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Posts posted by icesiren

  1. Episode 21 script tidbits

    • ES REALLY didn't want to leave the half-nekkid Wooldachi fighting match. She was very interested in it. ^^ 
    • In the scene with the almost kiss: CY unconsciously moved closer to ES until he stood directly in front of her. It says that after he asks her to repeat "Daejang" again, he almost loses control and only narrowly stands upright when CS busts in on them. After he leaves, ES looks worried and touches the wound on her arm that DuckHindAss gave her, then checks her temperature. (uhoh). 
    • Where ES is cutting medicinal herbs, CY is originally supposed to stop her from cutting once he sees how she isn't paying attention to what she's cutting. Then he notices her hands are dirty and cleans them..
    •  I think they cut this part out, but after he gets the medicines from Mama that could possibly help ES, CY feels so anxious he starts out walking fast, then progressively faster until he starts running back to ES - DM is following him and "feels" how CY's heart is heavy. 
    • In the hair/bed scene, CY sees that ES is combing her hair with her fingers making it more messy, which is why he gets his comb out. (HAIR fetish, fo'sho. that or just a neat freak. :) ). After ES tests his hand, she wrinkles her forehead with worry and CY finds himself reaching out to smooth her forehead with his hand.  After CY pulls her and makes her fall onto the bed, ES lies down on her own. CY looks at her lying there and then just lies back down himself. After looking at the ceiling for a bit, he closes his eyes (Didn't call for holding hands. But i liked it with that in.)
    • After ES helps CY get dressed in the morning, she leans her forehead on his back. CY waits patiently, while ES offers a silent prayer that CY be safe today. 
    • At the end, DM was supposed to be falling asleep while sitting in the room with her, guarding ES. Then he wakes up suddenly and starts moving towards the door - which is where MaBu (black hat assassin) comes in from. 

  2. So I was sitting here, wondering why I had this sense of deja vu about CY's fancy new outfit and then it hit me. Has anyone seen the japanese anime "Hakuouki" - specifically the main character Hijikata? Minus the fancy details and things, doesn't it kinda look similar to CY's outift? Including the hair?  tumblr_mb1jb7NN751racc20o1_r1_500.jpgviewimage.php?id=greatdoctor&no=29bcc427:D.  Swoon. I kinda like the new one. Its very dashing. 

  3. FINALLY, something new to post! 
    latest spoiler article: viewimage.php?id=greatdoctor&no=29bcc427
    Faith's LMG/KHS's truthful confession: a Tearful Pledge of Love
    Lee MinHo makes a truthful confession to Kim HeeSun. In episode 21 aired on the 22nd, with the time for heaven's door opening approaching, Choi Young reveals his innermost feelings to Eun Soo. Because of threats upon ES's life, CY has been forced until now to accept their impending separation despite his growing feelings for her - in today's episode, CY will make a pledge of love that brings tears to ES's eyes. 
    In a previous episode, CY had to suppress his emotions in response to ES's earnest confession, "I will love you as much as I want for the time that is left". With only 4 episodes left, it remains to be seen what shape their love will end in, after CY's confession. 
    A Faith staffer stated, "in episode 21, we will see CY  - who has lived solely for other people until now - gather his courage to reveal his truthful heart to ES for himself".
    P.S. Hey! Dimples' got a new outfit! Smashing!~

  4. @sia3: the current game has to finish completely first, I think, before any decisions can be made. But sentiment at dcinside is that game 5 will most likely happen since lotte is losing right now. Sigh. I dunno. Think the game is almost over.

    PTB = Positive Thinking Brigade ... Who imagine good things in Faith-land into existence. @Tinkiebell: we can go with Pervy too.. Pervy thoughts r good thoughts among Faithlings, after all... :)

  5. O.M.G. I don't know specifics since I don't follow Korean baseball but I'm guessing there is some series going on right now- Lotte vs S.K. And from all accounts at dcinside, its highly possible they will have to broadcast game 5 on Monday. Which means either delayed broadcast of our Faith or worst case scenario, NO episode that day at all!!! Wt*?!

    Stay tuned. I'm gonna pray this isn't true. Until SBS comes out and says it, it ain't true ... Calling PTB!

  6. @sia3: i'm glad i could help out! no, not a professional interpreter. just a professional drama-watcher and Dimples-worshipper. ^^.  I actually really enjoyed the article and translated most of it, anyway. hahaha. its an interesting perspective of CY's sword - one that my more literal mind didn't even think about until I read it. Many thanks to @untiek for posting the link. 
    @myphim:  A more loyal puppy CY could never have. Your puppy deserves a treat. I"m sending him a Milk Bone right now.  :D
    @snowflake10: i like to think we're all pretty awesome in here. cuz its true. our thread is a group effort of awesomeness. :> but thank you for the awesome! 

  7. episode 21 text preview은수는 우달치 부대원이 되어 최영과 함께 한다. 배신감에 분노한 기철은 덕흥을 앞세워 궁을 공격하려 하고 공민은 국내의 친원파들을 공격하기 위한 준비를 한다. 하루하루 지날수록 은수를 곁에 두고 싶은 최영의 마음은 초조해지는데...
    ES becomes a Woodalchi member and is together with CY.  A furious and betrayed GC uses DHG to mount an attack on the palace, while GM prepares to attack the opposing domestic party [Chin-Won-Pa --> the party that is pro-Yuan]. As each day passes, CY's desire to keep ES by his side mounts and his heart becomes anxious... 

