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Guest coreana

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Guest echoRy

yeah, that's what i think too. the PD's had more freedom with MNIKSS.

in GOONG, they're following a story that's already written (most of it atleast)

and they're dealing with very young characters.

if this were a series here in canada or us though...gosh they would have

*ahemed* already! still though with all of that, Goong has a lot to offer a viewer!

granted i'm biased ofcourse, but even if EunHye wasn't in it, i think i would have

watched anyways. the visuals alone are just orgasmic!!! <---forgot who first said that.

Goong SHOULD reach 30%! it's total injustice if it doesn't! IMHO


edit--- oh that's right u did Pika! and i remember responding

to ur post about it now too! :lol:

<3 my PandaBear, Pika dear, mmmlove (little sister), rainbow, ai* and RIRIE too

who's probably still backlogging :D + everyone still on. Goodnight guys, c u in a few!

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Guest Pikachu

if this were a series here in canada or us though...gosh they would have

*ahemed* already! still though with all of that, Goong has a lot to offer a viewer!

granted i'm biased ofcourse, but even if EunHye wasn't in it, i think i would have

watched anyways. the visuals alone are just orgasmic!!! <---forgot who first said that.

hehe XD I'm the one who said the set/cinematography/photography was orgasmic (WHICH IT IS).

and yeah. XD me, manda and rie were sort of discussing in the IRC channel how if Goong was like the OC... XDDD we would have been getting a sehson already. XDD

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Guest Vivi88

Hey there...

im new here.. GOONG is SO FANTASTIC! I'm really addicted to this drama.. +wuaaah+:D Thanks for the spot translations and the pictures+ videos+mv's - u guys are awesome ^.^

I've got a question: I want to watch Ep. 18 live... i got the link and opened it in Windows media player... but it takes so long! it doesn't play the ep. fluently.. like every 2 minutes it stops... SO SAD! What can i do to make that faster? using another programm? Cuz my internet isn't slow..

thanks :)

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Guest Brooklyn

yeah, that's what i think too. the PD's had more freedom with MNIKSS.

in GOONG, they're following a story that's already written (most of it atleast)

and they're dealing with very young characters.

if this were a series here in canada or us though...gosh they would have

*ahemed* already! still though with all of that, Goong has a lot to offer a viewer!

granted i'm biased ofcourse, but even if EunHye wasn't in it, i think i would have

watched anyways. the visuals alone are just orgasmic!!! <---forgot who first said that.

Goong SHOULD reach 30%! it's total injustice if it doesn't! IMHO

Angeline, mnikss was based on a book also...

but we really shouldn't compare both...

apples and oranges really... :)

mnikss ratings were very high because it was really

a very, very well written drama and brilliantly executed too...

its target audience completely empathized w/ kim sam soon

the character was so real, if kss weren't you then she's your friend kinda' real...

goong is very popular w/ netizens but it doesn't of course reflect on the

tv ratings in korea...

i'm really not sure about the demographics of the primetime tv audience of korea

i'm guessing, the market (people who are watching tv) on goong's timeslot

are not that interested in high school/teen-fantasy storylines...so they watch other programs

but having said that, goong's ratings are quite ok considering that

no big stars are in it... :)

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Guest tiffany

Ratings wise.. the highest rated drama was First Love starring BYJ. It had over 60% but that was in 1997. In recent years, Lovers In Paris and DaeJangGeum had over 50% in 2004 and last year it was MNIKSS.

Much as I enjoyed Goong very much, it doesn't really appeal to the more mature crowd. I was talking to my business associate in Korea and she said she didn't find it interesting.. 재미없어요.

But with so many dramas going on, if it can reach 30%, it is considered quite good already esp as all the actors are new.

Though I like Shin alot, I am also rooting for Yul. Both of them are actually very lonely figures, with few or no friends. Both were uprooted from their familiar surroundings and force to adapt to a stranege one at a young age. Both had to do things not within their control (Yul has mentioned many times that he was living for his oma's dream and wishes. In fact I think his mother tried to commit suicide before). Both had to control their feelings.. one as the Crown Prince and the other as the training Crown Prince (by his mother). It's no wonder both fell for CG who has totally no regards for all the royalty issues.

Actually I don't think Hyo Rin is evil. I mean considering all the K Dramas that I've seen, she is not evil. Just couldn't let go and of course she was being manipulated by that Tae Hu Ma Ma (Yul's mother). I mean she gave up her ballet scholarship when she realised that she actually loves Shin and wants to be there by him.

Having said that, I would still prefer Shin and CG to be together but I hope they can find someone for Yul too... poor thing. :(

Hehe... the bathroom scene really cracked me up. Am so looking forward to tonight's episode.

