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chakita babe

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Posts posted by chakita babe

  1. The OST thus far is absolutely amazing, so emotional and so beautiful.....AND, with JCW having such a deep-soft-sweet-tone of voice, I am hoping that he will have something fabulous for us too, with more powerful and passionate soul-stirring lyrics....sigh!!
    Its so nice to see the BTS as well...the close warm and cute relationships of all involved, very professional of course, but informal and enjoyable with everyone having fun....absolutely!!
    :)>- :)>- :)>-

  2. Miane...I also just wanted to add that I thought Ji Chang-wook (SJH) was absolutely amazing in episode 14...absolutely!...Being able to contain his emotion, frustration, fear, anger, tears.....right to the end....thank you, that was fantastic absolutely....Like others here, not really a Park Min-young (CYS) fan, but have been impressed with her change in style and ease in this role, appears comfortable and natural, good work absolutely....And then we have the tall-and-amazingly-gorgeous-sunbae Yoo Ji-tae (KMH)...fantastic to see you back in dramaland, good choice....love your work absolutely!!
    :-h :-h

  3. OMG....so much energy, so much vibrancy, so much emotion, so many 'feels'....this thread is amazing!! So fast paced, so quick, gone to make a cup of tea one minute, come back and the thread has moved 3 pages!!!....Amazing, absolutely!! Love your work ladies, absolutely!
    'Healer' has been so mischievous, my new found escape from real life...LOL!..so witty and so adorably cute and fantastic...Episodes 13 & 14.....WOW...so much emotion, so much sadness and pain..  SJH needed to gain strength from somewhere, he needed to seek energy from a source that would shower him with unconditional warmth and love, someone that he felt close to, felt protective over, felt comfortable with, someone that would not judge or leave him, someone that he could laugh with, joke with, open his heart and soul to, someone that he could trust.....and though it hurt him to admit, that person was right in front of him, ready to accept and embrace him, ready to share her strength and heart with him, CYS was ready to entrust her heart and soul to him, SJH just needed to say the word....sigh!! (such a beautiful moment of cohesion, of honesty)....absolutely!
    The storyline is so intriguing and so tantalizing, with all the sensual and sexy subtleties of a gorgeous and handsome hero and cute and adorable heroine who suffered pain and loss and then overcame all adversity to find each other ...beautiful absolutely!! Just hope that no one loses their memory and then goes through more tragedy  (LOL!)...before getting together again in the beautiful finale...I mean, so far, this drama has been amazing, dont want it to be too cliche'...please writers..(just saying)... daebak and intense so far, fantastic work absolutely!
    The part where Jo Min-ja (Ahjumma) opened that bottle of Soju, poured a glass for teacher-nim, sipped from the bottle and saluted teacher-nim, I thought was quite enthralling....a moment of peace and reflection, very touching and personal... I guess episode 14 was all about openness, releasing the burden, learning to share, and finding strength to trust....we saw that with KMH going to KMJ, Ahjumma combing her hair and going to see CYS, CMH reflecting on her conversation with CYS, and of course the gorgeous SJH accepting the beautiful CYS...sigh...amazing episode, all the feels and the sadness...great work absolutely!
    6 more episodes to go....the mystery of 1992 continues, I feel more sadness and tears in store, but with a strong-er union and partnership now of new love, friendship, and trust...the outcome of victory will be more rewarding and hopefully we see that crazy-dance-jingle and smile of CYS and that cheeky-adorably-cute BS (aka Healer) return to their usual selves with the last couple of episodes being full of laughter and madness overload..lots of.happy happy joy joy feels!! 
    Thank you @Everyone for your amazing and fantastic posts, so hilariously enjoyable....@EVERYONE FIGHTING!! @HEALER FIGHTING!!..
    :)>- :)>- :)>-

  4. Anneong @everyone....silent lurker here, crazy new fan of Healer, first time post....hmmm, just wanted to say how exciting I am to be able to watch this newly-fresh-adorably-cute-and-witty drama....Great start to 2015!!...Its going to be another fantastic year for K-Drama....absolutely!!
    Can I just say that I am absolutely loving the OST for Healer....OMG!! so fitting for this beautiful couple, so endearing and so charming....;lovelovelove it!!
    Episode 13....waiting waiting....YH & YS...FIGHTING!!

