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chakita babe

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Posts posted by chakita babe

  1. ....aaaahhh..the intense and complicated love story WHIB..Kang In-wook was such a deep-intense-passionate-caring-and-complex character for SJS and this drama really showcased his ability to create a second-lead role into one of his finest and unforgettable experiences of his career. I remember reading somewhere that this role of KIW reflected his personality the most which is really very interesting. When I first came upon WHIB this was my introduction to JIS and HJW. I thought JIS did a great job in producing this charismatic-cocky-spoilt-and-arrogant character. HJW on the other hand....OMG...I absolutely hated her character and because she impacted me at that time so much...to this day, I still choose not to watch any of her dramas... (apologies to all HJW fans)...no disrespect intended, its just my paranoid thinking and I guess her amazing ability and acting skills to cause me such reaction ...oops! I felt KIW pain and heartache in this drama. It was so unbelievably frustrating and confusing to see KIW go through all this sadness and for what...??..Even though it really became a one-sided love, the relief and greatfulness shown on his face when Lee Soo-jung showed up at his door to leave with him, I was truly thankful to her for making KIW really really smile.. Though the ending became somewhat of a "are you serious" moment...I kinda forgave the writers because seriously LSJ did not truly love KIW (in my mind anyway)...so it wouldn't have worked out...but anyway..that is my own take on this drama...woot woot... I remember KIW especially because of his mood and complexity in WHIB. SJS again did an amazing portrayal of a man who came through many obstacles and who only wanted someone to love, the simple things in life and so much happiness ...Bravo SJS absolutely! ! Thank you KIW for allowing us to appreciate and remember you this week....I wanted to put the OST 'Cant it be" by Cho Eun here but Im having problems with technology ... (hint hint my dear @olang).... Happy Weekend Everyone...lets continue to participate and share in next weeks character....thank you @sara62 for your patience and understanding.....Lets all peeps collaborate together with joy and happiness as we wait for SJS ' A GOOD DAY '. .... SJS FIGHTING!!....EVERYONE FIGHTING!!.... ;););)

  2. Thank you so much @aalhl for sharing with us Gong Yoo's amazing Unicef trip to Cambodia. It humbles me to see so much sadness in the lives of the young children so far away and you can see how deeply touched and moved our GY is when in Cambodia..... Gong Yoo is such a warn and caring individual with so much humility and sincerety , is passionate and so mindful of others especially the young children. I am in awe of this guys amazing commitment and hard work that he does for those less fortunate, Bravo absolutely! Makes me want to hughughug him so much....brings tears to my eyes... I know that there is a lot of work needed out there to help so many and so thanks to people like Gong Yoo who have the tools to bring these stories again to awaken the hearts of others, like me, we should appreciate and respect the message and also do our bit to help...absolutely! .. Looking forward to your new project. You are amazing, thank you GY for being who you are...GY FIGHTING! ! @EVERYONE FIGHTING! ! >:D< >:D< >:D<

