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Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 [Current SBS Variety Show]'My Little Old Boy'; [completed MBC Drama 2023] "Numbers"; [completed JTBC Drama 2024]"She Is Different Day and Night 낮과 밤이 다른 그녀"


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For the videos, I'm so sorry girls. As I'm so tired, just finished 3 Vids at the meantime. Will post the rest later tonite.
Singing Clip 1 (I'm not so sure, but it should be the OST of The Heirs?!)*As I shot that with my iPhone only, after compression by editing software, the resolution was lowered. 

Singing Clip 2 - Rap;

Singing Clip 3 - "After Love" with fan from HK & the Real
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Guest meomongco

@chelseab, Good to you to met and hugged him. Perfect girls. Happy for you, when you had a perfect night with his fans and him! I just read your message left, it made me touch when i understand your feelings and nothing is perfect more than that. Take a rest chingu!
@AliciaA, Lucky for you when you went to his HK FM. You didn't hug him, but i think you would be happier than many people like me. I couldn't do it.
@PolarisCat, I hope that you're good this morning after you took a rest. You had a perfect time in his HK FM. Congratulations!!! Thankful for your sharing all his HK FM of the details. Take care dear chingu! 
I really enjoyed all the details that you shared. Thanks again!

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Guest vforvintagevera

@PolarisCat, @chelseab, @AliciaA
Thank you ladies for the pictures, videos and wonderful account (and yes, your watermark is absolutely adorable PolarisCat)! Truly, thank you and I'm glad that you all had such a wonderful time. And OMG at chelseab! You lucky lucky lucky lady. You can tell from the videos that CJH had a wonderful time too. The fans were so sweet to celebrate his birthday with him early. But I am sorry to hear how little sleep he got and that he was feeling unwell. While his condition wasn't optimal and he did crack a couple notes here and there, it was still lovely to hear him sing. He prepared a lot of songs for you guys! I'm still waiting for his performance of Rainism lol
I love that clip of him singing "After Love" with the fans. Which one is TheReal? I'm assuming it's the lady on the left who could sing in Korean? She has a pretty voice. He was a lot more "familiar" with her in terms of interacting, so I'm guessing it's her since he must have seen her a lot during fan events for him. But it looked like he had a lot of fun teasing the fan on the right because she didn't know the lyrics. It was super hot when he sang to her. SWOON.
As for Singing Clip 1, you are right, it's "Crying Again" by Moon Myung Jin from the Heirs OST. I'm surprised he sang this song instead of his own, "Don't Look Back" (which I prefer more), but I guess he must have really liked it.
I absolutely love hearing him sing his song from Gu Family Book, but OMG he should sing the second song more often. Anyone know what's the name of that song? His voice suits it so well and that rap part! *__* 
I know he's buff, but in Pride and Prejudice there were times when I couldn't tell how buff he was under all his suits and sweaters, even though for some reason in The Heirs, I could tell how buff he was (maybe the tailoring in Heirs was more tight to his body? idk) but DAMN idk why he said he lost muscle definition or what not, his guns are still packing! Look at those biceps!! They're huge! But it could be that in the Heirs he was even more buff - I do think he's lost weight with the live shooting and his busy schedule in 2014, he probably didn't have as much time to work out and go to the gym to build muscle. But still! 

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Guest meomongco

I just saw the news and BTS video clip about Jin Hyuk in P&P of the last scene with Jin Hee. @booha, Could you mind to translate it for us?? Thanks alot
[연예투데이] 최진혁 '오만과 편견' 종방연서 깜짝 입대 발표

지난 13일 월화드라마 '오만과 편견'이 결국 정의를 찾으며 해피엔딩으로 종영한 가운데, 최근 배우들과 제작진이 종방연에 참석해 아쉬움을 달랬습니다. 

이날 종방연에서 주연 배우인 최진혁은 함께한 배우들과 제작진에게 고마움을 전하면서도 "이번 작품을 하면서 많은 분들이 '군대 가라'는 얘기를 참 많이 해줬는데 조만간 군대를 시원하게 갔다 오겠다"며 깜짝 입대 소식을 전해 눈길을 끌었고요. 

이어 여 주인공인 배우 백진희는 "저는 군대를 안가니까 다음 작품을 열심히 해야 할 것 같고, 행복한 시간 만들어주셔서 감사했다"며 센스있는 종방 소감을 전해 웃음을 자아냈습니다.

Here's the link:"http://imnews.imbc.com/replay/2015/nwtoday/article/3609287_14782.html"
You can see their BTS video clip in the link!
Have a nice weekend dear chingus!

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@chelseab.. I cant blame you that you cant remember your HUG encounter with our man-that experience must be really overwhelming..but chingu.. I was dying to ask and know how he smells.. Does he wear a cologne or were you able to smell his sweat.. Hehe.. Oh dear.. I pray that as you are still going to his other fanmeet-you will have another chance for you to ans these questions and at least squeeze the biceps ok.. Hihi..

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ell4u said: @chelseab.. I cant blame you that you cant remember your HUG encounter with our man-that experience must be really overwhelming..but chingu.. I was dying to ask and know how he smells.. Does he wear a cologne or were you able to smell his sweat.. Hehe.. Oh dear.. I pray that as you are still going to his other fanmeet-you will have another chance for you to ans these questions and at least squeeze the biceps ok.. Hihi..

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Guest Joon J. Lee

The pics from the HK FM are beautiful, indeed! I would like to share them with my DC buddies if it's okay with you, Polaris!

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