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Posts posted by icesiren

  1. Someone poke me when the newmom dementia slide is over.  To be honest, the whole dementia angle seems like less of a storyline advancing the plot and more of a vehicle to see heroine abuse and as filler. Before we start revving up for the end. 


    After everything viewers have been thru along with EJ, im not particularly interested in watching her suffer more setbacks and abuse. My blood pressure can't handle it. 

    • Like 8

    5 hours ago, El Lieu said:

    Thanks for sharing movie link..


    i think some some people and media ridiculous..now that the  movie version trailer out they start to compare dumb things..now like saying mark crying scenes overacting that yang yangs crying is more like how a god should be..

    the movie version even haven't really come out yet..


    people Le should stop doing comparing and just enjoy them as individual productions ..



    @El Lieu, i agree with everything you said.  how are people comparing "acting" in a 58 episode drama that has already finished airing - and a movie that, so far, has a less than 2 min trailer??  I think at the very least, wait until the movie version is released before you can judge the acting and play the mark vs. yang yang game - if that.  Moreover,  They are two different productions, with two different running times, two different casts, etc etc  - and im sure there are faults/strengths to each of them.  the more the merrier when it comes to this storyline, so why oh, why are people so quick to get all negative already as to pit one vs. the other??

    and secondly, and this entirely my opinion and a matter of personal preference but.... Mark's crying scenes were hardly overacted!  UGH.  i'd be the first to admit it if i thought the acting was overrated - but in this case, I'm going to disagree mightily with the peeps who are complaining about Mark's acting.  Seriously - he made me feel all the emotions that YH/MY were going thru and they were all believable.  this is such an unfair criticism. and i'm not just saying that because i'm a Mark fangirl and because i enjoyed the drama so much because of his YH/MY.  He legit did an excellent job in the role and is deserving of praise. BUT, i suppose i have to be generous and say, to each his own.  what floats my boat, can sink yours, and whatnot. so if people prefer Yang Yang's acting - hey, go for it. i'll just stick to waving my cheer stick for Mark. :wink: (at least until I can actually see the movie and judge for myself)

    ok, rant over.  I did have a question for you all.  I can't remember (or find) the episode in which A-Li is talking to YH and saying how he wants to go back to Qing Qiu and visit the Mushroom Market - and how much he enjoyed his visit because its less strict/less regulations than the Celestial Palace?   Can anyone help a girl out if they remember what episode that was in?  ==> EDIT: never mind. I must've had a crazy moment - i found the scene I was asking about. It's actually Nai Nai telling YH what A-LI said while he is sleeping on her back in episode 37.  m'bad. 

    I"m still not over this drama and continue to watch episodes here and there.  i'm addicted. what can i say?? 

    • Like 6
  3. On 3/21/2017 at 5:04 PM, GwynWong said:

    Someone was kind enough to translate a deleted scene from the script.


    Deleted Scenes from Original Three Lives Three Worlds: Ten Miles of Peach Blossom Script


    @GwynWongOMGSH, thank you for posting the link!!  There are only so many times I can rewatch the drama, so it's nice to have something new to freak out over. How I wish they had the budget to film that particular gem of a scene. There would've been at least one fangirl pressed to the screen of her laptop, hitting repeat OVER and OVER again. :wink:  BC yes, i'm that obsessed w/ my OTP.   mostly Mark/YH/MY, but yeah, I dig my OTP. 

    How did they get the script anyway?  I have never been more despairing of my inability to read Chinese... cuz I would be all over that. GAH!~ 

    On 3/21/2017 at 10:45 PM, Lyna said:


    Omg, this was awesome! *finger cross* can they add this scene into their director's cut *giggle*

    @Lyna  are they going to release a director's cut DVD?? or is that wishful thinking. b/c i'd totally be on board with a director's cut.  

