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Guest carlavb

I still think it was the tabloid guy who put the cg+yul pics out...hes like in your face MO-toot...

My fav quote was when shin told cg she can kick a cow dead with her legs....HAHAHA

how come i never saw this photo? :blink: i always thought the photo in the newspaper was the one in Epi. 15 where Shin kissed CG in front of the reporters in the opera house..

there wasn't anybody there but Shin when Yul kissed CG...

im confused... :wacko:

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Guest donilpark

I still think it was the tabloid guy who put the cg+yul pics out...hes like in your face MO-toot...

My fav quote was when shin told cg she can kick a cow dead with her legs....HAHAHA

Wait, what is this that I'm hearing?

Did anyone take a picture or Chaegyeong and Yul and released it?

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Guest SukarDrops

is my eyes playing games on me???? in episdoe 20 wasnt that yul kissin CG's head??? maybe i need more sleep loooooooooooool...im go back and look again

Edited: loooooooooooooooooooooooool what the F is up with my eyes??? the first to times I saw that I saw trees and dark sky in the background.....lmsoooo I cant believe that...

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Guest donilpark

is my eyes playing games on me???? in episdoe 20 wasnt that yul kissin CG's head??? maybe i need more sleep loooooooooooool...im go back and look again

If you mean the picture on the paper, it was Shin.

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Guest blue_arena

The scene in ep16 when Shin and Chaegyung goes to see sun rise is soooooo cute ^0^...my heart just smile while watching it

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Guest kira2

Hi all, I've been lurking on this thread for a week, just trying to follow up with the story. Thank you for the uploaders and subbers, I couldnt watch this drama without you guys. I like the way the story developed and we'll see what happened next week :) I have a question though, while reading back, some people were hoping that there's going to be a sehson at the end. What is sehson?

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Hi all, I've been lurking on this thread for a week, just trying to follow up with the story. Thank you for the uploaders and subbers, I couldnt watch this drama without you guys. I like the way the story developed and we'll see what happened next week :) I have a question though, while reading back, some people were hoping that there's going to be a sehson at the end. What is sehson?

sehson means a royal child aka BABY

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Guest rainy_summer

am i the only one who thinks this is NOT dragging?

I also do not think that Goong is dragging. Though I wish to fastforward through some of the Hyorin, Yul, Yul's mom's scenes but I think the drama is going through a reasonable pace. It gives all the characters some time to develop. One thing I dislike about some kdramas is how the ending seems rushed. Like all of a sudden they came to this big realization and before you know it "the end". Here, Shin's saying "I love you" directly to CG is just to cap it off but in his own way he has been telling and showing her. Sure, words would have been great but it doesnt come easy for everyone. It is not only because Shin was cloistered in Palace life and showing emotions isnt what he grew up with but even in real life, expressing love isnt as easy as we would all want it to be. We all have our way of showing how much we care. There is no ONE right thing to go about it. we do it in the manner that feels right to us. Granted that Shin has been mean to CG its because he is also baffled by what he is feeling for her and Shin probably feels that being mean to her would mean for the feelings to diminish but that isnt what is happening. It is even growing stronger and this is not what he was expecting.

I dont think Yul is evil but he sure doesnt have a backbone to allow himself to be manipulated by his mother like that. At the start, I think he also wanted it because he felt that it was what his father would have wanted it but he realized that his mom is doing all these underhanded things and though he didnt agree with it, I dont think he doing anything either to stop it. He is not able to face up to his own mom when he knows very well that what she is doing is wrong. I give Shin credit for having his own mind and if it meant going against his parents, so be it.

I think Yul was intrigued by CG at first then when he found out she was married to his cousin, he wanted to be a friend to her but it soon turned out that he sees CG as a means to the end that he wants. He feels that he can break Shin through CG and that is what is happening. Yul may be willing to give up the throne for CG but we all know his mom will have none of that. He feels that the only way to have CG is by giving up the throne. It may seem selfless of him but has he thought about what will happen to him if he gives it up? Shin is also willing to give it up not only because of CG but also for himself. He knows that there is still a world out there that he needs to see. He sees snippets of it through his sister and CG but I think he wants to see more and it would be best if aside from seeing it with his own two eyes, he also wants to see it through CG's eyes. I dont know if I am making sense with this but what I am trying to say as far as giving up the throne is:

Yul - will give up throne for of CG (sounds romantic but is he being true to himself?)

Shin - will give up throne for himself but wants to bring CG with him. He sees CG as a partner and he has constantly said that he would feel empty if she would leave.

