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[drama 2005] Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man. 별난여자, 별난&#45224

Guest jinhee

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Guest n5y17cgirl

Yeah--everybody's back :D , but soompi's having problems--I hope these problems go away.

Thanks for answering my questions everyone. Especially for letting us know what Jongnam was saying to the witch. I know tonight is supposed to be when Nara kicks out Sukhyun--oh I can't feel an ounce of pity for her because she is so mean. There doesn't seem to be anything she won't do. She is the most evil character I've ever seen in Korean Drama--bar none. She gives me the creeps.

I too think the writers took a lot of liberty with that almost abortion scene--what doctor is going to perform such an operation on an unwilling mother--that would be a violation of the Hippocratic Oath which Korea uses too.

I am upset that Jaeok has been so mean to Jongnam--where are the moms who love their children enough to support them. Looks as if the only one around is Minsook.

And if Ki-woong gets transferred, what happens to Haein's job--what a witch. Can some character please trip her down the stairs or take the air out of her tires-- :w00t:

sorry for the triple... quadruple post. :P poor soompi...

Quick summary/recap for Episode 143:

at the hospital, SH confronts his mom and says "you asked me before to choose between you and JN. Fine. I choose JN." trying to keep the peace, JN immediately says to Nara "mother, that's not it (he doesn't mean that)" but SH turns around and drags JN away with him. JN pleads with SH to go back, to get on his knees and apologize to Nara... b/c "we're not in a situation where we have the right to get angry and storm off like that... what were you thinking? by doing this, you're making me out to be the bad person... please listen to me; promise me you'll do this one thing for me." So SH goes home and...

SH: Mom, we need to talk. I was wrong; I'm sorry.

Nara: Why did you come into this house?

SH: I shouldn't have said those things earlier... I'm sorry.

Nara: Are you being sincere?

SH: Yes, if I could, I would take back those things I said.

Nara: If you're sincere, get rid of the baby and end things with [JN].

SH: Mom-

Nara: What, you can't even do that much?

SH: Mom, I want to have this kid and raise him/her well.

Nara: Then your apology means nothing. Fine. Just b/c I was disowned by my own child doesn't mean I can't continue living well. Pack up your things and leave.

SH: Mom-

Nara: You disowned me first! Get out.

SH: Just b/c I choose JN, aren't I still your son? Nothing's changed.

Nara: You want it your way till the end, huh. I'll ask you one last time: get rid of the baby or get out of this house.

SH: Is there no way to change your mind?

Nara: No.

SH: I also can't get rid of this child.

Nara: Get out. Leave right now!

Nara: I don't even want to see your face.

SH: o.k. I'll leave.

As SH is about to leave the house with his packed suitcase...

Nara: Tell JN that b/c of her fine performance earlier, I lost.

SH: What does that mean?

Nara: What - she didn't call you? Please. The two of you must have fun playing with me.

SH: JN never said a word to me that she was meeting up with you.

Nara: Really.

SH: I found out after receiving a call from aunt (MS).

So SH leaves and checks into a hotel, while Nara who's startled to hear that MS was the one who spilled the beans and spoiled her plans, pulls out a piece of paper from her drawer (that schedule/itinerary/table of contents I mentioned in a previous post) and begins planning her revenge against MS by hurting KW...

in other fronts:

JN goes home and cries on JO's shoulder, telling her everything that's happened. After hearing all of it, JO is flabbergasted, to say the least; she knew Nara wanted to get rid of the baby but never dared to imagine that she would actually drag JN to a hospital against her wishes to get the abortion. JO asks JN "see? and yet you still want to marry into that household?" Despite her own ordeal, JN is more concerned about the fact that she is the one causing so much trouble and pain between SH and his mom.

Meanwhile, MS is sick with worry about what may have happened with JN. She finally calls JO to ask if anything happened and is relieved when she hears that SH got there just in time.

Also, in the BD household, Okdoo's husband (ex? not sure if they actually divorced) and son have appeared unannounced. The reason? Okdoo's husband wants Okdoo to raise their child for the time being b/c now that Eun-bin(?) has started school, he needs his mom around more.

And finally, the episode ends with bad news for KW who finds out that due to "poor performance" as of late, he is being reassigned to the Busan office.