    • Like 5
  4. @Sary Em and @Lyna, omgsh, i know that story you are talking about!! Its called "Sansheng, Wangchuan Wu Shang," and there is an English translated version of it on Hamster's website (god bless her - i read that story at least once a month because I love it so much).  And there is talk about making it into a drama? UH, yes PLEASE!  it's like YH 2.0 - sorta. Omgsh, I was sad about this drama ending, and now Im all excited again. hah. :wink:

    that said, thank you all for being such wonderful companions during our journey together as fans of the drama.  Shout outs to those kind peeps who went out of their way to give us non-speakers video clips, pics, and summaries so we'd understand what the heck is going on without subs.  Again, bittersweet that we've reached the end, but more than happy at the quality of the production.  Mark Chao - you are my new fangirl crush. Fo'Sho. 

    and now i shall return and rewatch this whole drama from the beginning.  because I already have YH/MY withdrawal. i am also going to try and get thru the Celestial Palace episodes with SuSu, because I totally couldn't watch them before. Dang sucky Celestial People (except for a few peeps.) 

    • Like 10
  5. @Purestupidity, im with you. I cried. Still tearing up now actually. I had no idea what they were saying but just by watching. Heartwrenching... Truly Heartwrenching. It says something about the quality of the production/acting when someone who doesn't even understand the dialogue is led to tears purely by expressions, the music, etc.  It was a beautiful moment in a drama filled with them.   I very much look forward to tmrw. My heart needs a break. 

    • Like 6
  6. @Purestupidity, thank you for the summary!  Omgsh, little mortal YH looks and sounds so cute. i can't handle it.. If I didn't know the story and deeply love the characters, would I think it slightly creepy that a grown woman is staking her claim on a what is essentially a little boy? :wink:  maybe.. but bc I know what's going on,i'm ok with it. As for MY, gosh, my heart is breaking for him.  He went all those years without love, for the good of the realms, and now that he found someone he wanted to cherish, she's fated with his quasi-younger bro?  not gonna lie, my heart went "ping~" when reading your description of MY's reactions.  If his experience isn't a lesson reminding us that Love is all about timing - then i don't know what is. While I am a YH/BQ shipper, I seriously cant' help but wish BQ could split herself into two so MY can get his HE too - he is just as fab as YH, after all. 

    • Like 12
  7. @crispachu, many thanks for translating the scene! i'm actually rewatching the raw, with your translation on my phone, just so I can watch it in "real time" - and actually have an idea as to what they are saying. ahhh, you're feeding my YH/BQ obsession for real.  there are so many scenes in Ep 48/49 that make me have googly eyes :wub: and feels, but since I have no clue what they are saying, I pretty much ogle their mutual chemistry and prettiness.  So again, thank you for helping us non-speakers out. 

    i truly can't believe this journey is almost over!  I mean, i'm happy because that means we get resolution, but also sad because I'm going to miss the anticipation of waiting for new episodes and of course, Mark/YH/MY. and AhLi. :wink:  bittersweet feels all around.  

    • Like 7
  8. 12 minutes ago, meifang89 said:


    Do anyone here know when the movie version will be release? :o

    @meifang89, I believe its this summer. Didn't see an exact date anywhere, just some news about the summer. Honestly, I don't know how they adjusted the story to fit into a couple hours long movie. But YangYang and Crystal Liu sure are a pretty YH/BQ!

    @Purestupidity, Omgsh thank you! How sad. Definitely made it less ambiguous now about how MY feels about BQ. At least he isn't cutting her off entirely, but it certainly makes you think about fate and the twists n turns it takes sometimes. If MY had remained in the picture, BQ would have stayed with him, likely not getting involved with YH. Then again, fate is a funny thing, who knows what would've happened? I mean, BQ had a connection to YH since his Golden Lotus days. I wish MY didn't have to experience a "shoulda coulda woulda" like he is now, but such is his fate i guess. 

    • Like 9
  9. This version of the preview seems to splice two together - the one @meifang89 kindly posted and another. Im curious as to know what MY is saying while chatting with BQ? He looks so sad, wistful even.  I just don't want him to be like 'our Shifu/Apprentice days are over' or smthg like that. I don't want sadness for MY. 