CG- is confused and vulnerable, in her heart she wants Shin but she is not sure if he wants her too and the last thing she needs right now is to be rejected by him again. She already knew that she was a 2nd choice, I think she isnt stupid enough to lay it all only to be rejected again. I think in time she will see through Yul's true intentions and we will see a complete turn around.

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Guest donilpark

Yul - will give up throne for of CG (sounds romantic but is he being true to himself?)

Shin - will give up throne for himself but wants to bring CG with him. He sees CG as a partner and he has constantly said that he would feel empty if she would leave.

CG- is confused and vulnerable, in her heart she wants Shin but she is not sure if he wants her too and the last thing she needs right now is to be rejected by him again. She already knew that she was a 2nd choice, I think she isnt stupid enough to lay it all only to be rejected again. I think in time she will see through Yul's true intentions and we will see a complete turn around.

No one wants to be Emperor.

That's for sure.

The mothers are to blame on that point.

I'm not a mother myself, so I don't understand why it is so important to see one's own son become Emperor rather than be happy.

And I don't understand how you can give up your love for the sake of making your son Emperor. And look here, that son is not even conceived yet, let alone born, and there's no guarantee that you'll ever give birth to a son. And yet, at the prospect of making this hypothetical, nonexistent son Emperor, Yul's mom betrayed her love while plainly stating that she doesn't mind becoming a simple country woman if she were with her love.

That seriously puzzled me.

Anyway, the fact of the matter is no one wants to be Emperor.

It's only because of fear of losing the only family he has-his mom- that Yul is doing what she wants, and it's out of pity for his mother that Shin has decided to become Emperor.

These are seperate things from who will be with Chaegyeong.

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Guest blahxx

there's going to be a season 2 of GOONG??? so there's going to be a break where we would have to wait to find out what happens to everyone? im confused..how many more eps are left? the last ep. is not going to be the end of the whole story, but just an end to season 1? dont tell me korea is following america and doing dramas by seasons..uhhggg...i would hate to wait for it

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Guest donilpark

there's going to be a season 2 of GOONG??? so there's going to be a break where we would have to wait to find out what happens to everyone? im confused..how many more eps are left? the last ep. is not going to be the end of the whole story, but just an end to season 1? dont tell me korea is following america and doing dramas by seasons..uhhggg...i would hate to wait for it

There will be a season 2, but season 1 (which ends with 24 episodes two weeks from now) will itself have some kind of an ending as well.

I think it will be ok to just watch season 1 and forget about season 2.

So you don't really have to wait for season 2 if you can't stand it.

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No one wants to be Emperor.

That's for sure.

The mothers are to blame on that point.

Anyway, the fact of the matter is no one wants to be Emperor.

It's only because of fear of losing the only family he has-his mom- that Yul is doing what she wants, and it's out of pity for his mother that Shin has decided to become Emperor.

These are seperate things from who will be with Chaegyeong.

I 100% agree with you on this one. What's up with the moms? HwangHu even said to the King that she will continue to take his cold-heartedness as long as he will make Shin to be King. Has she even asked Shin if this is what he wants? And Yul's mom left her "true-love" aka the King just so that she can be the Queen, hence her son will be the Crown Prince. Is that the only thing in these women's heads? If that's the case, then, what shallow minds they have.. I just don't get it.

The irony is: the ambitions of these mothers are defeated by this innocent "country-girl" named CG. What are the chances that BOTH sons can fall head-over-heels with this girl, who they thought to be a nobody, and willing to give up the highest position in the country (and their mom's ambitions) just to be with her. Maybe it's their KARMA for not being true to their heart?

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Guest wonderwall

i dunno if this was already posted but...

'궁' 주지훈 "연장방송 출연 못할 뻔했다"

(고뉴스=백민재 기자) MBC 수목드라마 '궁'(극본 인은아, 연출 황인뢰)의 황태자 주지훈이 연장방송 4회분에 출연하지 못할 뻔했던 것으로 밝혀졌다.

소속사 여백엔터테인먼트 관계자는 "제작사 에이트픽스 측으로부터 2회 연장에 대한 협의는 있었으나, 4회 연장 결정에 대해 전혀 알지 못했던 상황이었다"고 말했다.

주지훈 측은 19회와 20회를 촬영하고 있을 당시 4회 연장에 대한 통보를 받았던 것. 결국 22회 이후의 스케줄에는 차질이 생길 수밖에 없는 상황이 됐다.

소속사 관계자는 "각종 광고와 영화·드라마 등 스케줄들이 모두 겹치게 되어 부득이하게 연장방송에 대해서 출연을 못하게 될 상황까지 갔었다"고 밝혔다.

