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Guest coreana

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:D I'm CG's camper, even if she is so... :wacko: now...make me angry :fury:

Someone said that if she want to know about Shin's feeling, just ask him...I don't think it's that simple for CG. She asked him several times about Hyorin, and always received the answers like "I don't have to tell you about this" or "You don't have to worry...", the sweetest is just "Don't be sad"; only one time, Shin answer trufuly about Hyorin, but this time, it's about why he likes Hyorin _"She's a lot like me..."

With all this, It's really hard for CG to believe that Shin will tell her what's in his heart now, even us, we never know what Shin will say if CG ask him "Do you love me?". Plus, there is always Yul with his "Shin & Hyorin's love story" (why he is always know the time exact to appear in front of CG????? :huh: )

But now, Hyorin is gone, and they are near the limit to explore, Shin will do something if he want to have CG (he said he love her in the TV show; but he will have to do sthing more to make CG believe it) . CG will realize that she isn't great at all, she also hurt Shin alot....

everything will be alright...

( I want to believeto all this :tears: !!!)

(sorry for my bad english! :()

edit: I don't like CG's dress in the interview, it's really... :blink: (but her hair's style is very good)

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Okay people this is getting ridiculous. I think all of you guys are out of your minds! Stop blaming Yul for everything that goes wrong with CG and Shin's relationship! Yul is not what all of you are saying he is. He is a man who is very much in love with this girl who loves someone else. I don'tknow if any of you have ever experienced that but you know what give him some credit for trying. I mean seriously think about it. He's putting his heart on the line telling CG straight out that he likes/loves her (unlike a certain someone else...). If anything you all should feel bad for Yul! Whenever CG has a problem with Shin, who does she go to? YUL! Yul is always there for her without questions asked and then once CG feels better she goes running off to Shin. Hello?! She knows Yul is in love with her and yet she basically uses him. So stop saying Yul is evil! He is anything but evil.

Even if Yul is as you people say "evil" and "brain-washing" CG I think he's earn more than enough right too. I mean this is the guy who is constantly being used and then dumped when he is no longer needed. Aside from that you people also have to remember that he didn't resort to "brain-washing" and being "evil at first. He tried to wooCG by taking her out whenever she felt too suffocated in the palace or when she was lonely. For God's sake the man made her lunch! He brought her chocolate amd helped her whenever he could at the palace (ex: Prince William). Like I said in my earlier comment I would so choose Yul over Shin any day. I don't want a guy like Shin who plays with me and keeps me guessing when I can have a great guy like Yul who treats me nice all the time.

I really do feel bad for Shin. I truly do. I was watching that episode when he called the Queen "mom" and she yelled at him for it. (See! I told you she's evil!) I feel sorry for the childhood that he must have had to become the Crown Prince and all that pressure he has to deal with but still it's no excuse for how he is. Some of you people have said that, "Oh, Shin just can't express his feelings too well." TOTAL CRAP! I think he's pretty darn good at expressing what he feels or thinks. Maybe not like CG or Yul but still you can tell that he was angry and you could tell he was in love with Hyorin. For all of you who still wish to use that as an argument just remember that actions speak louder than words. He cherished everything Hyorin gave him that's how we knew he was in love with her. He said cruel things to CG, went to Thailand without her showing he was ignoring her and treating her cruelly. AND If Shin really likes/loves CG he should have told her from the first moment he felt it. I think its really stupid and selfish of him to wait until like the very last minute when he feels threatened by what Yul spoke to CG about to annouce that he loves CG. He's playing her like a harp.

Another thing I wanted to point out was CG feeling for Shin. She has told Yul countless times that her heart indeed belongs to Shin. She explained to Yul that she liked Shin because when she first moved into the palace she had no one else so leaned on Shin. She also said that she liked Shin because she understands him and feels bad for him. That's like saying she loves him because she pities him. I think at this point Yul is pretty much the only one out of the 4 our them who has his heart in the right place. Hyorin thinks being suidicidal is the answer to gaining Shin's heart, CG might as well fall in love with a stray puppy or something, Shin needs to grow a back bone and get a brain.