  3. ...Ahhhh, ladies, I know its the last day dedicated to the gorgeous Kim Woo Hyun, thank you so much again, for the awesome commitment to the task and for sharing all things Kim Woo Hyun (Park Gi-Young)...I remember when I first watched this and then all of a sudden, OMG! I am seeing KWH (aka SJS) being blown up right in front of my eyes! I was soooooo angry! and thought, how dare they? I am going to turn this off right now!...I thought, how could they just kill him off in the first episode already.....I refused to watch!!......BUT then, not knowing,....DUH! ...it was all part of the script!...DUH!!! (I mean I should have read the synopsis properly, like in more detail, instead of getting distracted by seeing that the gorgeous SJS was starring in the leading role....)...I mean, hello!!!....
    So, I endured this amazing drama (and even brought the DVD...LOL!)...and looked at the skies for forgiveness ( because I kinda said words that I shouldnt have and out loud too...ooops!!)...Kim Woo-Hyun, you amazing and gorgeous man! OMG!! 
    This role of KWH must have been really challenging for SJS, because, as we all know, being involved in social media is not one of his strong points or favourite past times, and then seeing him in a role where technology/cyber space or whatever, has been hacked...wouldn't that just reinforce his (our) feelings about the internet/social media? It affected me, big time!...I was so amazed how easy hacking - causing viruses - finding out where you are all from an IPS address or whatever....I mean, how scary is that!....Unbelievable!!!.....The internet is so POWERFUL!....Really very scary!!..(Please peeps, be aware and be safe when using social media...)
    Anyway, back to KWH, the investigation was done so well and in modern times which made this drama so real. KWH was committed to the task, it was such an amazing thriller that there were times when Jo Hyun-Min was so scary...I mean, I agree with SJS (from one of his interviews) where he said that Uhm Ki-Joon (aka JYM) looked like a baddie...I mean, seriously, he was so perfect at being this conniving and evil person..I mean, really truly..absolutely!..
    Thank you SJS for enabling viewers and fans to see another side of you. Kim Woo-Hyun was such a straight-laced-white-collar-charismatic individual and Park Gi-Young was the carefree-soft-cheerful-energetic-and-kind-spirited soul. Such a nice combination with the dedication and passion to follow through right to the end....AND here is my contribution to our week of KWH....the OST "Burn Out"....which kinda spoke volumes of how this amazing drama was going to pan out...a thriller with a twist....thank you and enjoy!


    :)>- :)>- :)>-

    PS: Thoughts and Prayers are with those in the Philippines who have been affected and are facing more tragedy and sadness at this time. Please stay strong, safe and together.....
  4. @Abbu....LOL...I do apologise but thank you for thinking I had attended the debut of our GHJ there in Seoul from my little speel..sigh! Maybe in my dreams but not yet in reality...!! I am not sure where you would purchase tickets, sorry. I am jealous that you will be visiting Seoul in a few weeks, lucky you...!! Please enjoy your stay there and have fun seeing our GHJ in action..woot woot....If all goes well I hope to be in Seoul mid year next year...so until then, thanks to Soompi and all the gongvelayan fans, my thirst for all things GHJ is taken care of....YAY!!.... Look forward to your personal insight and review of Educating Rita on your return....good on you....thank you...@EVERYONE FIGHTING! ! ! =D> =D>

  5. Hello there fellow 'gongvelayans'....I just wanted to say how proud I am of our GHJ for her debut yesterday...She is such an amazing actress, she has depth, she has passion, she has charm, she has soul...that is why our GHJ will succeed in whatever she chooses to do.....absolutely!!...
    They say that the first one is always the hardest, and Im so glad that GHJ was able to pull it off splendidly (there was no doubt at all mind you)...and now she can breathe a sigh of relief and just continue on with more confidence and strength in herself. It would be so nice if at least one of us here could witness such a great performance there in Seoul...it may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for a fan absolutely...We have just started December and its running right through until Feb 2015...how amazing is that. Wonder what project GHJ will choose next....a jack of all trades, she has put her works in the spanner, GHJ is a legend!
    I guess with the tears of elation at the end, it just proves to all fans how hard and how intense GHJ commits herself to her role/s. Congratulations GHJ! Your art and creativity on stage will be received well by those lucky to attend...Good luck and Best wishes always...
    Thank you @everyone, for continuing to keep this thread alive and just a reminder of our 500 page goal at the end of the year...and I see we are on pages 489/490...so not long to go until we reach that 500th page, good work ladies, youre the best!..You all do fantastic work, thank you and appreciated much..This thread is such a joy to read and laugh, bravo absolutely!!  GROUP HUG!! 
    =D> =D> =D>         >:D< >:D< >:D<

