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Philip Lee 이필립


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Guest thehibiscus

He would have been perfect as Rui in the Korean adaptation of Hana Yori Dango. Don't you guys thing so too?

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Guest yizhihenanjing

I 've visited this page almost everyday. However, there's nothing new. Miss him very much, Is there anything new ? Something like Dominos Pizza CF3 clip or an interview or photos ? What is he doing and his plan in the future ? I don't know what K-star Entertainment is having in their mind T__T.

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Guest liezle

I 've visited this page almost everyday. However, there's nothing new. Miss him very much, Is there anything new ? Something like Dominos Pizza CF3 clip or an interview or photos ? What is he doing and his plan in the future ? I don't know what K-star Entertainment is having in their mind T__T.

hi! all i know is that he's in Seoul and had barbeque for dinner with his big bro BYJ who arrived from the US yesterday 4 am in the morning [korean time :)

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Guest yizhihenanjing

To Liezle : thank you very much, if you have anything new of him, however trial it is, please tell me immediately. I would be much obliged to you.

Latest news of Philip from DCinside. can anyone help me to translate it into English ?? Thanks a billion

얼굴-학벌에 집안까지...부럽다 '엄친아 스타'</SCTITLE>

<SCTIME>2008-08-03 10:46</SCTIME>

<SCNEWS> 연예계에 '엄친아' '엄친딸' 열기가 뜨겁다.

 서울대 치대 출신인 김정훈이 최근 일본 수학 퀴즈 프로그램에 출연해 우승을 차지한데 이어 이번엔 한양대 공대 출신 꽃미남 스타 강동원이 새 주말극 '내 여자'(MBC)의 PPL 회사인 SSP조선 부사장 아들로 밝혀지면서 '알고보니 엄친아'로 화제를 모으고 있다.

 '엄친아' '엄친딸'은 엄마의 잔소리 기준이 되는 엄마 친구 아들과 엄마 친구 딸을 빗댄 신조어. 최근에는 의미가 확대되면서 학벌, 얼굴, 집안 등 삼박자를 두루 갖춘 젊은이를 가리키는 말로 쓰이기도 한다.

 올 상반기 큰 인기를 모았던 일일극 '미우나고우나'(KBS2)의 신인 스타 김지석 또한 사업가 아버지, 교수 어머니를 둔 '엄친아'의 전형이다. 바쁜 활동중에도 경희대 언론정보대학원 석사과정에 재학하는 모범적인 라이프로 '엄친아 리스트'에서 이름을 빼놓을 수 없다.

 인기 주말극 '행복합니다'(SBS)의 하석진도 한양대 공대 출신으로 네티즌들 사이에서 '엄친아'로 이름이 오르내린다.

 지난해에는 '태왕사신기'(MBC)의 신세대 스타 이지아와 이필립이 대표적인 '엄친딸'과 '엄친아'로 손꼽혔다. 둘다 유학파인 두 사람은 헌칠한 외모에 남부러울 것 없는 사업가 집안의 자제로 관심을 모았고 특히 이필립은 아버지가 미국에서 연 매출 1000억원대의 사업체를 운영하는 것으로 알려져 화제를 모은 바 있다.

 일일극 '애자 언니 민자'(SBS)의 주인공 도이성, '조강지처클럽'(SBS)의 이준혁 등도 집안과 외모 등을 두루 갖춘 숨은 '엄친아'라고 업계에서는 말한다.

 '엄친아' '엄친딸' 계보의 꼭대기에는 차인표 이서진 윤태웅 한재석과 김태희 등이 포진해 있다.

 연예인이 젊은이들의 인기 직업으로 급부상한 탓인 지, 최근 몇년새 유독 연예계에 '엄친아' '엄친딸'이 많아지는 경향이 포착되는 듯하다.

 < 정경희 기자 scblog.chosun.com/gumnuri>

☞ 엄친아란?

  엄마들 잔소리에 똑똑하고 잘난 인물의 전형으로서 자주 등장하는 '엄마 친구 아들'의 줄임말. 최근엔 의미가 확대돼 학벌, 얼굴, 집안 등 삼박자를 두루 갖춘 젊은이를 가리키는 말로 쓰인다. 여성은 '엄친딸'로 불린다.





몇달만에 입갤.