I absolutely do not condone what Nara tried to do to JN. And although I don't sympathize w/ Nara, I think I can understand to some extent why she is the way she is - SH is her whole world. I mean look at the kind of husband she has - their relationship as a couple is questionable and she obviously can't trust him. So she's built her whole adult life around raising SH. (Although - and this a total side note - but as a Korean American female I totally have a problem with the way many Korean mothers put their sons on pedestals and treat them as such... totally a cultural thing. but that's a whole other topic :P )

oh, and professor97 - the part about the doctor performing an abortion on an unwilling mother - I don't think they would have gone through with it if JN objected. b/c in the previous episode when SH first finds out from MS that Nara might have taken JN to get rid of their child... SH is frantic with worry since both Nara and JN aren't answering his phone calls, and so he calls the hospital to find out if there was an appointment scheduled that afternoon for "Jang Nara." The nurse or receptionist or whoever it was says no. But then he asks if there was an appt made for JN. When the nurse says yes there was an appointment made for 3:30 that day, SH says "cancel that appointment. that [abortion] can never happen. I'm the patient's husband." The nurse replies "I'm sorry, but only the patient herself can cancel an appointment. you'll have to come down here in person and speak with the doctor if you have any questions/concerns." so yeah, I think Nara made the appt in JN's name, but if JN was standing in front of the doctor and objected to the abortion, I don't think or I would hope that the doctor wouldn't have gone through with the procedure. but then again it is a drama, and Nara seems to have some power & clout & social status, so if the doctor owed Nara a favor or something... who knows...

p.s. thnx Mme de Giry for the music video - I enjoyed watching it! :)

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Guest snam124

thanks for the recap and translations n5y17girl!!

i can't believe KW is getting transferred due to "poor performance". what a joke!!! no one works harder than KW at WB Shopping. I wonder if KW will find a job at BD's company! Isn't BD a top dog over there??? ;)

This does actually happen in real life. See my avatar? :blush:

Ronni- Soompi is finally working again for me and I saw your post! Your son is ADORABLE!! It looks like you got him hooked on korean dramas too -I love the peace sign pose!! :):P:D

:blush: My small tribute to http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZDAp1idUEVo... :blush:

(Note: Please don't be harsh. I'm a newbie at fanvid making. Enough said. :( )

Thanks to ~*kYo*~! :P

Mme. De Giry- I finally saw your video!! Wow! I'm speechless. It was so beautiful and touching. You put together all the great clips of JN and SH together and I got teary watching it!!! Great work!!! :)

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Guest ChiSoju

I finally got to see Mme De Giry's video, and I agree, very well done! It was great reliving all thos scenes all in one.

I don't believe that Nara thought she could have an abortion performed on Jong-nam against her will. I think she just intended to badger and browbeat her into accepting it. That sort of thing seems to be Nara's main talent in life :fury: But it was great to see Suk-hyun call her bluff. The witch is resourceful, though. I'm cringing in anticipation to find what her next ploy after transfering Ki-woong will be.

Can anyone tell me what was going on at the table at the Big House? Da-jeong said something that seemed a little more than her usual sassy remark; everyone seemed concerned and taken aback by it.

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Guest professor97

Wow, this group has amazing talent. Mme de Giry , that's was fantastic and it was set to the perfect music--my gosh I loved it. (Yes, another distraction for me!!) Thank you for the translation n5y17girl. You guys are the best.

I can't feel sorry for Nara--you can't control people's feelings with money--you can't buy love. I think Jae-min is a cheater for sure, but Nara is so cold-hearted I am sure she is partially responsible. He stays because of the money too. I saw the preview for episode of 145 are up. Can anyone translate if they have time?

석현과 재만의 노력에도 불구하고 결국 기웅은 부산으로 발령을 받는다. 종남은 석현에게 집으로 들어가라고 달래고, 재옥은 석현과 만날 약속을 한다.

민숙은 나라가 부당하게 기웅이를 자른 것에 분해 나라에게 따지려고 찾아간다. 재옥은 석현이 묵고 있는 호텔을 찾아오고, 더 이상 어쩔수 없다는 걸 알고 종남이랑 방이라도 얻어서 살라며 두 사람을 허락한다.

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If you don't mind me helping, I can clarify a couple things with translation :) Some are not literal translation of the summary written in Korean for the reason n5y17cgirl stated above (about RO sentences and subject issue).

ep 144)

SH goes to see Nara about KW's appointment to outer district (outside Seoul basically), but Nara won't budge. SH learns that (Nara) is venting/directing her anger regarding JN to KW and feels unsettled.

(this part is the same as above) JN gets upset after hearing from JO that SH was kicked out of the house, while SH is unsettled in his feelings toward the big house and KW because of the situation with Nara.

