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Guest xx-outsider-xx

I don't understand all of Hyorin hating that has been going on ever since day one.

I mean, what has she done really?

I've seen villainesses a lot more pernicious than she.

Hyorin has never actively attempted to tear Shin and Chaegyeong apart by some kind of deceit or force. (she doesn't have any power anyway)

Maybe it's because I'm a guy so I don't understand female psychology here. (most of you are girls, right?)

dun worry. u r not the only one. i dont understand all this hyorin-hating too . plus, i don't think she forced her way either. she just did what i think most smart people will do after realizing what they've lost, and that is to get it back! you cant expect her to take it lying down, especially when she knew that shin still has some feelings for her. i think her character was different from other villains in a sense that whatever feelings/memories that she tried to hold on to was not essentially a one-sided thing, at least to some extent. (some other villains even aims for something that was never even theirs to begin with, plain greedy)

the only thing i dislike is when she attempted suicide. i always thought suicide is the most stupidest and cowardest thing one could ever commited.

even with all that, i don't think evil is her. i personally think yul is more 'evil' in his ways of doing things. i'm scared of him, coz i just dont know what he's gonna do next. he attacks silently, kinda subtle, and his intentions are sometimes unclear or unpredictable. dunno what he really aims for. and that's even scarier than facing hyorin coz we all know that she only cares about being with shin.

and yul's mum, that's just a whole different level. her heart is plain evil ever since 20 yrs ago. :fury:

the characters i hate the most are shin and the king. like father like son. they both don't know how to appreciate their wives. the king always blames the queen whenever sumthing bad came up. and shin, he hardly defends his wife when his so-called frens say mean words to her right in front of his face. i mean, seriously, even if you don't love ur wife, shouldn't you at least say something. even if he didn't say it out of love, at least out of respect for CG. jack*ss!

i hope i make sense. i wish my english is better. :P

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Like donilpark mentioned above, yes it's true that the worst thing hyorin has done is to commit the suicide attempt, and yes the definition of evil may vary from a girl's point of view and a guy's point of view. But to me, from a girl's point of view, the biggest mistake that she did was to initiate that scandalous picture in Thailand's airport.

She knew that there would be reporters following them to the airport, coz.... heck, she saw those guys following them on their way also, didn't she? That act itself is called an evilish, selfish act.

But regardless of that, she went along with her selfishness and self-pity, and kissed the Prince point blank....as if she doesn't care about the world but her own misery.

I really pity her in here, but I must say, SJH did a very good job in potraying the Hyorin in the drama (I heard that Hyorin in the manhwa isn't as evil as she is). Perhaps IF the PDs potray her like she is in the manhwa, our Prince would be having much trouble deciding with 'boat' he should get in to.

And about her leaving Goong early came as quite a news to me, but good luck on her new movie.

Goong wouldn't be the same without her though =)

After watching ep 17, I knew why the ratings dropped badly enough. The first 28 mins of the episode was so intense, I almost forgot that I was watching Goong =P

kyotoji, my spot-scene buddy,.... did you see that cute cake served during the talk between Yul and his mo-toot? that is such a cute cake ^_^

I was staring at it coz I wasn't really paying attention to the convo between them haha...

The food stylist director (whatever her title is) did a really good job in preparing such pretty cakes and desserts for our Imperial Household :)

And also, there wasn't any major fashion-attack in this episode for Shin.... luckily :sweatingbullets::lol:

I also agree with kimtoa, when she mentioned that Shin must really have a change-of-heart to be willing to teach his wife how to drive. I wouldn't dare to bet that he would put himself in that passenger seat, teaching her how to drive and screaming the live out of him if it wasn't because of L.O.V.E :wub:

ahh~~ Shin ^_^:wub:

Tomorrow's preview looks great though. Yul Goon better not trying to kiss (and succeeded) also, coz it'll be just too awkward for the three of them to be in that kind of position. Ah, the drama! :sweatingbullets:

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Guest SukarDrops

wooohooooo :::runs around stops and does jang woohyuks victory stance::: no more hyorin hehehehehehhehe..even though she was supposed to be leaving shin alone it still looked like she was trying to make CG look ant small....that psycho shes gonna be lurking on the sidelines watching shin like :ph34r: ... one minute CG is pulling her arm away from yul next shes all defending him :unsure: im always like gooo shin when he comes and pulls her away from that psycho yul(you know in a real life situation those are the guys you look out for shin would be kindnaped and floating down a river somewhere) because once hes all "divorce him" and all demanding he lost his mind... he only does it when he notices(is that a word??) shin and CG are getting closer......OMG HOW CAN YOU TELL SOMEBODY ELSES WOMAN TO DIVORCE HER HUSBAND AND MARRY YOU??? im scared :ph34r: god forbid I ever end up in a situation like that becaue the yul wanna be will be floating down the river :phew:.............

wow ^ thats pretty crazy up there now I have a headache...I have been goongafied...

