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Guest coreana

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Guest porcelet

yycaf is less accurate.. i understand abit of korean.. somethings they subbed is not exactly very right..

angeline.. u r not the only one..

i am waitin for skinship

Oh really? I din know that. Next time i will download HJRX version. Thanks Amanda. :)

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Guest echoRy

These kind of doll's scare me.

lOlx.. this dolls are scary my dear.. lOlx..

lolxxxooo, then u guys would freak out if u saw my collection! well atleast the

collection i had when i was younger.

Yul is totally getting obsessive, i think he's past it actually.

they said they were keeping the show pg right? i think someone said that...

because if they weren't, the character probably would have tried something

way uber creepy by now!

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Guest V A L XD

it was kangin who grabbed him. he asked : WHere is hyorin. [or rather he shouted]

shin : What are u doing.

cg said : i know u are sufferin. we are a set [the rest i am not so sure]

shin : I am tired. don't want to talk about this

cg : I AM woried about u. Where are u, what are u doing. did u met with an accident.

shin hugs her tight and said : even if he is not the crown prince, he stil want/need cg to be by his side.

something lke this.. anywayz. shin's mum is tryin to convience hyorin to go overseas if i am not wrong

Haha, i thought so during the club scene.

Oh, than my korean wasn't that wrong when the Queen was talkint to Ho-Toot than! She wants her hyorin to forget about shin and move on with the rest of her life and become an accoplish ballerina.

The hugging scene..WOW, he really said that?! hehe.

I want those two to show some skin together already!

Yul is like a stalker..

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angeline - my gd fren used to collect living dead dolls.. which is hella scary~but if the dolls are in forms of teddy bears i will grab them.

val - i hope u dun mind me callin u that. and the mum did mentioned things like shin is going to be the one taking over the throne.. etc etc.. i hope hyorin get the vague idea that she is ruinning the guy she loves. and not to mentioned that that guy is way over her. stop sticking around

Yeah. yul is way obsessive? did u see that smug look he gave shin when shin asked him why was he late? i mean.. duh cg is SHIN"s wife duh.. omg. unbelievable

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rainbowbrite, you can download hjrx version at their clubbox or xiaomao123's clubbox



kyotoji, thank you for the warm welcome... ^^

I read it this morning, but haven't gotten the chance to reply all day.

So, before I start ... Hi girlsssss ^_^

[WARNING: lots of spoilers... if you haven't watched ep 13-16 yet, and if u don't like spoilers, then please proceed along without reading any of these lil 'observation talk' hehe!]

Now, on to the great discoveries of Eppie 13

- Polkadot shoes: I didn't catch that polkadott shoes CG wore in Jejudo, so I went to look again, and errr..... what's up with the fashion director of Goong? lolz. I think they want to set a new trend with polkadotts.... everything polkadotts.... they should get CG a dalmatian puppy too.. it'll be soo cute, me thinks. Btw, did anyone see that puppy YEH was holding? It's a black puppy (or puppies? I cant remember exactly now). It's one of the off-screen pictures, and they both look so darn cute :wub:

- Casual outfits Shin wore in Jejudo when the three of them went outing... definitely I'd like to see that happen for more. In Goong, Shin is 19 also rite? so they're in the same age? Nineteen years old guys wouldn't want to be caught dead wearing polkadots, I don't think. :D

Too bad when he went to the club (from ep 17 preview), looks like he went straight from meeting ho-toot @ the hotel. That's why he looks so out of place, but still hot though... ahh~~ Shin :wub:^_^

- Lastly, that hapbang scene... from the way Shin said, "I don't want to sleep beside a wife who freeze to death", .... what a "cute" way of showing that he is worried =P worried if CG still insisted to sleep on the freezing cold floor haha..

Angeline mentioned about how our Royal couple have such a "distinguish" (me adds) communication problem hehehe. This just proves my other 'theory' about the "different ways of expressing your love", and Shin sure is black-and-white different than Yul... puehehe~~

Let me imagine what Yul wil say in this situation....

"Do you know how cold during the night,... come here.... *lean closer to CG and take her hand gently*...."

Everything would be done in such a proper and sweet manner, unlike what we all saw in eppie 13 with Shin shouting to his wife and teased her also... hehehehe

I like how both of our male leads are so different.

OK! Let's move on to eppie 17 (yay... 5 more hours?)

