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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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I just stumbled upon this review on TGM written by Mookiehyun on her blog.

"GRANDMASTER.  I CANT.  IT is FLAWLESS.   Lemme just gush, a minor tangent, as a young girl I’m scarily in love with a movie Once Upon A Time in America without the capacity nor command of language to judge the sexist bigotry and the (censored out) gratuitous rape/violence/nudity but the music and the visual of romanticized, heightened world of prohibition 1920s bygone NYC, gangsters, Robert de Niro’s Noodles, their world, sticks.  The feelings evoked by how little I can process is as every bit real and vivid till this day and just a piece of music used in Grandmaster, double hitting me.

As if I’m not speechless in uptaking every frame of Grandmaster as a museum quality piece of art like an oil life still from 1930s China, this is the music the artist of movie geniuses Mr WKW picks for a climatic wordless scene towards the end.  (Is WKW paying homage to his Angkor Wut scene?)  Not complaining.

I retain a memory of almost every frame, every line from the movie, in awe.  I remember the exp at a Michelin 3star restaurant, not the type of food pushing all my comfort squealing buttons, yet I can’t deny every single element is mastery new to me, every bite is a taste of years of striving for nothing but perfection distilled.  Grandmaster is worth every minute WKW and Tony Leung spent on it.  It’s absolutely not entertainment.  If In The Mood For Love was WKW lush artsy ode capturing the aching beauty of the loss of almost love, of a simple unrequited true love btn a man and a woman, of a 1960s HK at the brink of all the old postwar migrating birds without feet, hopeless wanting to take root but never meant to be.  This is his other bookend piece of a grander lovely aria to all the opulent mastery of the art of tradition Wuxia passed down and honored by generations heightened to its epicness and urgency during Manguo, post WW2.  With a change of era, a passage of time, it’s no more.  It is of the no turning back inbtw of the Old and New China, of the breathing people, masters stuck in the transition, where regrets have the most derelict of human beauty, creating the New, imprinting the death of the Old.  Can’t be more sated.  ZhangZiYi is finally honed to perfection in WKW’s lens.  SHK is directed (and immaculately lit) to perfection.  Everyone single cast member is sharp, but Tony is truly the master of effortless in the indulgence of WKW.  Perfection, perfection. PERFECTION."

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^ Thanks Bwear...ah, it's from mookie dearie, gotta take a look at her blog.

It seems we can forget her attendance at Berlinale according to Divashim  :(( . Perhaps she is too busy for shooting to get the drama done as there is another work waiting for her..aigoo...bye bye, sayonara to Berlinale.

Few more gifs at baidu
she looks so sad on this scene

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^thanks kim for those awesome TGM gifs........ though disappointed but i'm kinda expect it cos already mentioned at medias that she is constantly worry about the ongoing production schedules.......  knowing her top notch considerateness towards others especially now, to the production crews...... she rather forego the event that can serve her as a platform for going global...... oh well, if it's meant to be for her good, hopefully she will one fine day   ;;)


Bwear, thanks for the article......

"SHK is directed (and immaculately lit) to perfection"  :x


this thread is quiet without one of the anchor, ria :(

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Tomorrow press conference will be held at 2 pm Korea time.

Location:Hannam dong Blue Square

SBS '그 겨울, 바람이분다' 제작발표회

- 일시: 1월 31일 오후 2시~
- 장소: 한남동 블루스퀘어 삼성카드홀


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I just finished watching TGM. I watched the DVD screener, so the quality was really average.. I just couldn't resist the temptation lol. But for you guys: be sure to watch it in the theatre (if you have the chance) or in HD/Blue-ray, cause the images are absolutely stunning (!!) and it shouldn't get wasted by low screening quality.

About the film itself:
I really liked it. Thumbs up. I anticipated HK's parts, but I didn't expect that I would actually like, or even love the film itself. What can I say: the action scenes are really good, but the non-action scenes are also moving. It does feel different from the martial arts movies that we are used to: the good guy vs all the bad guys. TGM was much more than that. It's not about one person, it's about one era. I kind of felt speechless afterwards. The mood is absolutely perfect (cinematography, music, color tone etc.). HK is absolutely stunning and her performance is really good. And I felt relieved that although Mr. Ip and Gong-er felt attracted to each other, but like Gong-er said, it was never love as it only remained admiration/liking.

