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Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 [Current SBS Variety Show]'My Little Old Boy'; [completed MBC Drama 2023] "Numbers"; [completed JTBC Drama 2024]"She Is Different Day and Night 낮과 밤이 다른 그녀"


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Guest mdolphins

Aww I love it when he speaks English, the way he says "know-how" is so cute  ;)) . Also in episode 1 of EC it still cracks me up when he answers the phone and says, "Hi Krystal, what's up."  :))

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Guest abcchin

@booha Hi! :D LOL I literally headdesking when I watch INR. It's so frustrating. Man.. he deserve more good endings. xD But just lookin at him and his "scenes" with the main lead I see myself spazzing like a crazy fangirl. I'm rooting for this guy. *hopeless* Knowing his role in FTLY I don't have high hopes about good ending again. T__T Meanwhile I'm having loads of deprived CJH feels after EC... I've decided to watch GFB now.
Just checked the thread. Thanks! ;) 

Side note; I've actually watched the original FTLY and I actually kinda like it.. the storyline was good... but there's too many unnecessary things that's happening in the drama. Oh well Taiwan dramas tend to be like that.. draggy. Hopefully the K version will be a better one and eliminate some roles that are not needed... meanwhile add more humour into it.

He has a spread on Elle Korea June '14 Issue. 

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Guest mdolphins

abcchin said: @booha Hi! :D LOL I literally headdesking when I watch INR. It's so frustrating. Man.. he deserve more good endings. xD But just lookin at him and his "scenes" with the main lead I see myself spazzing like a crazy fangirl. I'm rooting for this guy. *hopeless* Knowing his role in FTLY I don't have high hopes about good ending again. T__T Meanwhile I'm having loads of deprived CJH feels after EC... I've decided to watch GFB now.
Just checked the thread. Thanks! ;) 

Side note; I've actually watched the original FTLY and I actually kinda like it.. the storyline was good... but there's too many unnecessary things that's happening in the drama. Oh well Taiwan dramas tend to be like that.. draggy. Hopefully the K version will be a better one and eliminate some roles that are not needed... meanwhile add more hunour into it.

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@mdolphins : Me too , looking on His gesture when He said "Hi Krystal, what's up !" makes Me laugh . That is really annoyed JH though . .
ALL : The main lead female on INR should end up with BSH , He is just perfect !! >o< Even if IY don't want to change Her identity , BSH will find a way to make Them end up together without losing anything. And no offense , how can second lead male is more good looking than the main lead male :P
July will be the brightest month for Us , We will both watch Him on Movie and Drama . Aah really can't wait for it , He really don't leave Us empty handed . Many things We enjoy about Him this year before He will go to army :')

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Hi dear, I'm still sinking into his deep husky voice after I've watched the ERCP concert last night!! So I juz can't wait to re-upload my previous work to YT & repost again in here to share. Though most of you have watched previously, I guess there are some new members didn't.

(I think I should make another one with all his recent pics :))

And, here is the image promo for jinhyuk which I created long ago.

If you have watched these previously, you can juz skip this post. :D

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Guest abcchin


brb /frothing
PS: We're all gonna get 2nd lead fever as usual. hahahahaaa 



And no offense , how can second lead male is more good looking than the main lead male


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@abcchin : Aaah I really LOVE CJH serious face like in that photo :D , make Him hotter :D
Yep , indeed . Actually INR is My first experience going through 2nd lead male fever , maybe because I watch it after being CJH fans ? But when I think about it carefully indeed in this drama the main lead male not really show the great thing about Him except He has been dating IY for 10 years and accept IY just the way She is , haha but of course He will because He is no one when He started dating IY . If He already became Director I think He will not even date IY :)) , He even cheated IY after been dating for 10 years right ?
About the second male lead is more good looking I am sure this is not because I watch it after being CJH fans because I also asked My friend as a netral side and She is with Me . She also think that CJH is more good looking than the other guy , He even said CJH is the main lead male when I showed the scene and asked which one the main lead male. Thruthfully the good looking gap between both of them is really far :D , CJH as BSH just really too stunning >o<
*Sorry maybe actually to talk about INR is out of date and topic , but U know I am really upset with the end of this drama . Just think about it makes Me angry , LOL*

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Guest mdolphins

tiaraisnap said: @mdolphins : Me too , looking on His gesture when He said "Hi Krystal, what's up !" makes Me laugh . That is really annoyed JH though . .
ALL : The main lead female on INR should end up with BSH , He is just perfect !! >o< Even if IY don't want to change Her identity , BSH will find a way to make Them end up together without losing anything. And no offense , how can second lead male is more good looking than the main lead male :P . 
July will be the brightest month for Us , We will both watch Him on Movie and Drama . Aah really can't wait for it , He really don't leave Us empty handed . Many things We enjoy about Him this year before He will go to army :')

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@mdolphins : The end is the most bad ending I've ever seen -_-" and what was that with the way IY and SS came back together ? Is that just like that ? I am kinda , WHAT ? Are U joking ?
Indeed Me too , I just will rewatch CJH's part . Hope there is a video with all the CJH's scene so I don't need to see other scene when looking for CJH's scene , the one on My external hdd don't include all His scene . .

