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Lee Min Woo Thread


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Guest Charlie_&_M

Hey girls !!!

I saw in the Xman thread that Minwoo and Andy will be in the Xman Special China !!!!!!!

Chinese fans are so lucky !! I will clean a lil my harddrive for the future HD episodes !!

It's really funny, I don't know for you but I only watch Xman cause of Minwoo and only Minwoo LOL !!

Well I do exception for Bada cause I love her too but that's all ^^ !

I can't wait for the special episode in China, I hope the news is real orelse I will be really dissappointed, I want to see more of Minwoo in tv like during the time of NN5 when I could had my daily dose of Minwoo :w00t: !!

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Ahhhh Minwoo's no longer skinny..... T_T... since the last time i saw him.. which was in May this year.... he has build up even more mucsle mass.~~!! He's become more bulkier... but i dont think we'll see any chubbiness for a long time... he's like a machine.. that just keeps pumping and pumping...

Do believe me... I wanted to say that and much more... I wanted to tell him good job on the movie~~!! That i'm waiting for his 3rd album and so much more... but when he's finally in front of me... I froze >_<

Btw, How many fans here are going to the Singapore concert?????


"hes ilke a machine"

that line made me laugh and smile =DD

yeah minwoo's so ripped. damn!

so sexy

but i do miss the chubbier him :tears: he wus so adorable <33

he still is , dont get me wrnog. just not the same cheeks!

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Guest vietgirl604


can't remember where i got this gif but its so cute.

You think I can use that gif? There's no credit for it..? I wnt to use it cause it's too darn cute LOL.

Ahh, Minwoo's so hot. I'm like participating in the other MinWoo thread LOL..Sigh. He's so cool that he's got two threads hehe. =)


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Guest serawong


does any1 has the song 흐린 기억 숙의 그대 Herin Kiok Sukeui KeDae

by 현진영 Hyun Jin Young

its actually 1 of Minwoo's favourite song...

he sang it many times and during his 1st solo concert too.... really like this song.... but i could not find it anywhere to download it...

i know its a old song... 1992... the singer's 2nd album call New Dance 2... but... no site seems to have the song to load....


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Guest s3xyminwoo

^ minwoo looks so hot in tht pic

thnx for sharing

minwoo will not be in the x-man special =(

sad ... yes

but think of the good side:

if he goes to china, then he will be more tired

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Guest vietgirl604

Oh cool, thanks for the picture. Damn, that girl is lucky hehes.

^ minwoo looks so hot in tht pic

thnx for sharing

minwoo will not be in the x-man special =(

sad ... yes

but think of the good side:

if he goes to china, then he will be more tired

Aww...I guess so. If it's for his health or anything, then it's all good. At least Andy is on..


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Guest hush156

minwoo will not be in the x-man special =(

sad ... yes

but think of the good side:

if he goes to china, then he will be more tired

Actually... he really is sick... T_T

I just saw a video of him yday attending one of the screenings of his movie.

The director said Minwoo wasnt feeling well and hope that he gets well soon

And Minwoo's voice was slightly hoarse... Guess he caught a bug...

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Guest vietgirl604

Actually... he really is sick... T_T

I just saw a video of him yday attending one of the screenings of his movie.

The director said Minwoo wasnt feeling well and hope that he gets well soon

And Minwoo's voice was slightly hoarse... Guess he caught a bug...

:o Oh no! I hope Minwoo gets better. I feel sad and sick now, knowing that he's sick. Sniff sniff. Maybe that's why he's not going to be on xman? Sigh..poor Minwoo. He shouldn't overwork himself and get sick. MINWOO FIGHTING!


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Guest serawong

minwoo's sick...??!! poor thing....

no wonder i tot he looked really tired during the Seoul drama music award performance.... tot his energy was somehow missing somewhere... hope he will get well soon....

looking at how the china fans were going after andy.. i was kinda glad that minwoo did not go china for Xman this time... eheheh =P

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Guest mintoro

Really :crazy: !!!! I didn't watch the korean version yet but if there's no Minwoo, I won't spend my time to download the mv then :fury: !!

That's such incomplete to just show 4 members and cut the 2 others like this ! completly stupid ! I will only watch the japanese version then !

Me too I want to see his baby face again :( !! I miss the days when he had his chubby face always smiling !

