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chakita babe

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Posts posted by chakita babe

  1. Finally watched "Coffee Prince" the other week.....OMG!! Why did I leave it so long to watch that....It was amazing, absolutely..GY...so handsome, gorgeous, charming, witty...lovedlovedloved it! The chemistry too was amazing....YAH!
    Just finished "Finding Mr Destiny" ....OML...!!! So hilariously funny...!! so dorkably cute, and the chemistry between these two also...WOW!!!...beautiful to watch, storyline a bit weird, but these two together...their antics and wit together, so charming....made this chick flick so endearing to watch absolutely.... GY..gorgeous...absolutely!!
    Have always appreciated GY and his work, and have returned after so long to watch the ones I missed....So excited now and thanks to @czakhareina, looking forward to watching "The Suspect"....with all the muscles, sweat and action...YAY!!!
    Forgot that our GY was so tall....I mean really really TALL...sigh!!!
    Gong Yoo FIGHTING!!
    :-bd :-bd

  2. Thank you so much peeps for the amazing pics at the airport in Taiwan...WOW!...SJS has so much patience, appears cool, calm and absolutely composed during his walk through the airport...WOW!!!....and of course undeniably gorgeous...Just seeing him signing autographs with ease, waving to everyone (Im sure he knows where every camera is...sigh!)....Even having that lady - not sure if we should say lucky or rude - giving him a hug, and then not letting go of her handshake with him....hmmm...and then randomly appearing like in every single shot..."tomorrow, see you tomorrow"....LOL!!...a day she will never forget thats for sure - and all caught on camera for worldwide viewing - or perhaps, one she may need to reflect on after she gets her breath back....absolutely!
    The interview session.... again, our SJS appeared so casual, calm and content, but too, I think a little possibly unimpressed with the same old same old questions...ummmm, were there any questions about his first fan meeting ever held in Taiwan, about his debut new album, about perhaps the meaning behind the amazing "18 years"....did they ask these questions to appear interested, or was the interest focused again on his personal life....YAH!....
    There is so much meaning, depth and emotion in SJS "18 years" and I absolutely lovelovelove it, especially now being able to see the FULL version...WOW! fantastic work, absolutely. Thank you @sara62 for your insight behind the song, great work, absolutely... We all know that SJS has struggled somewhat in his career and wish for some anonymity or breathing space in his journey of becoming this great man, and to have it all revealed in such an empowering way portrayed by his love of hip hop.....WOW, such a brave and dare I say, defiant way of putting it out there for the world to see and hopefully embrace...Bravo SJS, much adoration and respect right there, absolutely...!!!...
    The fan meeting is tonight, YAY!...so many more pics and vids to see...YAY!....A lot of hard work and endurance has been put into this fan meeting, its going to be such a success and such a BLAST....!!!..Good work everyone involved, congratulations, like Michael Jackson said...."THIS IS IT"...YAY!!!! .Please everyone there, you lucky fans you, enjoy, embrace and appreciate SJS....have fun everyone, absolutely...!!!
    :-bd :-bd :-bd

  3. Thank you @Olang for bringing us the fan vids of SJS in Taiwan as well as Thailand.....They are going to be amazing....absolutely!!!
    Thank you SJS for appreciating your fans seeing that you have picked up and learnt different languages to coincide with your upcoming Asian Tour. Bravo, and well done, absolutely SJS...thank you for acknowledging your adoring fans in Taiwan and Thailand....absolutely!!
    Im sure they are counting down the days, are so excited, enthusiastic, eager and having sleepless nights.....sigh (jealous much..)....Have fun you lucky people, enjoy, appreciate, embrace and continue to support wholeheartedly, our SJS.....absolutely!!!
    Such an exciting time, new album, new pics, new CF's, new tattoo....ARGH!!!...Lovelovelove it.....YAY!!!Enjoy everyone.....aza aza FIGHTING!!!!....SJS FIGHTING!!!!!....
    :-bd :-bd

  4. OMG OMG OMG!!!! @olang.....thank you so much...Im so excited right now, loving the rap....sounds so definitive, so deep...singing hip hop from the heart....hes done really really well...the collaboration with Soul Dive (Go Boy Go!)....really really interesting...the beats and rhythms are so cool...(nodding head up and down as she speaks..!!!)....SJS should be so proud of this, fantastic...absolutely hardcore-out-there-real-and-deep music....
    The teaser is awesome...wow....the promotional campaign absolutely fantastic...ASIA is going to embrace this album....absolutely..!! Just listening to the mini album, WOW....wish I could be there to see him sing live.....sigh!!!
    SJS so proud of your work....excited much....Congratulations and Best wishes with your concert/FM in Taiwan!!!!
    Aza Aza..FIGHTING!!! SJS Continue to do great work....loveloveloving it!! @EVERYBODY FIGHTING!!!
    Lets continue to support and embrace SJS as he begins his Asian Tour....!!!
    :)>- :)>- :-bd :-bd