YEP , His first appearance stole My heart . And I know , He had that AWESOME physical since long time ago :D
I really like when He brought IY to run to heal Her hurt after reading SS's rumors on magazine (not expected He did that on purpose, I thought They should run over something :P) and how BSH try hard to hide the magazine so IY could not see it was just sweet :")There was many scene that showed CJH cuteness ^^ in this drama even when He felt annoyed by IY , one of My favorite is when He said He is ok after holding His head and act as He had headache (that scene is when They go on dinner) :D
The one that really touched Me was when BSH holds IY hands from behind while IY pour water to BSH glass :* :") , that time BSH was with His bussiness friend . This scene right before They broke up . .For Me that scene has deep and many meaning , without a word and just by holding hands They were like transfering what was felt by each other . I was like "OMG , THAT IS A MAN !!" I even directly sit down from lying down while watching before :))
That's good then if U think like that :D , I am just afraid this topic will be like a spam to who read it :P
Your eyes are really sharp then to can catch this HOT Guy :D , I even just can see the "GREAT" of Him when watch EC *Sorry Choi Jin Hyuk ssi for being late aware how AWESOME U are ;)*

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Hello!!!  Wow, so much news whilst I was away and so many new friends here on this thread.  It's gonna take me a while to read and digest.  Thanks for all the wonderful posts and pics.  Welcome to all the new people on this thread. 

I was busy with work, and also translating the article below, which is on GFB.  I'd done one and posted it on this thread previously many many pages ago, but this one is different from the last one.  He gave the interview while he was filming EC.  Different questions, and some of it I thought was absolutely hilarious (e.g. GWR scaring the living daylights out of the poor grandma at the toilet).  Hence I wanted to translate it and share it with everyone here.  I skipped the first 2 questions in the Jap article and the last question, because it was repeated in the previous interview - why he took on the role in GFB, give a short intro to GWR and a short message to the Japanese to watch the drama. 

My heart really ached when I read about how tired he was during filming and how stressed out he is. =(( Our poor CJH is really exhausted and needs a long break. 

I hope you guys enjoy reading it, because I enjoyed it very much. 

(Oh... If it isn't obvious by now, I absolutely love GWR and could watch him all day.  :x )


Source article here: http://korepo.com/archives/34874

(Interview) GFB: Choi Jin Hyuk Official Interview
Article released: 2014.05.15


Q: What does CJH have in common with GWR?

CJH: Firstly, the fact that we are both quite simple-minded is quite similar (laughs).  Once we are captivated by something, we will devote all our attention to it.  That part of GWR’s character is exactly the same as mine.  As course I don’t do it to the same extent as GWR, but I think that where it comes to love and romance, we view it the same.  

Q: Because you were responsible for the drama’s opening scenes, did you feel any pressure?

CJH: I felt a lot of pressure.  Because episode 1 was entirely about Seohwa and GWR… If we did the introduction well, the drama would become interesting and would continue to flow on naturally.   Because of that I felt like I was carrying an enormous responsibility in taking on the role of GWR, at the beginning I really felt a lot of pressure.  I went to various people with many questions and they all offered me advice; I practiced a lot too.  I remember I practiced many times with the director as well.  In any case, it was a heavy burden on me. 


Q: Any special points you had to note of whilst acting?
CJH: Firstly, because this is a period drama, I had to pay attention to the way he spoke. That is because he uses words that we don’t normally use on a daily basis.  And so, I watched a lot of period dramas during that time.  I searched for the dramas myself, watched it and then tried to copy what they did.  I basically turned on the TV, scrolled through the channels and if there were period dramas showing at the time, I would carry on watching it and tried to copy what they did. 
Q: Tell us about your thoughts when you saw yourself made up as a ‘Gumiho’ for the very first time. 

