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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest xrosee;

i'm still pretty peeved about the ending.....

i was in korea at the time so aunt, uncle & cousins were all crowded in the living room, to see how it ends.....

and it ends like THAT?!

le sigh.

it was so sad T_T

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Guest savingwork

*Contains Spoilers*

I apologize in advance for the long post. it was not my intention, but i kind of got carried away. :sweatingbullets:

I admire all of you who see EOE in a bright light.

Still, you cannot ignore the negatives just because of the positives.

And I agree, we cannot let the negatives overshadow the positives.


Happy endings or sad endings?

Does it really matter?

Maybe not.

It’s only our hopes and dreams as we watch,

But who are we?

We cannot dictate the writer! can we?

After all, it’s her story not ours.

We just watch with hopes and anticipation,

And in the end


Just like DW who RELUCTANLTY accepted STH as his father

WE cannot but accept the ending THE WAY IT IS.

After all, it’s not like we can change it or fight it?


As mindful viewers,

Dedicated viewers,

Viewers who spent a long period of time,

Watching (some of us religiously), sympathizing, empathizing with the story and characters, and finally analyzing,

We have the right to not necessary agree with the way the writer decided to wrap up her story.

Surely there could have been many other alternatives for the ending. For example:

A happy ending where DC jumps to save DW but DC gets shot in the arm and lives or DW sacrifice for DC->DW dies or lives=>DW saves DC for once in his life and repent for his actions [satisfying many of the viewers’ confusion over his character and making DC feel much better about his wasted life for DW, making the brotherhood bond even stronger] or no death is need for an epic drama if writer is creative enough//prison would do more justice and it’s even harsher and more humiliating punishment than death or cancer, don’t you think? ^_^, or…Whatever ending you have in mind…

Regardless of this, for most of us- who really watched eoe because we were intrigued by the philosophy and meaning the story would convey- we hoped for a meaningful ending regarding not DC alone but the entire family.

And DC’s last image does not look happy at all. Maybe he is at peace, but he surely is not happy leaving his “loving” family who are smiling so joyously without him, which by the way is just so unreal considering their personalities and what they’ve been through.

The problem is not DC dying to save his ungrateful brother showing that DC “accepted both the evil and good”, But the aftermath of that sacrifice is what bothered me the most.

Think about it without been idealistic and wishing for a happy union:

Nothing comes easily; you have to work hard to live and put a smile on your loved ones faces. Dying and sacrificing definitely does not, especially under the circumstance that DC died .

Just because dear brother sacrificed his life does not mean everyone will be happy and united…No

Remember what DW said to dying DC: “Mom will be upset with me”….that is a great hint as to what will happen after DC leaves…a very bad omen for the family’s relationship later on.

So, Yes! Most of us who “hate” the ending and swear to never watch any shows of this “writer” have good reasons to do so:

Abrupt ending, detached from earlier episodes and unresolved issues except for being meaningful in one area only: “DC is “the good man”, the only honest and loving man in EOE”, but neglected other areas: family is stronger than blood.


Also can we really ignore/forget the many unreasonable twists?

DW, who all his life hated STH and loved DC, believed STH without doubt over DC.

Ok I get that he was all confused and alone and STH was the only one who supported him, and I understand that DW acted like a lost loveless child.. I don’t care that DW fought and was brutal towards DC …As a prosecutor and being angry, I understand how the write made DW wanting evidence to believe DC instead of just trusting in his brotherhood.


Why not the same attitude towards STH? Why not fight him as well,,,, Because STH is his “daddy”, so the writer now is emphasizing on “blood thicker than water”.


In ep???? If you noticed there were 3 cars outside: DW, DC and I guess STH’s, who had kidnapped YCH. Then why did STH and DW leave together while DC and YCH left together.. Why couldn't STH leave alone. What happened to the third car? Don’t tell me that the guy who misses up the brakes in DC car left without his boss STH?? What was the point of that STH-DW conversation in the car?? Clearly DW kept being against STH only in talk but never in action. Such a hypocrite!