  5. WELCOME @Jane, @go05 and @LynnY.....nice to have you all here joining in this amazing thread to give love, support and admiration to our SJS...thank you...I hope that as you decide to journey with us here, you will find a warm place where you can be inspired, share and appreciate all things SJS....absolutely!
    @LynnY - thank you for your comments and well wishes....You also have made me think too about our SJS and his health...where being such an amazing person, who always gives 101% (and more) to his adoring fans, we must hope that he continues to stay healthy and strong, both mentally and physically as he embarks on this amazing tour....absolutely!
    @go05 - thank you and jealous much....hope you enjoy the concert/FM and the opportunity to see SJS. Please continue to support, embrace and appreciate his art, absolutely....and we are all looking forward to your insight/report and pics on what you experience....absolutely!
    @sirius51 - thank you and I too agree that its so wonderfully amazing seeing all the places/countries of the adoring fans here in this thread. It does give your heart a warm feeling and flutter....Im sure our SJS must be feeling so proud too, because his international fans are to say the least, respectively from all four corners of the world....WOW!....so amazing, absolutely!
    @sara62  & @olang - thank you, always always appreciate both your hard work and efforts, the amazing pics and insight, and for keeping us in the loop all the time, we too appreciate you both...absolutely!
    Happy Happy Joy Joy....not long now, before the release of SJS new album....FIGHTING!!
    Please SJS, take care of your health, do not overdo yourself, sleep and eat well, keep up the fluids, dont over exert yourself when you are training, rest well... and absolutely, absolutely enjoy yourself, be happy and keep smiling.....SJS FIGHTING...!!!
    :-bd :-bd :-bd

  6. So frightening to hear about this freak accident, OMG!....please take care, rest and recover well before continuing IOTL....Please take time out to recover properly, dont rush and hope you get your full strength back, absolutely...!!..
    Much Blessings, Good Health and Much Happiness always....

  7. Its such an exciting time, I can feel the happiness and the elation that is going through this thread at the moment, waiting for our SJS Asian Tour and the long awaited release of his new album.....absolutely!!!
    Because of all these happy comments, I thought it would be fitting at this time to "dance around the floor"....absolutely,,,For those of you lucky peeps who will be attending the fan meetings and concerts in Asia, congratulations...I can see you now all dancing with happiness when you see SJS on stage..sigh!
    So, for those of us who are unable to attend, lets just get down with the music because we appreciate SJS and lets celebrate together, as if we were also there with SJS....absolutely!!
    As a happy song, Ive chosen "I wanna Dance with Somebody" - by the amazing and fantastic "Whitney Houston"....Enjoy!

    Please have fun and continue to embrace, support and appreciate our SJS.....FIGHTING!!!Much Respect, Blessings and Happiness to you all, @EVERYONE.....FIGHTING!!!

    <:-P <:-P <:-P
  8. Thank you so much @Olang and here is my song for  SJS...enjoy.....
    "Sexy Eyes" - Dr Hook

    I guess to have the opportunity to meet him maybe once in this lifetime will be such an amazing experience. Congratulations and best wishes SJS for your Asian Tour and thank you for extending your tour for the adoring fans, you have such a big heart....absolutely!
    Thank you....@Everyone FIGHTING!!....Waiting excitedly for the new album....FIGHTING!

  9. WOW,,,,looks like our Gongvely may have a new tattoo...a love-heart on her inner L) elbow....She is looking amazingly radiant and so so happy....sigh! Please continue to be bright and happy...Much Blessings always.....FIGHTING!!!!

    :-bd :-bd

  10. ooooohhhhh....OMG @sara62...thank you for introducing us to 'Soul Dive'....OMG...WOW....they are so awesome, I like their rap, their rhythm...they have soul, they have spirit, they have groove, so intense, they have a message...OMG!!..I have not heard of them before (sorry),,,I can see why SJS would work with them, and I am absolutely 100% confident that the new album is going to be fantastic....and they have english lyrics too...."walk with me, Yes Sir?" "walk with me"...
    I love all types of music when especially it comes from the heart. Hip Hop artists like (Snoop Dog, Eminem), I can appreciate some of their creativity, because they write from within, no holding back....hmmmm...It will be really interesting to hear what SJS has collaborated with Soul Dive....so excited...!!!...absolutely!
    Cant wait for the new album....waiting with bated breath....in anticipation....YAH!!!!
    @Olang.....OML!....oops, feeling the pressure right now....ahem ahem....thanks for the support....excited much....YAH!!!!!
    @EVERYONE FIGHTING.....Please support the Flower Project as well as the Storytelling of our SJS.....@International Fans FIGHTING!!!!

