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Guest coreana

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Up till now, I'm still puzzled what turned the king against Shin so completly?

DallasE: thanks for all the caps and i always enjoy your insights particularly on symbolism! keep it coming man!

according to the manhwa, the King is possibly dethroning Shin and pushing for Yul to take over

all becuz of the death-bed promise he made to his older brother!

like in chinese culture i guess such promises are to be kept at all cost!!

also in the drama i think the evil Mo-Toot is the trigger for the change in the King

adding oil to fire with all her instigating and twirling the King around her pinkie! *vomits*

1 question: do their friends know of the ChaeShin intention to divorce?

i dunno korean so i'm curious as to how it came out during the scene where

CG talked about having a future dream or plan in 2-3 yrs' time (before she burnt her finger)

did it look like the folks knew what she was alluding to?

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Guest haruka

I'm thinking Episodes 20-24 will all be hell episodes... ? :angry: And I seriously hope I'm very wrong. Reading the spoilers for the coming episodes really makes me not want a Season 2.

MBC if you're gonna mess up the last few episodes then just end it at 24!


Shin in tears?! Poor Shin Goon! Argh! Damn you Yul!

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i'm starting to lose hope for this drama already... i mean it was hard for me to accept that they are going to extend it to 24 episodes... the next thing i hear, there's a season 2... and before you know it, the ending's an open-ended one.... to add more... previews for episode 19 and 20 are not good... what the!!!!!!!??????????

i'll just sleep....

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Guest Meiling


(that night xxxx palace on fire)

?:????? ???????

Yul: were you (all) shocked, worried that I was dead?

? (????????)

shin (said nothing, facial expression not good)

?:????????(???..??) ????????? ??????


Yul: I'm not a ghost, don't be afraid (laughing....) I don't think you (all) will worry about me, xxxx????xxx that culprit will come back to the fire scene.

?: ??????

shin: what're you hinting?

?:???? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????????

Yul: don't worry, there's only the 2 of us here. You can be truthful. Because you are the crown prince, they will believe you.

?:?? ????????????

shin: shut up there's a limit to patience, don't say anymore.


Yul: this is getting more interesting.


Shin was very angry after Yul left

?? ??????????

CG was eavesdropping (looks shock)


CG recalls shin's conversation on the phone


CG: why not just question him why he did that?

? ??????????? ????

shin: still looking at the books, but concentrating, thinking about other things.


?????????? ?????

Empress ask CG how she is (with all the things happening)

CG wasn't concentrating, did not reply


shin ~ king conversation

?: ???????????? ????????????? ???? (????)

shin: why is father interested in such a small matter?

??: ????

king: you may leave.


CG holding passbook

??: ????????? ????????????

???????????? ?????…..???????…

CG: I've got to be crazy holding this passbook? what if shin knows, really gonna be angry? but why is he using so much money? don't tell me he's involved in that (fire) incident...

???: ??????????????????

PA: princess CG will really like this place

?: (??????) ?~~??????

shin: (very pleased) yes ~~ keep it from CG

????~ ????

shin's sleeping ~ heard a sms

??: ????????????????????????..?????????…????????~????????? ??????

HR: calling you like this for the last time ..we were together once I'm really happy .. you don't have to sorry about me... really like to see you for the last time~but if I do that I will miss you even more.

????????? ?????????? ?????????


CG carefully open the door, squeeze through the small opening, hit the desk, put back the passbook (its really dark~ somebody grab her hand)

?: ????? (??????????) ????????? ???????

shin: what you doing? (jokingly to CG) at this late hour? Are you gonna pounce on me?

(???????????) ?????????????

(found CG's holding the pass book , got really angry) I've already told you not to touch my things!

??(???) ?????~???????

CG ( frightened ) you're really scary ~ is that really important?

? (??????) ???!

shin ( let go CG's hand) go back!

??(?????) ??????????????? ??????

CG (sudden angry) I can't stand you, who's suppose to be angry? you're really narrow-minded

?: ??????

shin: Then what do you want?

??: ??????????????????????????? ????????? ?????????????????

CG: I've looked at it (passbook), I can't forgive, why are you afraid of letting me know your doings? You should let me know the truth, why didn't you discuss with me before using such a big amount of money?