Then after YCH and DC pleaded for DW and they all cried we have next episode, DW conveniently only recalled the box of tape by DC and not STH’s box of tape when his boss called him regarding the folder sent. Then DW goes all crazy and mad thinking how DC betrayed him…it amazes me how DC who had never ever betrayed DW would pop into DW's minds while STH who was in DW's mind as a cheater, liar and manipulator for the past 30 years, did not. OK, if the writer did not make a mistake on this part, then I HAVE to believe that DW character, the top prosecutor and top student as the writer herself established, is an IDIOT, and the worst brother ever or simply that DW is mentally sick with a split personality. You pick the answer!

What is DC and DW relationship anyway?

*Ep 23 When DC left the prison and YCH told DW he is not your brother anymore, DW went against his mother and stopped studying because he said he is studying only for DC and YCH got mad at him. ( then DW is established as a fame-starved man?)

*Ep 44? DW kept saying to his mom “you think I would prosecute my own brother”

In DA office, DW told DC why you did not tell me you were summoned then I wouldn’t have let you come,

But DC told him to just focus on doing his job as a PROSECUTOR..

Hence, DW’s obsession with becoming the “best” prosecutor was all inspired by the Lees themselves as YCH confessed later on.

(…I admire the writer for the flow of DW transformation in this part only. It completely made sense to me. )

Still, we cannot really blame the Lees, and DW takes the full blame, because it dos not matter who told you or forced you to behave in a certain manner. In the end, You are responsible for your own actions. If you make mistakes, it is you who is at fault. But writer failed to show this repentance theme, or maybe it was not in her mind to begin with.

Now what is up with DW last statement to DC?? He comes out as a totally shameless jerk, and a self-centered person? DW saying “you cannot go like this..brother Mom will be upset at me”

Again, with this last statement, it is clear what he is going to get later on. YCH is not going to be that forgiven as DC is...Sorry, your imagination has to kick in at this point for better or for worse.

In summary (sorry for the rant)

Ending seems...

Incomplete (I say incomplete because I don’t want to completely bash the good episode in the beginning of the drama), Rushed, No clear meaning and does not tie the whole drama together.

WHOS FAULT is it? All fingers are pointing towards the “writer”.

Are we to stay quiet just because we have no choice but to accept the story’s ending: No.

Should we kill the write or get revenge on her: Absolutely not.

The civil way to react: CRITICISM.

The reaction to our criticism: counter criticism.

And the cycle will never end, because we see things from different angles.

In the end, others can make their OWN choices on whether to watch EOE or not, and whether to like the ending or not.

To be fair:

There are many good things about eoe even though I’ve mainly pointed out to the faults But,

If eoe was not a good drama with great potential to begin with, we would not have had such criticism. Instead, we would have ignored eoe.


EOE story is original unlike many other K dramas, so why must ending be cliché?

With DC always getting beat up by over 20 brutal gangsters, I actually stopped watching the show because I felt they would make him a martyr in the end. And I was so disgusted at the thought of this kind of ending. So, there came the time when I stopped watching maybe for a month. Then I returned back in ep 33 or so and I was hooked , and rewatched the earlier episodes without skipping and I loved it and even overlooked the “unrealistic” beating and other melodrama. I could finally see other faces shine (MH) and the rest, ok this is interesting its not a one man show anymore, I thought to myself. and wow MH had many scenes and then More of JH and DW even Rebecca shined.

But I must say the ending was disappointing because it was cliché despite all the twists and originality of the story, such as the unconventional love MH JH rape, YR remarried widow, fake pregnancy, married again, YCH accepting JJ her husband lover?? Who said YCH was mean, she has the biggest heart in the show bigger than OYH who I find was so useless.

Now Rebecca is crazy to have actually wanted revenge because she loved STH, not really for her baby…lame lame lame I think she is a disgrace for all women! Very twisted character, I give the writer credit for this point.

I actually said it from the beginning that STH and Rebecca should die together. Both are maniacs, devils and very egocentric persons.

Still, I wanted STH to suffer and rot in jail. I think that would have given a more powerful message. Guk died of an illness ( God’s well), and almighty STH actually gets punished ( on this earth) for once in his life. I don’t care if he was prosecuted by DW, his son, or not, but to be prosecuted would have been great and maybe then DC death would not be so in vain. And we could forgive DW a little for his actions. Instead, the writer made STH punishment just like Guk’s and Rebecca’s up to Heaven, just like what YCH wanted. But the message she gives is that: Justice cannot be achieved on this earth by us, humans? ? Especially since the legal system failed miserably. Very bad message to say the least. Also, the Hope to gain justice legally was completely crushed when Rebecca was allowed to finally commit murder.