그러나 소속사측과 주지훈은 "어려운 상황 속에서도 지금의 주지훈을 있게 해준 '궁'과 잘 성장할 수 있게 끌어주신 감독님께 보답하고자 어려움 속에서도 연장방송의 강행군을 결정했다"고 밝혔다. 또 '궁'의 4회 연장 방송 분량에 대하여 출연료를 받지 않고 출연할 의사를 함께 밝혔다.

현재 주지훈은 7개월의 기나긴 대장정 속에서도 피곤하고 지친 기색 없이 심신을 이끌며 촬영에 임하고 있다.

한편, '궁'은 종영이 가까워질수록 결말에 대한 궁금증이 더욱 높아져 가고 있으며, 높은 인기에 힘입어 오는 30일 마지막 회가 방송된 후에는 시즌2가 제작될 예정이다.

The article basically says that JJH almost wasn't able to continue on for the extra 4 episodes for the first season. While his entertainment company was aware of a possible 2 episode extension, they were completely unaware of the 4 episode situation. JJH recieved the information about it as he was in the midst of filmin episode 19 and 20. So a clash with his schedules post episode 22 was inevitable. His company said that due to tenative plans for movie, drama, and CF that overlapped with the overtime episodes, JJH wasn't going to be able to participate in the episodes. However, JJH and his company both stated that "admist all the difficulties, he wanted to repay his gratitude to the drama 'Goong' that birthed the current JJH and the director who supported him by choosing the 4 episode extension over his scheduled plans. In addition, JJH stated that he would forgo the money from filming the 4 episodes.

Actually here is the article that talks about him filiming the 4 episodes for free.

‘궁’ 주지훈,4회 연장출연료 안받는다

주지훈이 ‘황태자’다운 모습을 보였다.

MBC 수목 미니시리즈 ‘궁’(극본 인은아ㆍ연출 황인뢰)에서 황태자 신 역을 맡으며 인기 상승 중인 주지훈은 최근 ‘궁’ 연장 방송분에 대한 출연료를 받지 않기로 전격 결정했다. 주지훈 소속사인 여백 엔터테인먼트는 17일 “주지훈은 ‘궁’의 4회 연장 방송에 출연료를 받지 않고 나서겠다는 의사를 밝혔다”며 “‘궁’이 현재 30%의 육박하는 높은 시청률을 보이며 시청자들의 사랑을 받고 있고, 자신을 연기자로 성장할 수 있게 해 준 황인뢰 감독님에 대한 감사의 의미로 출연료 없이 4회 방송에 더 모습을 비치기로 했다”고 전했다.

주지훈 소속사에 따르면 주지훈은 원래 20회를 예정됐던 ‘궁’의 연장 방송에 참여할 수 있었던 상황도 못됐었다. ‘궁’ 20회 이후 영화, 드라마, 광고 촬영 등 수많은 스케줄이 미리 예정돼 있었기 때문이다. 하지만 제작진 및 시청자들에 대한 고마운 마음에 계획돼있던 스케줄을 연기하고 ‘궁’의 연장 방송에 동참하기로 선뜻 결정했다.

주지훈 윤은혜 김정훈 송지효 주연의 궁은 16일 20회 방송분에서 27.1%(TNS미디어코리아)의 시청률을 보이며 첫 방송 이후 자체 최고 시청률을 기록했다.

JJH showed noble acts of a true prince. Playing the Crown Prince role in 'Goong', JJH has decided not to recieve payment for the extra 4 episodes. JJH's Co stated that "JJH has said that he will not recieve payments for the episodes" " 'Goong' is closely reaching 30% and being shown so much love and as a token of gratitude to director Hwang who allowed him to grow as an actor he will film Goong sans money."

The rest talks about the article above how he almost couldn't film the 4 episodes but he wanted to show his gratitude for the viewers and delayed his scheduled activities. Episode 20 had a 27.1% viewer rating which is the highest since the first episode.

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Guest echoRy


---and on the rollercoaster..."I GET THE FRONT SEAT, I GET THE FRONT SEAT" hehehe---

I'm betting that the last scene of Episode 24 will be CG and Shin watching the sunrise. What do you guys think?

nice...i want the sunrise in the background, but them ignoring it because the're too busy kissing! :D

REBBY! my fave is "what do u think of us living together for 100 years" :wub:

zinc- as always u rock, thanx for the rip!

wonderwall, thanx for the article & trans!

can't wait for episode 21&22! don't know why but even though 19&20 were

depressing, i have a good outlook on the upcoming eps. as much as i don't

want the series to end...i can not wait for the "happy ending!"

