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Underrated/Overrated Dramas

Guest trulime

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2. MNIKSS- I don't understand how it's believable or realistic. The dialogues are realistic and the ending was realistic, but a hot, rich and successful 20 something year old guy falling in love w/ an overweight, 30 something year old woman? I have yet to see that happen in real life.

I don't understand how that's not believable or realistic. UNLESS, all rich and successful 20 something year old guys are shallow. I don't see for such a guy to fall in love with a beautiful, young woman all that realistic either. For many cases, those relationships don't even last. If one is TRULY in love, it's the personality that really matters; age, weight, and outer appearance aren't of much importance.

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My Lovely Sam Soon : WAY OVERRATED. I seriously don't even remember what it's about now anymore, that's how awesomely bad I thought it was. I just never saw the chemistry between the two.

Goong: What is the hype with this drama??? Yeah sure the two main characters were cute together but I felt that their LOVE story was wayyyy to slow to develop and i just thought the series was WAYYY to draggy.


Sang Doo, Let's Go to School! : This drama got me hooked to Kdramas!! Still one of my favorites to this day! Everyone needs to see them awesome series. Way BETTER than Full House in my opinion.

Damo : I cannot tell you how surprised I was in how much I loved this drama. I'm a hopeless romantic, so EVERY series I watch must have a love story otherwise I quit, most times I don't even start the series. But many people recommended this series so I decided to give it a shot and boy can i tell you it was awesome!! It's very action packed (Which I HATE) but I loved Damo. It hits you in the right spots and hooks you.

Lovers in Prague : In my opinion this series was a lot better than it's famous sister "Lovers in Paris". I know a lot of people hesitate to watch it because the actors aren't as attractive. But let me tell you their chemistry and acting is so good that they become attractive. The main girl in this series is the female character I've been waiting to see for ten years now. She's so brave, why can't they all be like her?

Spring Waltz : A lot of people didn't like it. I thought it was a really well done drama, especially the amazing soundtrack. I think this drama had the best "couple" scenes out of every drama I've seen.

What's Up Fox? : Just finished this series and I loved it. I really think this is the most underrated series I've ever seen. It's such a cute drama with a lot of emotions. There's only been two series that have made me cry for a character (Like seriously cry that I felt i couldn't breathe) this one and the Jdorama "Kimi Wa Petto". Even though the two characters make a odd couple they pull it off really well. MANY people have said "My Lovely Sam Soon" is the most funny drama out there, I'll just say "What's Up Fox?" beats it by miles for me.

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Guest missy_jiee


My Name is Kim Sam-soon

A Love to Kill

Full House

Stairway to Heaven

Winter Sonata



The Snow Queen

Fashion 70

I'm Sorry I Love You

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Guest xtehdeb


goong- way to draggy and boring..


fantasy couple- funny drama<3

snow queen

delightful girl

spring waltz

which star are you from

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Guest dbsgforever101


Jumong - I don't understand what the hype is about this. I mean, yeah, the plot is okay, but sometimes the story just seems to drag. It should have ended a LONG time ago.

Lovers in Paris - I didn't really like the whole uncle-nephew thing, and the memory loss at the end was just .. bleh. The ending was really confusing too. I would have liked it more if the ending was clearer.

Full House - There was good chemistry between Bi and SHK but it got annoying how they fought ALL the time. At one point, there was just no progress in the actual plot.


What Happened in Bali - :) I'm such a big Jo In Song fan. But, the acting was really good although the story dragged a little bit. I know, the ratings were high, but I think WHIB should get a LOT more credit.

Fantasy Couple - Really funny. It didn't drag at all, and it was really refreshing compared to all the dramatic romances out there.

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I agree that Full House was really overrated.

I didn't even watch it, since I didn't think it would live up to its hype. >_<

And My Girl is not overrated! :D

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stairways to heaven

full house.

not that i didn't like them, i enjoyed it and i loved both couples, CJY and KSW and SHG and Bi to the fullest but.. full house isn't as good as i wanted to (i personally thought bi's acting was awkward.. that's just my opinion) and stairways.. ok. the beginning of this drama was wonderful until it became a present day cinderella and everything started to become so predictable.


ok. my friends and my brother love this drama heads over heels. personally, 25 episodes? that's too long of a drama. they could have cut some scenes out and it would have been better. I liked the manga version better.

winter sonata.

ok. i'll say it straight out. i totally don't understand why it was such a huge hit in japan. it was super long and dragged forever in the middle when they were basically switching partners back and forth. it wasn't a horrible drama, but it should have been kept to the original 16 episodes and not extended.

i don't think my girl and autumn story is overrated. i loved the two. XP and chun hyang isn't that underrated.. it's pretty popular and got a fair rating.


spring waltz

i believe it wasn't popular because the cast had so many new faces and people were probably getting tired of the four season series by then especially since summer scent was not that popular.

snow flower

i hated the drama at first and seriously watched it for the sake of go ara and kim kibum, but it's getting pretty good now. ^^ a lot of people don't know about this drama and i think it deserves a little more credit than that.