You see, there are many missing powerful scenes that the writer could have come up with, but she chooses to end it in a cliché manner: death for all ^_^.


Watch out. More criticism: Sorry

“Blood thicker than water” Theory Shattered

What about the tapes? After that scene and lecture with DC YCH DW crying and all, yet the next day, DW points his fingers at DC without hesitation. What is going on -> DW is evil at soul?

What I hate is that the writer is emphasizing from the beginning that Blood is thicker than water when she let DW as a child burn STH house and when she let DC die like LKC, a martyr.

Although you can argue that when DC took the bullet for DW ,"blood thicker than water” theory shatters. So that was a nice way to think about it.

Again DC taking the bullet for DW is not really my problem although it’s a bit redundant (for a 56 ep drama) if the point is to show DC love for DW.

The problem is the aftermath, if you think of the Lees and Shins as “real” existing families, I feel very bad for them all.

You say that the last scene with everyone smiling and forgiving is nice and the writer did a good job in showing how love and forgiveness flourished due to DC sacrifice. Well, this theory is flawed because forgiveness is very hard to imagine for DW. Not my words, but it’s the man’s own words: “Mom will be upset with me”. Also, let’s not forget that DC added to DW feeling of burden by his deadly sacrifice. So I’m sure DW would be even more mad at himself and his situation as well…(I am still with the DW suicide theory^_^ ep 42) :lol:


The unsmooth/awkward flow of events.

Let’s not forget ep 46

When DW met new reporter and actually gave her information regarding fraud committed by TS. That was after STH told DW he won’t mind DW prosecuting him because DW is his son. That story vanished and obviously the PD was having troubles, but regardless, it counts as a negative point for eoe.

What’s up with the character development ?

MH telling JH: even if DW comes to claim his position, I will not let him take Mom you and TH away from me….Yet it was perfect for MH to take the Lees away from DW?

Next day MH drops JH and TH and asked DW to take care of his WIFE and CHILD???


MH repeatedly telling DW : this not where you belong, go to where you belong. And you wonder why DC and YCH keep asking DW why he left the Lees??// DC and YCH begging DW to come back to them?

ON the phone: MH warning DW not to harm DC.

IN the Hospital: MH telling DW that he believes DC did not harm STH because DC is HIS brother, ( Not OUR brother).

Later episodes when DW came to DC office asking him why he became heir to Guk and he saw MH.

MH telling him to trust DC and that DW should have faith in DC as DW’s brother?

MH telling DW you are acting as if you are STH son??? Excuse me, who was the first one to rub it into his face that DW is STH son??

So, how exactly am I supposed to see MH character? Feel bad for him or be angry at him? or is MH really a hypocrite?It would have been clearer if the writer had made more effort into relationship/reconciliation of 3 brothers not DC and DW alone.

These are just example of how character development was confusing at times. Sorry, more negative points for eoe & writer.

“Blood thicker than water” Theory Revisited.

And why is MH living so happily with JH??? No apology for stealing of girlfriend, mother, brother and Lee family, not to mention pushing DW toward the devil STH. Again, I feel the writer gave MH all the rights and justified his actions by the “blood is thicker than water”, and so, MH needed no apologies for he did not do any wrong.

Wow, it seems that there is a lot of accepted and advertised injustice going on in EOE, and it’s not only towards DC ad YR. Shouldn’t I, as a viewer, be bothered with that?


The ending is not that bad, it very fitting and beautiful

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder; even if there is much evidence to refute or support your theory of being “beautiful”, it's up to you. However,

Many of us just cannot be all happy and lovingly thinking how touching the ending is:

“Ooooohhhh nooo, DC the brave once again saved his ungrateful little brother because LKC taught him that “a great man accepts both evil and good”. At least now DC can finally rest in peace in the real Eden and away from East of Eden on earth, where STH, Rebecca and Guk instigated crimes, war, fights and hatred. Also, we can argue that DC is safely away from evil DW, annoying YCH and all the hatred and difficulties DC had to go through in his miserable life because of mini STH. After DC gave his brother DW the ultimate sacrifice, his life, now DC can smile happily from heaven and watch his loving family all united together with forgiveness lurking in the atmosphere. He’ll be watching his little daughter, who definitely exists, and look after her from heaven as she grows old. He’ll wait patiently for his one true love YR to join him one day? And the romantic pair can reunite where no one will ever kidnap YR again, and they will be together in heaven for ever. This ending is so romantic, peaceful and sweet, yet it’s so sad and thus bittersweet. What more can we ask for? I must go on to recommend it to the people that I know. But I have to warn them that despite the meaningful and thoughtful story, EOE had many inconsistencies and unbelievable moments but the plot in general and the ending make up for all that. And so you dear viewers will stop being so mean and learn the true meaning behind EOE: love and forgiveness will bring peace and justice. Honestly, I am not lying; you would see all that if you watch eoe with one eye open and the other eye close (this is what I told my sister who asked if she should watch eoe or not.)”

Sadly, I personally don’t and really cannot buy this explanation. ^_^ I really tried to..

However, the above explanation is a nice way of thinking and another point of view that some adopted and accepted to feel more comfortable with the finale. I have to say that I have no right to tell others to like it or not. I can only state my own opinion. But I want to thank you all for your various points of views, for reality have many sides that are not seen by one person. And so a discussion such as in this board is needed where we can read the “others” points of views to make our own choice of accepting, rejecting or being indifferent.

But one thing I am sure of is that many of us- those who like and dislike the ending and those who deem it fitting or unfitting- do agree that the writer could have made it better/more meaningful.

For instance, the ending with no real repentance or/and acceptance of DW mistakes towards DC left an eerie feeling and I was like “DW is going to get punished really bad later on”. It’s like DC was sentenced to death and DW was sentenced to doom. YR never really had a peaceful life, and the possibilities even slimmed after DC is gone. Only OYH (who gave STH power), JH (who both MH and DW fought over), MH (who pushed DW towards hell) are left peacefully and happily. Where is the justice? Yes real world have no justice and real life is not always a happy ending, I get it. Still, you can’t help but wonder?


A meaningful, happy ending??? How to judge?

DC dying words to wife YR: “ YR because of you I don’t want to leave this world. What should I do?”

DW last word to brother DC: “Brother if you leave like this.., mom is going to be upset with me..”

YC: “DC come in” (Who in heaven’s name is she talking to? a ghost?? Come on..)

DW: “Brother you are here” (Who is here? I don’t see anything not even a shadow.)

I hope you don’t base the idea of “happy or meaningful” ending because the last scene showed a “loving” united family where the culprit was “forgiving” easily. Because clearly, even though some may still believe it's real, this is not a real image of the family, it is all in dying DC’s head before passing away.

Thus, in my book, the writer, for whatever reasons, was unable to provide a meaning to her long drama, which ended abruptly and I might add is incomplete.


Last Criticism,

Regretfully, this is one of the worst scenarios ever:

In DA office, sorry cannot remember ep number.

Guk telling DW that DC is innocent and a good person and that STH is the devil.

Guk telling DW his final card is HK bank just before Guk dies.

OK so back to my early question: why did not Guk just give DW his last card: the record at HK bank at that point ( when he went to DA office). It is obvious that Guk wanted DW to prosecute STH not DC. And it is obvious that GUk wanted DW to see those records.

Also why didn’t Guk tell DW that DC did not try to kill STH? Why did Guk used the secretary to trap DC? Why did Guk pay Secretary to make it look like DC tried to kill STH?? To make the brothers fight?? WHAT IS GOING ON? Plot with no direction, except to extend episodes=Pointless…

I thought Guk wants to protect DC for his daughter’s own sake. Instead, Guk has escalated the fight between the brothers for no obviously good reason. Isn't Guk supposed to be the smart man? The man who can see into the future; the one who is always well-prepared for unforeseen events. Yet, he could not secure his daughter (the most important thing in his entire life) and son in law's future when he had the perfect opportunity to do so. Don't tell me he did not trust DW. He could have giving the file to anyone other than DW.I dare anyone to explain that part? JK. :lol: I know it is a drama but I firmly believe the writer did not do a good job towards the end. What a shame. They should not have included that DW- Guk scene because it is pointless as it was not made use of.

Think about this and I’m sure even you will start to think/talk negatively about eoe and the writer.