But the point I really wanted to get across is that Yul is not evil. I repeat NOT EVIL!!! I think Shin's mom and Yul's mom are evil but not Yul.

hahaha so Yul's not evil even though he is trying to force himself upon CG? He walks around saying, "I was first in line for the throne, she's supposed to be mine. Therefore, she is mine". HELLO?! Does no one else think this is a bit deranged? Why can't he just accept that CG is married to SHIN. He says that CG will be happier when she divorces Shin and CG and him go off to live together, somewhere. What, he doesn't think that reporters and speculators are always going to be around, frowning on them for what they've done? Honestly, the Crown Princess divorcing her husband and running off with his cousin? That's disgusting. CG will be more confined and more uncomfortable in that situation. Yeah, Yul is 불쌍해 because all that has happened to him, his dad dying, getting kicked out of his palace, etc. BUT that gives him absolutely no right to go around ruining other peoples' lives at the expense of his own happiness. AND, everyone knows that if CG goes with Yul, she's just going to miss Shin terribly and he's going to let her go. Why doesn't he just save himself the trouble and let her be with the one she loves? I totally disagree with you saying that Shin's growing up in that environment is no reason for his personality. Honestly, if you grew up in a place where you were never showed emotion, never showed how to comfort someone, never showed to apologize (he is the Prince, after all, who expects an apology from the Prince?), would YOU know how to express yourself? Its probably hard for someone who never knew how to show any of these feelings to just jump right out and become a pro at it, apologizing here and there, comforting CG left and right. You've got to give him credit for trying in the past couple of episodes, where CG just blew him off and disregarded his attempts at apologizing.

I don't think Yul has his heart in the right place because he is menacing and only wants CG simply because HE LOVES HER. He doesn't care that she doesn't love him. He tells her that her love for Shin will change once she agrees to go away with Shin. In dramas, no one ever changes who they love, that's how a typical korean drama works.

Do you guys really believe that CG will be happier with Yul because he was kind to her in the beginning? I think that if she goes with her, he'll be more controlling and paranoid because he'd be afraid that she'd go and see Shin or something. She does love Shin, after all.

Anyways, I'm happy that Shin decided not to step down from his position as next in line for the Throne. Should Yul have become president, the whole country would probably be in turmoil, considering that his emotions are so easily swayed by a girl and his reasons for wanting to be King totally irrelevent and absurd. Oh, and, if he did become King, we all know he would be a puppet ruler, with his conniving mother telling him what to do from behind the scenes. PFFT.

I just wish Mo-Toot's evil motives would come out of the shadows and someone will expose her for being the evil wench that she is. I say Shin take the facts and go to the newspapers, anonomously. Of course, that could ruin the Royal Family's reputation...Mo-Toot and Yul have stripped the Royal Family of their dignity. How dirty. :vicx:

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Guest OoMaOci27oO

Goong's cute cuz of the pretty face =P but they seem to be just standing and talking a whole lot most of the time.

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yes i agree with what some of you said up there, GOONG is successful, even if some of you think the script sucks or is beginning to, its successful becuz the PDs managed to stir up OUR emotions - happy - sad - anger - depression etc when we watch GOONG.

we need more optimism boosters here, and i'm gonna ride this till the end :) and hope nobody would jump off the wagon halfway, if you truely love GOONG, don't give up on our dear CG & Shin, and also Yul, even though he could be hateful to many goongners now :sweatingbullets:

for the heated exchanges of postings last nite, i like to apologise if the newbies felt threatened or unwelcomed. everybody is welcomed to post, really, but we really do need the postings to be of some quality. some of you may not care whether the GOONG thread exists on soompi or not, you could hv other avenues where you could find information, but for many people, soompi is their only source for english information on GOONG. As an active reader & poster of this thread, i can't say for everyone who was part of the heated 'argument' last night, its my own 2 cents.. that we are only trying to protect the thread from being shut down cuz of our love for GOONG. the newbies or less active people may not care but we do, that's why we started policing the thread and somehow along the way, we may sound sarcastic or unfriendly... so please forgive us. the last 2nd thing we want to see is to find people not coming to GOONG thread anymore...

ok, finally got this off my chest :)

would you guys like to start a 'game' on GOONG?

before, we had the addictions list and it was fun when everyone starting listing theirs (the list is linked from my siggy - if you would like to take a look :) ) and i'm thinking of something new - hope all of you could participate :)