By the way thank you liquidfir for translating that part for me...

...................Kicking shins dad and yuls mom in the head......................... also the old insane maid............. :w00t:

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what do you mean by that Shin's friends falls under the title of royalty? because they are all from very rich families or because they are actual royalty but minor ones?

I forgot which epi is it.. but there was an epi where shin's frens made fun of cg in the polo club

and shin said : Hey rich kids. do u want to know how to get from a Half royal blood to a pure royal blood?

(because both shin's parents has royal blood in them and his friends Dun)

I supposed his friends has some form of royal blood in them as well..

You know korea they have something known as Jong Jin? it's like like a group of royals.. i think shin's friends fall in that group.

For example.. in the british sense.. they have the queen king princess prince.. but also.. they have dukes earls barons.. right? it applies to the korean royal family as well..

The word royal covers alot. lOlx..

This is what i guess.. correct me if i am wrong

Hey PandaBear <3 2pm there, u must be in school then?

hey girl.. i am official on holis now. entering Uni in July.

Did u watch epi 17 yet? Shin's naked body. lOlx

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Guest asianempress

and yul.. is gettin more and more sinister.. did ya peepz saw him smile while eatin that sashimi?

it's horrid... it looks like he has some plans or wadever.. but heck it must be NTH good for sure..

and do u guys think he kissed cg on the eyes just to let shin see the whole thing?

arhgg.. evil..

i hope the last 4 epis is filled with Sweet scenes of cg and shin

and the sequel is there because of how expensive the set is.. the management thinks that it will be a waste if the show would just end like that. i think the set cost 5 billion won to make.

which converts to around 2 million usd. i think. i am not gd at maths

so mbc is trying to make full use of that set

-->no wonder the main cast were a group of no name's. well they weren't big names. they couldn't afford anyone really well-known. lol

-->yul is starting to look more and more evil BUT he still is very considerate of CG. like the whole following behind her to the b-day retreat thing for 3 hrs. that was adorable until that look he gave shin, it was soo cocky and ugh

-->I think the last 4 episodes will focus greatly on the palace politics and ChaeShin's relationship. For there to be a season 2, i think Shin will still be the crown prince otherwise can the show still be called Goong, especially since its about the university years...then it'd be called Campus or something hehehe I think it'd be about Shin and Cg growing up together (cuz they're still high school kids!) and being the royal couple...maybe it'll show how they deal with making a family while studying for finals ehhehehehe

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Guest smartee012

i did not hate hyorin in the beginning. I was more neutral as she's not a bad character in the manhwa.

The scene at Shin's birthday party was the turning point for me. When the three stooges made fun of CG with her english skills, she does not have to join them (with a smug look on her at that!). And her behaviour at the party was just not acceptable! The way she sticks to Shin as if she's still his girlfriend. Hello.. He's married for heaven sake. Talking about that, I am also mad at Shin. He did not defend CG at all when his friends were saying that the seat belong to Hyorin. And he did not exactly push hyorin away during the party.

i know that hyorin stuck onto shin at his birthday...but during the english thing, wasn't she defending cg? like,"you think it's funny... blah blah blah?" i thought she was actually nice during that part in the drama.

the only thing about hyorin that really pissed me off was the tailand thing, other than that i actually feel really bad for her through the whole thing.

i think the polo club belongs to the royal..

and shin invited her into the club when they were together..

all of shin's frens falls under the title royalty as well..

and hyorin is evil because.. she plans with yul's mum to break shin and cg up?

she wants to be the 2nd camilia.. 0.o which is freakin lame

i wouldn't say that hyorin plans with yul's mom, yul's mom sort of just manipulates hyorin for her own plans by planting ideas in hyorin's head.

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Guest q12345

Yul's mum is PSYCHO~~ she is MAD!!

the translation goes like this...

the queen told the king that she spend her whole life waiting for him to open his heart to her but with no avail at all... so she decides to give up already.

but the only thing she hopes is that he allows THEIR child aka SHIN to become king instead of someone else.

this will happen in today's epi 18.