    8-> 8-> 8-> 8->

  5. ....@Olang...WOW!!....the clay sirius...they appear so real, and true to form right down to the facial expressions...amazing! absolutely amazing work!...So beautiful and So Clever and So Daebak!   @Olang, thank you for your ongoing fantastic pictures and hard work you continue to supply to all the beautiful SJS fans...appreciated much...
    Good work @everyone, loving all your insight, perceptions and understanding of SJS beautiful music...Its good to see everyone participating well in the project.. I cant say I have one particular favourite of SJS music, because I absolutely ADORE them all...sigh!    SJS likes to express and speak through his music and doing so allows us to appreciate so many more qualities, identity, persona and individuality of this already amazing and gorgeous man!!....
    When I was on holiday in Melbourne last year, "So Love" came out and I remember walking the pavements of Melbourne City CBD with my earphones on, trying to walk in time with the music, you know, with a slight groove....having this stupid grin on my face which the Melburians must have found alien, and having a feeling of warmth and love... with a happy heart....OMG! I will always always cherish this song because it was my first time in Melbourne, on my own, and having SJS in my head, it gave me strength and kept me happy and smiling throughout my whole trip....So....thank you "So Love"....absolutely...so now every time I listen to "So Love" in the car, it takes me back to Melbourne....a special time in my life and meeting my beautiful chingu @mathi...YAY!!
    I guess everyone will have their own memory of SJS music....thats what makes him unique...so lets continue to embrace, love, enjoy, adore and appreciate SJS the artist, the rapper, the actor, the Top Celebrity Star, the individual, and the soulful and gorgeous man.....SJS FIGHTING!!

    ;;) ;;) :x

  6. ..Thank you and LOL @sara62, thank you so much for your insight...I know exactly what you mean.....Amazing how only after a limited time watching this drama you were able to exert such an emotional and precise review, thats how this amazing character Cha Moo-hyuk affected us all, the writers drawing out such deep emotion and frustrations...WOW!... The moms character really did affect you @sara62...sigh, and I guess everyone have their own interpretations which is fantastic. .Its so good to get such reactions and deep passion like this I guess...Most of the viewing audience saw sadness, loss, tears and anguish.. we might have been the only ones to see otherwise, LOL!....No wonder this drama is remembered as the outstanding and culmination - if you like - of our SJS career....In some form or another, it has affected each and everyone of us, it has most surely been an emotional week, absolutely...!!
    Looking forward to our next character Ji Hyung-do from "A Company Man" - another fantastic role for our SJS, a different genre, lots of action, intrigue, commitment, duty, loss, integrity and honor... keep up the good work peeps...FIGHTING!!...

