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Guest coreana

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Oh My Buddha! CG has got to be the most stupidest character ever! :fury: Wasn't she the one who chose to enter Goong in the first place? What's the point of running away? You know she can't return to her family cuz they'd be ruin from all the scandal with her running off with her cousin in law. So where the HECK is she suppose to go? Live with Yul? That's even more scandalous!!! Chae Gyun, YOU ARE SOOOO STUPID, RIGHT NOW I REALLY WISH I WAS THAT RING GIRL WHO CAN GET OUT OF THE TV AND PULL YOU OUT OF THE COMPUTER AND GIVE YOU A SMACKDOWN!!! GET AWAY FROM SHIN!!! YOU DO NOT DESERVE HIM AT ALL! :fury: :fury:

But ummm, does anyone else notice that Ebil Yul is not wearing his trademark lipstick no more. His lips is alot less shiny. Now he kinda looks like a man. :sweatingbullets::ph34r:

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Guest cheli001

Tnx for the translation avid_fan8!!!! :D Merci beaucoup!!!!

I really hate yul's mom!!!! arghhhhh

So, shin already told mr. internal officer the he knows about pyeha and yul's mom.

Yipey! mr. officer should help shin gather more evidence againsts pyeha and yul's mom!!!! They are the ones that needs to be punished!!!

Maybe, the car accident of yul's dad happened bec. he also found out that pyeha and evil mom are having an affair. Bec. I remember a scene where the queen is telling pyeha that all these years in his (pyeha's)heart his older brother is still the king. And she also said something like it wasn't your fault.


Or maybe pyeha is just feeling guilty that his ex-lover got kicked out of the palace.

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i know i worry too much but i really wonder how the PD/writer gonna be able to put Yul (& HR too!) back into the story for Season2. Esp Yul and the big blowup that's happening in current episodes. i sure hope they'll make everything believable cuz i hate it when they take the creative perogative to just let everything happen unnaturally!!!!

avid_fan8: thanks for the summary of Ep21! (maybe u wanna yellow out cuz thatz spoilers!)

so from the looks of things, CG said sorry to Shin but i wonder for what exactly?

for bringing up the D word in the interview?

for hurting Shin?

for bringing great upheaval in the Palace?

or one/some/all of the above?

at least we're sure the Queen knows that Shin loves CG and CG has not considered Yul anything more than just friends.

thatz the ray of hope and i really want it to shine next week! itz about time!!!!!!

maybe the Queen arranges for CG to run off to Macau away from the storm till some calm returns and

maybe she also encourages Shin to go to Macau in pursuit of CG (she's done it b4 for Jejudo trip right?)!!!!

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Guest cheli001


The only good thing about today's episode to me is this photo :D

TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!!! they should have more moments like that photo! :P

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Guest Sa_rang_hae!

Everyone was like having a bad time with today episode. I don't want to comment on that coz I didn't watch it yet. Just reading spoilers in this thread. But I believe everything happened must have a reason. I don't hate Yul, CG and Shin because of what happened. The PD too because that's what make this drama a'drama'. And that's the love is. Something that is hard to get and understand. But it means world when you get it right? Because of this drama is for Shin and CG of course I want them to be together. But I don't hate anybody in this drama. I think everybody did a good job potraying their role. Except for Shin's Dad and Yul's Mom. If I'm going to hate someone, the two deserve it. Shin's Dad is the worst man on earth. Loving someone else when he's married is one thing but what makes him worst is he didn't even try to forget that woman and he did show it in front of his wife. If you really want to do like that then at least don't let your wife suffered that much. Yul's Mom is for her i can't read act. he love Shin's dad but married to his brother 'coz she wants to be a queen. When she can't, he seduce that man again and even use her own son for that. Eventough she said for his son's own good sake but we know that it was for her own sake.

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Guest nobido

After all of ur guys post and looking at those pics I really feel sorry for Shin :-(and CG is she stupid or what? I thought she love Shin but right now I am really confuse!

I understand that Yul is like her friend but still when it comes to feelings u gotta know what u feel. And the more she want to protect Yul the more she make he feels that she can possibly fall in love with him and more complication she makes. Is that what she want? Oh my God am really richard simmons off, why cant she follow her love (Shin) and tell Yul to back off or deal with the friendship that she can only give him. Or she does change her feeling those? OMG what a stupid IDIOT. Its the first time that I do really hate CG arg arg arg arg....................

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Guest V A L XD


The only good thing about today's episode to me is this photo :D

That is a good picture. now if only her belly was swollen.

Thanks for epi.21 summery!

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Guest haydee

Sheeesh...so much going on today with episode 22. Isn't episode 22 on today already? Also thanks for the preview. And the one interesting thing is that Yul seems to be pulling the strings still. Not sure what his up too yet. I know his being out in the open but I think his got nothing to loose now that CG's annouced divorce and everything is coming to a head very soon...since episode 24 is out next week. Interesting thing is the information of the affair between the King and Yuls mom. Thats coming up too..hehehhe...curiouse to see how Yul will handle it. Do not be fooled by Yul's act though...despite his revealing his feelings to all...at this point, he knows his got nothing to loose but everything to gain if CG leaves. And yeah shes pretty dumb but then CG has never been a smart girl either. lol!