Again, many thanks to all who uploaded the links. I downloaded the 155mb one. Can't remember who uploaded it onto megaupload but thank you very much.

liduidfir- I sent you a PM

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Guest echoRy
Angeline, mnikss was based on a book also...

oh ate really? didn't know that!

but yeah, before i go to bed i watch the latest ep :rolleyes: hehe, i think

Jess and i both do. anyways, when Chae fed Shin infront of everyone,

and KangIn said he was softer then Chae said it was because of her or something.

i didn't realize he hit her lightly afterwards and then she pinched his cheek!!!

i totally missed it! okay that's it, gnight for realz now.

laters, be back for 18 woohoo!

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I got a feeling. yul's mum accomplice, the reporter, will betray her..

because shin's mum.. managed to find information that leads to that reporter.. in order to prevent any more links to her, yul's mum ASKED the reporter to leave...

but i think that reporter feels very very betrayed.. i think he is gonna betray her..

kekekekekkeek let's wait and see

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Guest cassiopeia

PANDA MANDA, I think that it's the 12th episode of MNIKSS when Hyun Bin kiss Kim Sun Ah. And I luv that scene!

Btw, I thought that CG CAN drive, coz HalmaMama gave CG her personal car, in eppi 7 or 8. And she did drove the car to school, isn't she?

Haven't seen episode 17th yet, but ....... they might be making the seshon there, aren't they? :phew: *hopefull me*

Happy watching eppi 18, and tell us how it is please? eppi 19 preview is waited on too ^^

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Guest Pikachu

I got a feeling. yul's mum accomplice, the reporter, will betray her..

because shin's mum.. managed to find information that leads to that reporter.. in order to prevent any more links to her, yul's mum ASKED the reporter to leave...

but i think that reporter feels very very betrayed.. i think he is gonna betray her..

kekekekekkeek let's wait and see

I acutally thought that too.. since he had that look on his face after his meeting with Mo Toot. Yes reporter dude >D betray mo toot!! >DDD

Btw, I thought that CG CAN drive, coz HalmaMama gave CG her personal car, in eppi 7 or 8. And she did drove the car to school, isn't she?

Her bodyguards drove her. Didn't you the ep when she tried to get behind the wheel and crashed Halmamama's beetle?

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Guest hsinyi069







credit to 幽幽山谷from koreanwind


omo omo omo

shin is going to kiss CG while she is asleep just like what happened in the manga~~~~~!!~~!!~~!!


Another News translated

新聞] 《宮》視聽等級調整,未滿15歲者收看「大略難堪」

(大概內容) MBC 水木迷你劇集《宮》決定最后播映的七集修正視聽等級。從今天9日播出的18集開始將「12歲以上觀看」改為「15歲以上觀看」,明確修正等級了。有關人員說明這是因為 "從18集以后,宮廷暗鬥及主角們之間的愛和放火場面等稍微暴力性的畫面將陸續登場,所以修正等級"。...

original link


Starting today's episode, Goong is going to be rated age-15 and above due to what is going to happen in the following episodes...

does that mean we also get to see more skinship of CG and Shin??

hee hee hee

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Guest Pikachu

omo omo omo

shin is going to kiss CG while she is asleep just like what happened in the manga~~~~~!!~~!!~~!!


:w00t: omg! video taping it too I hope? And CG accidentally showing it to everyone? XDDD kekekeke

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Guest mmmlove







credit to 幽幽山谷from koreanwind


omo omo omo

shin is going to kiss CG while she is asleep just like what happened in the manga~~~~~!!~~!!~~!!


hahaha.. i just read the manhwa.. and he did that in the manhwa haha.. i wonder if he would video it and show it in to her friend. hahhaha! that would be so funny... hahhaa! i can't wait!!

btw.. can someone translate.. the article!!!

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I got a feeling. yul's mum accomplice, the reporter, will betray her..

because shin's mum.. managed to find information that leads to that reporter.. in order to prevent any more links to her, yul's mum ASKED the reporter to leave...

but i think that reporter feels very very betrayed.. i think he is gonna betray her..

kekekekekkeek let's wait and see

hope it will b happen!!!!!!!!!!! :P

now we will know who win the game right :w00t::w00t: ???????????????

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Guest Brooklyn

PANDA MANDA, I think that it's the 12th episode of MNIKSS when Hyun Bin kiss Kim Sun Ah. And I luv that scene!

Btw, I thought that CG CAN drive, coz HalmaMama gave CG her personal car, in eppi 7 or 8. And she did drove the car to school, isn't she?

