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Posts posted by icesiren

  1. Before I say good night, I wanted to leave with this: 
    Kim HeeSun, taking a catnap on-set with just a plastic raincoat as a cover. Imagine how tired our actors and staff must be right now. I'm sending lost of positive energy and thoughts to them. Hoping they power on thru the remaining 4 episodes. I think they only have to film for less than two weeks. :(  My heart breaks already at the thought of a Faith-less existence. 

  2. @myphim, actually she appears before CY


    he has lost his way as a Goryeo warrior - in order to help him out. I'm wondering if she dresses up as a warrior and gets all "find your inner beast" on him. ? HAHAHAHAH. j/p. i honestly have no idea what to expect, which is half the fun. BTW, i thought that pic was so cute and immediately thought of you. Consider it a thankyou for helping to feed MY addiction to my Dimples. 



  3. viewimage.php?id=greatdoctor&no=29bcc427
    Did you know the most recent hairstyle change was suggested by Lee MinHo, himself? He suggested a haircut and looser wave. Taking off the headband was to show CY's firm resolution; the looser/wilder hair was to better match CY's change in his state of mind. This is the 3rd time CY has changed hairstyles - each time he changed, it indicated a different stage in his development. Stage 1: Because of his pain from Jeokwoldae days, CY lived by turning his back on the world, hence his wild look. Stage 2: Because of ES, he awakens to a new purpose in his life as Woodalchi Daejang, hence his more proper and neat look. Stage 3: appears to be a blend of the two.
    You know Faith-fandom is life and well, when a change in hairstyle warrants an entire article about it. FIGHTING, Faith!~ 

  4. @myphim: your Puppy!~ viewimage.php?id=greatdoctor&no=29bcc427
    episode 20 text preview
    노국의 납치로 인해 궁은 발칵 뒤집어지고, 공민은 흔들리기 시작한다. 함께 궁으로 돌아온 최영과 은수는 노국을 구출하기 위한 작전을 펼친다. 시련 속에서 공민은 왕의 결정을 하게 되고, 무사의 마음을 잡지 못하는 최영 앞에 은수는 뜻밖의 모습으로 나타나는데...

    The palace is in an uproar because of NG's kidnapping, and GM starts to waver. Upon their return to the palace, CY and ES begin their plan to rescue NG. In the midst of this ordeal, GM makes a decision as a king. ES appears before CY in an unexpected guise, who is unable to find his warrior mojo (ok, it says heart, but i like mojo better) 

  5. http://www.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2012101609012791322
    This article is quite interesting. It talks about the weird contrast between the relatively poor ratings and the increasing crazy fandom of Faith-shippers. The biggest reason for the stagnating ratings from netizens, is that it is hard to jump into Faith in the middle of the drama. Whether its GM's political battle or ES's complicated time -traveling mess, if you don't catch it from the beginning, its hard to appreciate the "fun" of the drama. Moreover, unlike present day dramas, the romance between the lead pair didn't develop quickly, which failed to capture the interest of beginning/mid drama viewership. 
    That said, the article mentions the crazy loyal Faith following that has reached mania proportions, particularly centered around CY. (*icesiren raises her hand.. ME ME ME! Dimples)  The internet is full of activity from sleepless CY-aholics on Mon/Tues nights.[i'd argue its more like every night. with peak activity on Sunday/Monday nights].  According to the article, the reason behind the slow romance development lies in CY, who was recovering from a 7 year period during which he shut his heart. Only when he met ES  does he begin to open his heart, casting charismatic looks and showing his "pure macho" side. Because of this, unlike in modern dramas were kisses and hugs don't instigate much of a reaction, we see viewers moved by things like hand-holding, heartfelt talks, or leaning on a shoulder. When the kiss came out last week, it caused Faith-holics to jump to their feet and break out in a frenzy. (Uh. YEAH. hahah) 
    You know what? Those in the know, appreciate the awesomeness that is Faith. The rest.. well, they just don't get to fully appreciate the Dimples. Phooey on them. hahahha. Card-carrying member of Faith-holics right here. and damn proud of it. :D

  6. Let's try and be supportive. Ratings (and these are so subjective, IMHO); editing errors; and other issues aside, i still think Faith is the best drama on the M/T schedule. Certainly, its the only one that keeps me online late at night, trying to find spoilers and things to post here. :) At this point, I just keep looking forward. I'm still anticipating tomorrow's episode. I still keep thinking that we may end up with a happy ending for our Imja couple. And i still think Dimples is the Hotness. So let's release our negativity, and just hope tomorrow's episode offers some resolution to our complaints ... Pretty please, says Puppy Dimples?
    viewimage.php?id=greatdoctor&no=29bcc427credit: dcinside.

  7. I was just contemplating ES's situation: if we go with what the doctor in the village told her - there is no cure for the poison DHG gave her in Goryeo. That said, there is a cure for it in modern times. But from the preview, she heads back to the palace and the waiting Yuan envoy - away from heaven's door - away from the cure. Is this when her antibiotic development will kick into high gear? What the heck did the rest of the note say? In the script, it says ES is more surprised at the contents of the diary pages, rather than at the pages themselves. So it must be something pretty big and urgent.

    I feel like rocking like a crazy person. So stressful! Hahahahah.