The preview looks interesting... especially the 'driving lesson' :D

Looks like the car is manual, eh? I'm guessing only though, but it looks like CG is having such a difficult time learning how to drive the cute car. Do you guys notice how Shin is really trying to be more and more patience towards his wife? hehehe.. even though it looks like he struggles hard, but I think from eppie 17, we'll see more signs of him becoming so 'attach' to CG.

He won't give up that Crown Prince position so easily, and from the way he'd hug CG (ep 17), I got the feeling that he knew there's a slight possibility that Yul will snatch CG away from him.

Poor guy.... he looks so sad in that club, remembering what the Kingdaddy told him. :tears:

argh. that Kingdaddy needs a good smack too...!

If there's a saying: "a wife's heart has many secrets", now in this situation, "a husband's heart has many many many secrets." He better throw away those toot^2 pictures before our Hwang-hu Mama finds out all about it. From the preview of ep 17, her eye-to-eye talk with hyorin, even though it looks so serious, but the Queen looks so~~~ nice and firm. I like it :D

And lastly,...

I notice how Shin used to be stingy and over-protective towards everything he owns, especially since he has a 'thing' with photography, I'm sure the digital camera they used in that honeymoon scene means a lot to him. But we see how he allowed CG to bring it to Jejudo, then I notice again, at the very first scene of that beach scene, it was CG who was holding Shin's precious camera, and he just let her be :)

He even responded when CG offered her hand, and they were holding hands :wub:

That is just too heart-warming ^^

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'궁' 윤은혜, 밀월여행이어 주지훈 샤워장면 목격

[스타뉴스 2006-03-08 12:41]


[머니투데이 스타뉴스 유순호 기자] MBC 수목미니시리즈 '궁'이 황태자 부부의 밀월여행으로 방영 이후 최고 시청률을 기록한 데 이어 8일 17회에는 신-채경 커플과 율, 효린 그들의 학교 친구들이 단체로 여행을 떠날 예정이어서 기대를 모으고 있다.

율(김정훈 분)의 생일을 기념해 마련된 이번 여행에는 효린(송지효 분)의 자살 소동 이후, 불꽃 튀는 4각 관계의 당사자들이 한 자리에 처음 모여 흥미진진한 스토리를 펼칠 예정이어서 시청자들의 관심이 집중되고 있다.

밀월 여행에 이어 공식적인 부부라는 이유로 같은 방을 배정 받은 신-채경 커플은 예전과 비교해 몰라보게 다정한 모습을 과시한다. 지금까지 그랬던 것처럼 이번 여행에서도 두 사람에게는 특별한 사고(?)가 기다리고 있다. 채경이 황태자의 샤워 장면을 목격하는 것.

또 황위를 향한 야심과 채경에 대한 한결 같은 마음을 본격적으로 드러내는 율과 이제 채경에게 마음을 열기 시작한 신의 사랑과 황위를 사이에 둔 불꽃 튀는 격돌이 전개될 예정이라 흥미를 더할 것으로 기대를 모으고 있다. creds to naver news

Just talks about how CK and Shin have to share a room together at Yul's party and CK sneaks in while Shin is taking a shower.


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Guest V A L XD

val - i hope u dun mind me callin u that. and the mum did mentioned things like shin is going to be the one taking over the throne.. etc etc.. i hope hyorin get the vague idea that she is ruinning the guy she loves. and not to mentioned that that guy is way over her. stop sticking around

Yeah. yul is way obsessive? did u see that smug look he gave shin when shin asked him why was he late? i mean.. duh cg is SHIN"s wife duh.. omg. unbelievable

I don't mind you calling me that. So basicly, shin's mom wants her to go away and leave him alone.

Hmm, now that i think about it, Yul isn't really THAT obessive. it may seem like it but i think its more of greed. 'cause he did mention that in epi.14..i think.

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Guest crazili

Oh really? I din know that. Next time i will download HJRX version. Thanks Amanda. :)

yeah me too!!! i've always downloaded yycaf's version....... how different is it from the exact meaning???? gosh... i dun even know wat i miss out.... :tears:

and wat is the link to HJRX's website???

thanks a million~

edit: ooOOoo sorry ay_link has already answered my ques... thx

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Guest lilcuteeguh

thanks for the spoilers again... episode 17 is so interesting.. i can't wait.. i'm barely on episode 14...

i saw the preview of episode 17.. the short one.. and cg was trying to stop shin from meeting hyorin i think, but why is his expression like that? (for those who had seen the preview- short) he's so sad and unhappy and what are they saying...?!

