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Guest coreana

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Guest jessamine

:) I had to repeat the scenes several times because they were either talking too fast or their speech was kind of blurry. So don't worry about it keke

If my memory serves me correctly, he said something along the lines of, "I wanted to give you a present as a man, not as just a friend"

Yeah, if the PD's bring in the idea of divorce....lol I am going to go to Korea and kick their tooshies myself!!! Or if it's just that one man that I saw a pic of a few pages back....he's going down!!! :lol:

*sigh* Yul needs to BACK OFF and stop pouring poison into CG's ears (lol Hamlet reference...ah lit class). If he truly <3'd her, he ought to let her be with someone she loves. Yul knows that Shin doesn't love Ho-Toot anymore, since Shin told Ho-Toot, and Ho-Toot tells Yul everything. So I really don't think it's even a "I want to protect her because Shin doesn't love her" thing. He's just being selfish.

Yep, thats true, I totally agree with you. Even from the start, Yul just didnt want Shin to be happy. According to what he said about when he started falling in love with CG, he wasnt in love with her from the start, but he kept saying to her that Shin loved Hyorin more. I mean, if he had really wanted CG to be happy, he should have helped CG how to open Shin's heart, encouraged her or something. I think thats what a true friend should do. And dont say that if someone doesnt love you, you dont need to try, thats so stupid. To me, if I love someone and he doesnt love me, i would try to let him know first, or try to make him love me before giving up. At least, Yul should have told CG that when she said that she liked Shin.

Hic, It has got me so mad today, I didnt watch it, but reading what you guys writing makes me so mad, and I was happy before.

Hope they're gonna make a good ending :crazy:

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Guest narnia

hai guys help me please how to make hardsub??

and how to convert from dvd to vcd what should i do??

which program i should use??

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Guest Pikachu


Is it just me or Yul's mask looks like that of Erik from The Phantom of the Opera? Or at least a full version of it since the phantom's mask covers only half his face. XDD But still, if you read the synopsis of Phantom of the Opera I guess Yul's story sort of resembles Erik's story....

okay don't mind me, I'm going away now. XDDD :blush:

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Guest yansi

i'm only on episode 12, and i have a few things to say as of now! hahaha

yul: GOSH! is this guy cute or what? i can't take my eyes off of him...whaahhahha. i actually don't have anything bad to say about this about *and it's not because he's cute!!!! ^_~* if i was in his shoe, i would be acting the same way. it wasn't his choice that his father died, it wasn't his choice that him and his mother got sent away from the palace, it wasn't his fault that his mother is 'evil' and wants to take back everything that was takened from them. i really pity his character, it seemed like he had everything at one point *before his father died* but then it was all takened away from him.

i think it would have been different if he was never future crown prince to begin it. it's soo crule to have something takened away from you when it was suppose to be yours *crown prince title, cg...*

i'm only on episode 12, and i have a few things to say as of now! hahaha

yul: GOSH! is this guy cute or what? i can't take my eyes off of him...whaahhahha. i actually don't have anything bad to say about him *and it's not because he's cute!!!! ^_~* unlike hyorin, he had no control over what has happened. it wasn't his choice that his father died, it wasn't his choice that him and his mother got sent away from the palace, it wasn't his fault that his mother is 'evil' and wants to take back everything that was takened from them. i really pity his character, it seemed like he had everything at one point *before his father died* but then it was all takened away from him.

i think it would have been different if he was never future crown prince to begin it - it's soo cruel to have and then lost.:(

i wanted to cry when he told cg in episode 10 that he may not be her husband right now, but she was once his fiancee...:( also, when he told his mother that he likes cg...loved those scenes of hiim....:)

buttttt, i rather him be 'evil' than him being mr.nice guy who is too nice to fight. that would just be a big bore! T_T

hyorin: first of all, i am SOOOOO glad that they found someone as pretty as her to play this role. since her and the prince dated for two years, she must be something special. why else would the prince date her? lol and she really fits the role of the rich ballerina girl. the way she speaks really shows that she's well educated and comes from a wealthy family...

