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Guest coreana

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Guest samgirl

oh they would include that in the drama the one where CG went to an eatery to eat with her frnds and Shin went to pick her up and ran to the car where CG admitted in broadday light that she likes him????

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Guest uberquirkiness

wow.. byuntae.. haha we're so perverted. :P doesn't it feel like its taking longer for the previews to come out? maybe it's just me.

o yea.. someone mentioned that yul and HR will start liking each other... isn't that weird? i feel bad for yul because he's lonely, but him liking HR instead, even if it is returned, seems wrong. he should still unhappily love cg...it's sad but...it seems right.anyone with me?

hey i owned a page... (am i supposed to be thrilled? everyone else seems to be....) sarcastic :D har har

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Guest xthreebears

hi guys! =) loving the drama like usual, but is there a preview for episode 19 & 20? or are they just totally leaving us in the dark until wednesday & thursday? booooooooo. im so sad haha.

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Guest _yinsyung*--

^ i checked the site and the written previews for ep 19 and 20 aren't out yet...

i think it's ebcause they're sitll to busy filming to care about it right now ._.

i spent the whole day looking forward to seeing the previews being translated but i guess it won't happen until tomorrow...since it's after business hours already? or is it?


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hmmmm.... a lot has mentioned that in the manwha, shin followed cg to the place where she and her friends ate and after that, cg admits to shin that she likes him... but cg already admitted to shin that she likes him.. don't you think it would be shin who would be admitting that he likes cg?... also, i'm curious as to how they are going to fix the fight between cg and shin.. since in the ending of last episode, cg was really mad at shin.. to the point that he got slapped.. i hope they won't just pretend that the fight never happened and start to become close once again and forget about their fight... its like their first kiss.. after they kissed, its like it never happened.. i don't like it when they do that..

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Guest bm05om

its like their first kiss.. after they kissed, its like it never happened.. i don't like it when they do that..

me too..its like..did the kiss not happenned? :blink: how can there not be lingering awkwardness or questions raised?geez. :rolleyes:

hopefully we'll get the written previews tomorrow..my curiosity is positively killing me.. :crazy: they better fix the whole cg-mad-at-shin thing properly..and not have it as if it didn't occur..

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Guest haruka

Wow... they're STILL filming?! I can't imagine the pressure the actors/PS's/crew must be feeling to reach that deadline. We only have a few weeks left!

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Guest xiaowu58


율의 생일파티에서 있었던 신과의 갈등에 혼란스러워 하는 채경.

이런 채경에게 미안한 신은 사과하려 하지만, 채경은 이를 받아들이지 않고

둘 사이의 골은 깊어져 간다.

한편, 채경 아빠, 엄마가 궁궐을 등에 업고 이득을 취하고 있다는 악소문을 듣게 된

채경은 점점 더 궁 안에서의 생활에 답답함을 느끼고, 이를 눈치 챈 신은 채경이 사

가에서 하룻밤 지내고 오도록 허락 한다.

그러나 이를 안 황후는 채경의 제멋대로 행동을 호되게 꾸짖고,

속이 상한 채경은 궁 밖으로 뛰쳐나가는데...


예기치 못한 사건으로 인해 큰 구설수에 휘말리게 된 황태자비, 채경. 입궁 이래 최

대의 위기에 놓였음에도 어떻게든 홀로 감내하고자 애를 쓰고.

이런 채경의 태도에 심기가 불편해져 버린 신은 명선당의 수리를 지시하면서 비단

그녀뿐 아니라 혜정전과 황제, 율과도 더욱 더 깊은 골을 형성하게 된다.

점점 스스로를 고립시켜 가는 듯한 태자가 안타까운 황후는 그를 불러 어미로서 바

람을 전하고.

발레리나로서 꿈에 충실하기로 결정한 효린을 보며 자신이 원하는 미래를 짚어보는

신은 채경과 태자위에 대한 의지를 모두 새로 다잡으며, 결연한 마음으로 공식 인터

뷰 석상에 나선다.

can anyone please translate the spoiler?

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Wow... they're STILL filming?! I can't imagine the pressure the actors/PS's/crew must be feeling to reach that deadline. We only have a few weeks left!

yeah imagine.. but heck.. it gives them NO excuse to give us a lOUSY ending ya!

imagine if they give us a lousy ending.. the fans will come down on them like a ton of bricks

ok this is the version i found on the chinese website?

according to the chinese web it is from the script!



信強吻彩京之後坐下來 眼眶含著淚…..

彩京跑到外面坐下來 非常的冷 全身發抖著:壞人~~我為什麼那麼喜歡他


發現彩京的手很冷問她怎麼了?哭了嗎? 將外套給彩京披上: 我們去裡面談





信: 彩京她在宮裡都做些什麼事情?


信(表情有點想哭的樣子) 我想我很了解,我對那女孩子什麼都不知道

宮內伺困難的表情之後表情變亮) 妃宮娘娘平常說她的夢想是設計師,這次你送妃宮娘娘禮物好不好?

信: 禮物是嗎?