    :)>- :)>- :)>-

  7. Okay...our last day dedicated to the beautiful and despairing Cha Moo-hyuk such a fascinating character which absolutely attributed to such emotion, so many tears, so much frustration, so much anger, so many heartfelt moments which fans worldwide surrendered to....so many mixed emotions absolutely...!!
    When I first came across this amazing drama, I too felt like @sara62...frustrated, angry, hateful of Yoon, the mom Oh Deul-hee, even Eun Chae at some point...I was really really affected and kept asking, WHY? WHY? WHY?....SJS, being such an amazing actor to draw out so many unwanted emotions, I could feel his pain and was so angry that they had to kill him off...ARGH!!...It took me a long while to return again to watch MISA, as I always blamed the mom, Eun Chae and Yoon.. BUT peeps, after like the fourth time I watched it...(I know, perhaps with a bit more maturity), I tried to be open minded and not be biased to Cha Moo-hyuk and actually follow the story...sigh! At the end of the day, you know how always in a thriller or drama that the butler is always the bad guy.....WELL!...really truly, the butler (namely the driver-cum-PA for Oh Deul-hee) or as we knew him, Eun Chae's Dad....well...it was he who I totally totally became so frustrated and angry towards, that he tormented me so much after watching MISA 3 times already....YAH!!
    If you think about it, Oh Deul-hee did not know anything about her twin babies, only being told (by the butler!) that they had been stillborn...all because of the selfishness, scandal and the corruption being pregnant to a married man would cause....So then she adopts Choi Yune and gives him all her love and energy. When Cha Moo-hyuk first appeared on TV, I really felt that he honestly accepted the fact that he had been adopted out, had no regrets, but if he ever met his birth mother, would treat her well and buy her a house...giving a timeframe of 5 years....
    But, being the cool guy that he is, Cha Moo-hyuk takes a bullet for his then-girlfriend-kinda-wifey and learns that he does not have long to live. So, CMH returns to Korea, in search of some answers...
    We all know what happens, how at first, his main priority was revenge after he found out his mom was like rich as and adored her son Choi Yune....What CMH did not realise was that there was a story that hadnt been told, that he had a twin sister, that he had a nephew, a secret that was hidden by the butler (again!) and the selfish Min Hyun-suk, the old grandpa who had his own agenda of keeping the story secret and remaining close to CMH sister and son...CMH did not even know that Choi Yune was adopted....the pain and sadness Moo-hyuk endured was so heartfelt and painful absolutely, and for us viewers...CMH also did not realise that he would fall in love with Eun Chae..."Im sorry I love You"...and tried his utmost hardest to stop her from loving him....WOW...what an epic story...!!
    @olang, I understand it is always painful to watch MISA again, and to be honest everytime I do watch it, the tears flow and the heart hurts again and again....sigh, BUT, thank you So Jisub for your amazing role of Cha Moo-hyuk and for an amazing drama that was so sincere, so tender, so honest and so loving...sigh! The hairdo was amazing and so OMG... the beautiful mentions of Australia (LOL!) and visiting Melbourne, speaking English....absolutely satisfying to watch....thank you..
    I have no intentions to cause sadness or grief to fans here, but I would like to share a quick anime version of this amazing drama....like a quick brief compilation of "Im Sorry I Love You", "Mi-anda saranghanda".....(tissues required...).

    All credit to: Xaralecimaki
    Enjoy (apologies in advance), and embrace Cha Moo-hyuk who will always remain in our hearts forever...Thank you @Everyone for such an amazing and unforgettable week....@SJS FIGHTING!!...@EVERYONE FIGHTING!!
    :-< :-< :-< :-< :x
  8. ...WOW Peeps.....the participation and collaboration of this weeks character Cha Moo Hyuk has been absolutely amazing, and a great start to the New Year, absolutely!...Bravo to @everyone....
    Thank you so much....it has been fantastic!!!!!..It is always great to hear all the OST's of dramas/movies/films because they definately influence the mood, the characters and the scripts resulting in memorable moments....If the lead role therefore, have the opportunity to be involved in the OST's,....wow...!! It all but most definately adds eminence, credit and much more impact to all fans, absolutely....!! 
    @sara62, heres another version - a behind the scenes version - of Yukinohana in Japan (amazing love from Japan...woot woot!)...Enjoy..(beautiful tone, why he thinks he cannot sing, surprises me too...!!)

    All credit to : Baidu Sojisubar 
    NB: @Olang and @azzurri...the long hair, OMG!...most definately looks like a ROCKSTAR...hmmm, a mini-Elvis-Presley...LOL!..

    =D> =D> =D>
  9. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL..... Thank you so much for your support, your love, your commitment, your fan-dom, your respect to GHJ this past year and what a year of ups and downs we have shared and seen....(as the gorgeous @readlead so poignantly summarised for us, thank you)....Thank you to all Gongvelyans for your love of everything GHJ....
    Congratulations to GHJ for her success and achievements in 2014!...Your fans are so proud of what you have attained and received, Bravo absolutely!.. It is so warm to hear too that (after last years stunt by SBS) that they have recognised your true talents and awarded you a merit for all your greatness...
    As we look forward to a new and bright year ahead, we as fans only wish you more blessings, greatness, good health, love and happiness...
    Life is too short, one must find balance, find true love, and gain unconditional happiness and fulfilment always. GHJ, please find balance, and enjoy life take care of your health....
    Celebrate the new year with love and blessings always.....Looking forward to a great and fabulous 2015 of sharing and caring again....Absolutely..
    GHJ FIGHTING!!......Gongvelyans FIGHTING!!....HAPPY NEW YEAR....
    :x :x
    NB: Please pray and keep in your thoughts those affected by the recent sadness and loss of the tragedies happening in our world. Pray for strength and comfort to those families always....

