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Guest coreana

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Guest st_heaven

yeah, i do realise that the characters in the drama wear rather, urm, very formal clothes(excluding the traditional clothing) than the manga. the shin in the manga wears cool clothes and chae gyung in the manga is rather stylish compared to the one in the drama. just my two cents.

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but do we know who released the CG 'secret affair' pic?

was it Mo-Toot also? even at the expense of Yul her son?

how does she hope to have Yul succeed the Crown Prince throne if he falls into such bad light?

According to what they are saying, it's the guys who stole CG's car that told the newspaper.

Shin told CG not to tell when CG was called in by Shin's mom so CG lied and told them that it was her dad she was meeting. When asked why she met her dad at late hour, she told them that she wanted to let her dad know about the rumors that was floating around regarding her dad getting job at the palace because of CG connection. Shin's sister suggested to let the newspaper know that it was CG meeting her dad so they announced it on the newspaper. However, story got worse becaue the guys who stole CG's car said it was "young" guy, not older male.


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Guest xsun0122

people keep on saying how shin confessed his love during the interview... and while i agree that it is how shin really feels, CG prob just thought Shin said that for the sake of the palace's appearence... and that might be more heartbreaking for her to take.

I really hope they make up by the next episode but it just seems like their ridge is becoming wider and wider... and if it goes according to the manhwa, then we might have to suffer through another episode of hell... ...

p.s. did anyone notice the pic on the newspaper is NOT of CG and Yul... while i was reading through these few pages, i noticed how people were referencing to the picture but i just want to share taht the pic is actually of CG and Shin rite after their Opera house kiss...

ok, here's how i want the story to go in the next ep.

- they cont. the interview, CG announces divorce, Shin tries to explain and cover up... after the interview, Shin gets really sad and heartbroken thinking CG loves Yul... he gets sick... and CG rushes to his side... while she thinks he's sleeping, she talks about how much she loves him and gives him a kiss with a tear on her face... Shin opens his eyes, gets up and gently wiped the tear off her face, then holds her-with a big smile on his face... while CG is still confused, Shin faces her and slowly begin to kiss her...



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Guest kimtoa

I disagree with someone say about Hyorin being miss virtuous...Yes, she was bad before, she tried every ways to get Shin back, but after knowing Shin love CG she knows she was defeated and take it. It was differnt between girls and guy...girls have their pride too. Knowing the limition and where to stop. Unlike Yul he tried to take what is not really belong to him in the beginning. It was fate that happened. If he to blame then blame fate that playing with him

people keep on saying how shin confessed his love during the interview... and while i agree that it is how shin really feels, CG prob just thought Shin said that for the sake of the palace's appearence... and that might be more heartbreaking for her to take.

I really hope they make up by the next episode but it just seems like their ridge is becoming wider and wider... and if it goes according to the manhwa, then we might have to suffer through another episode of hell... ...

p.s. did anyone notice the pic on the newspaper is NOT of CG and Yul... while i was reading through these few pages, i noticed how people were referencing to the picture but i just want to share taht the pic is actually of CG and Shin rite after their Opera house kiss...

ok, here's how i want the story to go in the next ep.

- they cont. the interview, CG announces divorce, Shin tries to explain and cover up... after the interview, Shin gets really sad and heartbroken thinking CG loves Yul... he gets sick... and CG rushes to his side... while she thinks he's sleeping, she talks about how much she loves him and gives him a kiss with a tear on her face... Shin opens his eyes, gets up and gently wiped the tear off her face, then holds her-with a big smile on his face... while CG is still confused, Shin faces her and slowly begin to kiss her...



hhahah really good imagination...but it might become reality...this way they can wrap up the series...I love it love it...how about I add this to your imagination...shin faces and slowly begin to kiss her.... then lay her down on bed with him...you guys can imagin the rest

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hahaha so Yul's not evil even though he is trying to force himself upon CG? He walks around saying, "I was first in line for the throne, she's supposed to be mine. Therefore, she is mine". HELLO?! Does no one else think this is a bit deranged? Why can't he just accept that CG is married to SHIN. He says that CG will be happier when she divorces Shin and CG and him go off to live together, somewhere. What, he doesn't think that reporters and speculators are always going to be around, frowning on them for what they've done? Honestly, the Crown Princess divorcing her husband and running off with his cousin? That's disgusting. CG will be more confined and more uncomfortable in that situation. Yeah, Yul is 불쌍해 because all that has happened to him, his dad dying, getting kicked out of his palace, etc. BUT that gives him absolutely no right to go around ruining other peoples' lives at the expense of his own happiness. AND, everyone knows that if CG goes with Yul, she's just going to miss Shin terribly and he's going to let her go. Why doesn't he just save himself the trouble and let her be with the one she loves? I totally disagree with you saying that Shin's growing up in that environment is no reason for his personality. Honestly, if you grew up in a place where you were never showed emotion, never showed how to comfort someone, never showed to apologize (he is the Prince, after all, who expects an apology from the Prince?), would YOU know how to express yourself? Its probably hard for someone who never knew how to show any of these feelings to just jump right out and become a pro at it, apologizing here and there, comforting CG left and right. You've got to give him credit for trying in the past couple of episodes, where CG just blew him off and disregarded his attempts at apologizing.