    :)>- :)>-

  11. Thank you @sara62....hmmm, there is just something about the long haired SJS that really really brings out the ruggedly-handsome-mischievous-playful-and-charismatic persona that excites females all around the world, absolutely....!!! SJS when younger, looked so divine (in a macho-rugged) look when he was styling the longer hair...lovedlovedloved the long hair...favourite looks in those days, the longer hair, the bearded moe.....YAH!!!....
    Yet, with the new trends as well as age, the shorter cut, the shorter version these days, and our SJS looking ever so dashing and always gorgeous....it doesnt really matter, does it, whatever style our SJS models, OMG....beautiful...absolutely...!!
    Looking forward to the new album, excited much, absolutely....!!!
    Heres our SJS again, singing with his beautiful voice (and the LONGER HAIR)....Yukino Hana (Snowflake)...


    :-bd :-bd :-bd
  12. Hey peeps....such a shame there are still people out there who judge, misconstrue, over-react, become too over-familiar, ruin and misconceive other peoples search for happiness and love....why?why?why? ......do people hurt others...!!!
    GHJ, you have found another chance of happiness and love. Go forward, and embrace the love that is in front of you...sigh!..Dont lose track by listening to mindless hearsay, and reading false tales...dont be detered by these so-called 'beloved' fans...Live Life to the Full with no Regrets...absolutely!
    You are amazing, I continue to appreciate your fabulous-ness, absolutely....Dont ever lose heart....BE HAPPY!!!...CLOSE YOUR MIND TO SILLY GOSSIP and OVER THE TOP FANS...!!
    :)>- :)>-

  13. WOW.....@Olang and @sara62...thank you so much for bringing here the Golf GTI Volkswagon film clip and pics...So, so good to see our SJS light up the screen again with his cool-calm-and-collected demeanor, his gorgeousness and his casual-sweet-witty character in the save-the-damsel-in-distress dilemma which I think will be rewarded with lots of lighthearted-and-sweet moments between these two characters.....absolutely!
    Its so good to see our SJS active in continuing to perform, create and involve himself again fully in what he loves doing best.....giving back to his adoring fans...absolutely!
    Thank you SJS, we continue to look forward to your new album, excited much, and all your other new ventures for this year. Please be happy, keep healthy, enjoy and live life to the full.. without regrets.....sigh!
    To all those in Japan, Taiwan and Thailand....please continue to support and adore our SJS when he ventures your way this year...
    Blessings always....and looking forward to the english translated versions of the GTI Golf clips...kahmsamnida...

    @Olang FIGHTING!!      @sara62 FIGHTING!!     @EVERYBODY FIGHTING!!    and especially @SJS FIGHTING!!!!
    ;;) ;;)

  14. Gosh...the media is so near and EVERYWHERE....no wonder its hard to keep secrets over in Korea....(and I spose ANYWHERE! when youre famous!)....sigh...!
    GHJ Be Happy, Be Strong, Love Deeply, Cherish the one youre with....absolutely!!!


  15. Aaaahhh....thank you so much @Olang for your information.....excited excited much...woop woop!
    This album has been so highly anticipated, so it will be good to add his new music to my collection...LOL!...hopefully too we will get some behind the scenes clips of him producing the album...maybe, perhaps!
    And of course, it is so good to see him out there in the field, in another project and yes, I agree, the Crossfit training has been doing him well, he looks so taut and trim, and very fit and healthy...YAY!
    @Everyone FIGHTING!!.....@SJS FIGHTING!!
    :-bd :-bd

  16. Welcome to our newbies @RitaV, @anniniesl and @shora....WELCOME to this amazing thread. Its so good to see lots of new fans here paying respect and admiration to our beautiful SJS...TMS has really impacted a lot of new fans, and we must always give credit to TMS and all the cast and crew for doing that. TMS has only just increased the amazing fanbase for our SJS....absolutely.!!! so thank you....kahmsamnida!!
    I too like @sara62 and countless others, miss having and seeing our SJS on screen....in a movie/drama/mv.....anything..I wonder if he will introduce a new song of sorts at his fanbase meetings in Taiwan/Japan this year....hmmmm...maybe/perhaps....hmmmm!
    So sad and frightening to see what is currently going on in the world, please everyone and especially SJS, when travelling, be safe....absolutely!

