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Guest june1ov3

awwmannn. i already saw and read too many spoilers for episode 18.

oh welll; i'm downloading the HQ right now.

i can't wait!!! =D

if i can, i'll try to upload it with sendspace.

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Guest chubbyone

maybe he'll be soooo annoying that kang hyun will agree to go on a date with him to get him off her back? if that happens, then there is one good thing about him being bratty and annoying..hahaha!

Yeah right! You think? ;)

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He sure does show that he cares without going overboard. The more I watch, the more I pity his character. How can anyone blame him doing what's he doing? He's madly in love with CG. If to say that because CG is married and he should back off, then we must have forgotten that love has no reason and love is when your heart doesn't listen to your head. Watching the drama from a girl's perspective, I truly feel that CG deserves someone who not only loves, but also cares about her feelings and her well-being. Here she is pouring out her heart to Shin, but what did she get? Hurt and cold treatment...time after time. And when she is most vunerable, it's Yul that's next to her. It's true that Yul shouldn't give CG false impression about Shin still loving Hyorin, but hey...love is selfish.

Oh, and Shin DESERVES that slap.

Phew, I had to go through about a billion posts, but finally found someone who agrees with me! Yul's kiss was really sweet and not demanding at all, totally from his heart b/c he loves her. As opposed to Shin's which, while hot, was only motivated by anger and jealousy! C'mon, Chae just overheard him talking about going abroad to study with Hyorin, so she thinks he still plans to divorce her in a couple of years and stick with his first girlfriend. What else should she think?

And everyone who says she should avoid Yul, or be more "careful" around him, would you do that if you were in her shoes? As far as she knows, she has NO future with Shin in the Goong. Other than her unnies and the grandmother, Yul is the only person who has been kind and caring to her since she left home and "married" Shin. As far as the so-called marriage thing goes, IMO it's only a "paper marriage" until the couple actually express love for each other. So far, we as viewers have seen Shin *sort of* expressing his feelings, but not outright, frequently he makes expressions behind her back.

So, again, my opinion, but Yul isn't really hitting on a married woman. He's expressing his love to a woman who's trapped in an unhappy situation, but one that's not destined to last forever. Plus, lest we forget, she was TECHNICALLY promised to Yul, not to Shin. Which only makes Yul's heartbreak more sad!

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Guest yansi

So, again, my opinion, but Yul isn't really hitting on a married woman. He's expressing his love to a woman who's trapped in an unhappy situation, but one that's not destined to last forever. Plus, lest we forget, she was TECHNICALLY promised to Yul, not to Shin. Which only makes Yul's heartbreak more sad!

yes! the fact that she was yul's fiancee first makes it even more heartbreaking. you can tell that yul always has that in mind....when he told his mother that he liked cg...(shin snatched her away from me...) or when he told cg that she was his fiancee first. he must be constantly thinking what if his dad never died....cg and him would probably be very much in love and living a happy marriage.

i know it's useless to think about the 'what might have been' but sometimes, you can't help your mind and heart but to think of it :(

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Guest blue_rose

Thanks to all those kind hearted people who uploads files and beautiful pictures. From reading the spoilers to date and scanning through the latest Manhwa (raw) I wonder if they will include what happened in vol 11 of the Manhwa next, since they have followed it pretty closely so far.


It basically show that CG & SHIN are not in good term and it looks like SHIN is SICK........there seems to be quite a bit of coverage of it in this volume. We are now on episode 18, I wonder if the rocky relationship at the end of 18 is a prelude to CG wanting a divorce (announcing it at the press conference) therefore causing SHIN to be depressed and become sick??

If this is the case I hope CG will realize she can NOT loose him, come back & take care of SHIN until he gets well and live happily ever after. I want to see this happen rather the predicatable push & pull every week. :sweatingbullets:

what do ya think guys / gals??

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So, again, my opinion, but Yul isn't really hitting on a married woman. He's expressing his love to a woman who's trapped in an unhappy situation, but one that's not destined to last forever. Plus, lest we forget, she was TECHNICALLY promised to Yul, not to Shin. Which only makes Yul's heartbreak more sad!

Totally agree with everything you've said. No matter how we put it, I can't seem to hate him.. not even a bit. I can only pity him for being in a totally unfortunate situation. If i were in his position, i'd probably kill myself already. The girl he's fallen in love with - who should've ended up with him in the first place - is not only married to his own cousin, but love her husband to death even when he treated her like dirt.