  10. ..OMG!!....And we finally say good bye to 2014, a year full of happiness, surprises, joy, elation, love....from our SJS who had such an amazing and successful year...thank you so much So Jisub for giving back, for listening, and for continuing to love and work hard for your fans....sigh...we appreciate and embrace you so much...kahmsamnida!!
    It is officially 0030hrs on my side of the world..."Celebrate good times, come on!"....Just finished work, and I hurried here to wish each and everyone of you an absolutely HAPPY NEW YEAR!.... so where ever you are celebrating in this world, I wish you peace and love always, much blessings and hoping that you are spending this joyous moment with those whom you love and those close to your heart....absolutely!.
    It has been a full and busy year for our SJS and he has done so much for the fans...Bravo, absolutely..!. We look forward again to support, embrace and adore SJS as 2015 sets in, in your part of the world. Whatever journey that SJS will take in 2015, fans worldwide will be right there wishing him the best always...absolutely..!!
    Heres a reminder of what SJS shared with his loving fans, and what better treat to welcome in the New Year!!...woot woot!!

    Cheers SJS!....and Cheers to @Everyone here....Wishing SJS much happiness, love and success in 2015..woot woot!!..
    Looking forward to sharing with you all again in 2015....!! SJS FIGHTING!!

    <:-P <:-P <:-P

    NB: And let us not forget those who have been affected by the recent sadness and losses in Surabaya, Philippines, Pakistan, Thailand...all parts of the world. Please continue to pray for strength and comfort to the families. Life is precious. Please take care and love one another.
  11. ....And before we end this beautiful week of Gangpae (Rough Cut), I just wanted to quickly add my contribution and dedication to this rough-and-rugged-tough-and-tempestuous character that appeared to us unexpectedly...
    Gangpae was a character who was lonely inside, always doing what others expected of him, acting the tough role, gaining respect from peers for all the wrong reasons, the loyal leader who never smiled, teased little kiddies with facial expressions to scare them away, aggressive and abrupt towards females, never wanting anyone to know his soft side, the chain smoker, who only ever wanted to be an actor...
    SJS was able to portray such a role to fans that was so fierce, hostile, violent that I think all fans were surprised to see such an angry and aggressively forceful character. Gangpae was a man who appeared to have struggled all his life and turning to crime, became a prominent gang leader who was feared by many, yet respected by those close to him. Fighting to the end, Gangpae did not want to lose face, and always attempted to be the one on top, the one that should be feared, the one that nobody should like....Gangpae did not want anyone to see his real self...
    Another fabulous character that SJS was able to achieve and perform well in, Gangpae has been inserted in the minds of many SJS fans worldwide as a character of strong and raging anger, and thankfully this is a movie that has been loved and credited by many...SJS is the absolute great performer and Top Celebrity Star in this role, and thankfully was recognised and respected for his hard work achieving an award at the 45th Baeksang Arts Awards...(and yes, didnt our SJS look so fine in his suit...OML!)....
    Thank you @EVERYONE for your participation in this weeks Gangpae character...another role of SJS that will always be remembered and re-watched over and over again...I leave you with a BTS collaboration of "Rough Cut" from a dear friend which shows viewers that there were "smiling and laughing moments" during filming, and you can see too the hard work, hard efforts and dedication of our fabulous SJS to his role.....Enjoy!

    credit to :jisub-aholic
    Again, thank you for this week, lets look forward to our new character Cha Moo-hyuk, and participate well with much laughter and joy!! Happy Holidays @Everyone.....SJS FIGHTING!! 