CJH: The make-up team said that they were surprised I looked so good.  I didn’t think that putting on eyeliner and wearing “smoky make-up” would have suited me at first, but it didn’t turn out as bad as I’d thought (laughs).  I was really worried then.  At the beginning, they needed to stick hair onto my hands; that took about 4 hours and it was really terrible.  I couldn’t go to the toilet as I pleased, and I couldn’t drink a single drop of water.   Towards the end (of filming), they didn’t need to stick hair on me anymore and I was thinking: “Yeah! That’s great news…!” but then they needed to draw the blood vessels on my body (laughs).  That took about 1 hour.  Everything was done by hand.  


Q: How did you prepare for the action scenes?
CJH: I practiced the scenes beforehand at “Action School”.  They hung a wire on me, and we practiced before filming but because there wasn’t enough time to do so, I’d suffered a lot of injuries during the actual shoot itself.

Q: What was the most difficult scene to shoot?

CJH: There was one scene where Seohwa was being taken away by the soldiers. GWR, who was bounded by chains, could not bear with it anymore and exploded in a fit of anger; that scene alone took about 4-5 days to film.  I didn’t sleep at all during that period and we kept on filming.  Physically, I was in terrible shape.  The scene required a lot of stamina, many emotions were mixed into that one scene, and I had to explode afterwards in a fit of anger, so it was really terrible for me.  The metal chains were really painful at first, so they changed it to a plastic one.  But once I moved, it would completely fall apart with a loud “bang” so they had no choice but to replace it with the real metal chains which gave me many bruises.  Once they applied the chains on me, I couldn’t do almost everything; let alone go to the toilet.  When it’s time to eat, you have to go eat right?  At the time, I was bound by the chain to seven men and they had to untie me.  But untying me from those chains took a really long time, so I ended up eating only after everyone else (cast and crew) had already finished.  The temperature was -10 plus degrees at the time and it was extremely cold, and so I ended up eating rice which was completely frozen.  When I needed to go to the toilet, seven people had to accompany me (laughs).  The scene required me to be hung onto wires as well, so it was really the most difficult scene to shoot.   


Q: Were there any interesting episodes that happened during filming?

CJH: The make-up for GWR is a bit scary right? The scene where Seohwa was taken away by the soldiers was filmed at a countryside in Jeolla (in Jeju Island).  There was one night when I really needed to go to the toilet, but there was only 1 public toilet on site.  When I tried to open the door, there was already someone inside so I waited outside for my turn.  Just at that moment, an old lady came out from the women’s toilet and she was scared out of her wits (laughs).  I was wearing coloured lenses at the time, my hair was tied up and standing on end, and I was wearing the traditional Korean costume.   She was so frightened, she almost fainted, so I went closer to ask her “Are you OK?” and that frightened her even more.  Everyone (all the staff) came running over…  After that, the old lady said to me: “Why on earth are you dressed in this manner!?” (laughs).

Q: Was it planned from the beginning that GWR would make a re-appearance?  If no, then what were your thoughts when it was decided that GWR would reappear?

CJH: It wasn’t planned from the beginning, but the audience were all hoping that he would make a re-appearance and the director had thought that it was logical in keeping with the flow of the story.  (When it was confirmed that I would be making a re-appearance) There was some burden.  I’d already completed filming by then, but I had to return to act as GWR who had completely changed.  When GWR re-appeared, there needed to be a great impact and I’d felt like I was entirely responsible for making sure that happened. 

Q: How was acting with Lee Yeon Hee, who acted as Seo Hwa?
CJH: GWR and Seohwa were once very happy together, but sadly they had to separate.  Before I (GWR) died, there was a scene where both of them faced each other, and I thought to myself: “She has also become completely immersed and absorbed into the role.”  Through GFB, many people have said that they have rediscovered Lee Yeon Hee and that they now look at her differently.  We got along well and I was very happy to have acted alongside her.     

Q: When Seohwa died, you cried bitterly, was filming that scene difficult?

CJH: Yes (laughs). I was crying the whole night during filming. It took around 8-9 hours to complete the scene.  For that scene, I had to change my make-up and they had to change the actress as well… To complete one take, I had to cry about 6 times.  And because we kept reshooting the scene again and again, I ended up crying throughout the night.  The next day, my voice was hoarse.  I think I cried too much (laughs).


Q: To film such an emotional scene, how did you prepare yourself for it prior to shooting?
CJH: In order to fully concentrate, I listened to a lot of music.  There was a lot of waiting around on set and I had time to myself.  I did not talk at all and was completely silent (laughs).  

Q: Any lines that left a deep impression on yourself?

