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girls that play video games

Guest pdizzle

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Guest Fascination Street

i wish i were a pro gamer.....man thatd be sweet, but im content to sit on my bed and play and imagine that im a really awesome gamer :sweatingbullets:

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Guest kchan21

I am so not a pro-gamer. The only game that I am really obsessed with is Harvest Moon. I think I've only finished five games completely in my lifetime and they were all rpgs.

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Guest x. S o R a

lmao! addicted to tekken now~

whoot! i own! >D

puahahahaha. not pro but still good xD

yay for me <3

i love rpg games (:

spyro, legend of mana, anyone played those two before? o:

and i love scary games too ^-^

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Does the ds count? I'm always playing tetris or mario brothers on it. I loved playing street fighter and house of dead(or something like that) against my brothers.

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Guest Nubcakes

It depends on what type of game it is.... im not interested in blood and gore games. Maybe some adventure games but ii prefer multiplayer games like Brawl =DD

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My sister is soo good at games like CS, TF2 and stuff O.O It's sorta scary, girl can friggin' snipe like crazy. I'm not good at those kinds of games ... I tried CS once ... it was a disaster. I'm better at the other types of games like the console games and MMORPG.

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I tend to play "girly games"

I'm addicted "virtual life" games (started with the Sims)

begged my sister to buy a GC when it came out (so i can play animal crossing) XD (well now she has her very own DS which I do borrow).

I played a few RPGs, but never finished any of them. (my favs are "Tales of Symphonia" (GC), The world ends with you (DS))

I'm not a "serious" gamer... it's something to do to pass time. I don't think I've even touched a PS or Xbox, but am probably going to get a Wii since Nintendo games tend to appeal to me more.

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I love to game~ but I'm totally not pro, lol ><

I usually stick to MMORPGs =/ Like, Maplestory, Trickster, Perfect World... stuff like that <3 I also love playing SSBB :D

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Guest hyperballad

videogames and online gaming make up like.. 60% of my life HAHA

i've been playing cs 1.6 for 5 years, played in CAL

diablo 2

just got into starcraft again in time for SC 2 =]

and tekken woot woot!

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I'm a girl gamer, been once since a very early age, lol.

Total JRPGer. (: FF, Lost Odyssey, Last Remnant... asjghkahg love RPGs!

Started to play WoW. Boyfriend reeled me into it. =X

I play on XBL. Mostly Halo 3 and Gears. :3


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  • 3 weeks later...

ooh i play games...

but coz i only have ps2 and my parents won't let me get another.... so not many games to play...

well i like to play japanese RPG...

the story's just soo addicting...

i spent like 16 hours gaming and 8 hours sleep :D

but not anymore...

really have no time...

but i'll continue playing in DS and PSP (good thing i have a brother that likes gaming :D)

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hmm I'm kinda a game freak for a girl (well that what my bf says LOL)

i'm alright with it i suppose since i kick my bf richard simmons in tekken 5, street fighter and etc LOL

and let see

i played ps2 games like final fantasy,rpg games and etc since i have liek a bunch collection of ps2 games LOL

tried fatal frame II crimson butterfly got so scared LOL so not really fan of horror games

i played korean online game ragnarok most pplz here might know it ^ ^

and some japanese computer games

hmm and just recently got a ds LOL

my bf plays with me as well so it cool and fun

people say i play too much game for a girl but then i dont know ><

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Guest danizz

I like video games and I'm a girl. My brothers play video games all the time and I sometimes play although I'm not that good. Sometimes I think they can be annoying though.

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Guest x3mamegoma

i play tons of games like, cod4 on ps3 megaman9, gta series, final fantasy series, mamegoma, bubble bobble and tons of other games

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest CeeTeeYaoowww

LOLZ... yea o.0

Some reason...mostly only gamer guys.... like girls who play games [video games]

Like..... other guys are like 'LOL good job' and then the gamer ones are liek "OMG SERIOUS!? LETS VERSE... THATs -so- hot... you play video games" kinda thing xD

I only play some games xD.. thats cuz my bro makes me play with him... BUT.... its fun... somtimes. xD nothing wrong with playing games.... its a new skill?

:ph34r: -throws down ninja smoke bomb :ph34r: *poof* -dissappears-

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