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Ankle Injury


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during basketball
anyone injure their ankle(s) before?

last thursday, i was playing basketball at my school and my left ankle landed on my own teammates foot sideways!

it hurt so bad.

luckily, i iced it up and it swelled a little bit

i could barely walk for two days

it's a lot better now, but it still hurts when i tip toe, jump, and turn my ankle

should i still be playing on it?

i really want to play tomorrow because we have this little march madness tournament for my basketball class

share your stories please!

honestly, i didn't know how it felt like when you land on your ankle

you never know till you experience it yourself

unfortunately, i know now

i didn't want to post this in the health thread cuz it's mostly girls who only care about losing weight and so on

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Guest 5imply_5wt

i think you should still take it easy.. i'm actually doing a project for ankle injuries for my exercise science class.. and from what i can conclude.. you should take it easy for a few days.. just in case if you pull something again it might be worse than before. oh~ and try not to put you weight on that feet..

Treatment for sprains and strains include four steps. The four steps are rest, ice, compression and elevation.

Rest involves keeping weight off the injured ankle. Crutches can be used to help the patients with their mobility. A splint or an air cast could be used for support. Severe sprains may need a hard cast.

Ice is used to reduce the swelling on the ankle. Ice packs are used 20 minutes per hour as long as the swelling continues. Compression is where an elastic bandage firmly wrapped around the ankle and foot for support. Elevation is used to minimize the swelling and bruising. The foot should be kept elevated for the first 48 hours of the injury.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen can also be used to reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation.

Most ankle sprains and strains heal in about 2 to 6 weeks. More sever injuries may take up to 12 weeks and will need physiotherapy to restore the ankle’s full mobility.

this is pretty much what i wrote for my project =D i hope this helps

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Guest flipdragn

ideally, you should keep on resting it but if you HAVE to play, you should at least play with like an ankle brace or something.

i was playing basketball this one time and me and my teammate were going for the steal and we crashed into each other. it happened really fast so i'm not exactly sure how i hurt my ankle but apparently i sprained it. that first morning after you sprain it is a pinkberry! it took around 2 weeks for it to completely heal.

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Rest until you feel no discomfort in your ankle. As they say, most injuries occur when a sportsperson has not had ample amounts of rest.

I tore my knee ligament and needed a knee reconstruction. 9 months later it is still painful and does not easily bend all the way.

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Are you sure you only sprained it?

After a motorcycle accident I hurt my ankle and I thought I sprained it.

It turns out that I actually fractured my fibula.

I could walk on it straight but any sort of rotational motion would hurt really bad.

I had to be in a cast for 6 weeks.

In any case, I wouldn't play injured. Its not worth it.

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i think you should take it easy and let it completely heal.

i learned that the hard way. ever since i started playing ankle injuries always have haunted me.

but yeah just try to stay off it for some time cause i made the stupid mistake of playing again the night after i rolled my ankle really good, even though i wore a brace and the pain didnt go away for like a month or two.

it sucks playing the 4/5 on a bum ankle always had to watch were i was jumping and how i landed.

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Guest jay826

i wouldnt suggest playing basketball until it heals. it will just slow down the healing process even more. i know this from experience haha. i sprained my left ankle 5 times and my right 4 times. now its all flexible. -.-" but you should really take it easy. it never really completely heals until a couple months after.

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Guest negitoro

I would say for you to skip it until you are 100%. Heck, I would advise you go see a doctor anytime the sprain is bad enough that you can't put weight on the foot for more than a day.

Bad ankle sprains can be worse than fractures in terms of long term damage, if there's ligament damage etc. If you don't take care of it, it can make future ankle sprains more likely. If you play on a damaged ankle, without making sure there's no possibility of aggravating the injury and doing proper care, you could escalate what is a minor sprain into something more major.

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Just break it. Broken ankles heal. Sprained ankles never do.


I'd go check with a doctor. You might be playing on a torn ligament which would require surgery.

I messed up my ankle during basketball season; when I hurt it, I felt a pop. Never went to the doctor though. Now, I usually tweak it when I throw shot put and discus in track. Thinking of going to the doctor, but haven't. >.<

Better safe that sorry. xD

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Guest quinwa_gelatin

Haha, you too? I hurt it last year, and my ankle is STILL weak, except I dance, so I use it differently( an probably more) than you, so I'm not quite sure. I think You should just grab a brace and you should be fine. Ice it if it really hurts, but don't try to exercise right after you ice. Just don't move to much, and get one of those resista bands to point nad felx against to rebuild ankle strength.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest akim

get it checked out. I came down on my foot sideways when going for a rebound and i heard a riiiiiiip.. i thought it was a sprain too but it turned out to be a fracture loll..

edit- whoops i didn't realize this was almost a month and a half ago.. lol how'd it go?

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Guest Zelee86

it does heal almost 100%...depends on how bad u sprained it.. i sprained mine a couple times so my ankle is like use to it? the one time it was bad that my foot and black and blue and it swelled up like crazy...just remember to wear basketball shoes (usually mid to high tops and get a good ankle brace) and remember to tie your shoes really tight. i cant understand people who play in running shoes....anywho you should lay off for awhile...

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here's an update:

my ankle isn't stable as it used to be

i can't jump high as i used to

and when i move my ankle at certain ankles i can feel "clicks"

i still play but it's sad it can never be 100%

i'm planning to recondition my ankle so it gets stronger this summer

hopefully, i'll be dunking when fall 08 semester starts


thanks for the feedback

and always remember to "RICE" your ankles if you hurt it

rest, ice, compress, elevate

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  • 2 months later...
Guest understanding_fiction

I tripped over a vaccum cleaner, fell down the stairs, and fractured my ankle on my dad's birthday =/

Used a cast + crutch for two-three weeks.







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I've rolled my ankle twice during bball.

First time I landed awkwardly due to an in-air collison with another person and it hurt for weeks. Had to use crutches and all...

Second time I slipped on a puddle of sweat and yeah...had to use crutches again for a week and a bit.

Bottom line: You roll it once, it's easier to roll it again.

I've learnt my lesson so I started wearing basketball shoes as they are higher and protect the ankle better than normal sports shoes.

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