Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

  • Days Won


Posts posted by briseis

  1. I can totally see NN trying to flirt with YJ so YS can make his getaway. Maybe NN can use her charms to distract YJ (if this guy can even take his mind off his work for a moment) so YS can investigate his dad. That would be awesome and we can see YS be jealous again. Hahaha. Sorry, the long wait for the next episode make my mind go into active overdrive to imagine all kind of possible scenarios.

    Actually, I like your idea very much. I can totally picture it in my mind w00t.gif . That would be awesome if the scriptwriter had thought of it and used it in the future episodes :wub: Plus I would like to see Nana to get a glimpse of Yoon Sung's scarred back. :wub: I got this idea when I saw Yoon Sung treating his injury in episode 8 and thought it would be good opportunity for Nana to realize what he went through in his life tears.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sublimes Fansubs subs this drama. Here is the link to their website:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And here is a link to a torrent website where you can download the torrent of the subbed video (just download the torrent by clicking on the green arrow):

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  3. I've been watching Korean dramas for 5 years, now, and it's getting really difficult to be suprised or shocked by what I see in them, however, I am suprised or shocked during every single episode of this freakingly awesome drama I have no idea how they do it but they are thorougly brilliant at it, and you know what I don't give a damn! I want encore every single time since I must be a glutton for heart attack w00t.gif . Out of every second of each episode is made the most, still I'm in awe how they manage to squeeze in last 3 minutes so much action and drama that it makes me gasping and hoping for Wednesday to come tomorrow(and that happens in every episode) excl.gif:o:wub: .

    By the way have you noticed that the sequence of the last scene during the ending video is slightly changed. There is shown another camera angle and new shot at Nana's face. I really like it :wub: Worth checking it out ;)

  4. Ahhhh such a cliff hanger at the end of ep 8!!

    What really makes me wonder...how the heck does the prosecutor and NN not recognize YS! A mask like his didn't do much. Same hair, same eyes, same body...really -___- but it's a drama so i guess... But the City Hunter's identity is probably going to be revealed to Nana next ep. If not then idk what to say lol

    I hope there will be a happy ending .__. lol the Dad totally saw YS helping Nana...not good. :/

    I think it is really easy for the viewers to say that it's a obvious YS is the City Hunter when they've seen it all on their TV screens. However, for Nana or the prosecutor it's not that clear because they really haven't seen him putting the mask on his face ;) plus Yoon Sung plays his role of wimpy playboy with no care in the world damn well so from the facts they know about him there's propably no way for them to know it's him.

    Frankly speaking the disguises in series and movies world over are not exactly, how to say it, unidentifiable :rolleyes: .Look at Superman (only glasses away and no one will recognize you as a flying alien), those transformations in anime series( put on a shorter skirt and no one will recognize you even though your hair is still pink, and Iljimae wasn't exactly the perfect disguise either. I guess that putting a simple black hood with two holes for the eyes doesn't make it so cool.

    All things considered I would put City Hunter's mask to the more effective disguises in fiction.

    Still I think with so much close face to face contact with YS :wub: Nana will start to put together all those clues about City Hunter's identity very soon.

  5. Actually, I may be in the minority here but I like the way Nana's character is written so far. It looks to me many people've expected her to be a copy of Kim Tae Hee's character in Iris who was a long time secret agent killing people left and right most of her life while protecting South Korea from the agents of the North. However, Nana is no professional assassin, she is an average girl with black judo belt living her hard but altogether normal life. She has no such backround nor does she have a standard bodyguard training because she was immediately assigned to protect the president's daughter. She is professional as much as her short experience allows: she successfully defended her protegé's life while jeopardizing her own which is exactly what all the bodyguards are employed to do, she keeps the rules that restricts the use of violence for other's than her protégé even repressing her personal emotions while YS was being beaten, she even tried to disarm the Target 2 while he held loaded gun against her temple, she shot City Hunter while chasing him excl.gif , you can see she is doing extremely well for her limited experince even from the praises she gets from her instructor, so she is no damsel in distress in that aspect.