宮內伺: 太子殿下有屬於自己的暗房,趁這個機會給妃宮娘娘屬於她自己的空間

信: 你可不可以替我趕緊去進行


律: 很擔心你有什麼事

彩京 (沒說什麼就走…)

律: 你最近話說的不多表情也不是很好

彩京: 以後這樣來找我不好,我再也不想那天的事情,我們不可能再回到以前的關係,我沒什麼跟你說回去吧!

律: 是因為信的關係?

彩京: (甩開律的手) 就是因為我不想跟你做好朋友,現在才暸解你是我的同學以前是義城君是我的堂弟。

律 (很驚訝) 望著彩京的背影 決定了….(打了電話)

彩京 開門考慮是否進去

信坐在桌子上接電話(表情凝重) 彩京在那仔細聽著


彩京 (視而不見的走開)

信: 連我的臉也不想看是嗎?

彩京 (嘆息繼續走著)

信:是因為在別墅發生的事情嗎? 可是我不想對你說抱歉

彩京:反正 我對你這種..不期待

信:是嗎? 好~我以為你有這種期待所以擔心

彩京 (回頭偷偷擦眼淚) 真的謝謝你 反正我們沒有關係

信: 什麼? 沒關係?

彩京: 我不想再等三年了,那是你親口說出的 你應該負責 (彩京很冷漠的走開)


律:你們很訝異 擔心我會死嗎?

信 (沒說什麼表情不好)

律:我不是鬼不要怕我(笑的很..奸吧) 我不覺得你們擔心我 所以來到這裡


信: 你現在說什麼

律:不用擔心 這裡只有我們兩人 你可以說實話 因為你是太子 我只是一個皇族


信:閉嘴 忍耐也有限度的不要再說了



彩京 在旁邊聽到非常的驚訝



信 依然看著書只是無法專心 想別的事


但是彩京想著別的事情 都沒有應答


信: 明善堂只是東宮旁的小房子 沒想到爸爸對那小事情有興趣 為什麼? (表情笑著)

皇上: 你回去吧


彩京: 瘋了為什麼拿這個? 如果被信知道了一定很生氣

可是他為什麼用那麼多錢? 可能真的是…..應該不是他做的…

宮內伺: 很幸運的這裡妃宮娘娘一定很喜歡的地方

信: (很滿足的表情) 對~~要對彩京秘密

信在睡覺~ 聽到簡訊

孝琳: 最後一次這樣叫你,我們曾經在同一個天空下我很高興..你不必對我感到抱歉…很想看你最後一眼~但是萬一那麼做的話 我會很想念你

彩京小心地開門進去 壓著身體近去撞到桌子 將那存摺放在桌子上


信: 你在幹嘛? (開玩笑的表情罵著彩京) 那麼晚了你在幹嘛? 你又要仆向我?

(發現彩京拿著存摺很生氣) 已經警告過你不准動我的東西

彩京(很害怕) 你太可怕了~有那麼重要嗎?

信 (放開彩京的手) 回去吧!

彩京(忽然很生氣) 我真的受不了你,現在誰該生氣? 你真的很小氣

信: 那你要什麼?

彩京: 我已經看過存摺,我不可以原諒,你在做什麼事情怕我知道? 應該讓我知道實情, 你怎麼沒跟我商量就動用那麼大筆錢?

信: 你不要管那種事,這是我的錢為何要經過你的同意? 你親口說過我們是沒有關係的。

彩京: 這怎麼是你的錢? 是我們共有的,你老實告訴我你又負責孝琳的留學費用嗎? 皇室付她去英國留學如果不是? 是別的…..

信: 你說話小心

彩京(不想看信的表情) 用這筆錢做了放火的是嗎?

信 (表情僵住)



OH crap! yul is going to set his own place on fire and says that SHIN did it. omg. he IS plain EVIL.

but i dunno whether this is real or not.. -.- argh

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Guest hsinyi069


율의 생일파티에서 있었던 신과의 갈등에 혼란스러워 하는 채경.

이런 채경에게 미안한 신은 사과하려 하지만, 채경은 이를 받아들이지 않고

둘 사이의 골은 깊어져 간다.

한편, 채경 아빠, 엄마가 궁궐을 등에 업고 이득을 취하고 있다는 악소문을 듣게 된

채경은 점점 더 궁 안에서의 생활에 답답함을 느끼고, 이를 눈치 챈 신은 채경이 사

가에서 하룻밤 지내고 오도록 허락 한다.

그러나 이를 안 황후는 채경의 제멋대로 행동을 호되게 꾸짖고,

속이 상한 채경은 궁 밖으로 뛰쳐나가는데...


예기치 못한 사건으로 인해 큰 구설수에 휘말리게 된 황태자비, 채경. 입궁 이래 최

대의 위기에 놓였음에도 어떻게든 홀로 감내하고자 애를 쓰고.

이런 채경의 태도에 심기가 불편해져 버린 신은 명선당의 수리를 지시하면서 비단

그녀뿐 아니라 혜정전과 황제, 율과도 더욱 더 깊은 골을 형성하게 된다.