CJH: I think that GWR had many great lines such as “She is my woman” and “Don’t touch her!”.  These were all very memorable lines.  GWR was rather serious, but he had a bright and cheerful side to him as well.  (For Seohwa’s sake) He had climbed all over the mountain to collect peaches.  I think that that part of him is extremely charming.     
Q: Please tell us about scenes you want the viewers to look out for in particular.
CJH: The sweet scenes where Seohwa and GWR were intimate with each other and the wedding scenes.  Also, the last part when Seohwa was dying.  Because my song “Best Wishes for You” was playing in the background (laughs).  It played from the start, all the way to the end.  I have to thank the director for that – for letting my song play throughout (laughs).  I didn’t think that the audience would show such great interest towards GWR. There was a recording done for commemorative purposes and the director had inserted a lot of GWR scenes inside.  I was really surprised at that. 

Q: Other than the scenes that you acted in, which other scenes left an impression on you?

CJH: GWR, Kang-chi and Yeo-wool or in other words, myself, Seung-gi and Suzy, there was a scene where the 3 of us had gathered together. Before I died I had to face Seohwa and there was a similar scene where Kangchi had to face Yeo-wool as well.   He had said: “Don’t touch my woman.”  I thought that was a really great scene too.  Of course I was there as well, but that scene… how should I say it… it really touched me deeply.  I thought it was really good.   


Q: From now on, what sort of challenges do you want to have as an actor?  Can you tell us if there are things you want to do outside of acting?

CJH: I haven’t really thought about whether there are things I want to do outside of acting.  I am currently filming for EC and for now, I just want to finish filming the drama uneventfully.  I have thought about trying out different roles in various genres. I am appearing in a romantic comedy, EC, this time round.  Because it is physically demanding, I hope to complete filming for the drama safely.  

Q: It seems that you are quite busy, how do you take care of your own health?

CJH: I’ve been taking tonics, but it hasn’t been too effective.  I’ve been having too little sleep, because my filming schedules have been too packed.  No matter how expensive (the tonics are), it doesn’t seem to have any effect on me (laughs). 

Q: So, what do you want to do if you had time to rest?

First, I want to go travelling.  Recently, when filming for “The Heirs” I learnt how to play golf.  I want to breathe in fresh air and have time to rest and relax around nature.  Recently, I’ve always been pressed for time, so I’ve been rushing to complete things as fast as possible and I’ve been under a lot of stress.  I want to have some time to myself to spend it leisurely.  To wake up late in the mornings, to spend it idly, I want to eat sweets around the house (laughs).  Now I miss doing such things quite a bit. 

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@Polariscat  THANK YOU so much for bringing back your awesome videos and all the wonderful photos and updates, he looks so yummylicious with Choi Yeo Jin in the aptly Perfect Pairing-Haagen Dazs Mango & Raspberry! :x

@celes80 You've spoilt us too much with your wonderful translations especially on GWR, it's such a pleasure to read & discover something new about this character and his experience filming it.  :-bd

@booha @abcchin @tiaraisnap  Yes, CJH was so adorably cute, smart, charming & perfect (in my eyes) @mdolphins in INR ! Me too, I've noticed the same lightweight weaknesses he was saddled with both in INR and Panda & Hedgehog...that man is simply too hot! Till today I still can't get over why the main lead go back to her ex-boyfriend, any women would knows that the BEST option is BSH or ending alone is much better option than going back to him....sigh the only real reason I guess is he's not the lead!  [-(  =((  Major SLS and we will be heading towards another major SLS with Daniel come July but then we've ALL got each other here!  >:D<

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Read all the posts properly just now.  I've been watching various dramas since EC ended... Jap, Korean, HK dramas too, but nothing has captivated me since EC ended.  Sigh.  I'm starting to think that I'm suffering from CJH-withdrawal and that the reason I'm no longer enjoying my dramas is because he's not in it... Was reading everyone's comments just now and I'm thinking now I should watch INR.  I didn't want to watch it earlier because I knew how it would end; and my heart would be completely shattered but it seems like you folks love him in this role so I should probably give it a chance... 
Edit: I just realised that this time last week I was at the EC Meet-and-Greet in Square2... Sigh... It's been 1 week since I last CJH in real life eh...I miss him already.  

Sorry to hear that you didn't like the TW-FTLY and that you'd tortured yourself to watch 18 episodes of it... Guess you should have stopped earlier... I guess people have different tastes eh?  I do understand where you are coming from though - some parts of the plot were totally superfluous and unnecessary.  While I kinda liked the character of Cun Xi, I actually hated the man who played him. I thought his acting was overly exaggerated.  And I didn't like Dylan because his character didn't feel real to me at all.  I think it was just the acting. I mean I liked the overall storyline of FTLY, but I didn't like the characters who played it if you know what I mean?  To me, I still think the story has potential.  But oh well, it doesn't matter what I think. It's getting remade no matter what and I'm really looking forward to seeing CJH in a new role.