  6. WOW....thats a pretty cool way of keeping the coffee warm @aalhl...very innovative, absolutely!...Sigh, it is always so great to hear GY's voice, heck, even seeing him on screen, so Im happily looking forward to his next project/s....woot woot!...Okay, Ive  just finished watching "BIG"....I know, I know, so 'behind' with all you gals, but Im not really a fan of LMJ (aka Da Ran), hence only just watching it now (sincere apologies to all LMJ fans)...and even on Big, she did not impress..but any hoo, GY was absolutely divine and sooooo gorgeous! Loved his witty attempts to speak english (and didnt he do so well!!)...."Big" was nice and a great girlie drama to watch, thank you Gong Yoo, you are amazing!!!
    Thank you @EVERYONE for your input and postings of gorgeous GY....Cant wait for his new drama and movie.....Happy Weekend everyone!!! Gong Yoo FIGHTING!!
    :)>- :)>- :)>-

  7. ....OMG! Thank you so much @sara62...JJW, will always be remembered as the debonair charismatic gorgeous CEO with the multi colored suits...Did you notice too that whatever colored suit this gorgeous boss-man was wearing, his mood and behaviour paralleled his chosen color. For instance his green suit displayed a sombre man, grim and stoney-faced remembering the past with sadness, yet struggling with the fact that to live a good life, he must put on this superficial exterior and try to cope without breaking.... 
    And then we have the white colored suit....OMG! How divine and so professional right there. JJW displayed a man on a mission, very business-like and very proficient, not letting anything (or anyone) get in the way of his Kingdom, hence focusing on getting rid of the bad and looking towards the future....the Master of his craft....

    I cannot choose a favourite colored suit, because OMG OMO OMO...JJW (aka SJS), looked absolutely divine and so amazingly gorgeous in ALL his suits, it would be unfair to only select one, because that would be lying...Though, of course the bright colored ones kinda stood out more (just saying!)....the amazing red and of course the darkish-blue....but OMG, Im not going to choose....
    Yep, JJW will also be remembered for his colorful and extravagant taste in beautiful suits, AND his matching cravats (neck scarves)...OMG, thank you so much @sara62.....lovelovelove a man in a suit...especially when they look as good as JJW!!! (SJS).....woot woot!
    :x :x

  8. ...Aaahhhh...thank you so much JJW...this week is dedicated to you and thank you so much @everyone for contributing to the task..What can I say, TMS was (and still is) one of the best dramas out for 2013, Our SJS played a conceited, egotistical, self-centred, lonely and ever-so-gorgeous CEO for the shopping mall, Kingdom. As JJW, SJS portrayed his role with such poise, character, definition-to-detail, charm, tenacity, wit and humor in a way, only he himself could do, sigh!....
    There were lots of memorable moments in TMS, and lots of unforgettable periods where the viewer would be glued to the screen, emotionally drained and momentarily bewildered...Of course, the OST again, defined such a strong influence into the story, and every time I listen to the soundtrack, I remember the ghosts, and remember the moments that made all households worldwide, stop....!!...JJW was such a remarkable character, that females around the world forgot their daily lives choosing to remain in K-dramaland, only wanting to watch this gorgeous man on screen.....absolutely!... JJW in all his suits of many colors, with his definitive and impressive "Kkeygeo", with his underlying-and-not-wanting-to-reveal caring nature, with his OMG fabulous and gorgeous looks....captured many hearts around the world, absolutely. JJW could have been a hard character to portray because of his grandiose and narcissistic traits, but SJS with his determination, experience, confidence, humility and passion, was able to deliver this role without any difficulty, and be forever remembered as the gorgeous CEO with the distinctive hand gesture "kkyeogeo"...
    To the new fans who have found this thread because of JJW and TMS, we welcome you wholeheartedly and hope you will stick around to learn more, appreciate more, and embrace this man, the Top Celebrity Star, our So Jisub, perfect in every way...sigh!
    So heres my contribution to our fabulous JJW, the OST White Flower and Feather Kiss....Enjoy

