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Guest coreana

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Guest Pikachu

3. he accepted the lettuce-wrapped-meat from CG's hands (she fed him from her hands!!) knowing everyone would be watching - with his character i think he would be pretty afraid to admit in front to the 3 stooges that he's falling in love with his wife :lol:

XDD Yeah and the way she sort of yelled at him to eat the lettuce wrap (before finally agreeing to eat it)... Shin would have yelled back at her for that and gotted mad. XDDD (cilik or rie mentioned this in IRC I think.. forgot who)

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Not to mentioned i didnt quite understand a word of english they were sprouting.


and yeah i think shin's mum shld juz tell the king she wants a divorce. i bet that will scare the living life out of him. she cares for him as a wife while he is sick and he dares to care more about that MAD PSYCHO yul's mum? OMG. he must be sicker than i thought. if that is the case, pls die quickly and shin can juz take over the position as king asap

outsider: i think it was 25.8% ONLY.

lousy mbc PDs..

i thot his time is up when he starting seeing things like imaging the old fart motoot is standing there reading... omg.. they could hv used someone else younger to represent her younger days but using her for that scene makes me wanna puke... how old is she supp to be now? 50? she looks like she's only 10 yrs younger than the old queen.

PS: you know how the chinese describe when a dying person is about to die, they would see things that are not there... :vicx:

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Guest vignette

The present king needs to have his head checked. I hate his indecisiveness towards Shin as the next in line to the throne.

But I'm loving what little development there is in the relationship of Shin and CG. I can't understand a word their saying in their room when they were about to change but they were close enough to be playful in touching each others legs with their foot ~ so cute and I can just imagine what's going through the minds of their friends when they were the last to arrive for lunch.

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Guest mmmlove

I'm reading the manhwa right now, and I'm in volume 8. I find it weird that Chae is the one that is initiating the divorce. She gets pissed of at Shin for having to become the king, because it would mean that she would have to be the queen. This is so weirddd... I hope this doesn't happen with the drama..

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For those who watched Ep 17 already,

The scene where shin was in the car after meeting kang in and the gang at the pub. When the sad song was playing. He turned to look into his right and I think he's looking at the palace direction. Am I right? If he's indeed looking at the palace, maybe he's thinking about his wife and feeling guilty? :blush: *rainbow is dreaming again*

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Guest Pikachu

For those who watched Ep 17 already,

The scene where shin was in the car after meeting kang in and the gang at the pub. When the sad song was playing. He turned to look into his right and I think he's looking at the palace direction. Am I right? If he's indeed looking at the palace, maybe he's thinking about his wife and feeling guilty? :blush: *rainbow is dreaming again*

or maybe thinking about losing Chae Gyeong if he loses his position in the palace... :tears:

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ah yes, the cake feeding scene. urgh. i wanted to bomb her at that moment :ph34r: i wanted to bomb shin also for accepting the cake :ph34r:

anyway, what goes around comes around.. when CG was feeding shin in ep 17, i was so gleeful because hyorin is there to witness it too. huahaha... at least she knows how CG felt that that cake feeding scene :D:D

but back to CG-yul-shin triangle, i do admit she's kinda dense as well, always turning to yul whenever shin bullies her. but if she does not turn to yul, who can she turn to? maybe choi sanggong?

like Rebby likes to say, he's a pea-brained king so i don't think he is ever going to realise what a wonderful wife he has until she left him OR until yul's mom shows her true colours. :ph34r: dense king!

YES~i wanted to kick her of jejudo when i saw that scene.

But i love it when shin accepted that bite of veggie Cg fed him when cg shouted "are u gonna eat it or not"

He sighed and opened his mouth.. SO DARN CUTE can?

noted some obvious changes from shin,

1. when CG elbowed his knees from behind after their beach trip, shin sort of shouted at her for doing that to him, but within split seconds, he's all smiles & playful and hit her with his camera :lol: he would hv given her a hard time or sulk and don't-bother-me if it were in the past... i think.

2. when teaching CG how to drive.. shin is a man of little patience.. but he swallowed whatever frastrations he have after shouting at her and continued to teach her... i reckon he would hv got off the car immediately and give her a good verbal bashing if it were in the past... haha!