I don't think Yul has his heart in the right place because he is menacing and only wants CG simply because HE LOVES HER. He doesn't care that she doesn't love him. He tells her that her love for Shin will change once she agrees to go away with Shin. In dramas, no one ever changes who they love, that's how a typical korean drama works.

Do you guys really believe that CG will be happier with Yul because he was kind to her in the beginning? I think that if she goes with her, he'll be more controlling and paranoid because he'd be afraid that she'd go and see Shin or something. She does love Shin, after all.

Anyways, I'm happy that Shin decided not to step down from his position as next in line for the Throne. Should Yul have become president, the whole country would probably be in turmoil, considering that his emotions are so easily swayed by a girl and his reasons for wanting to be King totally irrelevent and absurd. Oh, and, if he did become King, we all know he would be a puppet ruler, with his conniving mother telling him what to do from behind the scenes. PFFT.

I just wish Mo-Toot's evil motives would come out of the shadows and someone will expose her for being the evil wench that she is. I say Shin take the facts and go to the newspapers, anonomously. Of course, that could ruin the Royal Family's reputation...Mo-Toot and Yul have stripped the Royal Family of their dignity. How dirty. :vicx:

If yul didnt stick his head between CG and Shin it would be a different story.. You can try to get someone's heart by being HONEST.. The way Yul makes SHin sound like a cold hearted person makes me mad... he Lures CG in a negative way...... this is what i have against YUl

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Guest narcissisticmvw

I don't know if this question had been posted up before, but anyway, is it just me thinking too much...but have any of you ever wondered if Yul was actually the child of Shin's dad? That's why the emperor was never really against the idea of Yul succeeding the throne and in fact, rather supportive :crazy:

And about Hyo Rin and Yul aka the 'third-parties'...

I mean, Shin and Hyo Rin were an item for 2 years before he got married. Even if the love they shared wasn't exactly true love, at least they were together. It was then that Chae Gyung got into the picture and Shin had a change of heart (Or should I say, realised he had fallen for Chae Gyung and his feelings towards Hyo Rin ain't exactly love?). So when Hyo Rin vied for Shin, I deemed it understandable because he was hers at the start. (Though she was at fault when she rejected his proposal; I thought she was selfish then, but she had a taste of her own medicine later on.) And look, she'd left for Ballet school instead of leeching on to Shin!

As for Yul, Shin & Chae Gyung were already married. He came back, fell for Chae Gyung, and expect his love to be reciprocated on the ground that he knows Chae Gyung loves Shin? Hello? What right does he have? Sorry to Yul campers, but he appeared out of the blue, and felt that he deserved to have Chae Gyung because she was ACTUALLY betrothed to him instead of Shin.

Hence I never really disliked Hyo Rin, because if you put yourself in her shoes, you will understand she is partly a victim herself. As for Yul, he should undergo a brainwash or something. :)

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Guest missy

I'm betting that the last scene of Episode 24 will be CG and Shin watching the sunrise. What do you guys think?

oh that would be perfect! i would have such a squee moment.

Gung Ep 20 BTS.avi

Download from here

thank you very much! ^_^

Regarding ep 21 preview, i noticed something weird. Yul's hair colour is brown!! Does this mean this scene is a flashback? Yul's hair is black now right? :unsure: I wonder what is going to happen in ep 21


haha you're right! i didn't even notice! it must be a flashback, otherwise that a pretty big blooper...

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i have a question.

do anyone have a better version of this picture??


thanks. i went through looking the pages . and seem to cant find a better quality one. thanks to anyone that has one. =D

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Guest charles0702

okay.. just finished watching eppy 20 and i feel so bad for shin.. i hope he will be able to open his heart to cg and show his true feelings..

as for yul, i really feel bad for him.. i don't think he is evil, just a man in love and willing to do anything for love.. put yourself in yul's position.. you fall in love with a girl at first sight.. in your mind, you were meant to be with her.. she always sad and you see that her husband doesn't show any affection towards her.. what would you do.. i don't blame him at all.. love is blind, in the case of yul.. his persistence of not giving up his pursuit for cg demonstrates his love towards her..

i am a shin camper myself and i hope the next eppy won't be as :( as these past 2..