The queen looked so sad while saying this.. so i think shin's dad is an a$$

He can't open up his heart to her because it still belongs to Yul's mom. And yeah, Yul may very well be Shin's half bro. I couldn't understand what the great king yelled at Yul's mom 14 years ago, but I think the key belongs to Shin's palace organizer (I don't know his name but they call him something ajushi). He will spill the beans at some point and clear up a lot of confusion. - I hope :unsure:

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Guest substitute_teacher



wed. and thurs. 9:55


they are slower though and are on episode 3 now

good review anyway :]

hope nobody posted about his yet :phew:

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Guest DallasE

Eppy 17 is not much entertainment and kind of a letdown with too little focus on Shin & ChaeGyung and too much on Hyorin, Mo-Toot & other secondary characters. :(

Hopefully the scene on her exit down the hotel hallway spells the end of her significance in the ShinChae relationship.

I hope Hyorin keeps her words and her advice to Chaegyung to hold on to Shin is genuine. Hopefully, they can show Hyorin and KangIn getting closer and find their own happiness in the coming episodes.

I suppose we can expect more rivalries on Shin & Yul in the fight for Chae’s affections from here on. TENSION!! HEARTBREAK!!FIREWORKS!!!

Bring them all on and stop dragging your feet, PD and writer!!

More of today’s slow moving plot will spell trouble for TV ratings.

Anyhow, I was feeling really bad for Shin in the beginning of the episode when none of his so-called friends offer any words of consolation or voice any concern towards him after the scandal broke. Well, this shallowness is constant from the two stooges when they first learned of Hyorin’s background. While KangIn is mad with Shin and only care for his precious Hyorin.

Some friend indeed!

Thank goodness for his little wife that Shin feels some comfort and know that at least there’s someone who cares for his wellbeing as an individual, not as a crown prince. His wife cares and wants to share in his pain, happiness, and even disillusion if only he would let her. The bone-crushing hug and the plea to stay with him no matter what display how desperately alone and insecure Shin is.

I think the stupidest king alive deserves a whack on his head, NOW before he’s further bewitched by Mo-Toot!! Is his pea-brain failing him already???!! Why did he even go up to that MinSeonTong hideaway, reminiscing his youthful rendezvous with that trash? :crazy:

Seriously, HwangHuMama has my complete sympathy for marrying this fool.

In fact, let’s just make him the poster boy for FOOLs!!! It’s totally fitting!

Remember that Mo-Toot once said that a man keeps his first love close to his heart. In this instance, she seems to know the foolish king really well! I was doing a “DIRTY!DIRTY!DIRTY!” when that big ape of a fool had the grace to look longingly at that shameless bit*h! And that lowdown no-good Mo-Toot even has the audacity to grab him and feed him more nonsense. :ph34r: Aish….. Somebody kill them!!! :fury:

Anyway, I like all of Shin-Chae’s scenes. But Shin needs a spanking when he just up and drove off without a backward glance and left ChaeGyung and her lousy driving skill behind to cope alone. Really un-husband like to say the least. It’s cute to see how Shin yields to Chae even in front of their friends when she insists that he eats the meat+veg roll and then pinches his cheek after everyone’s teasing. This brought to mind the scene when Shin pinched Chae’s cheek at her home in front of her parents. They & their way of expressing their affections! :o

But the Naked-Shin-in-the-room scene just rocks! :blush: :D Can’t wait for eppy 18! B)

I really, really, really feel SAD for Yul when they show him all alone with his sketch of ChaeGyung. :(

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Guest rainxbubble

^ YEAH. i heard! (: yay for goong.

the only bad thing is that it's on late at night.

that channel always has fairly recent shows (;

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He can't open up his heart to her because it still belongs to Yul's mom. And yeah, Yul may very well be Shin's half bro. I couldn't understand what the great king yelled at Yul's mom 14 years ago, but I think the key belongs to Shin's palace organizer (I don't know his name but they call him something ajushi). He will spill the beans at some point and clear up a lot of confusion. - I hope :unsure:

i translated that part a few hundred pages back.. lOlx.

the late king told yul's mum to bring yul and get as far away as possible from the palace and never to come back. never to appear infront of him again.

then the mo-toot aka yul's mum said : why are u so cruel.

the late king : U think i dunno ur relationship between the hyolyo tae jar(her husband, supposedly yul's dad) and tae goon aka shin's dad.

