.. all of them hurt each other... vicious chain reactions

hmmmm ok that;s the end of the discussion from me. i wun reply to this anymore.. =D

but again.. we are entitled to different thoughts and ideas.

stay friendly

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Yul honest ? please.....he back stabs his cousin, telling lies into CG''s and manipulating her knowing that she doesnt love him (as the story goes but now I dont know...CG kept geting close to Yul knowing that she will get herself into trouble)....who is so blind to say that Yul is HONEST? gosh

You basically took out a major chunk of the sentence. I said he was honest when the question was asked. The question about how he felt about CG. I hope you dont do this when you write articles or essays because it twists the meaning that the author is trying to convey. When you quote someone, remember to quote at least the entire sentence. I see Yul's actions through what he's seen. He doesnt see what you see.

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Guest laceytam

can someone translete the preview 22 in episode 21?

and the scene in epi 21 when shin crys and cg cry on the floor


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