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Guest coreana

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Guest cilik

lolxxxooo if a guy i liked said that^ to me, i would have sunk so low down that blanket,

u wouldn't find me for days!!!

that "strip poker" type thing they might do, i think it's made all of us excited.

it'll be fun to see what happens...and they better do the bathtub scene too!

it's too good not be seen!

ahahahaha...angeline, i know, i would probably do that too!

but JJH is pretty gutsy to say it straight out ekekekekekeke

or maybe they're comfortable enough with each other to joke around about that kind of stuff? :P

i'm sort of wondering if the strip poker scene is meant as a substitute for the "thrilling world beneath the bubbles" though (・_・?)since the PDs seem to like substituting scenes without necessarily changing the dialogue too much...

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lolxxxooo if a guy i liked said that^ to me, i would have sunk so low down that blanket,

u wouldn't find me for days!!!

but it was so sweet of him to say it was okay though... :wub:

that "strip poker" type thing they might do, i think it's made all of us excited.

it'll be fun to see what happens...and they better do the bathtub scene too!

it's too good not be seen!

ya!!! and if u hear it carefully..

EH : Mi an nae {she covers her hair and said soRRy and JJh starts laughin}

JJh said : cg didnt wash her hair

the director said : MWO? {it means WHAT??}

JJh repeat again : cg didnt wash her hair

the director wack him on the hand and said aish.

Eh : chae gar ming mang yit chi mit chi get dar {i am going crazy with embarassement}

then director told her not to? i think.

then u see the korean words popping out near JJh face? it says Gwen char nar. = It's okay

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Guest ilubTVXQ

there is too much to read in this thread because it grows too quickly and i'm sick and my head hurts. AHAH i've been trying but ehhhhhhh

there is so much i want to know and ask...but i guess i'll just wait patiently for tomorrow's episode!!! oh mannnnn i'm exciiiiiiited~~~

after watching episodes of goong, i feel so, "......ahhhhhhhhh i want a boyfriend like shin! <333" and i feel like i live in the goong world or something..-___-;;

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Guest beautifulxmess

The scene featuring the two in the room will include them betting and loser have to take off their clothes and other sweet scenes

ROFL.....i wouldn't call that a 'sweet' scene..rather, 'steamy'. Let's see how they keep this within the PG range...hahahahaaa...

AHHH! cannot beliee today is wednesday!! approx 6 more hrs n i'll get my weekly Goong dosage. Looking forward to the masquerade party!!

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Guest mangosteen

Lol, reading all of the translations for the preview, I too can't wait for episode 17. I know it's tomorrow but how come it's so long? Thanks guys for all the translations. I'm dreaming tonight :P

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Guest uberquirkiness

which ep is the masquerade one? hahaha that's so funny.. (CG's hair) it's cute that shin said gwen chan ah..but it's not like he's gonna say..gross! get away from me. but we like to think he's so sweet. :D he he.

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Guest profeminist

can someone tell me how to use webtv. i have webtv but i dont know wut channel goong will be on. wut time??? and how come come when i click on a channel, it doesnt play while some do... PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!

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By the way, I'm not sure if we already come to conclusion on whether or not Yul is following CG to his party, to make sure she's alright on her way there *that's why he comes late, after CG has arrived*

I just saw the preview again, and I can confirm, that he is indeed following her.. watch the part where CG is in her new car with her friends, and suddenly she hit the break.. you can see in the background is Yul's SUV.. kekekke :sweatingbullets: It's a such a sweet gesture from him *and may i say, totally expected* to watch for CG like that.

Btw, here's the link again for the preview on MBC website: http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/gung/preview/

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Guest missy

Read from chinese forum:

In March 8 Epi 17

Due to Yul celebrating his birthday, eveybody went on a 2 day 1 night trip. As CG & shin is of husband and wife status, they are arranged to share a room together for the 4th time. :w00t:

The scene featuring the two in the room will include them betting and loser have to take off their clothes and other sweet scenes. :o:w00t:

(Pardon my poor translation :sweatingbullets: )

For those who can read chinese below is the article.