Haven't seen episode 17th yet, but ....... they might be making the seshon there, aren't they? :phew: *hopefull me*

Happy watching eppi 18, and tell us how it is please? eppi 19 preview is waited on too ^^

hi cassiopeia...

hb kissed ksa first in ep 6 in the resto

there was a kissing scene in the hotel's restroom towards the end of ep 11, w/c was repeated

at the start of ep 12...

CG didn't drive the car of the queen mom...

i think she just released the hand break and the car rolled backwards...

going to school she was in the passenger seat...somebody else drove it...


credit to 幽幽山谷from koreanwind


omo omo omo

shin is going to kiss CG while she is asleep just like what happened in the manga~~~~~!!~~!!~~!!


OMG! finally! hope there's gonna be some lip movement now

not a clinical nano-minute pressing of the lips

Angeline! yup, mnikss was based on a book

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Guest hsinyi069

:w00t: omg! video taping it too I hope? And CG accidentally showing it to everyone? XDDD kekekeke

I think so...


it says the "mouth to mouth" affair has spread out due to CG's careless

hee hee hee

i think it's gonna be funny~

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PANDA MANDA, I think that it's the 12th episode of MNIKSS when Hyun Bin kiss Kim Sun Ah. And I luv that scene!

Btw, I thought that CG CAN drive, coz HalmaMama gave CG her personal car, in eppi 7 or 8. And she did drove the car to school, isn't she?

Haven't seen episode 17th yet, but ....... they might be making the seshon there, aren't they? :phew: *hopefull me*

Happy watching eppi 18, and tell us how it is please? eppi 19 preview is waited on too ^^

nah~she didnt driver previously. she has someone to drive ehr to sch.. she is the crown princess rem? lOlx

and she crashed the other car given to her by shin's granma. lOlx







credit to 幽幽山谷from koreanwind


omo omo omo

shin is going to kiss CG while she is asleep just like what happened in the manga~~~~~!!~~!!~~!!


Another News translated

新聞] 《宮》視聽等級調整,未滿15歲者收看「大略難堪」

(大概內容) MBC 水木迷你劇集《宮》決定最后播映的七集修正視聽等級。從今天9日播出的18集開始將「12歲以上觀看」改為「15歲以上觀看」,明確修正等級了。有關人員說明這是因為 "從18集以后,宮廷暗鬥及主角們之間的愛和放火場面等稍微暴力性的畫面將陸續登場,所以修正等級"。...

original link


Since today's episode, Goong is going to be rated age-15 and aboved due to what is going to happen in the following episodes...

does that mean we also get to see more skinship of CG and Shin??

hee hee hee

OMO OMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i screamed so loud my mum came into the room~

he is gonna kiss her? i wish the kiss happen after they quarrelled with each other.. they always have a makeup session after they have a fight.

WOW and what? Pg 15... OMO!! there is going to be some SKINSHIP finally?

lucky i am 20. kekekeke

wahahha!! and what? she accidentally spread the kissing thing? but how she know when she is aslp? i think this is gonna be the same as the manga.. shin is going to accidentally video tape it.. omG.. lOlx.. so can we anticipate the cg in the bathtub scene today? lOlx. MUAHAHAHHAHA

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Guest beautifulxmess

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *spazzes*..

there goes the darn PDs again..taking us by suprise when we least expect it..

LOOOLZZ...jus wen we were discussing how the PD's will have to tone down the scenes so it'd comply with the rating, as it turns out, this is rated PG 15+??? HAHAA....ok guys..lets not get too ahead of ourselves...jus in case we get disappointed...

but another kiss?? weee!!! Ep 18 is guna be GREAT!

also, can someone clarify what scene it was in the manhwa when Shin kisses CG when she's sleeping? **edit, oh wait, amanda has answered me. thanks!

ta ta...so darn excited!

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Guest Pikachu

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *spazzes*..

there goes the darn PDs again..taking us by suprise when we least expect it..

LOOOLZZ...jus wen we were discussing how the PD's will have to tone down the scenes so it'd comply with the rating, as it turns out, this is rated PG 15+??? HAHAA....ok guys..lets not get too ahead of ourselves...jus in case we get disappointed...

but another kiss?? weee!!! Ep 18 is guna be GREAT!

also, can someone clarify what scene it was in the manhwa when Shin kisses CG when she's sleeping? **edit, oh wait, amanda has answered me. thanks!

ta ta...so darn excited!

hahaha I know. XDDDDDDDD omg nancy u_u I can't wait. I'll go nuts!! XDDDDDDDDD

me, manda and rie were discussing how the planned movie will be the AHEM R18 :B XDDDD haha

*gets killed by non-perv supporters*

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Guest samgirl

wen i watched ep 17 when they were checking in ..

is it really SHin looked at Yul Directly sort of scoffing him and took CG's hand away

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