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[variety] Change 체인지

Guest silverwingz

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another fun ep.

a whole lot of people knew it was NHC right away.

it was funny how he was trying to do broken english and korean, but then he started to sound more fluent in korean

and after he got the hug in the subway from that dude, he broke out of his character and was his normal self.

and the taxi driver was cool for giving him the free ride cause he didn't have korean money.

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Guest marialolly

^ Aww. I though they don't regonise him. >__<


And btw, when i read the comments of 2dn part of Adventure at YOOOOUtube.

There was 2 comment who's tottaly right about it.

"I would rather go with Exploring the human body. I really don't like this show. They did a wrong thing asking how other people thing about them in front of them Kangin and hyori must have been hurted. Even though Kangin didn't show it he must have feel hurt as well. He didnt have that humor at the end to even make hyori smile."


"aah that was just too much.. they shouldnt have asked for opinions like that right in front of them >__> those were some harsh comments.. they can say it wasnt planned for her to react like that but they were looking for that kind of comments and they must have known they would feel sad. i hope they change the format a bit or maybe bring EHB back LOL"

Then in night, i was trying to sleep. But i though about those. I'm now worried if NHC has also bad comment if they do interview about it. >__<; But i think they changed it to prefer not a interview things. I hope..

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Guest silverwingz
another fun ep.

a whole lot of people knew it was NHC right away.

it was funny how he was trying to do broken english and korean, but then he started to sound more fluent in korean

and after he got the hug in the subway from that dude, he broke out of his character and was his normal self.

and the taxi driver was cool for giving him the free ride cause he didn't have korean money.

thanks for the spoilers! Noh Hong Chul's change sounds funny! especially the talking in broken english and korean!

i wonder what stars appeared in this episode.

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^none really. his segment was more of a public view thing, like how hyori and kangin did the street walking, and he was giving people flowers with a note telling them to come to the place where they were doing the reveal and get a free hug.

there was this one guy with the note and NHC tried to hug him, but the guy went straight for hyori.

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Guest damifino

SBS decided to go with "Change" as the new show for their Sunday night lineup so the 3 episodes that they aired of "Kim Suh Bang Express" will be the final 3 of this show and no more episodes will be filmed.


SBS based this on the ratings potential for "Change" being better, but seeing as both shows appeared at the same time except the first week, I don't know how they decided on this. The ratings for the Sunday night lineup with just "Kim Suh Bang Express" on 2/11 was 9.6%. The ratings with both "Kim Suh Bang Express" and "Change" on 2/17 and 2/24 was 12.9% and 11.5%, respectively. The ratings with just "Change" on 3/2 was 9.4%.

Yesterday's ratings dip for the SBS lineup probably has to do with MBC showing their new Sunday Night Lineup after canceling "Nothing is Impossible" thus people trying to check out the new show.

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Guest evelyn168

I seriously dont' think Change is going to last long. As others have stated, they need to change the MCs cause everyone would have them figured out soon.

I watched Kangin's part of this episode... I had a good laugh...

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Guest silverwingz

^ that would be true if they only did physical changes... but i remember reading in the SUJU Thread that the hosts won't just be doing physical changes.

they'll be undergoing other types of changes (such as jobs, etc...)

SBS decided to go with "Change" as the new show for their Sunday night lineup so the 3 episodes that they aired of "Kim Suh Bang Express" will be the final 3 of this show and no more episodes will be filmed.


SBS based this on the ratings potential for "Change" being better, but seeing as both shows appeared at the same time except the first week, I don't know how they decided on this. The ratings for the Sunday night lineup with just "Kim Suh Bang Express" on 2/11 was 9.6%. The ratings with both "Kim Suh Bang Express" and "Change" on 2/17 and 2/24 was 12.9% and 11.5%, respectively. The ratings with just "Change" on 3/2 was 9.4%.

Yesterday's ratings dip for the SBS lineup probably has to do with MBC showing their new Sunday Night Lineup after canceling "Nothing is Impossible" thus people trying to check out the new show.

thanks for the news! i much prefer this show over Kim Suh Bang Express.

by the way... where do u get the ratings from? TNS and AGB only show the ratings in the Top 20...

yesterday's episode ratings didn't appear in the site coz it was below the top 20.

i wonder where you got the ratings for 3/2?

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Guest damifino
by the way... where do u get the ratings from? TNS and AGB only show the ratings in the Top 20...

yesterday's episode ratings didn't appear in the site coz it was below the top 20.

i wonder where you got the ratings for 3/2?

The 9.4% rating is from TNS and I got it from the various news articles about the ratings for the Sunday night lineup for the 3 networks.