Sometimes I like to watch his old pics and thinking how adorably cute he was with his baby face ^^ !

Now it's how adorably sexy and hot he is :sweatingbullets: !!

hmmm i dled both version

korean one from MTV and minwoo and hyesung is in there

and i dun think they would cut them off... then what's the purpose for showing them in japanese but not in kor one?

MinWoo is sick?! awww poor guy... but i watch the performances from drama award he seems hot still!!!!

arghh... i've been off this thread so long and i miss minwoo so muchhhh... but still i catch up iwth his news and everything... i can't wait to watch his movie... dunno how's it doing in korea... hope it gets good sale

and i just watch the CF for SG concert

im so so so so sad that i can't go

i hate my school now!!!

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Guest Charlie_&_M

hmmm i dled both version

korean one from MTV and minwoo and hyesung is in there

and i dun think they would cut them off... then what's the purpose for showing them in japanese but not in kor one?

Yeah as a Shinhwa fan I downloaded the MTV's one too (can't help myself LOL) and yes Minwoo and Hyesung was still there too ^^ !

Actually... he really is sick... T_T

I just saw a video of him yday attending one of the screenings of his movie.

The director said Minwoo wasnt feeling well and hope that he gets well soon

And Minwoo's voice was slightly hoarse... Guess he caught a bug...

Ahh my baby Minwoo is sick :tears: , I hope he will get better as soon as possible and he still continues with his schedule, such a professional ! but really he should rest a lil!

PS : I finally own a page in Minwoo thread :tears: , I didn't own a page since a long time :lol: !

Just kidding, nothing to do LOL !

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Guest serawong

i dun understand why my signature always turn out to be soo tiny...

i tried with other sizes but they always say its too big...

but but... i seen many others bigger than mine...

gosh... i'm just bad with all these image thingy...hahahha

Ling dear... can you advise? i wonder what did i do wrong or what i did not do??

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Guest hush156

minwoo's sick...??!! poor thing....

no wonder i tot he looked really tired during the Seoul drama music award performance.... tot his energy was somehow missing somewhere... hope he will get well soon....

looking at how the china fans were going after andy.. i was kinda glad that minwoo did not go china for Xman this time... eheheh =P

That's right.. at the Seoul Drama Awards you could tell he had trouble singing and he was continuosly gasping for breath. T_T .. my poor baby...

And as for china... He should just stop going there..... I have heard one too many tale-telling by china fans... So freaking pissed off... They should just lay-off my baby... :angry:

dun understand why my signature always turn out to be soo tiny...

i tried with other sizes but they always say its too big...

but but... i seen many others bigger than mine...

gosh... i'm just bad with all these image thingy...hahahha

Ling dear... can you advise? i wonder what did i do wrong or what i did not do??

Hmm... Firstly I think imageshack resized your image for one...

And if you think my banner is big... thats cos that's 2 banners joined together to seem like one big banner (trying to be creative ;) ...

You're allowed 2 banners of the sized 400x175 each under 40kb size. The filesize is plainly too small to have any great quality banners... All my favourite banners look sh*tty after i resized them under 40kb >_<...

Try splitting your banner into 2 picture files.. you should be able to make them bigger..

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Guest jerrybabie26

HI... i'm a new fan to minwoo... recently discovered him... really appreciate his singing... loved both his albums :D

could anyone tell me where i can dl nonstop 5... been trying to look for it... can never manage to find it :D


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Guest loving_D

looking at how the china fans were going after andy.. i was kinda glad that minwoo did not go china for Xman this time... eheheh =P

well if you're saying that because you're concerned that he's sick, then okay fair enough. but if you're just saying that for his privacy or whatever, then what do you mean "how the china fans were going after andy"? its true they booked rooms in the same hotel and gave him a nice warm welcome to china and all kinds of other nice things. i don't think that's bad? plus, the fans in china also provided food and fruit for not only andy but the whole xman crew. i think andy was proud and happy, not annoyed by the fans "going after" him. i wish minwoo had gone because andy seemed so lonely (in the pics). but its good that hes getting some rest. that boy is working too hard.

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And if you think my banner is big... thats cos that's 2 banners joined together to seem like one big banner (trying to be creative ...