but i really can't stand her character. shin proposed to her, but thinking he would wait for her, she turns him down. unlike yul who had no control things, she did! she thought that shin could wait for her, and that her future as a ballerina is more important than marriage?! well she got a slap in the face when she saw shin and cg getting married on tv. should have said yes when you had the chance eh.

but as many of you already said, the master mind behind their evilways is no other than yul's mother! she's been feeding yul about fighting, and winning everything back for 14 years. and telling hyorin the camilla and prince charles story (i have to say, that's a really smart choice on the writers part! haha i really enjoyed how it relates to the drama)

but she is one patient woman! i have to give her props for it. she waited 14 years to start her 'war'....

good things comes to those who wait...



too bad this is a drama! we all know the good guys will win in the end LOLOL.

shin & cg: these two are soo cute together. when will shin stop being all hot and cold towards her? (remember, i'm only on episode 12! haha) he's driving her CRAZY HERE!

yul & cg: i'm a double camper! i love the scenes where she taught him the korean slangs, and the 'reflection' move! total cuteness.

hyorin: first of all, i am SOOOOO glad that they found someone as pretty as her to play this role. since her and the prince dated for two years, she must be something special. why else would the prince date her? lol and she really fits as the rich ballerinal girl. the way she speaks really shows that she's well educated and comes from a wealthy family...

i don't really hate this girl much as of now (remember..i'm only up to episode 12 lol) and

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Guest charles0702

i think if yul had kissed cg on the lips then shin would have punched him.. kissing on the lips is more intamit.. since it was on the temple, shin was just basically pissed..

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are these NGs for today's episode?

nope.. mainly shin & his sister's chat when cg was sick

the garden scene of yul, cg & shin where shin closed the door on cg's head

bed & pillow is calling me... goong nite peeps!

PS : good thing i didn't hv dinner tonite else i'll puke at my tv when the stupid king's dream was shown :wacko::crazy:

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Guest Bebot


credit DallasE


credits to miclub

Is it just me but why they keep mushing CG's face all the time! Dang Guys! Kiss her properly for once. Make her look good being kiss.. The GUYS look COOL Kissing her, but CG's face is like all mushed and distorted... :( come on, give her a break! Tip her chin and leave her cheeks alone! Just one good PICTURE! hehehehe!

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Guest yansi

Yul kissing CG. Look at her cheeks. :unsure:


i love the spot he kissed her. if he kissed her lips, that's just too lustful, she is married after all. but kissing her temple just shows how much you care without going overboard....*swoons

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Guest cilik

and yesh. shin's dad is totally gross and his peabrain muz have totally broke down to dream of that lousy woman(if u call her a woman. personally i call her a disfigured balloon) while sleepin beside such a PRETTY and considerate wife

AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAH disfigured balloon. your angry rants are cute, amanda :lol:

kingdaddy is ruining himself by holding on to memories of his youth he shared with the devil herself. i'm surprised he's been able to maintain his position as king all this time, considering that his common sense seems to fail him many of times.

and judging from the HQ screencaps DallasE posted, that kiss was HOT (minus the slap). shouldn't they have rated ep 18 15+ as well?

and as much as i love our chae, she can be way too naive at times. she knows yul is in love with her, and despite her best attempt to emphasize that she sees yul merely as a friend, she should be more cautious whenever she's alone with her cousin-in-law. the same goes for yul, who needs to cool his head off for a while. i think he just isn't thinking clearly. i agree with misoo, yul needs to stop poisoning chae's ears with words that are gonna sway her heart. i also agree with what someone else said earlier (sorry, i forget who it was). what makes me angriest is that yul knows shin is falling for chae, yet he's desperately trying to convince chae that shin's heart is somewhere else :fury:. wake up yul, it's not like chae's going to love you back even if you do manage to tear the royal couple apart. and when you realize that chae is breaking your heart, please go find comfort in kanghyun :D *runs away from yul-campers and yulchae-shippers*

"dirty, dirty, dirty" right back at ya, yul! MBC PDs, i demand the cute adorable le-petit-prince-and-harry-potter-reading yul back!

g'night rebby!