    Thank you @EVERYONE, Thank you JJW.....SJS FIGHTING!!
    :)>- :)>-
  9. @sara62...thank you so much for LJW. I have to admit that the OST for Road No.1 is SO powerful, it really truly touches your heart and whole being, absolutely! SJS absolutely put his heart and soul into this role. Trying to survive in a place he did not want to be in after saving all his money for the one he loved but he was then put in a situation which he could not ignore even though he tried to and returned to the battle fields. Because LJW earned himself respect and adulation he had to serve his country well and lead his comrades safely home. LJW was in two minds because he struggled with his conscious at times. When LJW became depressed and not wanting to live, the portrayal of a broken man absolutely pulled my heartstrings it was hard not to feel the emotion, hurt and pain...it was done so well my tears cried a river for a very long time and my respect and admiration for SJS increased tenfold. LJW only ever wanted in life was to be with the one he loved most. There were moments of bliss and joy when they were together but these were always short lived as they became embroiled in the war.... Yes, it has been such an empowering week where we have paid tribute and remembered the struggles of the Korean War through the eyes of Lee Jang-woo. SJS, you are so amazing, thank you once again for allowing many viewers to see the deep-intense-passionate-courageous-committed-sincere and humble man give his all to the adoring fans...sigh!.. Looking forward to next weeks character...SJS FIGHTING! ! @Everyone Fighting! Waiting for 'A Good Day'.. . :x

  10. @Vanella...I think what @sara62 meant was that this random person wanted to take pics with SJS (and because we all know how private SJS is), he kindly declined the offer and instead was interested in taking a picture of his beautiful pet dog. So now we have this dog who is famous because he has a photo on Soompi as well as probably all social media...all because this wonderful man, SJS took the shot...sigh...!! Lucky dog.... @Olang....OMO OMO OMO!!!...really? Thanks again @everyone for beautiful Lee Jang-woo...SJS FIGJTING! :-bd :-bd

  11. ....Ahhhhh.....thank you so much for Lee Jang-Woo this week...such a powerful drama that depicted and portrayed a story of a man with passion and soul who because of his unconditional love for a woman, Kim Su-yeon, chose to go to war to save enough money to help support her through her studies. This story is told through the eyes of Lee Jang-Woo, a young man who quickly grew up and became a great leader, a hero, and a respected comrade and friend to many...
    As I think of Road No.1, I feel emotional and my heart is heavy when I remember Lee Jang-Woo go through hardship, pain, loss, sorrow and heartache...This drama certainly challenged our SJS, because the role of Lee Jang-Woo was physically, mentally and emotionally demanding that required intense, deep and lots of soul searching. I believe that our SJS absolutely nailed this role as Lee Jang-Woo, and presented to the world, such an empowering character. SJS acting abilities in this role was absolutely the best, so dramatic, so real, so powerful. We must completely and undeniably credit SJS and those involved in this drama, because they needed to capture the reality of the war between the North & South, and absolutely, they succeeded, which brought tears to many viewers, like me....This story is also about respect, friendship, love, sacrifice and acceptance...WOW, such an amazing drama..SJS was amazing in this role and Im sure he is so proud to be part of it, so unforgettable. It is a shame that it was not well received by viewers because this drama absolutely is one of the best... 
    The OST of course for Road No.1 is so powerful, a mixture of pain, sorrow, love and passion. Here is one which is significant everytime the troops are heading out to the battle fields...

    And heres another where our SJS is taking part in the OST. A great story of friendship, comradeship, bravery, deep love and patriotism. Again, we can hear the intensity of his voice in this song, so emotional, so real, so sincere, so sad...