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Guest rainy_summer

No one wants to be Emperor.

That's for sure.

The mothers are to blame on that point.

I'm not a mother myself, so I don't understand why it is so important to see one's own son become Emperor rather than be happy.

And I don't understand how you can give up your love for the sake of making your son Emperor. And look here, that son is not even conceived yet, let alone born, and there's no guarantee that you'll ever give birth to a son. And yet, at the prospect of making this hypothetical, nonexistent son Emperor, Yul's mom betrayed her love while plainly stating that she doesn't mind becoming a simple country woman if she were with her love.

That seriously puzzled me.

Anyway, the fact of the matter is no one wants to be Emperor.

It's only because of fear of losing the only family he has-his mom- that Yul is doing what she wants, and it's out of pity for his mother that Shin has decided to become Emperor.

These are seperate things from who will be with Chaegyeong.

LMAO I think you are right. I think Shin and Yul both know what kind of a life they would lead if one becomes Emperor and its not at all rosy for them. and not the kind of life they would want for themselves.

I think Yul's mom is the classic "living her dream off her child" I agree with what you said that she is the only family Yul knows and he is willing to do whatever. I agree too that it seems the mothers are putting their own dreams before their son's happiness. That is sad but that too happens in real life.

What I dont understand is how the King is so forgiving of the woman who he thought loved him but married his older brother instead. if that isnt the ultimate betrayal then what is? I would understand if she really loved the late prince but it seemed the Yul's mom saw in him as a fulfillment of her dream to be Queen. She not only betrayed the current King but the late prince as well and now she is going to betray her own son. Could it be that he has a hand in the whole accident and he feels that he can atone his "sins" by being all chummy with Yul's mom?

and with hundreds of guards in the Palace, no one is able to see that they have paparazzi lurking in the palace grounds? Yul's mom sure learned a thing or two living in England...using the paparazzi to its full potential.

If Yul truly loves CG as he says, why is it that he allowed the picture of him kissing CG to circulate? If this was his mom's doing, she isnt helping her son's chances of being King because assuming with their manipulations he becomes King, wouldnt this type of thing haunt his throne as well?

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---and on the rollercoaster..."I GET THE FRONT SEAT, I GET THE FRONT SEAT" hehehe---

nice...i want the sunrise in the background, but them ignoring it because the're too busy kissing! :D

NOOOO!!!! :crazy:

I want to SEE them kiss.

I wouldn't want their kiss, the moment i've been waiting for painstakingly in 24 episodes, be blinded because of the sunrise on the background (as in hana yori dango, if you understand what I'm saying)

REBBY! my fave is "what do u think of us living together for 100 years" :wub:

ay...i love that quote too!! :blush:

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Guest donilpark

I 100% agree with you on this one. What's up with the moms? HwangHu even said to the King that she will continue to take his cold-heartedness as long as he will make Shin to be King. Has she even asked Shin if this is what he wants?

She even understands her son well enough to tell that Shin was planning on giving up being crown prince, and yet she still wants him to stay where he is.

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Guest kira2

sehson means a royal child aka BABY

thank you liquidfir... i've been curious what sehson means...

But I don't know if I want to see them have babies yet. I want them to enjoy each other companies fisrt after they realized each other's feelings

I also do not think that Goong is dragging. Though I wish to fastforward through some of the Hyorin, Yul, Yul's mom's scenes but I think the drama is going through a reasonable pace. It gives all the characters some time to develop. One thing I dislike about some kdramas is how the ending seems rushed. Like all of a sudden they came to this big realization and before you know it "the end". Here, Shin's saying "I love you" directly to CG is just to cap it off but in his own way he has been telling and showing her. Sure, words would have been great but it doesnt come easy for everyone. It is not only because Shin was cloistered in Palace life and showing emotions isnt what he grew up with but even in real life, expressing love isnt as easy as we would all want it to be. We all have our way of showing how much we care. There is no ONE right thing to go about it. we do it in the manner that feels right to us. Granted that Shin has been mean to CG its because he is also baffled by what he is feeling for her and Shin probably feels that being mean to her would mean for the feelings to diminish but that isnt what is happening. It is even growing stronger and this is not what he was expecting.

rainy_summer, I completely agree with you on this... This drama is not lagging for me since it's allow more character development... Shin doesn't know how to express his emotions and it's nice to see how Shin opened up to CG even if he did it in not the right way... :sweatingbullets:

my 2 cents on how I think season 1 going to end... shin&CG are finally realized each other feelings and keep their marriage... but the PD going to leave it open on who's gonna get the throne and we will know it on season 2...

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