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Guest silverwingz

^ oh i see. thanks.

Here's a new pic from SBS. OMG, Noh Hong Chul looks REALLY different.

you thought you were surprised seeing Kangin's change? u'll be even more surprised after seeing this!


Credits: sbs.co.kr

I don't know how to save the pic to reupload it and post it in the first post...

could someone who knows how do so? thank you!

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Guest damifino

3/2 episode of Change

Part 1: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/RjfJkwFFbrg/

Part 2: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/AxiN9PN7elw/

Part 3: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/1wv8qlyt5vg/


From the SuJu thread, posted by sihae_lover


v It's a show called "Ganda Tour" starring Lee Kyung Gyu, Tablo, and former "Nothing is Impossible" MCs Kim Jae Dong and Kim Gu Ra where they go on tour to learn about the culture of various locales in Korea whereas "Nothing is Impossible" did something similar except they went on tour to learn about the culture of various locales around the world... I guess it just got too expensive compared to the ratings output to do "Nothing is Impossible" :lol:

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Yesterday's ratings dip for the SBS lineup probably has to do with MBC showing their new Sunday Night Lineup after canceling "Nothing is Impossible" thus people trying to check out the new show.

Can I ask what replaced Nothing is Impossible?

Here's a new pic from SBS. OMG, Noh Hong Chul looks REALLY different.

you thought you were surprised seeing Kangin's change? u'll be even more surprised after seeing this!


Credits: sbs.co.kr

Holy!! O_O! He does look extremely different!

That's really cool! XD

I haven't seen the episode yet... its in line downloading, but from the comments I can't wait to watch!

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Guest silverwingz
3/2 episode of Change

Part 1: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/RjfJkwFFbrg/

Part 2: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/AxiN9PN7elw/

Part 3: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/1wv8qlyt5vg/


From the SuJu thread, posted by sihae_lover


v It's a show called "Ganda Tour" starring Lee Kyung Gyu, Tablo, and former "Nothing is Impossible" MCs Kim Jae Dong and Kim Gu Ra where they go on tour to learn about the culture of various locales in Korea whereas "Nothing is Impossible" did something similar except they went on tour to learn about the culture of various locales around the world... I guess it just got too expensive compared to the ratings output to do "Nothing is Impossible" :lol:

thanks for sharing the streaming links and the episode 3 picture damifino!

i wonder how Ganda Tour is... how were the ratings for it?

Holy!! O_O! He does look extremely different!

That's really cool! XD

I haven't seen the episode yet... its in line downloading, but from the comments I can't wait to watch!

i know yeah!! the power of make-up is quite amazing...

i thought photoshop was pretty amazing... but this make-up thing is quite cool too.

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Guest damifino
i wonder how Ganda Tour is... how were the ratings for it?

The ratings for MBC Sunday Night for the first episode of "Ganda Tour" was 10.9% this week, which beat SBS Sunday Night (9.4%), but KBS Sunday Night ruled the airwaves with 19.4%.

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Guest silverwingz
The ratings for MBC Sunday Night for the first episode of "Ganda Tour" was 10.9% this week, which beat SBS Sunday Night (9.4%), but KBS Sunday Night ruled the airwaves with 19.4%.

oooh, i see. yeah, KBS' Happy Sunday generally always rules the Sunday Night Lineups...

i quite like their shows too. Especially Hi Five and 1 Night 2 Days, tho they do have their good weeks and bad weeks (as with all other shows).

does anybody know the songs title that they use for Change's backsongs??

which ones in particular? i.e. give a time at which they play, etc...

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Guest damifino

does anybody know the songs title that they use for Change's backsongs??

in this video

@ 01:00 n 02:12

tell me if u know.. :D thx..

@1:00 - "What a Wonderful World" by Joey Ramone (this is the version they used)

@2:12 - "I'm Lookin' for Something" by Dreamgirls (from "Dreamgirls" OST)

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I've uploaded the HQ files for the 1st epi..

Part 1 : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LAV69T1J

Part 2 : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RFOLTZYW

Part 3 : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OE63U0XB

credit : cashewmania cb

and does anyone know whats the song that they use at the background when hongchul was waiting for free hugs at the subway..just before he called "hey beautiful girl~"

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Guest silverwingz

thanks damifino and laydeebutterfly! i've added the ep1 download links to the first post ^^

also, i've started a Song List for this thread since ppl are starting to ask for songs.

i'm still in the middle of it, so please help me out with identifying and uploading songs (both Korean & English songs).

thanks ^^

i've put it here: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=8641557

as you can see, it's pretty empty so far and only has a few links.

if you've got any of the songs, please upload them to MU or MF =)

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