    @Everyone FIGHTING!...Lets celebrate and remember Lee Jang-woo with a happy heart this week, no tears (sorry, I cant help it! )....
    Looking forward to "A Good Day', SJS FIGHTING!
    :| :| :(:)>-
  12. Being the last day of dedication to Dr Lee Choi In and Oh Gang-ho, I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the pictures and stories posted about this amazing drama Cain & Abel...Choosing songs for particular dramas I guess must be difficult because you would need a particular melody and tune, as well as the feels and lyrics of the song, that must absolutely connect with the actual storyline as well as the characters. These songs chosen I guess cannot be overpowering to the scene but be subtle and yet perceive a vibe and emotion that will stay in viewers minds for a long time.....
    The OST for Cain & Abel provided us with so many sweet tunes and sweet emotions that enabled viewers like me, to feel the sadness, feel the love and/or just feel the "feels"....sigh...I have always embraced the OST of all K-Dramas because they really really do help the dramas and they become embedded in our minds every time we listen to them. This allows us to remember and recall the actual scenes of a particular drama...so Bravo to all those involved in choosing the OST, choosing the singers and amazing vocalists and allowing viewers the privilege of hearing them...
    Here are my last music videos which bring back certain scenes of Cain & Abel where I remember each character Dr Lee Choi In and Oh Gang-ho individually....Enjoy and thank you again @everyone...
    This song takes me back to when Kim Seo-Yeon dedicated this song to Dr Lee Choi In in acceptance his love for her....sigh!

    This song takes me back to when Oh Gang-ho was running through the streets escaping the North Korean police and coming across posters of himself...bobom..!!

    I guess each song will have different meanings to viewers who have watched Cain & Abel, and because the music depicts so much of the whole drama it is a good feeling that we can relate different scenes that stand out in our own minds to the songs.....(I think I better go and watch Cain & Abel again....YAY!!)...
    So thank you again Lee Choi In and Oh Gang-ho for appearing on our screens, minds and hearts, you will always be remembered and treasured...Thanks @everyone for the great week of dedication and sweet moments...looking forward to next weeks theme...woot woot!
    ....Until we see our precious SJS on screen again in "A Good Day"...lets continue to share and embrace his past roles and characters, absolutely...Thank you @Olang and @sara62 for the continous updates of "A Good Day"...your hard work and efforts are absolutely appreciated...hugs!!...Lets continue to enjoy, be happy and embrace....SJS FIGHTING!!
    =D> =D>
  13. ....ahhhh, Cain & Abel...my favourite of all time... woot woot....So happy that we are continuing to dedicate this week to Dr Choi In and Oh Gang-ho...sigh, such beautiful characters....two in one....thank you @sara62 for the beautiful pics...so memorable, so endearing, so gorgeous....
    Okay, heres another OST music clip of Cain & Abel that I hope you will enjoy (also with the husky and deep voice of our SJS)...

    Being able to reminisce and devote this week especially to Dr Choi In and Oh Gang-ho in such a special way, really encourages and enforces to us individually as to why SJS is such an amazing and hard working guy, who absolutely gives back to his adoring fans...and why we as adoring fans, continue to appreciate, embrace and cherish SJS, absolutely...
    While we wait to hear more and (see more) of SJS upcoming "A Good Day", we must consider ourselves so fortunate and so privileged that SJS loves his fans so much....sigh!!...Soon, we will be celebrating christmas, and then OMG, 2015....So, to get us by for the rest of the year, lets all continue to dedicate this thread to all things SJS, the happy happy joy joy good times...that will always remain treasured in our hearts...SJS FIGHTING!
    Peace to one and all, enjoy, be happy and continue to make a difference in each others lives, just like our SJS, who is absolutely impacting our lives wholeheartedly....@Everyone FIGHTING!!
    =D> =D>
  14. OMG....thank you so much @Olang for the much awaited and seriously fantastic and amazing and OMG....beautiful news....!!! And @jly31...I cant wait either, and absolutely this is a fantastic start to the week...!!!
    Just want to share my excitement here....I cannot stop grinning like a fangirl, smiling like an idiot....Thank you thank you....Even seeing the updated pic of SJS and his bestie from long ago, such a surprise and a beautiful family photo...OMG! excitement overload...
    SJS, you are so full of surprises, gifting your adoring fans with so much love and happiness this year, for giving back to your fans...OMO OMO OMO...I just cannot hide the appreciation, the love and adoration, the emotion, the elation, the happiness...WOW....hugs for you absolutely!!! The excitement is so real, and so amazing...(cam I scream right now....ARGH!!).....
    Okay seriously now, ahem ahem...@Olang thank you so much for the updates, SJS, please take care of your health, though we appreciate all that you do for us, we want you to be healthy, happy and well....SJS FIGHTING!!!
    \m/ \m/ X_X X_X $-) $-) =D> =D> :x :x