I'm sorry I love you

good drama. im soo jung and so ji sup were amazing in this drama. (especially SJS). the levels of love that this drama goes through.. it's amazing. the storyline is good, the ending was a little weird to me.. but other than that, the actors and actresses did an amazing job.

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I like someone's definition of being overrated- a drama that did not live up to its hype. I don't think FH is overrated because w/ a typical plot like the one it had (argue, make-up, argue... cycle continues) the chemistry between the two main characters definitely lived up to the hype.

2. MNIKSS- I don't understand how it's believable or realistic. The dialogues are realistic and the ending was realistic, but a hot, rich and successful 20 something year old guy falling in love w/ an overweight, 30 something year old woman? I have yet to see that happen in real life.

First of all, even if I'm offending FH fans , Bi fans and SHK fans, FH is one of the tedious dramas that I have to shutdown my mind to even think about how annoying the plot is to watch it. I watched it thro 11, skipped like crazy till the end without missing much. The plot is just plain lousy, Bi is not really stretching much 'acting' as a big star and being cute the only acting required maybe for him to be full of himself and annoying. SHK did a good job too being cute and still stay not too bitchy. BUT seriously sucky plot. I got nth out of it other than a few laughs, SHK's cute wardrobe, her bear dances, Bi's bear dance....BICKERING nonstop and fighting just for the heck of fighting and draggin out another couple episodes....and maybe it's an elaborate DIY video of how to clean an amazing house in cutest outfits, I dunno....and the supporting roles...just mindboggling annoying....and end with a frozen 'touch lip' (I cant call that a kiss)...

As for MNIKSS, as u said dialogues ar realistic, ending is realistic, what's not to understand how it's believable/realistic then? just coz u cant accept other forms of luv other than what u have seen in your life...it may be more of your prob of not being able to connect the dots and making sense out of it than the flaw of the drama. I seriously dun understand how a drama can not be believable and realistic IF the dialogues are realistics and the ending is realistic. I thought all along what makes a drama being able to connect and move and touch ppl ar thro it's truthful dialogues and a realistic ending is an impt key too. so baby, it's time to go out, meet more ppl , widen your horizon and see how real things happen and how real ppl fall in luv.

and just FYI, samsoon's character in mnikss is hitting 30, she's 29 at the beginning of the drama. I bet all gals will be quite bugged if we start calling a 29 yo or a 30 yo 30 sth...so it's always great to do a thorough research as to what is overrated, what u r talking about...make sure it's accurate and it's making logical sense.

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i think what's up fox is underrated. just finished the series and i definitely loved it. full of emotions, really. ive been recommending it to my friends :) the cast was just perfect for the series!

..and i agree, i dont think my girl is overrated :P

..full house?? hmmm.. maybe a li'l overrated, i guess.

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i see a lot of ppl here practically thinks that FH is so overrated but if you think about it, this drama made korea famous for its dramas. of course korean wave was florishing at that time but i think this drama made Bi and SHG into the asian superstars they are now. i am a bi fan but i am not saying this just because i am a fan. i just think this is true. ask ppl here in soompi which is the very first kdrama they've seen that got them hooked to kdramas, and i bet most will say it's FH.

now my overrated list.

1. winter sonata-too dragy and too much tragedy all in one drama.

2. stairway to heaven-same reason as the above

3. goong- so may ppl liked it. i like he beginning but at the middle of the drama, it became very boring and draggy too.

4. goong s- i think this is a soon to be overrated drama.

5. jumong-i don't know what's up with this drama and i couldn't care less what it's all about.

my underrated list

1. fantasy couple- funny and fast paced. it made me want to try eating jjajjangmyun. haha. i love the couple they're not your over the top cute and bubbly couple. they had great chemisty and the story which eventhough has the ultra cliched theme of amnsia is made unique in this drama.

2. Oh Pil Seung Bong Soon Young- well written story. not so cliched. and for the very first time, i wished the main guy get paired up with the second lead girl in the end.

3. Snow queen- this is the reson why i didn't like Jumong. this drama is comepting with jumong that's why the ratings are low. although at first, i kept compaing this drama with a love to kill. it has proven that it can outshine Ijuksa. and it certainly did. and eventhough it wasn't a huge hit on TV. it unbelievable recieved great response online.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: what a special thread! I read all the responses and find it so funny! Everyone truly respect, yet still collides against others, and this is really interesting, so I decided to join xD

Hmm at first I'm still confused about overrated and underrated stuff, then looking @ the 1st & 2nd pages of this thread help clarifying things a little bit. Guess I'll go with Fleur's definition.

Finally, in my HUMBLE & PERSONAL opinions, here is my list:


- Winter Sonata. My mom got crazy over it. Just dunno why? I watched it all, but felt so boring. BYJ is okay, the evil girl is okay too, but the rest is NOT. Too much dragging. Too much tears. Maybe b/c it's the drama that started the wave of Hallyu (is it correct typing?), the 1st one that most people get hooked on?