Edit: Ooops..forget it...Just realized..21 already aired.....Ill just wait to DL a HQ version of this and 22 later.

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Guest psycho2005

I think I saw CG lying down on the bed and Shin staring at her. Could it be that CG is sick in Ep 22 ? Will this lead to that hugging scene just like in the Manga where Shin got sick.

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Guest cheli001




so from the looks of things, CG said sorry to Shin but i wonder for what exactly?

for bringing up the D word in the interview?

for hurting Shin?

for bringing great upheaval in the Palace?

or one/some/all of the above?




I think for hurting shin. I hope so... Shin cried in front of her!!! I just hope she saw that!

and also for being selfish, she thinks she's the only one suffering but then she realized that all the things she's said and done also had a great effect on Shin.

I think I saw CG lying down on the bed and Shin staring at her. Could it be that CG is sick in Ep 22 ? Will this lead to that hugging scene just like in the Manga where Shin got sick.

In the preview... I think CG will be sick again or probably shin is just watching her sleep....

ahhhhh so sweet :blush:

Although, i saw in the manhwa shin is going to be sick. Hope they follow the manhwa coz there is a hugging scene there.

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So... Yul admitted to everyone that he was with CG that night and that he's in love with her? Does that mean the MO-TOOT will get kicked out of the palace along with him? woo hoo, I can only hope! I KNEW that Yul would do something to ruin his mom's evil plotting, there's no way she can get him to become king after this!

Also, I since there was news that Yul/KJH will not be in the last episodes (supposedly to be filmed in Macau) then tomorrow's ep will be the last one he appears in, right? Most likely CG will reject him again and he'll go back to England or something, eh?

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Guest xmoshixkon


The only good thing about today's episode to me is this photo :D

i like this picture

and poor Shin, seeing him sitting alone in the darkroom, touching the shoes which was CG's gift for his b-day

hizhiz, i almost cried T.T

i dont hate Yul, but i dont like him much like b4 either -___-

CG is so s.t.u.p.i.d -___-

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Guest StrawberryPunch

episode 21 summary translations

not everything is translated... coz my friend was just typing this while watching...

so the interview thing...

cg announces divorce

shin: we thought about divorce before

shin: i fell in love with her

shin: she is not perfect though she is doing her best

shin: one thing left is for you people to forgive us

then audience clapped

the king is mad that cg mentioned divorce

shin and cg conversation after being scolded by king

shin: i asked you not to say it (divorce)

shin: i never asked anybody a favor

shin: and i did today

shin: you didn't care about my feeling

he also said that he's in love with her

shin was crying while saying this

king said that shin is not good to become king.. yul is

the queen said is it because of your feelings for yul's ,p,

then she said she's going to make him king

family and friends of cg are worried that cg might not become the queen anymore

shin's friend was telling cg's friend when he knelt down.. please be my picture

shin and cg.. cg approached shin

cg: you said you love me

cg: if you meant it

cg: please understand me

cg: isnt sorry enough?

then shin leaves

shin looking at cg's pictures when they went to the beach....

cg thinking while looking at the shin doll

cg: its too hard to be the princess

cg: i wanted to run away

cg: i just thought about myself

cg: didn't care about shin

cg: sorry. sorry

queen and king

queen: do you love me?

queen is envious of cg because she is loved by her husband

she thought that any wife who is loved by her husband can go through any hardship

queen talking to cg

queen wants to make sure of something

queen: what do you feel about yul?

queen: there cannot be any friendship between boy and girl

cg: i haven't thought about yul as more than a friend

queen: can i believe you?

cg: yes

cg and yul's mom

mom: you must have a hard time

cg: its all my fault

mom: people make mistakes

mom: what are you going to do?

cg: i don't know

cg: how can i be forgiven?

mom: it needs an extreme solution..

so yul's mom told cg to kneel until she is forgiven by the king

shin went to the king... the king asked him to go back since he will be going with yul instead...

cg kneeling down...

king saw her..

the king is asking cg if the reason for saying divorce is because of the guy in the paper

cg couldn't answer

the king asked if it was really her father who was with her

cg couldn't answer

shin telling cg that the king will not forgive her

shin talking to assistant

shin: i think i know now why the king likes yul so much

he told the assistant that he found the love letter of king to yul's mom

yul talking to the phone.. he is asking about cg

then his assistant told him that the king is looking for him

great queen talking to cg

queen: you just made a mistake

queen: you don't have to do this

queen: tell him the truth

queen: who you were with

cg: i can't tell who i was with

yul telling the king that he should forgive her... that she is too weak.. the king said its none of his business

king and cg

king: where is shin?

cg: please forgive me

cg: forgive us

cg: forgive shin too

cg: he loves you in his own way

king: do you think i hate shin?

king: there is no parent who hates his son

king: but it is the parent's role to tell him which is right or wrong

yul and shin

yul: go to cg

yul: have you ever gone to see her?