    NB: Again, we have come across tragedy and sadness in Thailand and Indonesia...Please continue to pray for all that have been affected and keep them in our thoughts, hearts and minds always. Be safe everyone...FIGHTING!! :)>- :)>-
  12. @mathi..my dear chingu....You are such a gem....YAH!...thank you so much for allowing us to see the 'daredevil', the daring and the bold, the adventurous and the brave SJS...OMG! Never fearless, always up for a challenge, YAH! didnt he do well over the years Bravo, absolutely!!!...
    Thank you dear for bringing back the clips of old, where we can reminisce and remember all the hard work and efforts our SJS absolutely put into his work. A master at his craft, always going the extra mile, always giving 101%.....I also admire that he took up the challenge of being the MC, a new thing for him because it was LIVE and there were no lines, he had to go with the flow and adlib most of the time I guess....sigh! AND didnt he do well...woot woot!!...Loved seeing all the fashion and quirky hairstyles of that era too...complimenting the music show, good initiative and having the beautiful Park Chae Rim with him I guess made it easier for him to be himself, Bravo absolutely!!...
    Swimming is a hard feat in itself and making the courageous decision to swim the Daehan Strait, and overcome all those obstacles to achieve such a great moment to remember for the rest of your life ...WOW!!..As for skydiving and bungy jumping....woot woot!!...not for the faint hearted, but then again, we only live once, and the moral of the story is to ENJOY LIVE AND LOVE LIFE....oooohhh, so precious life is that doing these feats would need a lot of ahem..swagger and encouragement....but to you SJS, Bravo absolutely!!....
    Thank you @mathi for bringing us the memories and to all new fans here, more insight into the beautiful and gorgeous SJS... Personally, I would love to see our SJS in another movie role (or more movie roles) in 2015 and beyond....Happy Holidays Everyone....!! SJS FIGHTING!!....

  13. Hey there my dear Gongvelyans...just wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to GHJ and everyone here...If you celebrate christmas, hope that you have lots of fun, celebrate well, lots of cheer and love shared in your household....
    Happy 15th Anniversary also to our beautiful GHJ......Bravo and Congratulations, absolutely...Looking forward to the next 15 years...woot woot...
    Thank you peeps for 2014....looking forward to more fun and laughter with you in 2015....

    <:-P <:-P <:-P

  14. ...Ahhh...my dear chingus...just got home from work...Just wanted to add my best wishes and Merry Christmas to all SJS fans worldwide, especially to everyone here in this thread...Thank you so so much for a fantastic 2014...Looking forward to continuing to spazz and discuss all things SJS in 2015...
    Happy Holidays where ever you are in this world....Be safe, celebrate well, make a difference, live fully, enjoy and love unconditionally...Blessings always..To So Jisub...Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Rest well, stay Healthy and Strong, thank you always... So Love @everyone...woot woot!! SJS FIGHTING!
    <:-P <:-P <:-P

  15. @czakhareina...thank you so much for the update, much appreciated absolutely!....I will be looking forward to this collaboration of GY & JY...YAY!....it will be something amazing again...
    Seems like GY has been really busy lately which I guess is good for us, because we can see more pics and read more about him....Looking forward also to "A Woman and a Man"...
    Im watching "One Fine Day" at the moment...Gong Yoo...you are so AWESOMELY GORGEOUS!!....I was very impressed when he was speaking english too....YAY for us!!!....
    Thank you @EVERYONE for the updates and clips of this gorgeous man!!..Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to one and all...GY FIGHTING!
    :)>- :)>-

