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Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 [Current SBS Variety Show]'My Little Old Boy'; [completed MBC Drama 2023] "Numbers"; [Upcoming JTBC 2024 Drama]"She Is Different Day and Night 낮과 밤이 다른 그녀"


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Guest Mishiellie

I made gif sets for hyukhyuk's strong heart again..his sad first love story
tumblr_inline_msisjujoZ01qz4rgp.gif tumblr_inline_msisk606ST1qz4rgp.gif




Choi Jin Hyuk on Strong Heart telling us his tragic first love story

She was 5 yrs older than him. She always said

"You are only 20 but I am already 25 now

all of my friends are getting married now. I need to start thinking about my future

Even though we are good now, but how long will we last lets break up now before we sink deeper”

He would always tell her

"I’ll treat you really good I’ll earn lots of money. I’ll treat you really well when I become more successful"

But eventually he started to think: If  I really do love her, then I should not stand in the way of her happiness.

So after long thought.. he finally told her ” Lets break up, even though I love you very much, but as of now I cannot become the best man for you yet.

To his surprise she begged him not to leave her. Despite of her high pride, She begged him….

But eventually they broke up

He didn’t eat or drink and restrainted himself from calling her

She was the kind of person that would NEVER EVER take the iniatiative to call first even if she was at fault

…but she called him 3 days after their break up

He didn’t pick up her call

and on the 5th day she called again…

He was going crazy but still didn’t pick up the call

and then exactly one week after their break up her call came in again for the third time, even though he had strong feeling that he should pick up the phone.. he still didn't pick up

and then an unknown number called. He picked up and was notified that she had passed away

Her very last call was to him

He could not stop crying in the police station, He didn’t call anyone or do anything. He just cried and cried…

This all happened before filming the drama “Pasta”

He was living in pain everyday

He even thought of killing himself

He blamed himself and lived aimlessly for the next 3 years 

After Pasta he thought of giving up on acting….

"I am Sorry"….

…..”I am a lot better now” 


lastly.. I have a thing with the tongue action lol


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Guest Mishiellie

Im trying to update the directory for page 1.. so everything is organized...
I stopped updating it since like page 15... so I have like abt 70something pages to go through and organize

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Guest Mishiellie

Posted by goodange on Monday, September 2, 2013 · 

This is indeed Choi Jin Hyuk‘s year! He has been scoring endorsement deals since Gu Family Book, and Cremieux is the latest to sign him on as its model.The actor even visited the French fashion brand’s New York office in August.Check out his ads for Cremieux.
 2_zpsbf24e6af.jpg~original1_zps905b286d.jpg~original  Source  |  Newsen
thanks to @jjsweeter0211 in Heirs thread

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@Mishiellie said:
Posted by goodange on Monday, September 2, 2013 · 

This is indeed Choi Jin Hyuk‘s year! He has been scoring endorsement deals since Gu Family Book, and Cremieux is the latest to sign him on as its model.The actor even visited the French fashion brand’s New York office in August.Check out his ads for Cremieux.
   Source  |  Newsen

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Guest Mishiellie

@booha Yes I have been wanting to update the1st page for a while now. Unlike baidu or DC you can categorize you post. on soompi everything is poted as comments and gets lost. Of people wants to see everything they would have to go through every single post.

Its really hard for people to find resources and I thought of doing the directory so at least it is easier to browse through this thread.

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Mishiellie said: @booha Yes I have been wanting to update the1st page for a while now. Unlike baidu or DC you can categorize you post. on soompi everything is poted as comments and gets lost. Of people wants to see everything they would have to go through every single post.

Its really hard for people to find resources and I thought of doing the directory so at least it is easier to browse through this thread.

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Guest Mishiellie

@Yeekrfan2 wahh!!! thank you!! these siggys are lovely!!
may I request some happy ones or lovey dovey ones >_< like my favourite scene abt "your ice cream is here" kekekekeke 

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@Mishiellie and @booha THANKS for all your hard work I really appreciate it :)

 Thank you for all the updates pictures WOW he looks very handsome :)

OMG i feel really bad for his first love :(

@mishiellie same here not really crazy about  Heirs but will watch it for CJH but if i dont see as much as I want too, Im abandoning the ship of Heirs LOL

Have a great day guys :)


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Guest hereiam88

Hi   :-h

Here I am .. just registered in Soompi and my 1st post is dedicated to CJH  :)

Just felt that I have to come in and share my thoughts of this fine actor and his dramas.  I'm not good with IT stuff and icons so I hope you all will understand when the reading gets dry.

I'm so glad that CJH has finally found the fame and attention that he so richly deserves for the simple fact that he has worked really hard over the past several years, coping with such heartbreak. 

I've followed CJH since I saw him in the kdrama My Precious You and even though he was the 2nd lead I could see the potential in him.  After that I watched the entire 130 episodes of My Daughter The Flower and that drama confirmed he could act.  He had fantastic chemistry with Jin Se Yeon and poor guy he had so many heartwrenching scenes throughout the drama  he really cried buckets.  But there were also any beautiful moments and it's a terrific drama with a great storyline and good acting overall .. although as usual with kdramas at some parts it got a bit draggy as if the writer just wanted to fill up the time. 

MDTF is now showing in Singapore on Starhub Cable Channel 820 with English subtitles.  It's 5 straight episodes over the weekend at Eps 11 so if you're from Singapore, you should catch this. Another reason why I'm here is to ask if anyone knows whether there is a Soompi thread for this drama.  I've been searching but this drama seems to have slipped by and it's such a shame cos I think this is CJH best drama where he's the main lead AND finally gets the girl.  Sorry my IT skills not upto starting MDTF drama thread or maintaining the 1st page or posting recaps and whatever .. but I don't mind posting to share reviews if we want to support CJH with more visibility here in Soompi land. 

Psst .. I've been reading the HEIRS thread and fans are really enthusiastically filling up the pages there with you know who and who ..

Oops guess I better stop rambling for now.  And if you don't mind I will be happy to be back to share more on CJH and his talents .. so pleasantly surprised that he can sing so well too  :)

Bye for now  =;

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