점점 스스로를 고립시켜 가는 듯한 태자가 안타까운 황후는 그를 불러 어미로서 바

람을 전하고.

발레리나로서 꿈에 충실하기로 결정한 효린을 보며 자신이 원하는 미래를 짚어보는

신은 채경과 태자위에 대한 의지를 모두 새로 다잡으며, 결연한 마음으로 공식 인터

뷰 석상에 나선다.

can anyone please translate the spoiler?



(Shin wants to apologize to CG for what he has done on Yul's b-day party, but CG won't accept. It has deepen the misunderstanding b/t them. On the other hand, CG's partents are making moeny through their connection with the imperial family, that makes CG feels it's getting difficult for her to live in the palace. Shin promised CG to spend a night outside the palace. However, taebinmama(i am not sure about this one) blames CG for doing whatever she wants. CG ran out the palace.)

credit: kdorn

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Guest ceesrain

i think that this what will happen coz i guess that s/thing similar happened in the manga......i wish that the ending would be good as some1 said that maybe Shin's sister would rule and set both Yul & Shin free from being at the palace......btw i dunno if that what will really happen just what i wish 4

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1) CG refused YUL for the N+1 times

2) CG's parents are worried about CG

3) Shin agreed to let CG go back to her house

4) The Queen blames Shin for letting CG go back home

5) CG left the palace


1) CG is facing one big trouble

2) YUL's Mom, YUL and the King are now in the same "team"

3) Queen is now worried about Shin

4) HR to prepare to study abroad

5) Shin made a decision...

I doubt it's the REAL preview since it's not from imbc's official website anyways....

credit to wispa from koreanwind






2.彩京爸媽大概是感覺到宮會發生什麼事情 跟惠正殿有關的






1.彩京面臨了入宮以來最大的麻煩 好像一個人很努力

2.惠正殿 皇帝 律變成一國的

3.感覺到越來越孤立的信 傷心的皇后可能有關心信....



errrrr i think this shld be the correct one?

My chinese is okay~~

EPI 19

1. cg rejcted yul again

2. cg's parent's probably guessed those things that happen in the palace has something to do with yul's mum and they are worried about CG.

3. Shin sense that and decided to let Cg go home for a night.

4. The queen found out about that and reprimanded shin

5. Cg left the PALACE (WTF?)


1. cg faced the biggest problem since she enter the palce.. she is trying very hard all by herself. (dun understand what the translator means)

2. yul's mum, yul and THE KING AKA SHIN DAD = one team(his dad can go to hell)

3. Knowing that shin more and more alone.. the queen worries about shin

4. HR prepares to go overseas

5. SHin made a decision (probably something got to do with staying as the crown prince)

NOTE L this is briefly translated by a chinese fan in the chinese forum.. this is just a brief one.. accurate or not i am not sure.. all right?

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Guest mocha_kitty

Oh gosh, if the chinese forum is correct....I will be kicking myself if I watch epi 19 & 20 and would probably want to throw my shoe at the PD. <_<

I hope epi 19 & 20 wouldn't be that draggy.....

since they were the pics at the eatery with CG and Shin in it...there should be sweet moments in the next epis. Are they really gonna use the set-palace-on-fire thing, like in the manhwa?

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The next episodes are so sad. Why did CG leave without Shin?

They should be together everywhere they go, specially through tough times.

I'm already getting depressed just reading the spoilers :tears:

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Guest hsinyi069

errrrr i think this shld be the correct one?

yeah.. i think these are the correct ones

i just saw it on the official website now!!~~!!~


it ain't looking good tho... :blink:

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Guest haruka

Shin's dad can just eat his own poop. It's unbelievable how he can put his loyalty against his own son... how weak of a character he has. I almost vomited when I was watching that flashback he had with Yul's mom :wacko: . Bleck!

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Shin's dad can just eat his own poop. It's unbelievable how he can put his loyalty against his own son... how weak of a character he has. I almost vomited when I was watching that flashback he had with Yul's mom :wacko: . Bleck!

I agree with you completely. I don't see what Shin has done that would cause his father to lose all faith in him. This betrayal is not warranted, plus jeez dude be a 'parent'. Be on your kid's side!!! :angry::crazy::angry:

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Guest lavenderorchid

OMG next 2 eps is so sad.I was reading chief idea on how the next ep should be and crack up because it is so funny until I read the review.I hope Shin and CG will stay together regardless what happen. :(

I'm yul camper and so dissapointed with Yul.Pls Yul stay the same.I love you when you are gentle and caring Yul.Pls don't evil. :ph34r: :excl:

I read that someone predict the ep 19 will be heaven and ep 20 will be hell but now reading the preview it seem to me that both eps are hell.Someone pls change the PD.Maybe chief should be the new pd.At least all of us will be satisfy with the story and ending. :w00t:

The King should go to hell.he must very sick and crazy.how could he do that to his own son.He never appreciates the queen and instead dreaming about mo toot.Tat sick man.

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