  16. Thank you so much for this weeks character, Cheol-Min in "Always"....such a beautiful love story, two souls who have suffered trauma and sadness in their lives, who have tried to lead normal lives as much as they could...an ex-fighter who in his spare time, chose to be the bad man, the 'collector of debts' just for extra cash, and then the beautiful telemarketer who was in an accident, and instantly became an orphan who was losing her sight...sigh!
    This amazing movie brought together these two lost souls who were looking for happiness and whom found joy in unexpected places. Thanks to @sara62 who has recapped each beautiful moment of this fabulous movie, we have seen how strong and amazing the character of Cheol Min really is...
    I always believe that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' and 'beauty comes from within'....Jung Hwa was losing her sight, and yet she found solace and comfort in Cheol Min, just by hearing his voice and smelling his odour....WOW!!!...(the beauty from within...)....Cheol Min on the other hand saw the beauty of Jung Hwa through her actions and her tough-yet-charming-exterior who was coping with her impairment in a day-by-day balanced kinda way, which seemed to appeal to him....sigh! (beauty in the eye of the beholder)....
    When Jung Hwa regained her sight, thanks to the sacrifice and love of Cheol Min, she continued to search for  Cheol Min because she had this deep love for him. When Jung Hwa finally learnt of Cheol Mins past, this did not discourage her in finding this man, it only enforced her even more to find Cheol Min. When Jung Hwa entered the hospital that day and offered to massage Cheol Min...OMO...that was the absolute heartbreaking moment for me, because Cheol Min did not feel strong enough to perhaps be refused by Jung Hwa because of the way he looked....the only thing keeping him safe at this time was the rock in his hand...and boy, he really held on to that rock really tightly....sigh! 
    I felt that Jung Hwa somehow knew that this guy was Cheol Min...she felt it...When we saw her in the shop with Jin Goo and Cheol Min was in his wheelchair across the road...she felt it. When their beautiful dog barked so excitedly in the middle of the street when he saw the man with the crutches. She felt it. When she entered the shop and saw the turtle had been moved from the shelf. She felt it.....Love is amazing...
    Thank goodness there was a happy ending, after all the sadness and tears...The love these two characters shared so strongly being able to overcome all obstacles and bringing them back together again....brilliant, absolutely!! SJS this time portrayed a character that not only loved unconditionally, but gave him the sexy-hot-blooded-charming-romantic-and-adorable-man who overcame his shyness during love scenes. The character of Cheol Min enabled SJS to show a passionate and sensual side of him instead of that sombre, dark character role that we are/were so used to....absolutely!
    Thank you Cheol Min, for loving and allowing to be loved...Another fantastic and amazing character for SJS....It has been an amazing week of Cheol Min memories and beautiful-ness...Cheol Min gives me faith that there can be a love like this in the world....sigh! Thank you to everyone who participated and shared all things Cheol Min....Lets continue to share again, embrace and engage in next weeks character.....absolutely..
    Heres ones of the many beautiful OST' of 'Always'.... "Dont Go"...enjoy..

    :x :x :x
  17. Hey guys (silent lurker here)...first time posting in this thread...I just wanted to say that Son Ye Jin is an amazing, beautiful woman. Any man would be so happy and lucky to have this woman by their side... Always wanted to say that ...though I may have watched all her movies and films, my favourite is still "A Moment to Remember".....brilliant!!
    Beautiful actress, beautiful woman....thanks for the insight and adoration of Son Ye Jin, this thread is lovely, Keep up the fantastic work....Kahmsamnida!!1 FIGHTING!!

    :)>- :)>-

    WOW...can you believe that this was suggested way back then, January 2014....WOW....Just reading page 151....WOW, sweet memories, joyous moments, lots of laughter and happiness.... we have certainly come a long long way...We have seen our "peoples princess"  shine even more, become greater, succeeded in having more respect with a growing fan base - worldwide, seeing projects that have excelled and exceeded all expectations, ongoing fashion and chic styles that have depicted new looks and interests around the world, CF's that have symbolised a natural inner beauty, a confidence and stronger person who has overcome obstacles....we have to be so proud of this amazing lady....absolutely!!
    Thank you GHJ for everything that you do. Your spirit and 'happy virus' is contagious and we continue to support, embrace, appreciate and adore you always. We only want the best for you, and wish you much Blessings, Happiness, Good Health and someone to Love and share your life with. GHJ is an amazing woman and role model to us all....kahmsamnida, absolutely!!
    To all Gonvelyans...WOW, Bravo absolutely!!! Thank you so much for your love and adoration that has kept this thread alive!!...My heart has always been here with you beautiful ladies and I have enjoyed reading the happy banter, the projects, the memories, the reflections, the "shipping", the hopes, the fashion, the styles, the serious discussions, the topics....WOW...Congratulations to you all...woot woot!!!....(Happy Happy Joy Joy!)
    This time last year was a sad moment for us, but now, this year, WOW, 500 pages!...@Everybody...thank you...So, as we move into the festive season and the New Year, lets continue to appreciate and adore this amazing woman, support her in her new role and play 'Educating Rita', and look forward to an even better 2015....(Maybe that collaboration (and wish) from @popcherrypop with Jung Woo-sung) will eventuate and come true...(sigh!...pant! pant!)....OMG!!!..
    Missing all you guys, thank you so much for your energy and love...(by the way, where are you @popcherrypop)...so many missing friends...
    Take care everyone, love one another, appreciate and embrace all who are around you...Life is too short. Enjoy the moment. A lot is happening around the world at this time. But do not let these things deter the way we feel. Let us all continue to have peace in our hearts, warmth in our actions, and love unconditionally....GHJ FIGHTING!!! @EVERYONE FIGHTING!!...........HUGS!= ALL ROUND!!...
    HAPPY 500TH PAGE.....
    >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D<