You're allowed 2 banners of the sized 400x175 each under 40kb size. The filesize is plainly too small to have any great quality banners... All my favourite banners look sh*tty after i resized them under 40kb >_<...

haha that is really creative! i didn't notice until you mentioned it - i couldn't even tell it was two separate images

HI... i'm a new fan to minwoo... recently discovered him... really appreciate his singing... loved both his albums

could anyone tell me where i can dl nonstop 5... been trying to look for it... can never manage to find it


do you need subbed versions of nonstop 5? if you can understand korean and can use clubbox, you can find the raw episodes in a lot of the common clubboxes. if you want subbed version and can use clubbox, go here:


if you can't use clubbox, you can also find some subbed episodes that members kindly uploaded at the nonstop 5 thread, here:


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Guest damn.u

Hey all Minwoo's lovers ^^

Charlie is back but it seems that this thread moves really slowly !

Where are all Minwoo's fans ??? I just checked the Most Adored guy thread and Minwoo lost ???? to some guy that just began this year ?? ok we are definitly invaded :lol: !!!

Soompi is not biased anymore !!!! Soompi is TOTALLY biased now :lol: !!!!!

But that's ok, I knew since the beginning that this Donghae guy will win so no suprise :rolleyes: !!

Well enough of those young "star", I just watch Shinhwa new mv "Throw my fist" and ..... I can't believe that Minwoo and Hyesung only appeared for like 5 seconds in the mv !!!!!!! My Minwoo, I mean Our Minwoo only appeared for a few second at the end of the mv !!!!! I was waiting for him to appear in the middle of the mv but NOT in the END of the mv !!!!!!!!!!!!

But if I calm down my Minwooholism, I totally like the new mv !!!! I like how Eric and Dongwan are so much in their character, they acted really well in the vid. And of course Throw my fist is one of my favorite song so I won't complain anymore LOL !!!

I will come back later cause I must dowload all the vids that I missed so see you soon girls ^^ !

Excatly! That was so wrong! I waited through the whole MV hoping he'd pop up in the middle, but I waited and waited, and BAM! he appears.. than dissappear like that!

I was soooo upset! I just started screaming! And the korean one doesn't even have him and hyesung in the end! OMGOSH, so wrong. They did him and hyesung so wrong! :tears:

Besides them doing Minwoo wrong in the MV, the last time he was in Xman was really disappointing too. He looked like he was bored most of the time... and he ended up with a guy! COME ON! I totally hated Chaeyon than. It's like they want to focus on him, but he's not doing anything... cause theres NOTHING to do! I was hoping he'd be in the Xman special, but after hearing that he's sick, I hope he gets LOTS of rest. And stay healthy.

Haven't post here in awhile, so just thought I'd post to catch up on some stuff.

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Guest serawong

well if you're saying that because you're concerned that he's sick, then okay fair enough. but if you're just saying that for his privacy or whatever, then what do you mean "how the china fans were going after andy"? its true they booked rooms in the same hotel and gave him a nice warm welcome to china and all kinds of other nice things. i don't think that's bad? plus, the fans in china also provided food and fruit for not only andy but the whole xman crew. i think andy was proud and happy, not annoyed by the fans "going after" him. i wish minwoo had gone because andy seemed so lonely (in the pics). but its good that hes getting some rest. that boy is working too hard.

hmmmm... not sure where you got the news of how "nice" were the china fans.... actually i think there are just some freaking fans around (every country would have some of those) that tries to be kind and nice but probably go overboard without their own knowing...

from my own recent experience with the china fans at the bangkok concert that stayed with shinhwa and followed them... i can't really say they are nice... or rather... too nice to the extend of over doing and over board already.... reading from some china news, some other china fans were also upset what those gals did....

as well, from the friends that were in china for the Xman filming too... the information passed down by them to me.... the china fans... were again.... wayyyyyy toooooo nice....

no doubt i would love to see minwoo more on screen for programs or performance... but seeing him soo tired and not feelin well.... i feel the heart pain with ling too... just hope he rest well....

And if you think my banner is big... thats cos that's 2 banners joined together to seem like one big banner (trying to be creative ;) ...

You're allowed 2 banners of the sized 400x175 each under 40kb size. The filesize is plainly too small to have any great quality banners... All my favourite banners look sh*tty after i resized them under 40kb >_<...

Try splitting your banner into 2 picture files.. you should be able to make them bigger..

Thanks ling!! i will just try that... soompi.. troublesome ar! heehehehe

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