  15. OMG....Thank you so much @Olang for your translated version of beautiful "So Love" ( and @CrysalTii)....WOW, absolutely divine! (Okay peeps, forget what I said in my last post!)....This translated English version is like OMG!...so touching, so deep, so romantic and so...LOVE!...Seems like again, SJS wrote from deep within and composed this beautiful love song from the heart (just like 18years)....makes me wonder though, could this song be directed to someone special in his heart already....because OMG!!!....it is just soooo beautiful and if interpreted, can be perceived as directed to the one he loves so dear....hmmm....
    Oh, thats right, SJS loves his many adoring fans, isnt that what he said in all his FM's, that he was "married to his fans".....In that case, this song has so much more meaning to each of us individually and we can make our own assumption, interpretation, meaning, understanding, definition and conclusion about "So Love'...sigh.. Thats I guess why I like to refer to being "lost in translation", when I hear music composed and performed in their own language, its because of this reason, just getting into the feels of the song, the melody, the beat, the rhythm that I appreciate and embrace because of the uniqe-ness and originality of the song, and I dont need to analyse or interpret...'So Love" is such a beautiful song, I have it at the moment replaying in my ears, and of course, went through the above English version with the Korean version in my head, and I find it now, different if that makes sense...but I still love it, absolutely....
    Thank you so much @Olang, for your dedicated and hard work....and thats why you CAN NOT hibernate away from us, because where will we go and who will we rely on to update us on all the juicy and much appreciated updates and news of our gorgeous SJS, sorry....(LOL!!)...Nah, jokes, @Olang, when you can, please take the opportunity to rest, smell the roses, and embrace life absolutely...I was fortunate to combine work and play when I had my trip away, and tbh, it really re-energises your soul, re-juvenates your spirit and relaxes the mind....You will then again appreciate and embrace all that you do and have in your life....woot woot! Being happy happy joy joy smiling wholeheartedly with no regrets is the meaning of life, isnt it....Enjoy!...
    Thank you also @everyone for the Cain & Abel pictures (Dr Lee Choi-In/Oh Gang-ho), my favourite SJS drama, absolutely, and because I do not know how to post pictures here (I know, still cant do it after so long...) anyway, I have appreciated all the pictures here absolutey, thanks again @sara62 for your ideas..Is it okay if instead of pictures, can I share one of the beautiful OST's of Cain & Abel....Enjoy!!...

    @Everyone, have a great week, enjoy and remember what SJS said "Lets Have Fun and Live Life"...Thank you SJS for gifting us with this amazing love song.....SJS FIGHTING!!

