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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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Guest parkjunwung

The best news today is the rumours over whether SHK will accompany with Rain is true. It has been officially confirmed. She would be released for 3 days to come to Changsha for promoting. Some said that KBS has persuaded alot to get agreement from Hwang Ji NI staff..here is best news to me today..

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Guest fatgrrl_slim

The best news today is the rumours over whether SHK will accompany with Rain is true. It has been officially confirmed. She would be released for 3 days to come to Changsha for promoting. Some said that KBS has persuaded alot to get agreement from Hwang Ji NI staff..here is best news to me today..

Hi! May I ask where did you get this info? Thanks!

I'm just a wee bit confused... in one of the articles re: the North Korea filming of Hwang Jin Ni, it was said that the movie was about 80% complete, with only the North Korea scenes left. The NK filming is over. That means the movie has finished filming, right? So why does KBS still need to persuade the production to release HyeKyo for the promo if filming is already over?

Sorry, I'm thinking too much. hehe.

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I do not read Japanese but I have a strong feeling that someone who has a Song Hye Gyo blog has verbally attacked me for posting news of the POSSIBLE FH promotions yesterday...in my update on my site, I said it was a RUMOR. I never said it was TRUE...why would I intentionally spread rumors? This just blows my mind and I'm incredibly upset and it may feelings are deeply hurt. I cannot believe that I'm targed like this...perhaps, I am not understanding the blog properly because of the language barrier but from what I can make out of it, it seems to be true. This is making me considering to close my site down. I have put 100% into it to make it a reliable source, I would NEVER intentionally spread rumors about Hye Gyo or take stuff from other sites to make them look bad, etc.

It has been fun doing my site but this is getting to be too much. I will try my best to post here.

Thanks for those who have showed me support.

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Guest fatgrrl_slim

Oh Shanda, that's too bad (and on your birthday, too? *sigh*). But don't let one comment get the better of you. We can all see that you did not have any intentions of spreading rumors or anything about HyeKyo. Other sites do much much worse.

Besides, what could that blogger do, anyway? It's just trash talk, nothing else. As long as it's not SHK herself who's upset at you, I say you just ignore that and continue with what you love doing.

Of course, if it's your decision, then we respect that. But please do reconsider first. Your site is not only informative but also very well made, design-wise. Many true-blue SHK fans will miss your site if you decide to close down.

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Guest charles0702

I do not read Japanese but I have a strong feeling that someone who has a Song Hye Gyo blog has verbally attacked me for posting news of the POSSIBLE FH promotions yesterday...in my update on my site, I said it was a RUMOR. I never said it was TRUE...why would I intentionally spread rumors? This just blows my mind and I'm incredibly upset. I cannot believe that I'm targed like this...perhaps, I am not understanding the blog properly because of the language barrier but from what I can make out of it, it seems to be true. This is making me considering to close my site down. I have put 100% into it to make it a reliable source, I would NEVER intentionally spread rumors about Hye Gyo or take stuff from other sites to make them look bad, etc.

It has been fun doing my site but this is getting to be too much. I will try my best to post here.

Thanks for those who have showed me support.

shanda sis.. please don't take what haters do best.. that person just problably wants to stir up trouble, please don't let it bother you.. i am assuming that person is jealous of your site or probably has some language barrier misunderstanding (you said japanese rite).. i went to your website and saw that it said "RUMORS" that person is such an irrational inconsiderate person to have attacked you like that.. please do not close your website.. it is the be english website on shk unni and i get my updates from songhyegyo.net.. if you do decide to close down your website, you will have alot of sad fans.. :tears: but i know you are pretty busy with work and family and it does takes alot of time consumption to maintain and update your website.. but if you do decide to close down your site, i want you to know that it will always be the best website on shk and i thank you from the bottom of my heart for having such a great website..

Oh Shanda, that's too bad (and on your birthday, too? *sigh*). But don't let one comment get the better of you. We can all see that you did not have any intentions of spreading rumors or anything about HyeKyo. Other sites do much much worse.

Besides, what could that blogger do, anyway? It's just trash talk, nothing else. As long as it's not SHK herself who's upset at you, I say you just ignore that and continue with what you love doing.

Of course, if it's your decision, then we respect that. But please do reconsider first. Your site is not only informative but also very well made, design-wise. Many true-blue SHK fans will miss your site if you decide to close down.

paulette sis.. you said it best.. don't let one's comment get to you.. no matter what shanda sis decides, i will support her 100%.. i can't stand people who trash talk about other people.. especially nice ones like shanda sis@ :fury: i hope she does reconsider it..