  19. .....Ahhhh, my dear chingu @mathi...thank you so much for your collaboration and insight of Cha Moo-hyuk...great work absolutely...Such an amazing drama, absolutely....LOL...had to chuckle to myself re your promotion of beautiful Melbourne....I am agreeing with you absolutely, Melbourne is a fabulous and vibrant city....very cultured, very beautiful...Hmmm, the information from his stylist whilst in Melbourne, very insightful, and the 'grunge' look absolutely worked for SJS, such a fashionista, (anything he wears will look fabulous of course)...SJS seems to always start the trend...awesome!!
    It was interesting to read too how SJS and the crew, happened to stay in an area that seemed unsafe (that is very sad) - though I cant understand why they would stay in that area, hopefully though, this little incident has not deterred our SJS to visit Melbourne again in the future perhaps (or Australia in general)....hmmm. @mathi, we will probably be crazier than that 'weird woman who appeared demonic', but in a good way..LOL! She probably really was psychotic, but we....ahem, are just crazy-about-SJS.and all the craziness and delulu is coming from the excitement, admiration, joy and So Love...LOL!.It wont be "fry beans by thunderbolt"...it would be more like 'Tall Black frappe by Starbucks'...
    So what you would need to do when (if) SJS ever happened to visit the beautiful Melbourne again, my friend, is to be our guide (because I am 'technically') new to Melbourne too, and show us the city with the many delightful alleyways, cafes, food, food and lots of food. We will then go on a treasure hunt to look for the actual famous alleyway where MISA was filmed, go visit the Morell Bridge, and then have fun at the club he left Eun Chae at...WOW....can you imagine the hype this man would cause....OMG!!!...sigh, (dreams are free,,,and always so happy).. I still think we should have a fan meet in Melbourne..woot woot... Thank you again my friend, hugs!....
    Im so excited to see that 'A Good Day' / 'One Sunny Day' is finally out and the trailer is amazing....woot woot!...looking forward to seeing how the storyline will unfold, sounds very intriguing....FIGHTING!!!...Also good to see that SJS (51k) have again invested in another film/movie, this time a french film which looks like a thriller type drama. How exciting is that.. Our SJS has absolutely a good eye for investment and being the entrepreneur that he is, the decisions and choices made in the past few months, have been amazing, congratulations SJS absolutely!...
    Once again, thank you beautiful ladies for continuing to update this thread and keeping this thread alive (namely @olang & @sara62)...thank you @ALL for your ongoing love and support and "awesome" tags in all things SJS....Lets all celebrate and be happy happy joy joy as we wait for 'One Sunny Day' to go live.....woo hoo!!!
    =D> =D> =D>

  20. ...LOL...@sara62. ...dear, we both seem to have issues with her character LSJ...she was so annoying I know....but there were moments that she appeared 'sincere' towards KIW, so I guess we can give her credit for that...sort of...LOL! I know HJW is a fabulous actress. Much respect to her and her career absolutely but how she was in WHIB, her ability to portray a character that became a thorn in my side...lol...just proves how anazing an actress she is I guess, absolutely! Anyway I also noticed in the NG's of WHIB that the annoying person was still there, no acting.....hmmmm @sara62 ...Im hearing you my friend.... lol...we just need to focus on KIW (aka SJS).. and thank the other cast members for allowing him to achieve what he did with WHIB. SJS was brilliant in his role of KIW.... and its one that he refers to sometimes so it must mean a lot to him too... Looking forward to our next character. @sara62 FIGHTING! @SJS FIGHTING! :D:D

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