    :x :x
  16. Im returning home today from a week being in Melbourne, it is sad to return because I have fallen in love with this amazing city...sigh! One of my missions while being here in Melbourne, was searching for that alleyway/lane (where all the graffiti was) of when Cha Moo-hyuk first came across Song Eun-chae, officially..(as in MISA)....Do you think for the life of me, I could find it....OMG, there are so many lanes, streets, coves, alleyways....ARGH!!....I gave up of course, but at least I got to see more of this amazing place....You ask what I would have done if I found it....ummmm, probably hug the bins, smile like a fool and take lots and lots of pictures.....so I kinda feel betrayed not having to hug those bins now....LOL and double LOL!...
    Anyway ladies, I just want to say thank you again for everything posted here, the updates, the insights, the pictures, the stories...(oh and by the way, that was one of my personal delusions in Melbourne....and it was a happy happy one!!!)...With SJS uploading his new and amazing beautiful and meaningful song "So Love:" which I quickly downloaded of course, then had this gorgeous man with the husky voice ringing in my ears whilst pacing the pavements of Melbourne City, determined to find this lane....because with SJS' voice continually in my head, I knew that I had to try my very best to find that lane...LOL!..but, everytime I heard "I Love You" in the song, I always became distracted, lost focus, giggled like a true fangirl, and had this silly grin on my face which Im sure the Melburians thought weird....but I had fun...woot woot, in my own little world....(oh of course ladies, I had "So Love" on continous replay)....and you know what, it doesnt matter that the song is in Korean, the beat, the melody, the rhythm, the sweetness and of course the artist/s...who said language is a barrier....cos I got it!!!....absolutely!!.....(with my own imaginary interpretation of course....)
    This thread was designed to allow everyone to express their thoughts, feelings, respect and admiration for this fantastic and amazing man So Jisub...Nobody in this thread mean any harm, disrespect or otherwise, and everyone that post or comment here, only mean well. Social Media allows peeps like us to go off on tangents, to become delusional, to leave reality for a while, to dream dreams and fantasise of what could be or hope to be,....sigh!..And we must tread cautiously in what we say to others, of course not intentionally. Being die-hard fans of this amazing man, allows us the right and priviledge to say what we want to say as long as its within the correct boundaries and rules, and there is no harm intended, and not offensive or inappropriate to others..What is posted here is supposed to make fans feel safe and respected, not judged or criticised. If peeps start taking things seriously, this thread becomes too serious, and sadly true fans (old and new) move away to other threads...and us/we fans miss out on all their stories and tales of SJS... ..
    Lets go back to like the beginning of this thread, happy happy joy joy, where there was so much energy and vibrancy in every word posted here, it was such a pleasure to read and engross myself in....@sara62, you keep this thread alive with all the fantastic and amazing work and projects done here and we fans adore and thank you for your efforts, absolutely. Whether it be your personal feelings too, please do not feel that it is being judged or criticised, but embraced and appreciated because Im sure every one here have their own agendas about this man too, right, (seriously, isnt that what being a fan is all about!)....and thats okay, because this is a safe environment where we can do that....@PaulaC, peace out my friend, thanks for your understanding, I get it....
    So, at the end of the day, I didnt find that famous lane in Melbourne, (wherefore my mission failed)...but it gives me more incentive to return to Melbourne again one day and perhaps with my new found and beautiful friend @mathi, (thanks to this thread and being a fan of SJS) we will continue this mission. together....or maybe we should just ask the man himself, or even better, do what everybody else does these days.....surf the net?.....duh...!!!
    Please be kind to one another, love each day like how you want to live it, live each day like how you love it, smile, laugh, embrace and appreciate...With all that is going on in the world already, let us just enjoy, be happy, have fun and continue to support and embrace this gorgeous man, absolutely..SJS FIGHTING!!
    GOODBYE, FAREWELL, SEIANARA, ADIEU to MELBOURNE...Thank you and like the terminator..."i'LL BE BACK"....
    :)>- :)>- :)>- :)>-

  17. Just want to congratulate and wish this beautiful woman, a very very Happy Birthday,,,'sangil chuka hamnida'....May you have a blessed and bright day today, hope that you are spending it with those you love...Please continue to be happy and shine brightly. Thank you for all that you do, and we look forward definately to you next project....With much blessings and adoration.....HJM FIGHTING!!!! <:-P <:-P <:-P