    @whitesky20, that doll is

    smthg SJ used to create a SuSu lookalike in the mortal world to tempt YH. She then shows YH having tea with the lookalike to BQ in order to be like "he fell for you because you look like SuSu. See?" Basically she is being her usual manipulative nasty self, playing on insecurities and doubts. I believe its at this point she tells BQ about the spirit lamp and how YH had been gathering bits of SuSu soul for 300 years. Thus starting the chain of events leading to the ending.  While i will truly enjoy watching the awesome verbal smackdown BQ will give SJ for being so presumptuous, its gonna sting watching the doubts SJ planted worm their way into BQ's confidence in their love. And of course, the return of her memories as SuSu.



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  10. @Purestupidity, many many thanks for the summary! I totally did not understand a word, but still watched all the YH/BQ scenes with a big grin on my face. and of course, MY's return made me squeal like the fangirl I am.  (also, hey DramaGods out there, can we get some AhLi please?  we all need more AhLi in our lives. esp with his parents. so cute!)

    MY vs. YH, MY or YH --- ahhh, it's too hard to make a decision!  Cant BQ like split between the two of them? or is that just too creepy.:lol:  I love how they are both gentle men but can go total bada** as the situation warrants i.e. when their lady is in trouble.  While part of me hoped that they would leave MY and BQ's relationship platonic (mainly because I don't want to see MY hurting), i'm ok either way.  its more Mark Time for us all, so i'm good. 

    By the way, does anyone else think it's hilarious that going to live as a mortal for while is considered "punishment" for immortals? cracks me up. like what does that say about our mortal lives? :wink:

    • Like 12

    43 minutes ago, Sary Em said:

    Wouldn't it be nice if the ending showed the part where little Dough is listening in on parents in getting a new name for him.  BQ pregnant again and her conversation with doting YH about their children. ☺️

    Yes, @Sary Em, i so very completely agree. That's exactly what i would love. "Little Black" deserves some love at the end too, especially since I personally found it sad that BQ was so immersed in her sorrow and grief at YH's sacrifice, she kinda just left AhLi in the Sky Kingdom. (The whole, 'they'll take better care of him up there' excuse, i personally thought was BS. I mean, that's your son!) 

    • Like 5
  12. Holy smokes, did anyone see this?? 


    I'm alternately so excited to see (part) of SJ's punishment by bada** BQ, and heartbroken to see YH's sacrifice. The reunion looks so beautiful as well, im loving the setting and overall look. My wish is that it doesn't just end with them sitting there, bc I want a bit more, maybe with Little Dough. Im greedy.. Hehe. 

    [Edit: @gilerkd16, whoops just noticed you beat me to it! I was trying to figure out how to embed a YouTube link into my post. Took me forever and a day cuz i was doing it wrong. But anyway... Still excited to see how it all ends!]

    • Like 5
  13. @thundergirl3, thank you for the insight in ur post! I kind of know the gist of whats going on bc i read the translated novel but its always awesome when kind people like you can give us the nitty gritty of a scene, while we wait (patiently) for subs. 

    I admit, im also enjoying YHs insecure lovesickness just a smidge. I know he went thru a lot of things for SS/BQ as well, but I really feel like he did their relationship a disservice by not opening up and being honest about his feelings and the circumstances surrounding them at the time. (And i think SS/BQ got the worse end of that stick for sure) So its been a real treat to see him be so forward and wear his heart on his sleeve a little more.... 

    I can just feel the angst coming on for at least the next series of episodes - and thats excluding crazy XN. 

    • Like 2
  14. so I couldn't bear watching what i like to call 'The Heavenly Tribulation" period aka when SuSu suffered so much up there - basically I skipped out on watching the raws from like ep 19 - 26ish (pre-Jumping).  But are there any good scenes of her and YH in the Sky Kingdom that I missed that I should go and watch - suggestions are always welcome!