3. he accepted the lettuce-wrapped-meat from CG's hands (she fed him from her hands!!) knowing everyone would be watching - with his character i think he would be pretty afraid to admit in front to the 3 stooges that he's falling in love with his wife :lol:

i think so far shin hasn't admitted to anyone that he's in love with CG now besides subtly to HR rite??

wonder how or when would that fella admit publicly... hopefully not following the manhwa in this sense cuz that would mean CG is considering asking for a divorce then... :tears:

OH rebby~thanks for pointing all these out!!

i love the driving scene.. i think in the past he would have juz got off the car and walked back to the palace.. lOlx.. but now.. he calmed himself down and continues to teach her.. but cg errr horrible driving skills is err.. -.- hmmm

and yeah he accepted that veggie infront of everyone!! that is like so darn loving.

in the past he realy would have shove it in cg's mouth instead..

anyone rem that cake scene? where cg tried to feed him? LOlx..

look at what happen NOW? he opened his mouth and allowed her to feed him..

talk about falling in love. ekekke

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I'm reading the manhwa right now, and I'm in volume 8. I find it weird that Chae is the one that is initiating the divorce. She gets pissed of at Shin for having to become the king, because it would mean that she would have to be the queen. This is so weirddd... I hope this doesn't happen with the drama..

omg, i hope that doesnt happen in the drama! thats terrible...shes the one iniating the divorce? is thise before or after she and Shin confess to each other that they love each other? Pissed for being a king??? she new that was going to happen when she was set up to marry him. Wow... the Manhwa Chae Gyung seems very diff from the drama. i so hope that the pds decide not to do that. if they do... i dont even think about it!

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Guest mmmlove

I find it soothing that Chae runs to Yul whenever she's bullied by Shin. Her husband deserves to be jealous from time to time, so that he can admit that he loves his wife. I mean, he needs to clarify his feelings toward his wife to Yul. He never mention his love toward his wife to Yul, his just always saying, "she's my wife right now.. so.. don't do that.. blah blah.." It's as if his saying.. "don't do that now.. but you can do that later.."...

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i thot his time is up when he starting seeing things like imaging the old fart motoot is standing there reading... omg.. they could hv used someone else younger to represent her younger days but using her for that scene makes me wanna puke... how old is she supp to be now? 50? she looks like she's only 10 yrs younger than the old queen.

PS: you know how the chinese describe when a dying person is about to die, they would see things that are not there... :vicx:

PUAHAHAHA!! yeah~if his time is really UP pls. juz die.. and not make us puke with that hallucination scenes of the mo-toot. i mean.. do everyone agree with me that Shin's mum is so MUCH more beautiful?

she looks young and pretty in hanbok or the normal clothes.. and yul's mum look like a big headed balloon in that headset and the traditional costume. seriously.

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i love the driving scene.. i think in the past he would have juz got off the car and walked back to the palace.. lOlx.. but now.. he calmed himself down and continues to teach her.. but cg errr horrible driving skills is err.. -.- hmmm

and yeah he accepted that veggie infront of everyone!! that is like so darn loving.

in the past he realy would have shove it in cg's mouth instead..

anyone rem that cake scene? where cg tried to feed him? LOlx..

look at what happen NOW? he opened his mouth and allowed her to feed him..

talk about falling in love. ekekke

In the past, I think Shin goon won't even bother trying to teach her. He would have asked the palace attendants to teach her. :sweatingbullets: Actually come to think of it, it is very sweet for him to teach her as I am sure the palace will have qualified driver who can teach her to drive. Ah my CG's shin goon... :blush:

Regarding the veggie-feeding part, you are so right! Previously, when she tried to feed him cake earlier, he was so embarrased that he refused. Now, he's accepting it and the best thing of all, he accept it in front of all his friends and hyorin! :w00t: *woo hoo*

But in episode 18, he's going to disappoint us all over again when he did not help CG when she hurt her fingers and fell down. :tears: Damn the PDs..

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Guest Pikachu

PUAHAHAHA!! yeah~if his time is really UP pls. juz die.. and not make us puke with that hallucination scenes of the mo-toot. i mean.. do everyone agree with me that Shin's mum is so MUCH more beautiful?

she looks young and pretty in hanbok or the normal clothes.. and yul's mum look like a big headed balloon in that headset and the traditional costume. seriously.

I actually agree with you on the Shin's mom > Mo Toot. I don't know she just has this sort of natural beauty around her. I remember during that ball they had in the palace.. she looked sooo pretty in her gown. >O< :w00t:

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Guest mmmlove

omg, i hope that doesnt happen in the drama! thats terrible...shes the one iniating the divorce? is thise before or after she and Shin confess to each other that they love each other? Pissed for being a king??? she new that was going to happen when she was set up to marry him. Wow... the Manhwa Chae Gyung seems very diff from the drama. i so hope that the pds decide not to do that. if they do... i dont even think about it!