Source from:http://news.media.daum.net/snews%20...%20wsen/v11945608.html

OMGZ! *FANGIRLS* thanks for the translation! now i'm excited! i'm off to bed, when i wake up lost of goong goodness will be waiting for me ^_^ can't wait hopefully i'll be able to sleep!

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which ep is the masquerade one? hahaha that's so funny.. (CG's hair) it's cute that shin said gwen chan ah..but it's not like he's gonna say..gross! get away from me. but we like to think he's so sweet. :D he he.

epi 18 i think~~~=D

i think he is cute too by saying gwen char nar.. it helps ease Eh embarassment

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Guest linatan

could you please tell me which MBC channel to choose if I want to watch Goong online thru TVANTS?? or any MBC channl will do??? pleaseeeeeeeeeeee......thanksssss

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data from:http://news.media.daum.net/snews ... wsen/v11945608.html

i saw this from the chinese fourm..

OMG~there is going to be a scene where Cg dashes into the bathroom while shin is bathing... maybe just like the MANHWA

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Yay, new ep. tomorrow. I didn't bother to go through the 20+ pages today, since i just finished 2 eps of chinese paladin. Hopefully, this ep. won't disappoint me, but i don't even have a clue if it is since i haven't seen the preview yet. enjoy those who are watching it live. good night. [still emotional since someone died in chinese paladin] >.<

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By the way, I'm not sure if we already come to conclusion on whether or not Yul is following CG to his party, to make sure she's alright on her way there *that's why he comes late, after CG has arrived*

I just saw the preview again, and I can confirm, that he is indeed following her.. watch the part where CG is in her new car with her friends, and suddenly she hit the break.. you can see in the background is Yul's SUV.. kekekke :sweatingbullets: It's a such a sweet gesture from him *and may i say, totally expected* to watch for CG like that.

Btw, here's the link again for the preview on MBC website: http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/gung/preview/

hmm... yes, once again Yul is taking better care of CG than her so-called husband... sigh...

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Guest porcelet




data from:http://news.media.daum.net/snews ... wsen/v11945608.html

i saw this from the chinese fourm..

OMG~there is going to be a scene where Cg dashes into the bathroom while shin is bathing... maybe just like the MANHWA

OMO....OMO......this is getting very exciting....Will we see a half-naked shin?? :w00t::w00t::w00t: *faints*

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hmm... yes, once again Yul is taking better care of CG than her so-called husband... sigh...

yes, i agree, these are the moments that make me wanna jump ship and join the yul camp. darn it, he said some of the sweetest things in ep 13 and 14, admitting his feelings and then taking them back so cg can be comfortable around him again...gosh...my heart just melts...yul is just making me want to join his camp! :blush: but i've been leaning towards the shin camp...oh what to do, what to do... :crazy:

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Guest insideMYheart

can someone tell me how to use webtv. i have webtv but i dont know wut channel goong will be on. wut time??? and how come come when i click on a channel, it doesnt play while some do... PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Here you go:


you cant record from webtv.just live veiwing.

Check this linkpage


If you live on the West Coast of US, it's starts live at 4:55 AM and East Coast of US is 7:55 AM.

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Guest echoRy




data from:http://news.media.daum.net/snews ... wsen/v11945608.html

i saw this from the chinese fourm..

OMG~there is going to be a scene where Cg dashes into the bathroom while shin is bathing... maybe just like the MANHWA

sweetie, can i get the site of the forum please? what is wrong with my eyes, it's right there^! :rolleyes:

---then that means, Chae will utter those words in the manhwa that made me laugh a crazy hyaena!

"no panty" ROTFLMAO!!!

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Guest Crystallight




data from:http://news.media.daum.net/snews ... wsen/v11945608.html

i saw this from the chinese fourm..

OMG~there is going to be a scene where Cg dashes into the bathroom while shin is bathing... maybe just like the MANHWA

Now we are getting some more meat in the story.... I hope that it will be a hilarious scene. I wonder when Shin will confess his love for CG, can't wait.

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