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girls that play video games

Guest pdizzle

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Guest freyr

I like playing video games. Ive played since I was about 6 years old. I'm pretty good. I beat like everything in RE 4. Mercinaries, Ada's part and the game on pro and normal. ^o^ I also played and beat the other Resident Evil games. I generally play RPG mostly Final Fantasy. I like certain fighting games and shooter games are awesome! I like horror games too.. I'm too scared to play Silent Hill..xD

I did great w/ FF XII. I got all the marks besides one. (I am leveling up)

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Guest Love Virus

halo is life man

and as far as I know, most of my girl friends are all anticipating starcraft2 due to my hype XD

but they, the ones that play games, lean more towards those cutesy ones like maplestory and ragnarok =T

I prefer WoW and CS stuff :D

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Guest TimmyYayo

i would love for my girlfriend to cast spells on me. i think it's tottaly hot. i'd also like her to be around level 18-20 please. thanks. naw i'm kiddin.

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Guest twist&fall-

video games are my past time. xD i play when i feel like it.

i play any type of game but not, like those fighting type e.g tekken 5. =p

it's sort of boring. you just punch, kick, use combo, etc etc. bleh. x_x

im more into games like RPG, car racing, DDR, shooting games ( third-person shooter? ) ? x]

online games are okay as well especially maplestory XDDDD

and err. gunbound? those characters are cuuuuuuutttee!

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Guest xkisseyx

I think playing video is cool .. mostly because when i grew up I hang out with my brother and 3 of my cousin who 2 is a boy and 1 is a girl and we always plays video games and would borrow each others games ^_^

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Guest Pikazoid

I love video games but I'm a girl. My mom expect me to play like a girl but I don't want to. I don't play a lot of computer games, I just play console system and (Playstation 2, Gamecube, and Wii) and Portable systems (Gameboy Advance SP and Color)

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Guest Fish Cake
I like playing video games. Ive played since I was about 6 years old. I'm pretty good. I beat like everything in RE 4. Mercinaries, Ada's part and the game on pro and normal. ^o^ I also played and beat the other Resident Evil games. I generally play RPG mostly Final Fantasy. I like certain fighting games and shooter games are awesome! I like horror games too.. I'm too scared to play Silent Hill..xD

I did great w/ FF XII. I got all the marks besides one. (I am leveling up)

are you freakin serious i cant even get past two stars in the mercenaries LOL :o cause im afraid to get Leon killed T-T but yeah i beat all the mini games except the mercenaries in Resident Evil 4 ... RE4 is SO SCARY tho but fun :D

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Guest rache114

hmmm...i'm into video games, but so far guys find it weird that i do :blink: lol but it's fun wooping you guy's but on video games B)

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Guest yoroshiku90
halo is life man


SC2 yes please been waiting like 6 years for that richard simmons

i dont really like... games without... a point that much... like animal crossings,

but i do like all the FF series :)

played L2 WoW mmo~ but im stuck with FFXI as my main mmo at the moment :D

In korea id go out at night to PC방 and just play SC with lots of ahjushis >_>;

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Guest shooting_stars

Tekken is love, man. It's the only video game I consider myself obsessed with, although it can get a little tedious after you've unlocked all your characters and figured out their stories. I'm in it for the storyline and gameplay, though. (Sadly, I don't have any friends that are into this game--I don't even think they know it exists.)

As a matter of fact, I don't have any friends that are into video games -_- I want to expand my video game horizons though. Virtua Fighter never kept me interested. I play Major League Baseball sometimes with my brother. I'm thinking about Silent Hill, though. Heard that game is crazy.

Oh yeah, and to answer your question: Hell yeah, I'm a pro. Just kidding.

I'm still a baby player (at Tekken, at least) but I'm growing. I've been playing that game for years, but just recently I realized that I haven't really mastered any character yet. I'm working on that.

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Guest Sassarri

I'm not a pro, but I love playing games. I mostly play MMO though. It kinda gets on my nerves that guys go "Wow! Really? You play video games?" Um...yeah? There are girl gamers out there!

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Guest honeylove

I hella love playing games. Since i got an older brother, i grew up playing tons of games. From ps to ps2 to sega dreamcast to old nintendo to gamecube to gameboys & ds gameboy. I love it all. (: & Computer games too!

I'm pretty good at some games. The games that i used to LOVE was Starcraft [ which i still play once in awhile. ] & Final Fantasy games were <3. I love playing mario games too.

My friends think i'm hella weird fa loving games, lmao. Cus i'm usually the one that actually likes being in EB Games if the guys wanna go & my homegirls are always hella bored. :/

It's funny how they always say that girl gamers are fat & ugly. Wtf ? LOL.


i can't wait til SC2 comes out ;D.

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I remember when everyone played it (: i'm a girl and i was good at the pokemon games! beat all of them up until emerald came out. Then they got boring.

used to play Gameboy all the time when I was little.

nowadays it's just party games like marioparty and mariokart, or SSBM. I've played all the marioparty games and Mariokart for every console, and I'm ok at it.

i stink like no tomorrow at DDR and KH though.


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Guest ★ rain-a-sky ★

I love video games! They're so fun and addictive and you can kill time XP

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Guest strawberrie!

I like playing SOME games... not all

and i m only pro at a few games though x.x

but haha i'm just not that addicted to gaming though

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Guest monchichi
already posted here. posting again.

haven't played so much.. seriously, theres no game to satisfy me these days.. *sighs* i think i'm gonna go hook up my n64 or sega genesis, lol i'm hella bored.

i just recently got in touch with one of my cz friends from like.. 2-3 years ago, and we was chatting on myspace and then he goes:

ooooooo yeah i do remember that myspace convo! it was such a big deal that a girl played cs, and was actually decent at it. i duno every guy on cs that sees a girl playing get all excited.... sad reall

lol so true.

Waah! N64 was the best console EVER!!! (IMO)

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