JM goes to big house to console them after KW's appointment is official.

The big house family members who know nothing about announcement of KW's appointment is dumbfounded…

And here is ep 145 found on KBS viewers comment site... so you don't have to wait till tomorrow.

Despite SH and JM's effort, KW is appointed to BooSan (note: that's a far away city from Seoul if I remember correctly). JN tries to convince SH to go back home, and JO and SH promise to meet. MS is upset at Nara for cutting off (from work) KW unfairly and goes to Nara to complain/inquire/appeal. JO meets SH at the hotel he is staying at. Knowing that there is no other way (or it's inevitable), JO permits their (JN & SH) relationship and tells (SH) to get a place to live with JN. (note: the last sentence is not the direct translation but that's the meaning).


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Mme. De Giry I saw your video and I have one word of it Wow! I love it and it is very beautiful. Iwould recommend I JN and SH fans to see it. Also Great Work :)

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Guest professor97

Thanks gerryr for reminding me it was already translated. I am so disoriented by the soompi problems.

Thank you.

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Guest snam124

Can anyone tell me what was going on at the table at the Big House? Da-jeong said something that seemed a little more than her usual sassy remark; everyone seemed concerned and taken aback by it.

KW and HI tell everyone about OkDoo's "Kim sah jang neem" and how they are pretty close to getting married. The adults keep their mouths shut, but DJ says to herself "So it was Mr. Kim". KW asks, "What was?" DJ tells him, "Uncle's nickname was Mr. Kim." MS covers her face in horror that DJ spilled the beans and MJ yells at DJ to stop saying silly things and get some sleep. DJ tells KW and HI that they haven't heard about the scandal yet and HI confirms DJ's story with her mom on the phone. :rolleyes:

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:blush: My small tribute to http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZDAp1idUEVo... :blush:

(Note: Please don't be harsh. I'm a newbie at fanvid making. Enough said. :( )

Thanks to ~*kYo*~! :P

i LOVE the video :) it's just simply awesome...

oooohhh, i wonder what nara will do next, i just saw the preview on KBS and i thought nara looked like a perve when she sniffed i guess those were Sukhyun's shirts :crazy: ...

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Guest kawaiiyuki
:ph34r: I finally got the posting page. I've been having some trouble. Any i finally got to see Mme de. Giry and loved it. :lol: Anyway i just saw the preview for 145 and thought the shoot where JN stuff's SH's mouth was cute. He looked so shocked when he did that and his mouth opened so wide.... haha. :D:blink: Can anyway tell me if they heard what JN's mom said to Sh at the end. He had a shocked look. :w00t::sweatingbullets:
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from Episode 143

Kiwoong and HaeIn's married bliss...aahhh i wish SK and JN will be as happy and settled as they are :)


Poor Sukhyun, it seems like he's carrying the world on his shoulders (JN vs Nara problem, Kiwoong getting transferred problem, his unsettled feelings about the big house)... i do hope he won't get too sick and die...please KBS give us a happy ending! just say NO to main characters dying!!! :(


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Guest Mme. De Giry

that last scene in ep 142, where JN is on the floor pleading with Nara.. telling her she'd rather die than have her baby killed... and all Nara could say was "when'd you call SH? so you could put on this show for his benefit." and JN turns around and sees SH standing right there... brokenhearted, SH tells her to get up off the floor... then SH tells his mom "you once told me to choose: you or JN. well this is the end. I choose JN." and then he walks away with JN... that scene was so heart-wrenching...

I know. :( You could really feel SH's pain when he said it. I think Nara is just too confident (assuming, egotistical, delusional) for her own good---she really thinks SH will just take whatever she does no matter how bad it already is. Well, I'm proud of SH standing up to her like that. And I thought Nara was smart. But if she really were, she would have pretended to have a change of heart and accept JN and be good to her when SH is around. But if SH's no longer there, then she can do whatever she pleases. Good thing she's too proud to stomach even the thought of JN calling her "mom" (Which JN does, by the way, and I guess this is the only thing that makes me cringe when it comes to JN cos I love her---I mean, it's so obvious Nara hates her, why compound the problem by calling her "mom"? :( ) more so for her to pretend she cares for JN.

"cancel that appointment. that [abortion] can never happen. I'm the patient's husband."