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so yummy.... forget what the storyline is... :lol: just look at the kiss!!!

i wanna watch the behind the scenes!!!!!!!!!

Rebby dear, you seriously cracked me up! Yes yes, that was a hot kiss! Lookie, it wasn't just a lip-on type, it was a KISS!

Hi, all! Thanks for all the spoilers, very much enjoyed reading them, felt like I watched it live myself!

Seems like a lot happened, drama-wise. The Kindaddy needs to wake up and smell whats rotting on the palace grounds...argh, that Toot^2...I hope she gets what she deserves!

Yul...some nerve he has, kissing his cousin-in-law :o . Well, another wait for us, eh? Aish.

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Guest yansi

and as much as i love our chae, she can be way too naive at times. she knows yul is in love with her, and despite her best attempt to emphasize that she sees yul merely as a friend, she should be more cautious whenever she's alone with her cousin-in-law. the same goes for yul, who needs to cool his head off for a while. i think he just isn't thinking clearly. i agree with misoo, yul needs to stop poisoning chae's ears with words that are gonna sway her heart. i also agree with what someone else said earlier (sorry, i forget who it was). what makes me angriest is that yul knows shin is falling for chae, yet he's desperately trying to convince chae that shin's heart is somewhere else :fury:. wake up yul, it's not like chae's going to love you back even if you do manage to tear the royal couple apart. and when you realize that chae is breaking your heart, please go find comfort in kanghyun :D *runs away from yul-campers and yulchae-shippers*

"dirty, dirty, dirty" right back at ya, yul! MBC PDs, i demand the cute adorable le-petit-prince-and-harry-potter-reading yul back!

g'night rebby!

but if you like/love someone, you should do everything you can to win them. if you don't, you would only regret later on. even if you guys don't end up in the end, at least you have no regrets. love is not first come first serve....let's just be greatful that yul is here, because of him, shin and cg's feelings for each other has grown faster. you really need a push to speed things up lol.

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Guest ibabyxgardien


i cannot wait for episode 18.

when someone has a chance can you put it on

megaupload or even better ysi!?!?

thanks very much and have a great day~~


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Before I do my backlogging ritual, let me give my comments on ep 18:

- The last kiss: It was passionate, full of anger, and yes, it was out of line of Shin to do something like that. BUT it was totally HOT nevertheless. It keeps replaying in my head every 5 minutes, bwuahahaha..

- Thank God JJH wasn't born as a girl.. coz he sure looked freakin' hideous when CG did the "makeover".

- I can't believe everybody watched that video where Shin kissed CG while she was sleeping. I literally covered my face with my hands during the whole scene.. I soooo wanted to scream out loud "Oh NOOO!!", but I can't since it was only 5 in the morning i didn't want my two roomates to kill me.. at least not before Goong finished airing. :P

- The King and Yul's mom are not pretty-looking individually. So when the two are put together side-by-side, let me tell you, It wasn't a pretty sight at all. Why the heck they put that nauseating lovey-dovey scene anyway??? It was totally a waste of time! I prefer some other dragging method to torture myself than to see that scene.

- Yul kissing CG on her forehead scene: It was sweet.. he was out of line, but the fact that he kissed her on the forehead showed that he respected her.. it was just too sweet. His feeling was just too strong to handle, and I guess it was the most appropriate way to let it out.

- Shin was so frustrated and hit the wall.. I hope that means we can see a big apology scene next week.. *praying hard*

- So they change the viewership rating to 15 yr-old and above? Kekekekeke *perverted mind* Go make some honey love, Shin & CG!! Yay to skinship!

Btw, the buffering was kruuuazzeeyyyy this morning, so I missed the first 20 minutes *meaning: the half-naked Shin scene* Damn it! So I can't comment on that.. Have to wait until i finished downloading.. :)

EDIT: *Waving at Rierie & Manda cilik*

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oh man why does shin snd cg had to quarrel at epi 18.......They sorta of went to yul's birthday party in a happy mood , but both of them end up quarreling. So sad :(

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