?: ??????????????????????? ??????????????

shin: You don't have to care about this. This is my money, I don't need your permission? You said earlier that we're not related.

??: ???????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????? ???…..

CG: This is not your money? It's our money, you better tell me honestly that you paid for HR's further studies fees again? xxxpalace paidxxxxxfurther studiesxxxxif notxxx? then its something else....

?: ?????

shin: you better watch your words

??(???????) ????????????

CG (avoid shin's expression) using this money for arson?

? (????)

Shin (froze)


CG (realise she said the wrong thing)

????….gazing at each other

at last finished .....

I suppose this scene follows closely to the manhwa. I think its gonna come out in the next few episode. don't you gals think so? hopefully in the end CG get to see her work place, and give shin a big hug..... wonderful.....


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Guest zarina5382

i'm starting to lose hope for this drama already... i mean it was hard for me to accept that they are going to extend it to 24 episodes... the next thing i hear, there's a season 2... and before you know it, the ending's an open-ended one.... to add more... previews for episode 19 and 20 are not good... what the!!!!!!!??????????

i'll just sleep....

I agree with you...I think the best korean drama should'nt have more than 20 episodes...16 episodes is just nice..Too much ups and downs in this drama..I've begin to lose hope with this drama too...Please don't make us feel like this...Dear PDs..Please..Please give us good ending for this drama...

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Guest donilpark

Apparently, the ending was going to be open ended anyway even before they came up with the idea of season 2.

Isn't it a lot better that way?

I mean, if it ends otherwise, it would feel like the characters are frozen in the drama. I want my beloved characters to live on even after the drama ends.

I guess it's just a preference... but so long as they talk about what they promised to talk about, I'm ok with any kind of ending.

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Guest jennxxness

my feelings have moved from earnest obsession to just irritation. ugh. They make things so complicated. I wish they just ended at ep20 to release my suffering. lol

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Guest m0nya

OMG.. are all korean looks the same huehehueuuhehu.. i'm nearly mistaken to recognize Shin ^.^ so

stupid..!! do u think the driver (in the filming cap, inside the car, in front of car steer) looks like shin from side..

i thought that Shin has his haircut hahahha.. stupid of me AGAIN..

however.. all the 24 eps will b completed in few weeks only.. hope that it'll end with no bad end..

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Guest Meiling

Every wednesday & thursday 8.55pm (singapore time)

How to watch:


(pls follow instructions, like downloading the program ... for TVants)





I guess a lot of people will be asking how to watch goong.

I use media player to watch (using the last url), it works quite well.

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Guest hsinyi069

ya this is the one they CLAIM they got it off the Goong script..

so i am thinking if this one is real?

the person who post the conversation declared that he/she got it off from the message board and he/she doesn't know if it's true or not either...

original message from kroeanwind as following

以上劇本在mbc『宮』的留言版看到的,因為只對那信&彩京的對戲有興趣..故大部分只翻譯他們的部份。至於真實性呢? 我希望也是真的,




因為版主發訊息給我要我出來澄清,我只是覺得很納悶的事為什麼影迷要去罵導演? 給點建議就好了嘛~搞的留言板烏煙瘴氣,這樣不太好耶。

秉持著愉快的心情繼續支持『宮』吧…(向mbc要宣傳費去 ^_^)

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Guest Rachel Lee.

i fastforward all the parts with yul's mom. sucha richard simmons. -_ - it's not like shin or his parents kicked her out of the goong. & the way she's so mean to the goongnehgwan ahjushi is just plain annoying. WHO IS SHE TO DO THAT YA KNOW?! i definitely liked her better in franceska.

anyways. shin's just hot.

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the person who post the conversation declared that he/she got it off from the message board and he/she doesn't know if it's true or not either...

original message from kroeanwind as following

以上劇本在mbc『宮』的留言版看到的,因為只對那信&彩京的對戲有興趣..故大部分只翻譯他們的部份。至於真實性呢? 我希望也是真的,




因為版主發訊息給我要我出來澄清,我只是覺得很納悶的事為什麼影迷要去罵導演? 給點建議就好了嘛~搞的留言板烏煙瘴氣,這樣不太好耶。

秉持著愉快的心情繼續支持『宮』吧…(向mbc要宣傳費去 ^_^)

the quote is saying that

the script is controlled by t eh script writers.. the fans have no power over it wadsoever..

and whoever who wrote this said that she/he realizes that alot of fans are overly worried.