He really said "husband"? Ayiii...that's too cute. :blush:

Thank you so much for the translations, n5y17cgirl! :w00t:

And if Ki-woong gets transferred, what happens to Haein's job--what a witch. Can some character please trip her down the stairs or take the air out of her tires-- :w00t:

What I want to see even more is what YJ (HI's mom) will do! She will have a fit! I mean, if KW really has to go to Busan (and if it's too south of Seoul), then HI will have to go there with him too. That'd mean even lesser time with mommy YJ. Yup. Nara's completely alone now. She should really slow down and not rush into her "ideas". Maybe that's why she doesn't have an active role in her own company; she'll drive it down with her impulsiveness!

Moosho, lilsalsagrl, n5y17cgirl, snam124, ChiSoju, professor97 , Deliay, ~*kYo*~, kawaiiyuki, THANK YOU all so much for being kind towards this schmoo. :blush: That's really encouraging. I was just hoping no one would be harsh, and yet here you are actually saying you like it...sniff, it could really make a girl cry. :) I just love this couple so much. They've really been through a lot. All because of just one person. And I know what you mean, okie, I don't think KBS really knows how much we love this series here in the US. I'd be more than honored if you send it to your friend. :)

Suk Hyun, Jong Nam, aja aja!

And oh, this is something my sister is getting tired of me wondering---but I'll wonder again anyway---why was SH's expression (when JO told him to get a place with JN) like he was thinking, "Huh? I have to find a place? Can't I just bunk in with you?" Was the sequencing in the previews right? Or did JO say something else for him to give her that look? I don't know, it's really trivial, but it's really bothering me. :(

I know, ~*kYo*~, say NO to characters dying in k-dramas!!! Unless of course if the character we're talking about has the Nara syndrome, then go right ahead! She really did look like a perve... I think those were SH's shirts too. Eeew... Nara really has done it. :crazy:

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Totally agree with what Mme. De. Giry said... :lol: I too can't believe that SH called the hospital and said "Her Husband" aaaaaaaaaaawww!! Yes, SH and JN are going to find a place to live together. i think SH wanted to do that a while back... it wouldn't be the first time anyway. :ph34r: As for nara.. she's just a pain... maybe one day she'll learn to change her ways. but we really don't know why she acts like that... and we may never know. :phew: I wish she some charater can get her to fall down the stair. :ph34r:

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Guest professor97

Nara is really dismantling her world--what an idiot. She fires Kiwoong--means Haein will want to go too. She's just making it impossible for anyone to support her. Goodness, what a mess she is. Pumpkin, do the audience comments say how long this drama is going to last?

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Guest n5y17cgirl

Good thing she's too proud to stomach even the thought of JN calling her "mom" (Which JN does, by the way, and I guess this is the only thing that makes me cringe when it comes to JN cos I love her---I mean, it's so obvious Nara hates her, why compound the problem by calling her "mom"? :( ) more so for her to pretend she cares for JN.

He really said "husband"? Ayiii...that's too cute. :blush:

Thank you so much for the translations, n5y17cgirl! :w00t:

yup, he actually said "I'm her husband." :lol: :blush: I think that's the only way his words would have had any weight. and he IS the baby's father...

about JN calling Nara "mom"... yeah, I know it is difficult to watch her say that to someone who barely acknowledges her and doesn't even respect her as a person. but it is a respect thing (a cultural thing), and like it or not, Nara is SH's mom, so JN is going to do whatever it takes to try & win her over. JN once told SH that "even if it's a hate-like (literal translation), I want to get that from your mom." :( Also, I think b/c JN was thrown away/given up by her biological parents, the "respecting and honoring your parents" thing is a big deal for her.

Nara is really dismantling her world--what an idiot. She fires Kiwoong--means Haein will want to go too. She's just making it impossible for anyone to support her. Goodness, what a mess she is. Pumpkin, do the audience comments say how long this drama is going to last?

I agree; Nara's world is crumbling down as we speak. you know what they say about karma.

I believe dramaok told us several pages back that this drama will have a total of 170 episodes, and is slated to end in mid-May...

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Guest professor97

Oh Lord--then we are in so much misery if we have to go 170 episodes. Okay I hope this is not the upcoming scenario: Sukhyun dies leaving Jongnam with his baby. Nara has nothing as Jae-min has left her and is now with Okdoo. Nara the miserable wretch that she is comes on her knees to beg Jongnam to forgive her, but Minsook kicks her our of the house because Jongnam and the child are living with the real grandparents. I sincerely hope I'm right about everything but Sukhyun dying. :rolleyes:

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