    :-bd :-bd

  17. I think it was fantastic that SJS showed up to his close friends recent return-to-the-screen-debut, and did he arrive late and leave late?....hmmm. Just goes to show how very popular our SJS is, because even though he may have arrived and left late, the frenzy of media and fans, remained staunch and steadfast hoping to sneak a peak of our adorable SJS, and of course, he didnt let them down....sigh!
    Though, just quietly, I think SJS may have intended to leave later because maybe he did not want the limelight on himself, taken away from his bestie SSH, whom and which the whole night belonged to...do you think?....
    SJS is such a great person with much respect and humility for all those he cares for and loves. All those who surround him and are close to him can expect much love, loyalty and protection from him, and wouldn't it be so amazing to have someone like SJS in your group of friends....OMG!...
    The projects these two get involved in are so different, as we can see from SSH's new movie 'Obsession'/'Human Addiction' - which by the way looks hot hot, steaming hot! - ahem... But, the friendship, love, admiration and respect these two have for each other has no limitations,and thats what makes their relationship work....sigh!
    Their journey together started coincidentally. Their friendship today remains unconditional. Their  future together timelessly eternal.

  18. @azzurri 

    azzurri said: So wonderful to see his picture again after so long. Thank you @innerchild! I was pretty sure he would attend his hyung's movie premiere. After watching him surprise SSH on stage when SSH won the Daesang for EOE some years ago, I knew that SJS would make every effort to celebrate every one of SSH's achievements. He has always talked so much about SSH and how he's so thankful to him. I just love their friendship. 
    @chakita babe, have been enjoying your discussions with @sara62, especially about Glass Slippers. I think I semi-watched it many years ago when I was not yet a fan, so my memories are vague. I guess I should sit down and really watch it again. By the way do you have a link to the video you mentioned? His first fan meeting where all his friends also attended? Thanks so much!

  19. hahahaha....@cassia_lela..I like how you described these pants as the "pants thats old style"...LOL! These were called the "flared jeans" back in the day and Im interested that our GHJ is wearing this in IOTL....hmmm, what genre are we looking at? or is GHJ starting a new trend of bringing back the flares, bringing back the old fashion, to coincide with the new, but which never really went away, anyway...(if that makes sense!)...
    Our GHJ, such an amazing fashionista absolutely, and she is always looking amazingly beautiful in anything and EVERYTHING she chooses to wear...sigh!
    :)>- :)>-

  20. I guess after watching "Glass Slipper" the other day, I had that feeling of emptiness and wanted to watch some more SJS clips/movies etc....so, I have spent these past few days watching old and new clips of our SJS....I agree @sara62, about missing this guy on screen....who does that to a person, OMG!
    I again came across the video clip of SJS helping the 6 angels - taking these beautiful angels out to the park for a day - and though it brought tears to my eyes, it was so good to see our SJS full of humility and compassion, helping this family and brightening up their day. At the end of the clip, SJS speaks about "smiles" how he encourages everyone to "smile" and bring brightness and happiness to someones life....sigh! Hes just so amazing...absolutely!
    I then came across the clip of the FIRST EVER fan meeting of SJS (7 years after he debuted), where he had his friends there with him and how his popularity in Japan, Vietnam and Taiwan had increased tenfold (not so much in Korea at that time) and this was due hugely on the release of "Glass Slippers" (insightful!). So the international fan base back then for our SJS was HUGE! and can I say 'proudly' and thankfully increasing every single day!....YAY!
    Wouldn't it be so awesome if we as international fans, could come together in another FAN MEETING with our SJS...OMG! I would book my plane ticket right now if that could be true...I mean, once in a lifetime opportunity right!....How Awesome!..The only thing is, they would have to reserve the biggest auditorium ever there in South Korea, because quite rightly compared to his first FAN MEET, the numbers have absolutely increased, tenfold and some...!!!
    Please SJS, looking forward to seeing your next project/drama/movie, as you can see by this thread, everyone is absolutely missing hearing your voice, seeing your acting and going crazy over one picture of you seen yesterday at your friends movie launch - SSH return to acting debut...your fan base is huge! absolutely.....hmmm
    Okay, time to revisit Cain & Abel now....
    SJS FIGHTING!!    ;);)     

    *Please continue to prayforsouthkorea and keep them in your thoughts*

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