Looking back, Shin mentioned to Yul that the only reason why he married her was because he wanted to see how funny it would be for CG to deal with the elderly and all the palace rules.. he wanted to make her life in the palace like hell.. and he said this to the person who was originally promised to her *not to mention, Yul already called her cute when he looked at her pic in the newspaper*.. I think Yul should've smacked Shin's head right there and then.

No matter how hard he tried, the best he can have is to snatch her position back to his side, but not her heart. ~Aigoooo

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Guest sour-chocolate


You guys....look at the pics with red circles carefully....... :D

Anyone noticed CG's lips movement??? :D She did open her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :phew: Oupppppp....I'm a pervert becoz of Goong :sweatingbullets:

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I watched ep 18 live today too. So many people unhappy about today's ep. But I'm not. :P I actually enjoyed this episode. It definitely had a lot of entertaining scenes.

About CG not being able to feel Shin's feelings for her is only normal. This is a guy whom you have seen be so in love w/ Hyorin throughout the whole time you've known him. Sure there are times he treats CG sweetly, but we as the audience see it from all points of view and able to grasp onto their real emotions. CG does not have the same luxury. Yeah now Shin kisses her, but there are no love words from him. Just a kind of caveman feeling, where she probably thinks he's only acting like this 'cause he considers her his property. The comments he has made in the past to her is probably still strongly present in her mind. Such as him accepting marrying CG in the first place to keep his beloved Hyorin from living the restrictive palace life he himself dislikes. So its only normal for CG to not clearly see that SHin has fallen in love w/ her. I think right now she thinks maybe Shin sees her as a friend or someone that is kinda living the same experiences as him, so that may be why he treats her a little nicer than before.

CG thinking if she left the closet and saw Shin and SHin screaming like that was funny. CG actually stayed in the closet and maybe fell asleep, I think. LOL Her legs were cramping too. She then leaves the closet 'cause she can't take being in there and grabs Shin's foot. Shin like then is still naked and is crouched down by the bed. Meanwhile CG's friends are hanging out where the hot tub is and SHin's friend comes in, the one who was wearing the glasses in ep 17. I think he's surprised by KH, thinks she's pretty. So he got up and took off her glasses. 'Cause she wasn't wearing her glasses there. I love the whole new surprising development of Shin's friend liking Kang Hyun. LOL Kang In and the other friend had come in before that. The one who wore glasses before had pulled off the red hat CG's friend was wearing and threw it in Kang In's lap. Kang In was then wearing it. LOL KI also pulled the friend away from KH 'cause he was all standing there couldn't believe that KH was the same girl as before, she loks pretty w/ out her glasses. :P CG and Shin in the room was cute too. They weren't really as shy or embarassed w/ each other as I would expect from one seeing the other naked. I think they argue about the bed situation and CG just gets under the covers. Next we see Shin has on lipstick and is in pigtails. He sees CG sucking her thumb as she slept and records her to get his revenge for her making him look like that. Shin probably wasn't planning on recording himself kissing CG, but he couldn't help himself. He had to kiss his wife. LOL CG wakes up and calls for Shin, but he has already left the room. She takes the camera w/ her and is setting it up for everyone to see. Now everyone's in the room w/ the entertainment system. Shin walks in and sees what's about to be played and tires to stop it. But everyone sees it. CG is embarrassed and leaves the room. Moving on, the toast thing happens and CG drinks her drink and Shin's. LOL Shin doesn't want her to drink too much. Before that CG and her friends had broguht out a cake for Yul. You can see Shin doesn't like that. CG is then outside by herself and Yul comes and talks to her. CG sees Shin and Hyorin talking. Guess they're talking about their plans from before when they were younger. CG overhears, but leaves before Shin replies fully. Like his feelings for CG. The scene where everyone's together and talking comes and CG burns her finger on the candle. She is leaving the room and trips, taking Yul down w/ her. Yul gets a cut. SHin doesn't get up, probably still thinking about what she said her dream was. Thinking about if he was going to lose CG. CG is then putting a bandaid on Yul's hand. They talk and Yul kisses her on the temple. She I think says he shouldn't have down that. She looks up and sees SHin standing there and quikly stands up. But she seems emotionally tired so she sat back down. Probably thinking why does she have to feel guilty when SHin had earlier been off alone w/ Hyorin. Shin goes to grab CG's to leave, but Yul stops him. CG does feel the tenseness of the situation. CG doesn't want the cousins fighting. SHin then successfully leaves w/ CG. THey are back in their room. And I think CG mentions about overhearing his convo w/ Hyorin. Shin kisses CG! THis time there's more movement of his head. LOL SHe pushes him away. And I guess ask why, he says 'cause I'm your husband or to that affect. CG slaps him. And walks away. SHin then punches the wall. Episode ends.