    As far as the matter about the shirt without asking for trousers :huh: , I really raised an eyebrow while reading that comment, and I'd not known that I could raise a single eyebrow until then, I mean the shirt had a mid-thigh length :rolleyes: !!! She had been wearing even shorter shorts before in public :phew: so why should she be uncomfortable with mid-thigh shirt and propably the most decent underwear that exists in the world( trust me if it were so indecent we wouldn't be watching it in the first place considering the standards of Korean censors ;) ), for Christ sake. She is 27 years old and while her first kiss might have been with YS only few weeks ago it doesn't mean she wants it to remain the only one ;) . I just really hope that the screenwriter won't listen too much to these comments and will keep things such as they are now. The are far too many female protagonists in Korean dramas that are drawn as a paragon of the highest purity, personally I've loved You're beautiful to the bones but Mi Nyu was simply the last straw :angry:. Nana and Yoon Sung have such an amazing, mind-blowing chemistry between them that I sometimes feel the air cracking :wub::wub::wub: . I think that one reason is that they consider each other equal and don't feel the need to build pretenses between them just for the sake of social expectations.

  6. FINGERPRINTS ON THE GUN OMG. If he gets found out through this I'm going to be really angry D: But if they don't even bother checking for fingerprints then it's going to be unbelievable....

    I think it may be possible that he used the same trick as his surrogate father during the scene with the glass of juice.

  7. You may download the two new songs here:


    Episode 4 was a solid episode, the editing was sometimes too random though. I especially liked the second half and the suspensive ending that has kept me together with the preview really excited for next episode. Can't wait!!! Especially the part where LYS is putting the patch on Nana's face is :wub::wub: :wub:

  8. What a great episode!!! I have to say that I don't speak Korean and I'm only able to passivelly undestand some parts due to 4 years of watching Korean dramas. If I am curious about certain drama I am simply too impatient to wait for subs so it is really important for me to be able to undestand the plot from the execution of the whole episodes. If I can do that and I'm not inclined to press the foward button at all that means I found an addiction and City Hunter together with Greatest Love seem to be such an addiction. :wub:

    However, there is one thing I don't get at all. When LYS shot the assemblyman with the dart how did he manage to get the unconcious man and himself out of the boat unnnoticed in the short time before the police arrived??? I have to admit I am at a loss. :huh:

  9. I'm dying here :crazy: i want to know the relationship between NaNa and the cook !!!!

    Apparently, many people would like to know more about it. However, I think that it propably wouldn't be wise to reveal all the secrets at the very beginning otherwise there wouldn't be much to tell during the remaining episodes. I really like the cliffhanger at the end of tonight's episode. The mystery keeps getting bigger!!!

  10. I think an early first kiss is a set-up for something that throws their relationship of-course.  No doubt his intention to kill the president and her responsibility to protect the president will tear them apart.  They'll probably be lovers by episode 4 and enemies by the end of episode 5!

    Actually, I am really suprised that the majority of people watching this drama are convinced that LYS will kill those 5 men.Sure, it seemed so in the first episode, nevertheless, based on episode 2 and previews of upcoming episodes, it looks like he wants them destroy completely as in "death is to quick and painless" compared to the crime they committed. When you think about it all of them are public figures and the public opinion is vital for them so they can keep their positions. However, if they are compromised thoroughly and all of their dirty secrets are out, they will be ruined forever in the eyes of public and unable to return to the life they were accustomed to. And that, I think, is a far worse punishement for them than death. (If you remember, in the long preview there is shown a scene where the first target is found in a box with a note, well the title is City Hunter not City Assassin, you know :-))

    If it will turn out like this, then the problem regarding Nana protecting the president won't be such an obstacle in her future relationship with LSY because even though it's her dream, I don't think she will let go of the fact that the president used such despicable means, ordering a mass slaughter of men that trusted him fully and fulfilled their duty to their country, even though he felt guilty, but feeling guilty doesn't make the crime go away and bring those dead men back to their families.

  11. I still don't get it why did the cooker has nana's photo ? :wacko::blink:

    Please tell me if u know ????

    and which one would be the best sub : viki or darksmurf ?

    Thank u

    I guess the answer to this question will be revealed in the upcoming episodes since I remember seeing a picture of the cook and LMH during an airport shoot in Korea so I think he will be coming soon.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'M DYING.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't seem to find this one song that plays in this drama. :( It plays here... http://www.jokeroo.com/user-content/videos/other/2010/12/262369-mmm14-3-kimchidrama.html at around 12:34!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE. Help me. I die each time I hear this song cause it's totally me but whenever I google the lyrics, I can't find it. ;A; 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks peeps. Sorry if this question has been asked already. 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    The song is called "Flowers” by FreeTEMPO.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    hi...where can i get torrent for episode 16?...please i cant get it...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Go back to page 153, post 3053 by semifly, and you will find torrents to several versions of episode 16. Happy watching 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