Are u puppeting the royal family and the citizens of korea?

i can never imagine how evil u are from ur looks.

then the late king walked away.

the royal officer told the mo-toot that if she choose to stay in korea nO $$ will be given to her. but if she choose to go overseas, a considerate amount of $$ will be given and asked her to choose wisely.

wow there mUST be some huge secret going on here. but we wun know till the end.

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Guest kyotoji

kyotoji, my spot-scene buddy,.... did you see that cute cake served during the talk between Yul and his mo-toot? that is such a cute cake ^_^

I was staring at it coz I wasn't really paying attention to the convo between them haha...

The food stylist director (whatever her title is) did a really good job in preparing such pretty cakes and desserts for our Imperial Household :)

And also, there wasn't any major fashion-attack in this episode for Shin.... luckily :sweatingbullets::lol:

Hi ay_link, you are here! Nice to c u ;)

OO.. ya... now u mention then i remembered. U know what? in the 1st place, it doesn't look like a cake to me. (My monitor is small... then i was watching online, buffering here and there...)

From far, it looks like a present to me, wrapped up with a ribbon.

Then after some time (still btw the conversation with Yul and his mother), then i realised it is a cake.The "ribbon" is actually the strawberry. Babo me, right ?

OOO... the cake looks very tempting to me at that time.. cos i am just back from school, haven't take my dinner LOL.. :vicx:

There won't be any fashion-attack in this episode for Shin.

'Cos most of us here are **perverts**, we prefer to see him in naked... :w00t::w00t::w00t:

Naked means "no clothes" -> no clothes will mean no fashion... :P

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Episode 18 flash preview from MBC


same with the ending of ep17 preview..but shorten by no scenes of the queen & king conversation. All scenes concentrated on Shin, CG and Yul :)

i don't think there will be kissing scene btw Yul & CG....the way he pulled her seems will end up with just closeness hugging....hmm..but i do hope there's kissing scene...haha :lol:...then we can see Shin jealousy and confessed his true feelings to CG..:wub:

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actually, i know that hyorin stuck onto shin at his birthday...but during the english thing, wasn't she defending cg? like,"you think it's funny... blah blah blah?" i thought she was actually nice during that part in the drama.

the only thing about hyorin that really pissed me off was the tailand thing, other than that i actually feel really bad for her through the whole thing.

correct me if im wrong but to me she's more of like mocking CG along with the three stooges. I can't really remember what she said. i still can remember her grinning along with them though.

oh well. she's going away soon and yes i admit, she's not as evil or scheming as other antagonists in other dramas (the one in all about eve takes the highest honour of being the evil & scheming woman).

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possible ep17 spoilers

When this episode ended, I kept thinking it seemed incredibly short. Maybe it's because nothing really happened?

I think my favorite part was the, um, artist's corner? :D Up until this point, you really just see Yul with CG and company in regular class, never actually doing anything that artsy. Kinda like how we have yet to see Shin and company actually doing something filmy or theater-y. But that still-life insert was a nice touch. And I really like how Yul kept blocking CG from his drawing. That was really cute. For a few seconds, there was no more drama! Everything was just fun and playful and peaceful! But of course Shin had to ruin the moment.

Yea, I thought it was cute too ^_^ But I don't think Shin necessarily ruined the moment. It's not like he came there and purposely pissed all over the situation and I don't think he's always trying to anyways. Can't really tell at this point since I couldn't fully understand what he was saying, but I don't think anything harsh was said. And CG even playfully pulled her friends along. Not much drama there either right?

And that preview! Specifically the last shot. Daggumit, I've been waiting in AGONY for someone to finally put a stop to Shin's endless dragging around of Chae Gyung. How many times has he done it now? Five? Six? And he seems to think that every argument can be solved with a hug. wtf

Well, I kinda think CG needs to be dragged around. She can't seem to gather the umph needed to draw out the picture clearly to Yul. Yea, she's said it a couple of times, but because of the way Yul keeps going on CG really needs to start hitting him on the head with it. So if she keeps going on like this, what else can Shin do? He's already told her about how her behavior with Yul is inappropriate and she has not yet quite fully understood what that means. This would be completely different if Yul and CG were JUST friends, but it's quite obvious that there's more drama behind it and that their relationship is not simple. And while I agree that Shin shouldn't just resolve things with a hug, but at this point I think it's all he has. Like you've been saying before he has baggage and therefore has secrets to keep. Thus he can't ever fully apologize to CG because he can't explain everything to her yet, and this is not because he's being a lying jerk to CG, he's just probably not ready to reveal everything to her. And who knows, whatever he tells to CG may require her to know some things that she may never be able to fully understand. So what needs to be said about this is that Shin is asking CG for her trust. Sometimes you just can't say certain things, but you can reassure them and just ask for their trust. Simple as that.