You see, it was all for the drama, as if we don’t think or we are “fools”...The flow of events for DW being so against DC is so illogical and has many holes.. Which make the last episodes and brother fight baseless? For the reasons above. The way I see it the writer just wanted to make DW look like an evil maniac with a lost soul so that we feel more pity for DC, and I must say she successfully accomplished her desire albeit in a very unconvincing way.



We are not being mean or judgmental towards anyone. Just that criticism is necessary in order to avoid mistakes and to develop better stories in the future. The writer did do a somewhat good job in her field of expert “script writing” which many of us cannot really even compare to her. But we are the recipient and the final judges of her skill and work whether we are wrong or right. Not that she has to cater to our desires, but a good story definitely does not leave the viewers confused with the plot; a good script might leave the viewers thinking though, but in this case even this option was not given. By the inconsistencies and unsmooth flow of events, the minds of viewers are distracted from the main idea or point of the story by the chaos and confusion in plot line. Academically, now I understand why English teachers always warned to use the correct grammar and punctuation in essay writing or else the reader would not be able to focus on the main idea of your story because he/she would be too distracted by these small mistakes. ;)

I should stop here.

I apologize for my long post. If anyone gets to this point, thanks for reading. :sweatingbullets:

Peace everyone. :D

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Guest fjkuan

Thanks for spending the time to post, savingwork. I just finished reading it and it is a precise analysis. i like your detailing out the inconsistencies toward the end of EOE. You're right, the writer can't fool us.

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I didn't watch the whole 50 episodes or so, I got put off after so much negative news like Lee Da Hae leaving halfway and so on and now DC died....I hope I can pick this up after Boys over flower ends, though I don't know whether I can survive all the 40 something episodes.

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Guest edenlove

Why did Guk used the secretary to trap DC? Why did Guk pay Secretary to make it look like DC tried to kill STH?? To make the brothers fight??

For this point, my impression is that Guk paid the secretary to harm STH only,

but STH's secretary set it up on DC and made STH believed that the man on the bike is DC

(creating similar scenes just like those in Macau).

STH's secretary had all along hated DC and by doing so, he's "killing two birds in one stone".

So it is not Guk but STH's secretary who caused the misunderstanding between the brothers.

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Guest savingwork

Thanks for spending the time to post, savingwork. I just finished reading it and it is a precise analysis. i like your detailing out the inconsistencies toward the end of EOE. You're right, the writer can't fool us.

Your welcome fjkuan. :D

For this point, my impression is that Guk paid the secretary to harm STH only,

but STH's secretary set it up on DC and made STH believed that the man on the bike is DC

(creating similar scenes just like those in Macau).

STH's secretary had all along hated DC and by doing so, he's "killing two birds in one stone".

So it is not Guk but STH's secretary who caused the misunderstanding between the brothers.

That makes sense edenlove. Thanks for the clarification. :D That secretary sure was a sly fox. I’m glad the writer did not let him off the hook in the end.

It maybe true that secretary caused the misunderstanding between brother but Guk sure played a role in escalating the misunderstandings.

One question down, many still to go.

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Savingwork, that's a great analysis. It summarized everything so well. I, like you, is wondering about the aftermath of the family's relationship. Will the family be sticking together like the last scene they show us? Will YCH and YR be really forgive DW. This is a big question mark. Will DC's sacriface worth it? This part I think is one of the loose ends that is not being tied up well. I think the last episode is like of rush and everything ended so abrupty in the last 10 minutes and when the end credit rolled, I kind of cannot believe how it can just end like this. But it is beyond our control and let's remember all the good parts about EOE that we love :).

And DC’s last image does not look happy at all. Maybe he is at peace, but he surely is not happy leaving his “loving” family who are smiling so joyously without him, which by the way is just so unreal considering their personalities and what they’ve been through.

Remember what DW said to dying DC: “Mom will be upset with me”….that is a great hint as to what will happen after DC leaves…a very bad omen for the family’s relationship later on.

BTW, the EOE cast interview for TBS Japan is now up on YouTube. Credits to Fanny from SeongHun Planet.

Part 1 (SSH)


Part 2 (YJH & LYH)


Part 3 (CMK)



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For Part 1, 2russ posted the rough translation on Soompi's SSH thread:


For Part 2 (rough translation based on what I read on Baidu forum) - LYH's part, one thing that stands out from the interview is she mentioned that there were many NGs on the kiss scenes, and the director should call "CUT" after the kiss but he didn't and the crew just kept watching. She said it was a vey embarassment moment!