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Guest Bebot

can someone post the non-clubbox links to download ep 18!?!?? i cant find it! thank you!

First of all Welcome to the thread! :D

I see that this is your first post and you might not aware that we are not allowed to request links anymore. It should be posted on the Thread Rules in the First page.

I know that this thread is moving so fast but at least just try first. :(

Anyways, I looked it up for you and the link is just in Pg. 1481 :( credits to sophendo!

I don't mind helping out , but please try to do it yourself first, ok?

Mangoicy:D --> I posted the reminder for you!

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Here's my view on ep 20:

- I find the scenes where all three *Shin, CG & Yul* were scolded by each respective parent/parent-in-law to be quite amusing. It just showed how they're only KIDS after-all, and kids are YOUNG and FOOLISH.. ~aigoo~

- I really tried hard to cheer myself up and pretend like there's something good come out of this depressing episode.. but there ISN'T ANYTHING GOOD really.. Even the last love-confession scene is overshadowed by CG's frustrated-expression and of course the DIVORCE announcement.. Grrrr..

- Even the preview is not giving us anything new.. pretty much just the interview scene and a scene *which rainbowbrite has mentioned --> God, you have good eyes :P* which already happened in the past. So, the preview is just a BIG NULL, really give me NO CLUE of WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN in the NEXT EPISODE.*sigh*

- I'm literally tired looking at their gloomy faces.. It's putting me in an awful mood too, you know?

- On a lighter note, I'll put up with all of these anyway, just because i'm in it too deep already. Still crossing my little fingers for some enlightenment soon *YOU HEAR ME, PD??? SOON!!*

- And btw, CG/YEH and Shin/JJH are looking hotter and hotter.. but everyone knows that already <_<

EDIT: Bebot, thanks for putting up the daily reminder :)

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Guest donilpark

You wanna see a drama that drags? watch ijuksa. omg, second half of the story was soo the opposite of the fast-paced first half. *sorry if off-topic here but i'll bring my point around*. that story drags like ^^^^ and it's hard to watch BUT(!) the draggy parts (as we viewers might have blindly perceived it) were actually necessary when i look at it, because those draggy repetitive scenes depict the emotional struggle of the characters. and this battle within themselves drains the energy out of the characters and it shows, as any great drama would. and it effect the viewers too (intentionally so) so that we can feel what they feel. and watching great actors/actresses playing this scenes are somewhat bearable coz they know how to portray those emotions such that no matter how we hate those scenes, we continue to watch. by the end of it, we are as exhausted as the characters themselves. (Now, i'm not using Ijuksa for any special reason, just that it's one of the latest 'heavy' drama that's out).

As for goong, we may think it's dragging, but a drama that doesn't drag is hard to come by. (maybe 'my girl'? i dunno, i stopped watching that series already, dunno when to continue. ) However, at the pace that they are right now, it would be awkward to have everything suddenly solved. that just gonna distort the flow. besides, i think the draggy parts is actually necessary. life is actually draggy. nothing really turns out the ideal way. because yul, shin and CG, this is their first try at loving someone. i remember CG said in episode 15 (just watch that today lol) that shin never really like someone seriously before. i think shin could say the same thing about her too. CG herself never really experience true love. she's been happy all this time with her family, showered with love that i don't think she really understands what it means to truly love someone. she might think she knows and she thinks she's right but in truth she's just as blind and as clueless as shin when it comes to love. i doubt she ever experience real heartache before shin. ALL IN ALL, this mess we are watching right now is because they are all inexperience in love. everything is new, everything makes them feel insecure thus pushes them to the edge sometimes. they all got defensive.

I watched Ijuksa and it did lose tension in the later part.

But as for Goong, was there any episode before episode 20 that was as tension-laden as that?

I mean, the confrontation between Shin and Empress Dowager, that was so... wow.

Dragging is bad because they keep on going when the problems can be solved immediately.

Goong is not dragging, because the conflicts and hidden emotions burst out to the surface only in episode 20.

That is, the problem has only begun. It's not that they gave us a problem and mulled over that one forever. (and these are the words from the dramatists. They were saying in one article that the real thing's beginning in episode 21. I guess you may say that it's been dragging all along until now, if you go by my argument, but did everyone not enjoy the episodes up to now?)