Kang In had some serious chest going on in this ep. Did anyone else rewind that hotel check-in scene just to watch him? :D I like how he's finally standing up to Shin too, that mofo needs a man-to-man bashing.

Well at this point I don't think it's Shin who deserves a bashing. Maybe back in episode 9 when he was still running around with Hyo-rin, but at this point no. He's already pretty much given up on Hyo-rin, except for the fact that he may be considering studying abroad with her (going off the manhwa, can't tell if that's what he's talking to Hyo-rin about on the phone), but it's probably just as friends tho. If anything, Kang-in needs to step up to Hyo-rin instead. But it seems that Hyo-rin is finally considering giving up Shin now (man I wish my korean listening comprehension is better)? So I guess I'd rather have had Kang-in getting all huffy in previous episodes. Having him go crazy now seems kinda too little too late. =/

You knew it was coming. I saved Yul and Kang Hyun for last, with a brand spankin' new editorial!


Haha! Sweet. Man, you analyzation skillz rock. This is why you're a humanties major and I'm a science-y/math-y major. =D And rock solid evidence too I must say. Bravo :lol:

I don't understand all of Hyorin hating that has been going on ever since day one.

I mean, what has she done really?

I've seen villainesses a lot more pernicious than she.

Hyorin has never actively attempted to tear Shin and Chaegyeong apart by some kind of deceit or force. (she doesn't have any power anyway)

Maybe it's because I'm a guy so I don't understand female psychology here. (most of you are girls, right?)

Well, first and foremost, she is very annoying and one to be pitied. Because heck, she lost the guy she loved and she's had her own fair share of problems (though it's pretty stupid b/c it's obviously slapped on *cough*mominthehospital*cough*). But you wanna know where the hating comes from rather than feelings of pity? It's because she has been trying to be deceitful and her behavior is way out of line. Where is this coming from? It's from her whole notion of trying to be like Camilla. Trying first to be friends with the couple so she can get an "in" before tearing them apart. She's even asked Kang-in to help her get Shin back previously. She's also even admitted to CG that her sole purpose of going to Thailand was to see Shin. That's the biggest example of her blatant attempts to get Shin back. I also hate her for the fact that she's trying to get a married man. So you try to get a man back _after_ he's gotten married? She needs to realize that she made a mistake and accept the consequences. She should've taken her chance when she had it. And I know lots of people are portrayed this way in dramas, but this situation is unacceptable to me b/c Shin is already married. And her behavior towards CG is just uncalled for. Chae-gyung has done nothing but treat Hyo-rin with respect and she's even been sensitive to the fact that she was Shin's first gf. But Hyo-rin has been insultive and talks down to her. It's like Hyo-rin is trying to make herself feel better about Shin marrying another woman by pointing out CG's faults and making her look stupid when compared to herself. And as someone said before, I think Hyo-rin is subconsciously willing to be manipulated by Yul's mother since she wants any means of getting Shin back. She has admitted to Yul that she doesn't care if Shin is taken off the throne, and to me that's pretty selfish.

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correct me if im wrong but to me she's more of like mocking CG along with the three stooges. I can't really remember what she said. i still can remember her grinning along with them though.

oh well. she's going away soon and yes i admit, she's not as evil or scheming as other antagonists in other dramas (the one in all about eve takes the highest honour of being the evil & scheming woman).

YES she was very sarcastic!! she wasnt helping cg AT ALL..

i hated her from then on.

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Guest echoRy

hey girl.. i am official on holis now. entering Uni in July.

Did u watch epi 17 yet? Shin's naked body. lOlx

yes i did, and then i watched it again and then again! the PD's are mean though,

to release pics like the ones we first saw and then leave all the good parts in the latter ep.

---aahhh i hated Hyorin in the beginning with a passion!!! cause it wasn't just the things

that she did to get Shin back, it was how smug she was to Chae everytime they had a confrontation!

Hyorin was a b***h, she deliberately, shamefully and egotistically went about hurting tons of people

to get what she wanted---

and this isn't meant to be mean, but i don't think how hyorin went about getting Shin back

was smart at all. a lot of what she did was just pathetic! i mean feeding ur ex infront of his

new wife?!! she needed to be slapped right then and there!!! IMHO


and ugghhh i've finally decided, me don't like my picture. i'm taking it off!

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