나오라는 필립 차기작 소식은 눈을 씻도 봐도 없꼬.

저렇게 구퉁이에 잊지 않고 나와주긴 하는구나.

너 어디서 머드냐~ 필립아~ 아가~ 광훈아~ 차기작 하긴 할꺼냐~하겠지?......ㅋㅋㅋ

Source: DCinside

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Guest huangsy

Credit : http://www.gwu.edu/%7Egrad05/leefamily.html

Commencement a Family Affair

Four Members of Lee Family Receive Degrees at

GW Commencement on the Ellipse


One family had a lot to cheer for on May 22 at The George Washington University Commencement on the Ellipse. Four members of the Lee family will receive degrees at this year's ceremony. It is believed to be the first time in the University's 184-year history that four members of the same family have graduated together.

Simon Lee, daughter Julie Lee, and son Philip Lee will each earn an M.S. in systems engineering from the GW School of Engineering and Applied Science. Daughter Michelle Lee will receive a B.B.A. from the GW School of Business.

Simon Lee emigrated to the United States from South Korea in 1979 with his wife, Anna, and daughter Julie. Seeking the American Dream, Lee risked his family's limited resources to follow his entrepreneurial spirit and was able to turn his vision of success into reality. In 1986, he founded STG, Inc., a provider of information technology support services to government and industry. Lee has built STG into the largest Asian American-owned systems integrator in the United States, with more than 1,300 employees operating in more than 250 locations around the globe.

In appreciation of a generous gift from the Lee family, GW's School of Engineering and Applied Science renamed its dean's office the "Simon and Anna Lee Dean's Suite" in April 2005. "The Lee family story is one of hard work, personal sacrifice, and intellectual curiosity," said GW President Stephen Joel Trachtenberg at the suite's dedication ceremony. "As we move forward, from strength to strength, both the University and the Lee family, may we always succeed and walk together, shoulder to shoulder."

"Many great people have graduated from this University and made a great impact on the world," Simon Lee said at the dedication. "I hope that I, and my family, can continue that tradition."

Education has always been considered vital in the Lee household. From a very young age Simon Lee impressed upon his children that a bachelor's degree is not enough; they should also obtain a master's degree. "As my father has said, 'No one is ever too old to learn and no one is ever too young to teach,'" remarked Julie Lee at the dedication of the Simon and Anna Lee Dean's Suite.

The Korean Broadcasting System recently recognized Simon Lee with the Overseas Korean Award, the most prestigious honor the Korean government can bestow upon a Korean-born individual. The Overseas Korean Award is given annually to the most prominent overseas Koreans to recognize their life-long contributions to the Korean national image and pride. This year, Lee was one of only five recipients worldwide. Lee also was the recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 2003, and was named the U.S. Small Business Administration's Small Business Person of the Year in 1998.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest dancetothebeat45

woahh that's so cool (: haha

lol all of them graduated together haha

his dad's really cool (: haha miss this dude

phillip! lol wonder what he's doing haha

loved him in TWSG haha hope that he starts

doing other stuff too! haha

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest huangsy

Philip Lee or his father's business in the US would be featured on MBC 2 Oct 2008 at 23:15

Program name is 다큐스토리 성공, 이유를 묻다 (docu-story success, reason asked)

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Guest yizhihenanjing

I've seen some of photos captured from this clip, does anyone here happen to know where I can download the whole clip?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love the long hair in him.

His family is so deserving of the success that they have especially in their business.

Looking forward to his new drama.

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Guest huangsy

Philip Lee or his father's business in the US would be featured on MBC 2 Oct 2008 at 23:15

Program name is 다큐스토리 성공, 이유를 묻다 (docu-story success, reason asked)

At long last, found a link to watch legally


MBC 다큐 (21) [10/02/2008]

MBC 다큐 스토리 - '성공 이유를 묻다' 1. 워싱톤을 감동시킨 한국식 경영 - STG 이수동 회장 2. 과외선생에서 벤처 1위 부자로 - 메가스터디 손주은 대표

His dad is really distinguished, his mom looks like a movie star and when Philip was in Korea, he is just like any other Korean guy, see the scene where he pays respect to his late uncle together with his dad and sister.

His home in the US looks so grand and he looks like any boy-next-door when with his niece.

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