Quote your favourite (only 1 quote okie!!) from the GOONG drama.

this can be a solo character's line, or a 2-party dialogue, or even a thought from one of the character's daydreaming or something...

how? anyone on? i would love to start the ball rolling but i'm still in the office now at 8.55pm trying to clear work :wacko: b4 i go on long leave next week..

i'll buy GOONG candy for the 1st person who replies okie :lol:

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would you guys like to start a 'game' on GOONG?

before, we had the addictions list and it was fun when everyone starting listing theirs (the list is linked from my siggy - if you would like to take a look :) ) and i'm thinking of something new - hope all of you could participate :)

Quote your favourite (only 1 quote okie!!) from the GOONG drama.

this can be a solo character's line, or a 2-party dialogue, or even a thought from one of the character's daydreaming or something...

how? anyone on? i would love to start the ball rolling but i'm still in the office now at 8.55pm trying to clear work :wacko: b4 i go on long leave next week..

i'll buy GOONG candy for the 1st person who replies okie :lol:

lol, i'm in. How about "JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR" hahaha when CG said that in the first couple of episodes, I laughed my butt off. :)

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Quote your favourite (only 1 quote okie!!) from the GOONG drama.

not sure if this is okie or considered as convo?!?! but i'll reply with this as my fav....

CG: would your life really be boring without me?

Shin: EMPTY! *awgh <3 eyes!*

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Guest SillyYun

i like the SHIN RAMEN LINE!! i dont remember the exact words..someone refresh my mind but thats the quote i choose!!

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i like the SHIN RAMEN LINE!! i dont remember the exact words..someone refresh my mind but thats the quote i choose!!

You are like a bowl of Shin ramen with an additional egg!

i like that quote also... i find another quote for me :D

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Guest ti.pod

i'm not sure if i'm even allowed to ask this but .. does anyone know a free player that can play video + subs at the same time without problems or having to watch it in a small size .. i tried vlcplayer , Divx Subtitle Displayer and Media Classic Player ... doesn't wok.. well Divx Subtitle Displayer does but it's not free..


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Guest haydee

Seems i missed an interesting debate in the past few pages. It is true though that Yul is becoming as evil as his mother. Hope he sees the light soon and leaves CG alone to make her own decision instead of proding her along and manipulating the friendship they do have. Its a shame but with all the stuff Yul is doing will haunt him or come back to bite him later on. I'm almost 100 percent certain. I feel bad for Yul in a way becuase despite his manipulation he hasnt gone completely dark in my eyes yet. Hope he doesnt do something ugly drastic or else I may just end up not liking his character at all.

As for the way the show is progressing, its becoming stale right now with these episodes dragging on at points. There is just way to much repeating of this love/hate relationship of CG and Shin. I hope the producers are alot more original in the next episode. I will wait and see but right now I have no interest in watching episode 19 and 20 until probably episode 21 where things seem to start to heat up. I'll be curiouse to see how things turn out by 21.

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Guest evy149

Quote your favourite (only 1 quote okie!!) from the GOONG drama.

Okay...here's my pick, acutally it's from Shin's mom (i know....weird right? :D )

Shin's mom: "Things like fate, regardless of how hard you tried to grab, you can't seem to grab hold of it. And even if you grab hold of it, it would not stay in your hands forever."

I just thing that everything that happened in Goong all started from this one word here, "fate". Shin and CG are two very different people but for some reasons (well..in this case is thier grandpa) they have to marry and ended up fall for each other :) Also, Yul and his mom, can't accept thier "fate" (the fact that his dad died before become king) that why they returned to the palace and tried to ruin Shin's family :wacko:

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Guest valandy

Maybe because I am rewatching the show again, this part means a lot to me right now.

CG said this to Yul after Shin was thrown eggs at a press.

" I don't know how shin thinks but as his wife, when he is feeling sad, i should be by his side...."

Sigh.... I was so touched but why can't she remember what she said before........... :(

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I wonder if the show isn't kind of draggy now b/c they decided to extended it? I mean, how episode 20 ended, that COULDN'T have been how they originally planned on ending the drama, so some scenes, etc. must have been added. Obviously #21-24 are going to be more than just a "bridge between season 1 and season 2".

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