Dude, if this was a Thai lakorn after that slap there would be totally more skinship and a real wedding night. LOL I'm thinking the pds will have Hyorin probably going overseas to study er ballet or whatever. And I'm thinking Kang In follows her. Oh, I think CG's dad has a job in the palace now. Can't wait for next week's episodes.

thank you so so much for ur summary

i couldnt watch the ep

i KNEW i would miss out a great ep

the naked scene, the 2 kisses by shin and the one by yul

man i want to die


but i dont think i can for another 2 weeks


awWwwWww~~ i took a nape and forget to upload it earlier.. pfouhahaha~~

kisskisskisskisskisskiss episode ^.^=










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Guest cheryl53

haiz...e ending is soooooooo disturbing!!! thou they definately exchanged salivia...this kiss is sooooooo unromantic!!!!!sighz.... totally agreee w some tt they dun haf enuf trust 4 ea oth... its almost coming to an end n i dun c them bldg their r/s any closer...sighz.....i realie hope it has a gd ending!!!!!!!!!!!!come on man...this is not enuf LOVE!!!!!

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Guest echoRy

hi guys, in school, can't talk but saw the ep b4 i left:

1) loved the opening scene, too bad she was imagining but by the way Chae was acting,

she saw him naked for sure.

2) still want KangHyun with Yul, but monkey2 was hella funny!!!

3) loved that everyone saw Shin kiss Chae like that, except i felt bad for both Hyorin&Yul.

4) that kiss was hot, JJH went for it and it was hot.

some girls don't like it when guys do that...yeah i'm not one of them.

when a guy u like kisses u like that, it's hot!!!

okay i've shared too much already :rolleyes:

c u guys after school!!!

thanx to credeisca's CB as always for my GOONG FIX!

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You guys....look at the pics with red circles carefully....... :D

Anyone noticed CG's lips movement??? :D She did open her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :phew: Oupppppp....I'm a pervert becoz of Goong :sweatingbullets:

Wow.. that's one hella pics-analyzing, sour-chocolate.. DANG!! bwuahahah.. Thanks to you, I'll definitely repeat that scene again and pop my eyes out. So both YEH and JJH probaly were a wee bit too much INTO the passionate kiss, huh? Hearts were beating faster and some hormones building up, bwuahahaha!! Well, who can blame them? both are too hot to handle for each other. EDIT: Or probably she was gasping for air, prevented herself from fainting *sorry i forgot who mentioned this "gasping for air" kiss scene*.. bwuahahha

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hi guys, in school, can't talk but saw the ep b4 i left:

1) loved the opening scene, too bad she was imagining but by the way Chae was acting,

she saw him naked for sure.

2) still want KangHyun with Yul, but monkey2 was hella funny!!!

3) loved that everyone saw Shin kiss Chae like that, except i felt bad for both Hyorin&Yul.

4) that kiss was hot, JJH went for it and it was hot.

some girls don't like it when guys do that...yeah i'm not one of them.

when a guy u like kisses u like that, it's hot!!!

okay i've shared too much already :rolleyes:

c u guys after school!!!

thanx to credeisca's CB as always for my GOONG FIX!

I am so with you, I don't like it when a guy force a Kiss but if it was who I love and force a kiss on me, That would be Hot. His Kiss was out of anger, because he saw Yul kiss CG, what guy would want another to kiss their wife, That really show He cares. CG should think about it later on and see where the action is coming from.

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Guest yansi

Totally agree with everything you've said. No matter how we put it, I can't seem to hate him.. not even a bit. I can only pity him for being in a totally unfortunate situation. If i were in his position, i'd probably kill myself already. The girl he's fallen in love with - who should've ended up with him in the first place - is not only married to his own cousin, but love her husband to death even when he treated her like dirt.

Looking back, Shin mentioned to Yul that the only reason why he married her was because he wanted to see how funny it would be for CG to deal with the elderly and all the palace rules.. he wanted to make her life in the palace like hell.. and he said this to the person who was originally promised to her *not to mention, Yul already called her cute when he looked at her pic in the newspaper*.. I think Yul should've smacked Shin's head right there and then.

No matter how hard he tried, the best he can have is to snatch her position back to his side, but not her heart. ~Aigoooo

remember cg telling yul that if she met him first, she probably would have fallen in love with him instead? i think that made him want her to love him even more. i'm not saying that cg said anything to lead him on, but hearing that from a girl you love, only makes you love her even more...

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