@PolarisCat - Thank you so much for re-posting all the videos. Some of them I'm seeing for the first time so many hugs to you. :)

Thank you so much for posting the EC Concert link in the EC thread.  I just finished watching it and I really enjoyed it very much.  I'd found the link in youtube earlier but it got taken down before I could watch it, so thank you thank you so much!!!  I was surprised LPM could sing so well. I'm now a new fan of LPM's singing!

:) Filming must have been very difficult for them, they all broke down in tears in the end when the director thanked them for their hard work. CJH was on the verge of tears, maybe he did actually cry... His gaze when they were all looking at the video when the director spoke, you could see that there was so much emotion welling up that he was trying to suppress...he was trying so hard not to cry in front of the audience... :( I'm so glad all the hard work they put in paid off and that EC was so well-received.

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Dear all HyukHyuk girls. Sorry for not posting for a little while. I have been checking news about the situation in my country intensively.  The army is now taking over the country (coup d'etat, which is good).  All protesters have to go back home tonight.  The curfew starts tonight (22.00 - 5.00).  Back to CJH Fan Meeting, it is most likely cancelled.  The organizer informed that, they still do not know the next confirmed date yet, we will have to register to refund our money from today.  I'm so sad right now. But most importantly, we have peaceful situation in return. I still have very little hope to see CJH though.  
Thank you all HyukHyuk girls for your contribution. I really respect your sharing and dedication to our guy.  Love him :x :x :x 

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Guest sunshine4ever

Ladies, so how come there weren't any pics of Jin Hyuk for the script reading? I don't see anything posted at Fated to Love You thread?

@celes80, thank you so much for the translation of Jin Hyuk's interview for his role in GFB. Oh my gosh...poor thing...I was reading about him being chained in both metal and plastic chains and that seemed a lot complicated then I see onscreen? By the way, maybe this is the reason why you should not skip around when watching. I didn't even know that GWR died at the end of this drama? lol. I guess I was too busy skipping around the first time watching GFB that I didn't care much. I don't like the other people so I just skipped through. Maybe I should rewatch GFB properly. I was laughing when I read that JH actually scared a lady when he was going to the restroom and she saw him outside, haha. The make up must be very good then. :) Anyway, I'm glad he was part of Gu Family Book and that it turned out to be a successful drama for him because he did put a lot of time/effort into it and it finally paid off. I reposted your translation at the Gu Family Book's thread. I hope you don't mind me doing so. If you do future translations for GFB, you can also repost it there for those who are interested in GWR, but not enough to make it into his thread. ^^ I always do this to dramas I like. I guess it's the first though because I'm doing it for the actor I like now, haha.

@PolarisCat, you are so talented. I love your editing. <3 Really enjoy stuffs you made. I personally think that Jin Hyuk although wasn't super popular and/or big like other stars/actors, but he got some very talented people loving him and making a lot of things about him. I was surprised to see that most of the Jin Hyuk fans actually contributed translations/subbings for EC when I first came to EC thread. ^^ I hope that he will at one point see your videos in this thread and be in awe with it! :)

@alex1999, I'm very sorry to hear that about your country's situation. Anyway, I hope he will be able to visit you all before he goes off to the army. :) Until then peace be with all of you over there in Thailand. It's not easy being where things occur. Blessings to you guys and I'll keep you guys in my prayers.

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Guest abcchin

@celes80 LOL You're not alone! :D I finished EC and I'm like... I don't exactly know what to watch because I'm having so much CJH withdrawal symptoms. Find myself rewatching everything that's possible from The Heirs cut till INR. UGH. Since you've not watch INR.. why not give it a try. Enjoy the process not the result? kekeke.. and thanks for the translation! enjoy reading it so much! I actually have a chance to see him last week.. but I'm tied up at work in Malaysia. Can't go over T___T *SOBBBB*
Btw.. I watched GFB today...literally bawl my eyes out. But I only watch GWR's part. 1,2, and 21 +.. Before this I only watch the cuts of the important part hence I kinda missed out alot of things... RAWRRR the whole story between GWR & SH is devastating and his acting really moved me (the part where he died omgggg)
@alex1999 take care!~ i'm suppose to go there next month for my yearly vacation. T__T gotta postponed it. Hope everything is alright overthere!

eye candy... *O*

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@abcchin‌ @booha‌ Here is the e-Men's Health CJH Interview & Pics

《결정적 한 수를 위해 인생을 걸어도 좋다!》


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