yul: if you were a little bit warmer, i could have given her up

shin: one loving cousin-in-law is enough in the palace

yul and cg

yul is saying sorry to cg for telling her to say divorce

cg is asking about shin

yul said that shin doesn't care about her

yul's mom heard everything i think...

yul found out that it was his mom who told cg to kneel until forgiven

king and queen

king wants queen to find the guy who cg is with

he is asking why is shin not going to cg

yul's mom is talking with her assistant.. telling her that her son is in love with the princess

shin and assistant

as: you are looking at the same page for hours

as: are you going to leave ck like that?

shin: you may go

cg with unnies

unnie: please stop

cg: i won't move till i'm forgiven

great queen said she has lived too long

yul asked the queen to help her

the queen called everyone in the palace

great queen: how could you leave cg like that for so long?

great queen: why don't you forgive her?

yul's mom: but she lied

yul's mom: and she is not telling who she was with

yul: it was me

yul: i saw her going out

yul: i followed her

everybody was shocked..

king: you were with her?

yul: yes

yul's mom: i think he went with her as a friend

king: do you like cg?

yul: yes, i love her very much


preview for episode 22

they found out that yul loves cg

so they are talking about making yul go away from the palace

yul telling shin

yul: let cg free and then become king

yul: i will give up the crown

sorry if its not accurate...

Ohh my god thank you soooo much...ahh this is just killing me..stupid Cg stupidd!!!

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Let us see based on the translations of this Episode...I have a list of character that I am hating right now. First of is the King, who is he to say all those things. Better look at your own face, he is without fault in this scenario. Look closely KIng. Yul's MOM I never liked her and she is more hateful now that these things are happening. If only Revenge or what ever her motives were not in the picture. Then the Goong would probable less intrigue filled. Yul is just plain looking out for himself and the end result he wants. But have to admire his moxie for admitting it was him with CG and for loving her. CG is such a lucky girl getting all the love these days. And CG too for being so stupid to get caught up with all the politics and Goong life around her. She is just clueless, she should study more and read so that she is not brainless. And will be less prone to all the insinuations and she can think for herself. But then again I think she needs more life experience she is still young and Goong life is not exactly reality. But I still wish for a good ending. My heart bleeds for Shin....

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The only good thing about today's episode to me is this photo :D

I love that pic too... I hope i can find a HQ of that so I change my wallie.... :lol: they should have more pictures like this :lol:

after watching this episode... I'm not angry at CG anymore for inviting or Yul visiting her at her house pic...

I just hope that it will be Yul's "last supper" at CG's house with CG.... kekeke... :phew:

Thanks to avid_fan8 for the episode 21 summary translations and nanana12 for those lovely caps...

Loving Yully right now.... hahaha....

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Guest cilik

cg thinking while looking at the shin doll

cg: its too hard to be the princess

cg: i wanted to run away

cg: i just thought about myself

cg: didn't care about shin

cg: sorry. sorry

well it's good to know that at least that idiot of a princess knows that she was being a selfish irresponsible brat.

and i wish the king's neuroglycopenia would take his life away sooner... :fury:

although ep 21 is pretty depressing, i still like it better than last week's episodes. maybe because it's closer to the manhwa?

hahaha...181 users. i'm guessing you're all reading spoilers and/or waiting for ep 21 to be uploaded? well here it is.

Ep 21 LQ (~129 Kbps, ~56 MB) for those who want to see the episode badly enough that they can't wait for the 100+ MB LQ episode to be uploaded

:lol: :

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Guest cheli001

WOW...sounds like a lot happened in the 21st episode? was it that sad? ...

yup. sad moments..... Shin looking at CG's picture (taken when they went to the beach together);CG saying sorry to Shin stuffed pillow and shin crying :(

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Guest evy149

Fist of all, thanks for all the caps and spoilers :) i haven't seen this episode yet (gosh ! wanna go home right now and dl :fury: )

But from reading all spoilers, i must say that i feel a little bit better toward Yul. Yeah, yeah....i know this is weird but i really do feel that Yul is not that bad after all. I meant i used to say that i hated him (i guess a lot of you share the same thought here). But lately, i just feel that he really loves CG and wants to take a good care of her. I think he also realizes that Shin does love CG and CG also loves shin dearly. However, Yul believes that love is not enough and Shin can't take a good care of CG (Yul always says and thinks that CG will end up hurting herself when she tries to be with Shin). And i think this is the main point why Yul wants to take CG away from Shin coz' he believes that he not only loves her but he's willing to give up everthing that he has in order to protect and take care of her.

Well... i still think that some of Yul's actions is wrong though... like keeping telling CG that Shin didn't love her and bahbahbah.... :vicx: But i guess, after all i understand him a bit better now ;)

And, despite all i said above, I STILL WANT SHIN TO BE WIHT CG AND HAVE A LITTLE TRIPLET (like Manda-Panda suggested!)

O...one last comment here about our Princess...gosh !!! she's pissing me off in these couple episodes. Maybe she should runaway like someone suggested just to get her thought clear and open her eyes to see that her husband actually LOVES HER !!

Edit: Thanks, Manda-Cilik for the link ! haven't see you for a while. *waves* :)

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