  8. 201210170811401210_1.jpg
    So I was reading this article, which highlighted the deeper romance between CY/ES that hit a peak in episode 20. And they had an interesting take on the smile CY gave at the end to ESWoodalchi. I know us perverts thought: hey - CY is smiling 'cause he's finally got his woman in his man-cave and expects hot times to come a-rolling.  But the article offered a different perspective that i, for one in all my pervy splendor, completely didn't consider: "궁에 남아 호위대장으로서의 최영 곁을 지키겠다는 은수, 그런 그녀의 마음을 헤아린 최영의 화답으로 가까이 눈을 맞추고 미소 짓는 두 사람의 엔딩 장면"
    Basically they describe the ending shot as one in which CY fully appreciates the reason behind ES making it a point to come stay with him at Woodalchi headquarters: she wants him to remain in the palace as the general of the bodyguards and wants to protect him. [remember how he offered the option to quit all his positions and go hunt some Bad People down to protect her?]  Hence the smile he gives her. This absolutely didn't occur to me because I was so preoccupied with just the thought of her co-habbing with CY. She came up with this solution to give CY back the ground he lost during his crisis of faith in himself - now he HAS to be the Wooldachi Daejang again because his woman is going to stay in the Daejang room with him, as a Wooldachi. Ingenious, I'd say. ES gave CY a purpose AND some titillation, all in one swoop.Smart girl. I gotta give ES props. She had her "A" Game on today. Rock on, smartypants. Rock on. :)
    [edit: did anyone post this, yet? Dramasugar posted a new vid w/the new Rumble Fish song with clips from episode 20] http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-pmR0rbxd6w

  9. @livon123: actually, i think ES/CY are still operating under the assumption that she will go back. She says, "until that day, i will hide in the safest place in Goryeo."  From the drama's timeline, there are a little less than 20 days, give or take a few, until the heaven's door opens - which is plenty of time for things to happen w/GC, Yuan, and Duck Hind richard simmons. 
    I wish she would just say, "No, i'm staying here with you," but a) unless they find a cure for her sickness and; B) ppl stop trying to kill her ... not sure those definitive words are going to happen just yet. :(

  10. episode 20 script tidbits: 

    • In the scene where ES and CY are fighting about returning to the palace, and ES really lets CY have it, the script says that CY can't find the words because he isn't used to arguing with a woman. After he lets the Yuan Ninja guy go, he looks at his sword again with a fresh perspective. 
    • JB was supposed to be in this episode in multiple scenes. In fact, he was the one who was supposed to carry out NG after she fainted. And he was supposed to be tending to her as well.. I hope nothing's wrong with Philip Lee. 
    • During the handholding scene: ES was actually intended to be the one to move towards CY. And reach for his hand, herself. (SUPER glad they switched it up. was more meaningful with CY making the moves to comfort her).
    • When CY comes to see her in the palace, he was supposed to walk in on her chanting to herself: "Don't worry, be happy. Aja!" with her fists waving around. (Which would've been pretty funny)
    • During CY and GM scene: CY looks at him painfully; to see GM in the condition that he is in. By the end of the conversation, however, CY gets GM to get a hold of himself. Indeed, after CY leaves, GM makes an effort to steady himself and his senses. 
    I LOVED this episode. and will be rewatching it about 100 times during the course of this week. Most probably because you know a wave of pain will be coming since there is the wrath of GC to face; slimy DuckHind richard simmons to deal with; and a possible war with Yuan to consider. Oh whatever.. they are living together. I'm gonna enjoy thinking about that. Heeeeee. @myphim: Heck yeah, Dimples was on Fiyyyyaah today. *sizzle. Heart shaped laser beams shooting out of his eyes. Charisma oozing from every pore. *sizzle.  Happy dreams tonight.  :\">
  11. Adnana said: Guys, I'm really confused... Help me out?

    Why can't CY be a proper warrior anymore? Why does his heart hesitate?
    I thought it was because he felt responsible for the deaths of the 24 Woodalchis when the king was returning to the palace (CY said he should have been there or done something more, but instead he was in prison. Because he chose to stop ES's wedding). At any rate, I wouldn't like the idea that, just because CY loves ES and she is his first priority, he can't be a good, unflinching warrior anymore. But it seems that's not even the true reason for CY's departure, since in his discussion with his former Red Crescent Moon Army colleague, CY said that he hadn't left the palace because of a woman. @icesiren, does the script indicate that CY was stretching the truth when he said that?
    Why is he suddenly so rudderless and uncertain about his purpose in life/as a warrior?

  12. One of my favorite characters is Gomo-nim. Here is a still of her watching Imja bicker when she has something important to say: viewimage.php?id=greatdoctor&no=29bcc427
    viewimage.php?id=greatdoctor&no=29bcc427If checking his temperature brings forth "laser beams" like that.. imagine what sleeping in the SAME ROOM will do. (fans pervy self). 
    credit: dcinside

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