  18. ..SIGH!......That day has finally come, that day is here, and again here we join as adoring fans with many more beautiful tributes, well wishes, expressions of love and adoration to the man of the moment. There are never enough words of congratulations or best wishes that we can shower this gorgeous man with, and like @sara62 said, "its a never ending story"..WOW..@sara62, your birthday tribute and song was absolutely amazing, very touching and so special...thank you....
    "Sang il chu ka he yo" "Happy Birthday So Jisub"...
    Thank you for the warmth and kindness of your heartThank you for allowing us to be a part...Of the celebrations, the festivities and all the funThat is happening today, cos your our number One...
    Be Happy, Stay Healthy, Live Freely, and Smile..Today is the beginning, of another journey, another mile...Stay True to yourself, as you shine therein...That attraction is rare, from the soul, deep within...
    We will always remain, support and encourage you...To be the star, the actor, the person whom we knew...Would one day succeed, be amazing and true..So Best wishes now, as we say adieu...
    Thank you with love and adoration....(woot woot!)..
    SJS hope that you have so much fun today and that this special day is shared with those close to your heart..."Enjoy and Live Life to the Full....without regrets".......
    To @everyone else all around the world, let us celebrate together where ever we are, and be happy together always...and heres my song for SJS...something maybe that we as adoring female fans dream of....sigh.!! Enjoy....

    Thank you @EVERYONE for your amazing birthday wishes, cards, and dedications...Thank you for all the hard work and efforts which Im sure (we) @everybody enjoyed doing...YAY!!! It has been amazing...Bravo to us, absolutely!...
    Happy Birthday So Jisub"......FIGHTING!!
    :x :x
  19. OMG I have just finished watching this fabulous drama again, and the same emotions have come flowing back....the tears (OMG the tears!)....the pain, the heartache, the joy, the laughter, the chaos....the love.....I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE LOVE THE JJANGS....This should be the best K-drama ever for 2014..it has been perfect in so many ways....AND thank you so much again @Ayame, for making this thread so lively and for having such a fun-loving competition to commemorate and reminisce the JJangs...Lee Gun and Kim Mi Young.....beautiful, absolutely!!!! :)>- :)>-

  20. It has been absolutely AWESOME being part of the SJS Birthday Project, seeing all the amazing cards, the personal touches and themes, the delightful colors, thank you so much @everybody for your participation and ongoing support. Thank you especially to our wonderful organisers and back bones of this thread as well as all the projects @Olang & @sara62....you are both amazing... I cant believe the countdown is nearing its end, SJS will be celebrating his birthday like this time next week...OMO OMO OMO!!!!....so fast, sigh....my how time flies when youre having so much fun....
    Anyway, heres a poem I had penned originally for the Birthday Card but found it to be waaayyy too long, still, I wanted to share this with you, so enjoy, and hope you like it....ahem ahem
    "May your day start off with laughter, As you celebrate 37 years...For the moment you came into our lives, things changed, we knew you would become so dear....To your fans, the wonderment of knowing, that you actually do really exist...Has made our lives so hectic with joy, because of the way you look, you act, you speak...Our precious Soganji, our Golden Boy..."
    "Life gave you many challenges, many roads and many turns...Bravo for succeeding in your journey, bringing you to this moment...This special celebration of 37 years...The pain, the heartache that lasted 18 years...Has gone now, expired, not needed or required...."
    "So, as we continue to cherish and embrace you....We want to say 'thank you', we appreciate and we continue to adore you...So, please just for this moment, this day, this special occasion....We wish you much Blessings, much Happiness, and lots of Adoration..."
    "We look forward to your next project, your next venture, and your next album...And we promise you, we will never leave your side, never falter, it will be hard to fathom...So, to finish off our birthday wishes, our smiles, our hearts and our many many kisses....We ask that you humbly accept, this unconditional, wholehearted and unwavering message..."
    CONGRATULATIONS, BEST WISHES AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY SO JISUB!!.....  from "EmJay 2014"....woot woot!!
    ;;) ;;) :x :x

    @mathi, so beautiful...looking forward to meeting you in Melbourne on Saturday.....YAY!!!!

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