I'm wondering what Mr. Ip wrote in the hand palm of Mrs. Ip. I couldn't see it.. Was it "ai (love)"? I could see that he wrote something with "xin".

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^ Thanks Bwear for the review, gah...can't wait :D

News about her attending Berlinale, I think it seems they said it's hard for Kyo to attend the event...oh well, next time then...and it had been years we get to see her at such events...


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I happen to find it.
you should download to your computer, I'm a bit worried about copyright issues, the video can be deleted.
And thanks @utkim for awsome gifs
^so sad, these days, my greatest happiness is that thinking about how she will appear in Berlin

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This is a translation from utkim's link:

Song Hye Kyo May Not be Able to Attend the ′Berlinale′ Despite Receiving an Invitation

2013-01-30 17:55  l   CJ E&M enewsWorld Lee, JinHo Translation Credit : Erika Kim  
Song Hye Kyo has become the first Korean actress to be invited to the Berlinale, but she may not be able to accept the invitation.


A source close to Song Hye Kyo told enews, "[song Hye Kyo is] thinking over whether she should go to Berlin because of her drama shoot schedules. She believes, though, that it is time for her to concentrate on her drama."

The actress was invited as the lead of The Grandmasters, which has been chosen as the opening film for the 63rd Berlinale. She is the first Korean actress to be invited to one of the top three film festivals of the world as the lead of the opening film.

She, however, will probably not be attending due to her filming schedules for her SBS drama Wind Blows in Winter. The opening ceremony for the festival is held on February 7, but her drama will air its first episode on February 13.

The source added, "She′s trying to fix her schedule, but there are many obstacles in her drama schedule blocking her from attending. She will be making her decision soon."

Another source said, "The press conference for Wind Blows in Winter coincides with the schedules of the Berlinale, which means it will be near impossible for her to fly to Berlin."

The Grandmasters has premiered in China, and earned 30 million yuan (5.1 billion won) on its first day.

Photo credit: Kim Byung Kwan
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^shaylaman, thanks for the vid....... didn't expect this coming on the eve of the presscon ;;)

freshspring, kim........ thanks for the pics........ really looking forward to the drama....... and, eng trans to the characters.

 Sikoku, hihello........ welcome here :)






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Thanks as always for the screen caps, videos, etc. Yes, Kim, I will translate Kyo's character description. I have been noticing some more rants and complaints about her wearing heels and such in the drama. Sigh, guess that criticism will not go away. I think people are forgetting that her character is not completely blind, plus as they have mentioned, blind people DO wear heels and can even apply their own makeup.  in fact, I found this website that shed a lot of light on all of this: http://www.livingblind.com/
So, it doesn't look like she will be attending the Berlin Film Festival, but I am sure another opportunity will come up in the near future. I agree with PutriN - Kyo is so considerate of others and very professional. She is a class act and i am sure she realizes she will get another opportunity anyway^^

Hope to see Ria back, and I totally forgot to say hello and welcome a long-time friend, HI Su-ae! So Happy to see you posting again :D
Press conference time tonight midnight (my time)! Yeaaaaaa!!!!!!! Let's be prepared for lots of beautiful pics and interviews, quotes, etc!!

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^ Shanda, how lucky for you dear....The press con is early on the morning at my time and I was thinking if i can get to work 1 hour earlier to get to see her haha, oh..hubby must think i'm getting crazy 6a65c58343039b6076108c37d9959bbed2d1a346

Thanks for the link dear, it's helpful for us to understand  and getting known more about them :x

I think i will take an early beauty sleep in case i can get up early tomorrow kekke..night night.

1301303_zps8fb37e66.jpgd dc

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^kim, you have about an hour left to sleep.......  :\">

shanda, so happy you'll be around   :)


in celebration for kyo........ posted by okuny @dc  





okuny and shkdc fans are busy now with the preparations....... wish we could be there to help...... that's the only way to see our dear girl   ;;)

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@putrin thanks a lot :)!!hhehehe seems like everybody is waiting for kyo,, hehe she's at #1 in most searched at nate,, yes we can't wait,, waa so good that i don't have to go to school tomorrow


@88okuny88 welcomee!! waa so you are korean... DAEBAK hehe, I am like you too. i do not post often because my english.. altough i have been following this thread since 2009 .but i read all you comments girls! thanks to everybody



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