Just wait and watch it as it goes... even though alot of things cannot go according to our thoughts and our wants.. she/he will still continue to watch it..

the fans shouldnt blame the director and scold the PDS..

causing the message boards to be flooded with useless messages such as that...

shld happilt support goong..

That;s wad the chinese message said..

but.. we cant help it if they screw up the ending. i am goin to bed sick. bye peepz :unsure:

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Guest DallasE

1 question: do their friends know of the ChaeShin intention to divorce?

i dunno korean so i'm curious as to how it came out during the scene where

CG talked about having a future dream or plan in 2-3 yrs' time (before she burnt her finger)

did it look like the folks knew what she was alluding to?

Hi ai*, not at all. None of their friends is aware of this secret pact between Shin & ChaeGyung to split.

In fact, as you would realize Shin already had a change of heart and he even asked CG to grow old together when they were on their mini honeymoon.

ChaeGyung in the drama has never actively consider a divorce (at least from what we can see) until she came by the kissing photo of Shin & HR. At that time, she believed that Shin & HR were deeply in love and she was the other party in the whole relationship.

After their big fight in the beginning of eppy 15 when Shin declared himself that at times he wanted to set her free and at others, he would kill to keep her.

I believed that following this particular outburst and his admission that having CG around complete his happiness, that divorce is no longer an option for either of them.

If not for the misunderstanding in eppy 18 when CG overheard part of Shin & HR's conversations on his intention to study abroad in 2-3 year' time, she would still be the happy little wife who harbours the secret hope that her husband is beginning to care for her romantically.

That's why her friends including Yul were surprised when she brought up the possibility of pursuing her own dream in 2-3 year' time. Shin was "What's this about the Crown Princess leaving the palace"". KangIn was "Are you going to pull a vanishing act?"

Her own friends believe her destiny lies in the palace.

Sorry about the earlier bitching, but I'll still hang in there until the end no matter how rough the ride!!

I love Shin & ChaeGyung too much to let them go without knowin what happen to them.

*Gasp & Die*

Script for eppy 19




Credits to miclub

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Guest chief

My contribution no.2

continue from my last post (i think 1463/4)

*unable to resist, this time shin

slowly bends down and planted

a more gentle kiss on cg's lips*

*without both realising the jaccuzzi

starts to bubbles again*

*shin reaches for the towel at the rack

beside and pulls cg out of the water

and wraps her with it* - (for the benefit

of those who are 15 yrs and below,

this scene will not show what shouldn't

be shown, ok no R(A) scene)

*slowly leads her into the bedroom*

*scene closes*

new scene


*cg with an asleep shin beside her*

*looks at shin lovingly but with a hint of sadness*

*still thinking of what shin told hr about going to

paris for his studies*

*her own husband thinking of a future without her*

cg: (thinks) at least i left him something that he

can remember me of....

*tears of loneliness begins to drop from her pale face*

*slowly tears herself from shin's arm/body?*

*quickly dresses herself*

*collects her car keys and left the bedroom*

*scene closes*

*outside- around carpark*

*finds yul siting at bench*

*couldn't bear to speak to yul after a night of shin*

*quickly gets into the car*

*but yul saw her and was quicker than cg*

*gets into her car before cg could react*

cg: get out!!

yul: where are you going? so late at night?

*yul notices cg's teary eyes*

yul: did you had a fight with shin?

yul: let's get out of here...

yul: let's go back to seoul

*cg couldn't think too much, starts to drive*

*but you know how her driving skills are,

added with that condition on her mind-

her driving was worst*

*yul was so scared for his own life

that he hang onto the door so tightly*

*but did not say anything*

*this time they reached seoul in 1 hrs time*

*it took her 3 hrs when they came,

just imagine how fast she drove*

*somehow they reached the yul's library

(what is this place called?) - the place where

shin rumoured to have burnt down*

*scene closes*

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Guest Meiling

Isn't this the part where CG confess to shin ? according to manhwa as well!

Did you see how shin protect CG? I guess that the way shin expresses himself. by protecting her means he loves her. One hand holding her hand, the other hand slung over her shoulders. how sweet!!!

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