- Stairways to Heaven. Gosh, sorry to all StH (& CJW) fans but I can't swallow this series, I seriously can't! CJW's character and her acting was intolerable *she was better in WS* I just can't find anything interesting/heart-touching in this drama. The childhood period is good, but once they're grown up, it's a disaster. I guess I can't watch dramas featuring CJW anymore :sweatingbullets:

- Lovers in Paris ... actually not that bad, but again, like CJW, I can't watch KJE. I tried a lot, but giving up then, she's so fake to me. And what's with the ending ?_? Thank god PSY is there or else I'd stop watching right after the 1st ep.

- Dae Jang Geum, sorry to all fans, but it's too long for me and I don't like period series that much. I guess I'm weird since thousands of thousands ppl in Asian countries like it so much =.=

- Uhm ... even though I like it, I have to say Goong is a lit bit overrated. However it's based on a manhwa and more specially, a fictional monarchy background, so it's kinda ... fresh huh?


- Fashion 70s: Lee Yo Won has always been my fav actress, and this is another wonderful drama of hers. I do think the ratings should be higher. Among the 4, I'm very impressive with Kim Min Jung's acting. The theme of F70s is also beautiful, every aspect and detail was carefully filmed. Love it so much!

- Resurrection. Very good job UTW. After DGCH, he has changed and improved a lot.

- Snow Queen ~ My most recent obsession. Perhaps it's not that super, but good enough to have more attention.

- will add more when I remember :D

And I don't think MNIKSS is overrated. It deserved such praise, everything was good (except for the OST, err, and Daniel's acting :D ), especially Kim Sun A. She's superb in that drama, I really love her! I enjoyed this series a lot, even though it's not one of my most all time fav dramas. The plot is new, down-to-earth (even though imo the possibility that such a thing would happen is only 1%), no doubt why it gained such popularity.

The same goes for FH. In 2004 this series brought a new breeze, when sad, teary dramas were reigning the screen. It even revived the song "Three Bears", and lots of things. It's a happy-ending one as well, and people so much loved it. I like FH althou I don't think Bi was good. And it contributed a lot to the Hallyu spread & Bi's fame over Asia.

One more thing, I won't explain and/or defend my ideas, or oppose to any opposite ideas ^^ b/c everyone has his/her own taste and I respect it.

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i see a lot of ppl here practically thinks that FH is so overrated but if you think about it, this drama made korea famous for its dramas. of course korean wave was florishing at that time but i think this drama made Bi and SHG into the asian superstars they are now. i am a bi fan but i am not saying this just because i am a fan. i just think this is true. ask ppl here in soompi which is the very first kdrama they've seen that got them hooked to kdramas, and i bet most will say it's FH.

Ah, very well said. I guess it's the backlash of something that was so popular, so huge, and so exploding. FH might not be the drama that introduced me to K-Drama industry, but it was the first one to start a chain, to actually got me going. I watched Friends, some Hotelier, some Autumn, way back in the day, and it was never addicting to me. I would just shut the thing off and be done with it. But with FH, it was watch over and over and over again. Even until now, I would still pop up my DVD and watched some of my favorite episode. The plot and storyline isn't the most brilliant thing in the world, to that I conceed, but the acting of both SHK and Bi is very nice. I find SHK to be one of those actresses that do not try to be cute (compared to other actresses in cute dramas today that just have to BE cute but comes out annoying). And Bi, I had not been aware of a human being named Bi/Rain up till this drama. And while he sometimes exaggerated his cute and adorable way, it was still enough for the drama.

Heh, that's just my opinion, tho, and everyone is entitled of their own opinion, so don't mind me.

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Guest huyen2501

overrated: full house and goong. these were repetitive and/or draggy. FH kiss was disappointing too.

underrated: bad familiy and hello my teacher...i wouldn't have known these existed if my friend hadn't recommended them.

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I guess most of you have listed out my Overrated series lists..


Bad Family- It's a damn good show! THe plot is nice.. and Nam Sang Mi deserves something for her outstanding role in Bad Family..

18 vs 29, it's damn funny.

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For me, I think I define underrated and overrated with the overall quality of the drama, the script, the plotline, the PD and the performances of the actors and actresses, I dun think it should have anything to do with its popularity or its significance in any movement may it be Hallyu or getting ppl hooking onto kdrama.

I think for audiences, we have to accept by now that a lot of drama may not be our taste, but if sth is of a great quality, and just that u dun like a character or a plot twist it wont warrant it to be overrated. just because a drama has a happy ending has nth to do with whether it's good or not. it's more a personal preference.

FH is still very lacking in the script and many of the performances of the supporting cast. repetitive bickering, fighting for the sake of makin up THEN for the sake of fighting again do nth for the story or the character development though I like the bear dances.

In the same token, though I luv the first 12 eps of What's up Fox, has it brilliant moments, it's an overrated drama for me coz I think GHJ's acting ability is very overrated. As the lead of that drama, it is a big concern. Also though I luv the work of the scriptwriter Ms Kim, 13 to 16 is draggy, not much new development and boring, and I expected way way more fr her.

Fantasy Couple is a very delightful drama, it may lack depth or substance but it's a joyride. I think it's a little bit underrated, esp for the acting ability for HYS.

I have left out dramas that I think ar just plain bore or bad to even recogn considering rating it...

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