Other things she mentioned:

The most memorable part of the drama is the overseas shooting in Hong Kong.

She learnt a few simple Japanese and wanted to do some introduction with Japanese but decided not to as she was very nervous and may make mistakes.

Her impression of Japan is very good. The streets are very clean and she likes to travel to Japan.

She also said hello to Japanese fans at the end and hope they will support EOE when it broadcasts in Japan.

These are great interviews, thanks. I wish I know what they're saying.
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Guest fjkuan

For Part 1, 2russ posted the rough translation on Soompi's SSH thread:


For Part 2 (rough translation based on what I read on Baidu forum) - LYH's part, one thing that stands out from the interview is she mentioned that there are are many NGs on the kiss scene, and the director should call "CUT" after the kiss but he didn't and the crew just kept watching. She said it was a vey embarassment moment!

Other things she mentioned:

The most memorable part of the drama is the overseas shooting in Hong Kong.

She learnt a few simple Japanese and watns to do some introduction with Japanese but decided not to as she was very nervous and may make mistakes.

Her impression of Japan is very good. The streets are very clean and she likes to travel to Japan.

She also said hello to Japanese fans at the end and hope they will support EOE when it broadcasts in Japan.

Thanks Sam18q for the translation help. :)

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The song is Lee Seung Chul - Can you hear me? It is track #1 on the EOE OST Part 2.

On a sidenote, this is also included in Sadder than Sad Story OST. It is really interesting how the 2 main themes from Sadder than Sad Story got included in EOE broadcast and how Lee Seung Chul's song from EOE OST gets included in Sadder than Sad Story OST :)


does anyone know what is the title of the background song?? thanks so much!!!

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Guest fjkuan

I miss East Of Eden. I miss reading all of the summaries and captures. i really miss the gukja couple too!

I miss the gukja couple also, but unfortunately, their marriage towards the end only lasted one day or less. DC died and all the good things that could have happened at the end was only a dream or fantasy in DC's mind as he was dying. There wasn't even a baby DC. There is a great ending written on viikii by soboriana. We have exhausted all our comments about the last third of EOE series. The feeling of an abrupt ending left me uncomfortable in addition to many loose ends left untied in the drama.

I cancelled my DVD order. I like the OST. The cast was excellent.

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For those interested in the DVD still, the Korean version (no subtitles) for Vol 2 will be released on April 23 2009.


The last disc will also include 27 minutes of BTS fluff:

DISC20 – 56부(66분), 서플먼트 (27분)

I think there is a mistake in yesasia.com US site though because yesasia.com told me that the Korean version is not available for ordering in North America (as shown that Vol 1 is not listed on yesasia.com US site at all). So they may pull this off eventually and replaced with the MBC North American version.

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Guest fjkuan

Actually, there is a Taiwan version with English subtitles, vol. 1 already out. By Kimook. Very good picture quality and excellent English subs. They will have vols. 2 & 3 out this month. You'll have to buy them separately.

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Guest edenlove

Actually, there is a Taiwan version with English subtitles, vol. 1 already out. By Kimook.

"The series is based on Taiwanese episode length which appears to be more episodes per volume.

Vol. 1 ( episode 1-30), Vol. 2 ( Episode 31-60), Vol.3 (Episode 61-90)"

Taiwan has not even broadcast EOE yet... 90 episodes?? :o:o

This version doesn't sound original.

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Guest fjkuan

"The series is based on Taiwanese episode length which appears to be more episodes per volume.

Vol. 1 ( episode 1-30), Vol. 2 ( Episode 31-60), Vol.3 (Episode 61-90)"

Taiwan has not even broadcast EOE yet... 90 episodes?? :o:o

This version doesn't sound original.

No. I didn't say it's original. and it's not Korean produced. Taiwan bought the rights for it. I have the 1st vol. and it's very good quality. It does have more episodes, differently arranged, like Yi San (Taiwan version). You should wait for the Korean made US version if you're not sure about this one. I don't know how much that one will cost.

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Guest edenlove

Taiwan bought the rights for it. I have the 1st vol.

Taiwan wouldn't be selling it before its TV broadcast.

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