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honestly i think Eh and JJh has tons of nice delicious food to eat in this drama.. lOlx..

and i love the stylist actually despite the polka dots and everything because.. the stylist always let shin and cg wear "couple" clothes.

look at the bbq pic.. dun they look sO darn good together u wanna eat them both? lOlx ok that sounded like a pervert.

i mean actually it was stipud cg that told him : If i met u first i would have fallen for u.

in the manga : didnt cg told yul that he USED to be her friend?

then yul ask her why she used past tense

cg answered : You know why. (meaning he tries to steal the throne from shin)

then yul mentioned that if she wants him to give up everything he would.. then shin comes punching him in the face..

but the punching scene was used last week..

BUT anyhows. i wish CG would tell YUL that she dun treat him as a Very good listener anymore. wow that would hurt so bad

ok i am evil. sorry yul campers


crazili : ok like for example.. in epi 16

hyorin asked shin : Do u like her. in korean.

but the translations goes : do u love her.

i mean there is a difference between like and love -.-

but i mean basically it is okay.. they subbed really fast~there are pron to mistakes here and there.. so the hjrx is slower but abit more accurate

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Guest rose7969

Is there anyone know how many hours different between Korea and Malaysia time?I want to watch today Goong live but I dunno when I should open my PC and watch.Malaysia time is +8 hour of GMT.Thanks. :wacko:

malaysia time one hour early..so the drama will starts at 8.55pm....

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Guest AznGrlz


Just talks about how CK and Shin have to share a room together at Yul's party and CK sneaks in while Shin is taking a shower.


She sneaked in on him?!? oooo...sumts up! :perv. thoughts floating in the air: hehe from my view, i think cg and shin would get it on! yul wants to stop, but cg's friend :can't remember her name: tried to stop him by...um...maybe drinking :and he 'accidentally' slept with her...oooo...: bring it on! :sorry...i'm such a pervert hehe: :sweatingbullets:

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rainbowbrite, you can download hjrx version at their clubbox or xiaomao123's clubbox



And lastly,...

I notice how Shin used to be stingy and over-protective towards everything he owns, especially since he has a 'thing' with photography, I'm sure the digital camera they used in that honeymoon scene means a lot to him. But we see how he allowed CG to bring it to Jejudo, then I notice again, at the very first scene of that beach scene, it was CG who was holding Shin's precious camera, and he just let her be :)

He even responded when CG offered her hand, and they were holding hands :wub:

That is just too heart-warming ^^

First regarding HJRX, I already went to Xiaomao's clubbox but Ep 16 is not up yet.

As for hjrx clubbox, i can't seem to find the episodes :tears:

Secondly, about the camera, that is an interesting observation :blush: I think Shin is so sweet in that scene :blush:

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Guest echoRy

aawww this is such a pretty PS'd picture. loving the black & white.



u know how Hyorin says yes to giving up Shin.

do u think she means it from now on?!

i mean it wouldn't be too far of a stretch since the end is coming soon...

or maybe i'm just delusional...and overly optimistic.

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i made a screencap of our couple during the filming of 'honeymoon' scene... they are soooo cute...! :wub:

pardon the low quality of the pics... i only used windows media player and paint... :blush:

credit: Me...

omg thats sooo cuute~ muhehehee

well anyways...bahhh that hyorin girl is pissing me off..TT^TT why does she have to ruin everything....

i hope shin goes back to cg..-O-;;

can't wait for ep17...looks juicy..^^

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Guest kakamoo

i think kang hyun and yul will get together rite?

i dun like how there's dat weird girl who's the daughter of some rich company and wants to marry yul in da manhwa.

looking forward to the epis17 and 18.

there will be dat funny shin shower scene where cg's under the cabinet (or maybe she doesn't do dat in the drama....who knowes) but that's such an attraction ...haha.

and i really wanna c how their all wear masks and everything. so pretty!

and ya. CG's driving.... god. that must be super funny.


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Guest linatan

any one pleasee tell me which channl to chose if i am using tvants to watch live because there are few MBC channls, are all the same??

I cant use webtv, any other alternative to watch live?????? thanks in advanceee

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Guest coffeee

hello! i just started this serie yesterday.. i'm liking it so far even though i'm way far behind.. only on episode 7 :blush: .. can't wait until i catch up! :)

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