    • Like 1
  15. @meifang89, thank you for the preview clips! Why oh why is XN still around? Can't we be done with one batpoop crazy lady already? I mean, did BQ even punish her? Bc if so, it was severely lacking if she still has the ability to go all Cray Cray in prison and get manipulated by the spectacularly smarmy Demon Prince. All i could understand was her squawking "BQ..." but meh, even that annoyed me. 

    @lianyi, much appreciation for the intro to a character I never even heard of! She sounds so feisty and awesome. Kinda wish she was around in this story to pass a little mojo onto BQ. Heh

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  16. @valerierose, thank you so much! YH's mother's posturing made it seem worse than what you explained so whew! I still dont like how timid and unsure BQ looks and sounds during their exchange but i guess I will chalk it up to her nerves at meeting her mother in law(?). Meh.  I need sassypants BQ to lay some truth down on the snobby Sky Kingdom peeps. 

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  17. @meifang89, thanks for posting the preview. Watching it, i couldn't help but go meh at the sight of SJ and XN - aka two nasty ladies.  Can we get rid of at least one of them already please? Im open to either but start with XN since she is messing with BQ directly. In the book, I think BQ punishes her by removing her ability to shapeshift her face into BQ, and to live with her own face - what sort of punishment can we expect here? The level of annoying is pretty high, so is it wrong of me to want some blood and pain? Heh. 

    And why does it seem like there are so many female antagonists? XN, SJ, the princess in green, that useless Sea princess/maid. Give the girl a break so she can get back to YH! 

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  18. 17 hours ago, valerierose said:


    Do you mind telling me what preview clip this is? If memory serves correctly, the event that you mention does not happen until near the end of the book. I can probably help with making sense of the clip if you share the clip :)

      Reveal hidden contents

    I also don't think that YH's mother even meets BQ until YH "dies" and by then SJ has been punished so there's no chance of the two of them ganging up on BQ.  




    @valerierose, Of course, its awfully poor quality vids, but I found two separate clips showing part of what appears to be essentially the same scene. 

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btt2bdyL7vw  (around 1:25) 

    and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5hnzGDww5M&feature=youtu.be (around 2:30) 

    i also found this clip, which i'm assuming is SJ's attempt at manipulating Mommy YH and trying to make BQ look bad: http://www.iqiyi.com/w_19ru9z9ph9.html#vfrm=2-3-0-1http://www.iqiyi.com/w_19rudwyunh.html#vfrm=2-3-0-1

    THANK you for helping a girl out. It's fun sometimes, making dialogue up in my head as I watch it sub-less, but I also like knowing what's going on. heh. :wink:


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  19. so i was watching one of the preview clips, and there is a scene where basically BQ is standing in front of YH's mother, and nasty SJ, presumably getting called to task for adding herbs to the tea (which if i remember correctly from the novel, she did to help YH heal himself after losing his arm).  Looks like SJ bribed one of the maids to spy on BQ for her, ugh, but i had a question: why does BQ look so timid in front of YH's mother?  I mean, i know, ok, technically it's her mother in law, but isn't BQ supposed to be a goddess? and thus, outranks his mother and SJ? so why does she look and sound so darn timid??  I can't understand a word of what is being said without subs, but based on body language and tone -- she sounds like she is so hesitant to speak her mind, which is frustrating. 

    i want her to verbally smack down (possibly physically in SJ's case), every single person who treated her poorly or looked down on her when she was in Heaven as SuSu.   I want a goddess backbone and sassy attitude!!  

    • Wiggle 1
  20. @angel318, thank you for the video clips!  i can't really navigate any sites so when you post links to clips, they are so helpful in feeding my YH cravings...  hehehe. watching it, I also squealed and fangirled like crazy.. the way he looks at her while realizing her identity. oh yes.. the man has got some eyes on him. :wink: 

      @lianyi, many thanks for the vids you posted as well. I'm stalking that site, scrolling thru the thumbnails and watching clips. :wink: 

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