And yes, I agree that it would be strange if everything gets resolved in the short time that we have left.

That's why I said I wouldn't mind them extending the show even more.

Yes, you do realize this as a process of maturing too.

Chaegyeong is far from perfect. That's the same with Shin and Yul and everyone else.

If they were, there would be no point in depicting their growth, and there would be not point in taking much time to develope their characters either.

So it is necessary, unless what you want to see is just simple 'they fell in love and lived happily ever after' thing.

I don't think that's gonna happen with this drama (not to say that Shin and Chaegyeong will get divorce or that if they remain together, will be bitter against each other).

While the drama started with a fantasy, I believe and hope it will show the real challenges of life and ongoing struggles to us. (combine this with the fact that it would be strange to wrap things up so rapidly in 4 episodes we have left, it seems reasonable to have an open ending. In any case, season 2 can pick up from there, whererever season 1 leaves off. Don't people like an open ending? I'm sure people loved an open ending in My Lovely Samsoon, saying it was cool and realistic)

It is dragging, because the drama is supposed to be short and brief so the audience doesn't yawn the half of the time.

If you think that all the stuff that was inside the comic book should be placed inside the drama, don't you think that's a bit of waste of time especially when all the characters in the drama doesn't even MATCH the characters in the comic book.

Stop overexaggerating, because what I'm saying is correct no matter what you girls think.

Drama is never this long and shouldn't be this long.

So, kind of similar things I said to xx|outsider|xx above.

Depends on what you're looking for in the drama.

The dramatists made their intention clear to us in the beginning, about what things they would talk about. (http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/gung/concept/index.html)

While Goong IS a love story between Shin and Chaegyeong, I admit, that's not all there is to it. (in fact, that's the theme that's listed as the second one. Not even the most important, that is)

So, if their relationship is not developing as fast as you would like, that's completely understandable because that's not the only thing they have to pay attention to. (I mean, they can end the drama in like 2 episodes if they just wanted to show us Shin and Chaegyeong getting married and living happily ever after. Right? Disney's animation Cinderella is no more than 2 hours long.)

In fact, I'd be really upset if they just ignored all the other stuff and got right down to the relationship between Shin and Chaegyeong. Sweet Spy sort of did this and dissapointed me greatly. Never, never a good idea to just follow the minority viewers (netizens) and show them what they want to see. That would seem like it pays off in the short run, but that's really damaging. I would like the dramatists of the drama I'm watching to have certain self-confidence, guts and pride in what they are making, rather than being swayed by every complaint viewers make. (Ressurection and Wedding are the ones I can think top off my head whose writers did this and the resulting work turned out to be nothing less than exceptional)

I guess maybe there's no point in advocating or attacking on this whole issue, but what the hey, discussions can't hurt.

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it's more like page reminder, not daily :P

Bebot...I love the quotation on your signature!!! :)

my favourite quote in goong:

"I see. i think next time we have to go together"

Episode 10, when Shin just got back from Thailand.

It's one of their sweetest moment, where Shin could express how he feel in a gentle way.

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Guest laceytam

i have a question.

do anyone have a better version of this picture??

thanks. i went through looking the pages . and seem to cant find a better quality one. thanks to anyone that has one. =D

here is the original version


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Guest Bebot

it's more like page reminder, not daily :P

Bebot...I love the quotation on your signature!!! :)

my favourite quote in goong:

"I see. i think next time we have to go together"

Episode 10, when Shin just got back from Thailand.

It's one of their sweetest moment, where Shin could express how he feel in a gentle way.

hehehehe! you're right! This thread moves like 5-10 pages daily or even more depending on the day! I edit it! :)

One of my FAVORITE Quote in Goong:

*After taking off CG's headdress

Shin: "You look uncomfortable, why don't I loosen up your clothers for you as well" :w00t:

Almost had an heart attact after hearing that! ( *Shin's a perv here! :D )

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Just help me please

I need eng sub or Thai sub for ep. 20 for LQ 159 Mb

Thank You

Nikkikim, the latest sub we have is for ep 16. Be patient and give our fantastic-subbing-team time and support. You can also check available subs on d-addicts (subtitles section), since the subs will be posted on both this thread and d-addicts. :)

Ooh, my fave "funny" quote was when Shin taught CG to play the traditional golf: "Are you digging land??" bwuahahahaha..

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Guest SukarDrops

I still think it was the tabloid guy who put the cg+yul pics out...hes like in your face MO-toot...

My fav quote was when shin told cg she can kick a cow dead with her legs....HAHAHA

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