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Guest coreana

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Guest cilik

ryu hwan - yoon hee song

it just occurred to me that ryu hwan and hee song would be a cute couple...

thanks for pointing the other pairings out, beautifulxmess! :D

ririe what do you think? wouldn't they be kind of bloon (there's no english word for it T_T) but cute???

and i agree with beautifulxmess, the first post is fantabulous rie...

considering how much work you and the previous first post maintainers have put in it, it would be great if more people visited it :ph34r::sweatingbullets:

headlines : GOONG viewers in protest march for more SKINSHIP

and rie, how about using Rebby's headline as an inspiration for your next news report??!??!!?! :w00t:

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Telly... Kang Hyun and Yul should play footsie there. I'm just depressed watching all the drama ~_~ I thought this was supposed to be a rom-com series... *sad* or it never was? *gasp* I want it to be a rom-com series!! I just want them to get on to the juicy part... *evil chuckles*

Thank you for the confettis...!!! *BIG HUG*

Shenny and Manda, Thank you for clearing it up for me, so it's a Phaeton..? Even the name sounds royal to me *wink*

{edit} I have no idea what name to call ryuhwan/heesong couple, the Uber!Cute couple...? coz i think Ryu Hwan is Uber!Cute and Hee Song is Cutey!Cute... hmmm... :unsure:

Nancy... what a great observation!!!! OMG... It's coming... the wonderful ending, they're giving it to us... *throws little confettis to the PDs* But I'm still upset they're going to make the next two episodes depressing... hmph :angry:

Hello kyotoji...!! *waves frantically* Busy with homework?

>> Rebby's headline reminds me that I haven't made any bylines lately.... *scratching head* <<


Angeline...!! I lub the pic of them together... *dies* Thank you...!! :wub: Don't you think that they would make good parents now, instead of just loving couple...*pervy thoughts*

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Guest beautifulxmess

OMG!! Angeline!! Is that REAL??? LOLzzz...after seeing nothing but manipulations of them, i can't distinguish what's real or not..heheheee...

manda, yup, i thought they would look pretty cute too!! i hope they bring back the supporting cast in season 2...perhaps there will be developments! *cross fingers*

EDIT: aww...it is manipulated..so seamless..nevertheless, a cute pic!

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Guest uberquirkiness

can someone help me find those CG sneakers..the doodly ones.. i cant find them... is there anywhere else other than gmarket that i can buy from?

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Guest echoRy

yup, it's 100%real FALSE <_< ...... <_< @^#%@#%@^!!!

a fan took it of them. i love the hands around the shoulder

and how EunHye is leaning into him :wub: feel the connection! wish they were making out :phew:

and this a cute observation. Snowapple, it looks like KangHyun is looking at Yul... :D


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Gee, golly, that's a great treat for us ShinChae campers! But couldn't he lock his arms around her and hers around him? Pulease :( ???

Nancy, I noticed the seating arrangements too! Sometimes I wonder if MBC does peep in here or not, hehehe. We'll never know.

Rinrin, let's hope that the deleted scenes will be in the DC version of the official DVD when it comes out.

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Guest echoRy

unfortunately this is photoshop :sweatingbullets:

there was an earlier photo where a fan was standing in between CG and shin :sweatingbullets:

WHAT?! :crazy: yeah, i posted the first one, but i thought they took another!

man, i'm beginning to hate PS'd photos. getiing my hopes up...ughh i need a latte, BRB!

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wow, in that picnic photo Shin sure looks like he's trying to get as far away from CG as possible! His placemat is almost falling off the table, if you look closely. Seems like he's mad at her for something... babo Shin, maybe you should stop meeting with the HO-TOOT, then maybe CG wouldn't always be running around crying (and ending up telling Yul all her worries!)

too many pics of Shin talking to Hyorin, yet again... ghrrr... but the masquerade (sp?) photos really look gorgeous!

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Shin's GF :ph34r: ?

Anyone can translate the captio belowphoto_256_1_1_no_6610_1.jpg

본좌가 보기에는 맞는거 같은데 확신이 안 서 여기에 물어보오.

인터넷 여기저기 신군사진중 이 사진과 중복 된거 있는지 찾다가 지쳤오.

아니라면 바로 삭제 할 거요.

더불어 맞다면 무슨 사진인거요?


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Shin's GF :ph34r: ?

Anyone can translate the captio belowphoto_256_1_1_no_6610_1.jpg

본좌가 보기에는 맞는거 같은데 확신이 안 서 여기에 물어보오.

인터넷 여기저기 신군사진중 이 사진과 중복 된거 있는지 찾다가 지쳤오.

아니라면 바로 삭제 할 거요.

더불어 맞다면 무슨 사진인거요?


it doesnt look like JJH in the first place? :vicx:

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Guest Telly

manda, yup, i thought they would look pretty cute too!! i hope they bring back the supporting cast in season 2...perhaps there

ohweee, NANCY dearessstt you're here =)

all the supporting cast [even the sang goongs] must be there in season 2! i don't want missing pieces, moohahahaha =)

well, the villians can go say good-bye, but keep the good ones =) i want more airtime for kang hyun and kang in!

and this a cute observation. Snowapple, it looks like KangHyun is looking at Yul... :D

awww, it seems as if kang hyun is feeling sorry for yul, wishing she could do something to turn his frown upside down =)

how sweet, they should definitely hook up =)

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After they got us high, higher than the clouds, they dropped us out. Tsk tsk.

It's a great PS-ed picture though... JJH has small fingers...

mjo7 I think there's another chair between them... *trying to grab any glasses* I'm rather blur though... so I might be wrong... ~_~

{edit} It's CG's chair, she didn't lean in to the chair :) So, I think they're both upset with each other... Why can't they just make up and have loads of sesons...?? WHY...?? WHY...????

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That doesn't look like him, he's too light to be Shin? hahaha...I don't know...I don't see the mention of "girlfriend" in the captions. I read it, but don't understand it. It really doensn't look like him? Is it?

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Guest alwayzujustme

alwayzujustme, ehehehe... I talked about VW being one of the sponsors in GOONG about hundred pages back then :D but yeah, Volkswagen (VW) is definitely one of the biggest sponsors, since we all see HalmaMama's 1972 classic bettle, Kang In's modern bettle, Yul's blue Touareg, CG's brand new Bettle and the latest one is of course, Shin's black, spotless, interior leather-seat Phaeton :D

I just love VW so much, as perhaps you can tell already haha...

I was just over at vwkorea.com and thought of having fun with some car pictures here hehehe =P

OH I SEE!...lolz...thank you so much for answering that...i was starting to believe that the producers and everything had a weird thing with bugs...i didn't know that Yul's and Shin's cars were from the same company...and thanks for the pictures...i guess this would be the same with AnyCall also then...i see them a lot too...

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Guest essie

DARN MBC!! and paying for previews!! ><

headlines : GOONG viewers in protest march for more SKINSHIP

HAHAHHAHA....i am one of those protesters. :P

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