Here... http://photobucket.com/albums/y210/junji83...rent=8-1-14.png

go there... That's after Shin found out that his mom is pregnant, and if he doesn't become a king then that would mean his mom+his brother/sister would have to leave and live by themselves.. so that is his reason for wanting to be a king.... r

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Guest fianaz

I think naive is a better term for CG always hanging around Yul, but she has always emphasized the fact that they are frineds.. and I guess it's just part of Chae Gyeong's personality to want to be with her friends and spend time with them. and as for what you said about CG having a funny way of showing her love for Shin.. @_@ I don't know. She's always tried to talk to him and want to listen to his troubles, but it's just before Shin dind't want to accept her yet, and only now is he starting to accept it. She's always showed Shin she loves her o_O in a good way. XD

Yup, thats my point earlier ( i posted it a million pg ago...he he he).....The prob is not Shin, but CG......Maybe i miss sumthing, but have any of u notice CG tries to tackle or seduce Shin?.....I mean she loves her hubby, right, but why didnt she make the moves?......With someone as arrogant n has a massive ego like Shin, CG must use her feminine side to win his heart......Despite doing anything to win him over, she always thought Shin loves Hyorin.....then feel very sad, n seek comfort from Yul...OMG.....its the same thing over n over again...... :P

N in the eppy 18 preview, when she hurt her finger, why the hell did she got up n follow Yul out?....OK, maybe Yul offer to find sumthing for her finger, but she should know better.....If i were Shin i wont get up either when CG n Yul fell down together......serves them right :crazy:

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Guest fardi

thanks for sharing this!!! i usually get it from mirc, but something happened to mine...sigh...thanks y'all!!!!

Halo,can you tell me where you usually dl goong hq eps from mirc? My intrnt connenction is very slow and very unconstant so it's reeeeealy hard for me to dl hq eps of goong via direct dl, but i reeeealy want to dl them,so mirc is my last hope,pleaseeeeeee......thank u sooooo much.....

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Guest insideMYheart

That's after Shin found out that his mom is pregnant, and if he doesn't become a king then that would mean his mom+his brother/sister would have to leave and live by themselves.. so that is his reason for wanting to be a king.... r

Didn't Shin promise her a divorce when they first got married because she was unhappy inside the palace & missed life outside the palace?

I know Shin was the first to mention divorce in the drama.

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Here... http://photobucket.com/albums/y210/junji83...rent=8-1-14.png

go there... That's after Shin found out that his mom is pregnant, and if he doesn't become a king then that would mean his mom+his brother/sister would have to leave and live by themselves.. so that is his reason for wanting to be a king.... r

from wat i read from the link u gave me, its after Shin confessed his love for her. well kinda. well before or after, i really dont want to c Chae Gyung and Shin get a divorce. if that happened in the drama, i would be very very sad. i think everyone would be sad :(

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But in episode 18, he's going to disappoint us all over again when he did not help CG when she hurt her fingers and fell down. :tears: Damn the PDs..

yeah damm the lousy Pds for all the roller coaster rides.. i wish for more sweet scenes pls.. it's juz 3 more weeks before the end. end our misery already. i hope after hyorin leaves at epi 20, there will be more sweet scenes between shin and cg

Yup, thats my point earlier ( i posted it a million pg ago...he he he).....The prob is not Shin, but CG......Maybe i miss sumthing, but have any of u notice CG tries to tackle or seduce Shin?.....I mean she loves her hubby, right, but why didnt she make the moves?......With someone as arrogant n has a massive ego like Shin, CG must use her feminine side to win his heart......Despite doing anything to win him over, she always thought Shin loves Hyorin.....then feel very sad, n seek comfort from Yul...OMG.....its the same thing over n over again...... :P

N in the eppy 18 preview, when she hurt her finger, why the hell did she got up n follow Yul out?....OK, maybe Yul offer to find sumthing for her finger, but she should know better.....If i were Shin i wont get up either when CG n Yul fell down together......serves them right :crazy:

hmm ok why did cg hurt her finger?

they were talking about ambitions etc..

i think shin probably said something nasty to cg.. and cg mentioned that she have her ambition as well..

there is something she want to do.. then she started playing with the candles and she hurt herself..

and shin... because he was afraid that if cg have an ambition, she would leave the palace and leave him.. so he just pretended he doesnt care.. and yul of course dashes forward to help cg.. and cg wants to get out of there so they left together.. and they fell together.. everything witness by shin

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Guest V A L XD

I just finish watching epi.17

MY POOR sorta VIRGIN EYES! :w00t:

Jess, you have your answer now..Shin is a brief man. lol!

I ended up skipping a lot of scenes 'cause...well, they were a wee bit boring. bleh. Love the ending though! hehe. Can't wait till tomorrow. but i won't be able to watch to friday. I have dance rehearsal's till midnight -__- ON A SCHOOL NIGHT FOR GOD SAKE!

OH GOD, the underwear...i can't get it out of my head! CG is so lucky to see him naked...

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