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Thank you for your comments and for supporting me. I just want to clarify that I'm not trying to attack anyone...I am just incredibly upset. And I'd like to re-state that the news I posted yesterday, I said it was a RUMOR. I never said it was indeed true. I guess everyone gets their info from different sources and the info just spreads like crazy on the internet. I'm sure that I wasn't the ONLY person who posted about this RUMOR. It doesn't make me look like a good Song Hye Gyo fan if others believe I am spreading rumors or being malicious. For any English news on Hye Gyo, I'm sure that Winnie will continue to provide everyone with it...she has done a wonderful job and I know she'll continue.

Let's forget about this incident and continue to support Hye Gyo^^

Sidus has posted pics of Roem but no mention of the possible activities and Korean media hasn't reported anything either. Where did you get the confirmation from? I am just curious. Thank you.

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Shanda, so sad to hear that a lot of people put a malicious slant to your posting. Maybe they do not know the difference between fact and official statements and RUMORs. I hope that it does not prompt you to close down your site. Yours is one of the few were updates and SHG sources are available. AJA SIS, don't let a few jealous person get to you. I for one love your site. But keep faith, it was not your intention for people to interpret it as truth you did post RUMORs to your posting.

So are those reports true? BI and SHG together in China to promote? Maybe it is possible after all they are both very popular in that country.

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Shanda, cheer up and do not let other's comment let you down. You've got our full support. :rolleyes:

As for the China trip, actually it is the concerned TV station who stir up the whole thing, they publicize in their station every now and then that both of them are coming and they are asking fans to join the FH promotional shows. I've seen the TV clip. It is stated very clearly about their itinerary in those 3 days. Even if you phone in to the TV station, the staff there also said the same thing.

Actually, it is not a good date to come <_< as it is Chinese New Year and everybody need to be home by 17Feb. Given the chaotic traffic before CNY, many fans could not possibly go to that city to support them even IF the they are really coming !

AGAIN, please do not be too happy yet, as THERE IS NO CONFIRMATION FROM JYPE AND SIDUS YET !

Let's wait and see.

I will not give up hope yet, though. :rolleyes:

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@ Shanda..

Please dont close down your site.. hiks. :( your site is the best.. i love it so much.. just ignore the stupid people who said bad things to you.. they are just jealous..

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Guest pips_feefa

dear Shanda.

please don't close SHG.net

your website is such a wonderful source about SHG.

i just provide you with some additional "Full House" picture via e-mail.

still remember?

just ignore them who talks your back.

remember me&others SHG die-hard-fans will always support you,okay?







^^^avatars credits to Fleur ;banners credit to tainted innocence

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mhbt, may I call you Shanda? I have been a fan of your website for the longest time. It is saddening to hear that you will be closing your website due to irrational comments due to the blogger. :tongue2: I hope you do reconsider opening your website but I do respect your decisioin. Please take note that you have many supporters in this thread, including Tammie and myself. :) Thank you for taking time and dedicating to the wonderful Song Hye Gyo. Best Luck to you.

And to the blogger: your insensitive comment cost us Song Hye Gyo fans to lose a very reliable and great website. I hope you take the time out and think what you have done. Because of you, we are not able to visit songhyegyo.net, the only reliable English Song Hye Gyo website. :angry:

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Guest milkshake096
:tears: dearest Shanda please don't close the site down..... I love the site so muchhhhhhhh. why let the doing of 1 person affect so many others who visit your site frequently for shg updates?
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Guest Denstradamus

I love your site Shanda and i'm hoping you will re-consider your decision to not run it. Many fans from around the world goto your site and if you let that one idiotic blogger get in the way, then you've already let them win. I feel very informed and up to date on the pics and articles you post and even the polls are fun to vote in! I know you are a very busy person now, but if time permits and everything clears up, i hope at the very least you will re-consider. Once again, i love the work and thought you put into that site for all SHGers!

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Guest soutsada7

oh, I haven't been here for a while and here I am reading about some slanders/accusations on our dear shanda sis :tears: so sorry to hear that someone's targeting you, but don't be discouraged or let such negativity affect you, because your site is indeed the website English SHG website around! Happy B-day to you and I hope everything goes well with you and your family :wub:

anyway, thanks for the news update...I would be one ecstatic person if the rumor is true :blush:

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HEY mhbt aka Shanda, I dont usually post comments but once I'd read about your unfortunate attacks from others and that you're potentially closing down your site. All I would like to say is I'm really sorry to hear that, BUT please dont close your site!!! You have done an awesome job on the site and have provided great news and information on own favorite "Unni" SHK. So please dont close your site! PLEASE.

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Guest flameflame

hi mhbt, may i call u shanda?

the incident came as a shock to me since i'm one of those who frequently visit your site...i donno what really happened but please be strong and hang in there...if you can change your mind of closing the site down that would be great...but i'll respect whatever decision u'll make....btw, happy birthday!!!

why do all good things come to an end? *sighs*

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