  8. Since I lack spoilers, figured I'd post some episode 19 script tidbits: 

    • when CY met NG in the hallway of the palace, and he bows to her - he holds his bow for longer. (probably paying his respects to her , in his own way). 
    • during the scene where CY and his Aunt are speaking and as he is leaving she tells him about Yuan's condition that ES be publicly executed, and CY asks what will happen to GM if he can't produce ES - at this point in the script, he takes off his Woodalchi headband and THEN says, "what right does a bastard like me have to know the King's situation". :( [wow i wish they had kept that in.. that would've been a pretty powerful moment] 
    • walking in the forest: the first time we see them walking together was supposed to be longer. ES (the script called for something round to be used in her hairstyle.haha) takes a peek at CY and notices his downcast face. She picks up some leaves and stealthily tries to tuck one behind his ear. Without looking, CY grabs her wrist, looks at the leaves in it, and then continues to walk, holding her hand. [she did have leaves in her hand, actually, in what aired.] After she teases him about his manner of speak, he pulls her in and kisses her hair. She snuggles into his chest; while he holds her, he gazes in the distance in the direction of the palace. (Man, i hate seeing him so torn. I miss the days when the interests of ES matched with the interests of GM).
    • Even while he drinks the cup of liquor at that seedy tavern, CY slowly moves his sword into position in front of him. (Dimples is ever so alert, as always.)
  9. while I am sure rocky roads are ahead for Our Imjas (particularly since from the preview,it seems like ES returns to the palace despite knowing that GM would have to give her up to Yuan for a public execution), I choose to focus on the development of ES and CY as a couple. CY went from a reserved, detached narcileptic to someone wanting to truly experience life and its up/downs. He has gone from someone who just went through the motions, to someone who has learned to expect more from the people and situations around him. He went from being taciturn and touch-phobic to open and warm and affectionate with his woman. Moreso than the romance behind his gesture in the woods when he patted his shoulder and said "(lean) here," I was struck by the gesture, itself - he has become someone who isn't afraid to demand things of the woman he loves; to want and demand things of his life, beyond that of following orders as a Goryeo warrior. *tear.  Dimples has grown up!! :) 
    and ES. Still plucky and full of heart, i think her obvious growth has come more in terms of her "faith" in CY. I mean, the ES in episode 1 would most certainly have questioned CY about his decisions/plans in episode 19. Indeed, the scene where CY tells her, "when i say now, duck"... Episode 1 ES would not have blindly trusted CY as current ES does. 
    No spoilers for tomorrow's episode as of yet. I wonder if ES will share with CY the knowledge she obtained from the film canister diary pages. and how they end up back in the palace, knowing what awaits them there? I can't see CY saying, "heck yeah, let's go back even if you are supposed to be publicly executed" From the preview, I think future ES warned present ES about the danger to the King and Queen if she continued on her present course - that must be why they end up back in the palace - i just wanna c HOW. aiigo, this drama is bad for my blood pressure. 

  10. I can't even get Writer Song's website to load at all. ;) I think its too much traffic right now. Been happening lately, after each episode airs. In the beginning, had no problems - maybe its a sign that more ppl are interested in it now that we are in the last leg of our journey?  Writer Song is apparently sick, too.. FIGHTING!~ 
    @lovetw: thanks ever so much for posting the clips! they keep me preoccupied until I can actually watch the whole raw. (my phone battery dies as i type.. hahah). 

  11. viewimage.php?id=greatdoctor&no=29bcc427

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! new hair, CY. swwoooon.
    edit: http://topstarnews.net/n_news/news/view.html?no=16665#.UHuZVm_LRGY
    (fast translation) In this still from episode 19, ES is seen tenderly cupping CY's face while looking as if she will burst into tears at any moment; noticeably absent is CY's Woodalchi headband, which suggests that CY left behind his rank/office. As the time for the opening of heaven's door approaches, in order to avoid causing each other pain or undue burdens, Imja couple had to accept their separation. So during this farewell trip where every minute and every second is precious and which is the first time they are perfectly alone, Imja couple will show explosive affection for each other. A Faith staff member says that in today's episode, Imja couple will tell each other everything in their hearts during many conversations; and before accepting the impending separation, through truthful expressions of love, will imprint each other more deeply in their hearts. 
    My Heart Breaks...  :((

  12. Lyrics to new OST: My Love, by Rumble Fish
    사랑아 사랑아 날 떠나지 말아요 너무 아프니까요
    그리워 그리워 난 그대가 그리워 죽을지도 몰라요
    찬바람 부는데 그대는 어디에 나 여기 있어요
    내리는 빗물에 눈물이 주륵 우리 이별인가요
    헤어져서 살수가 있나요 보고싶어 견딜 수 있나요
    사랑아 사랑아 날 떠나지 말아요 너무 아프니까요
    그리워 그리워 난 그대가 그리워 죽을지도 몰라요

    사랑하면 바보가 되나요 그대만을 바라보니까요
    사랑아 사랑아 날 떠나지 말아요 너무 아프니까요
    그리워 그리워 난 그대가 그리워 죽을지도 몰라요
    슬퍼도 울지 않을래요  아파도 나 견뎌 볼래요
    단 하나만 꼭 기억해줘요 내가 그댈 사랑했다는걸
    시간이 흐르고 그대 나를 잊어도 나는 기다릴거에요
    죽도록 아프고 많이  힘들겠지만
    난 그대 뿐이에요 그대를 사랑해요

    My Love, My Love, don't leave me because it hurts too much.I miss you, I miss you. I might die because I miss you. A cold wind blows, I am here, where are you. In the falling rain, my tears fall. Are we separating?Will i be able to live without you; will i be able to endure when i want to see you? My Love, My Love, don't leave me because it hurts too much.I miss you, I miss you. I might die because I miss you. 
    If one falls in love, do they become a fool? Because I only see you.My Love, My Love, don't leave me because it hurts too much.I miss you, I miss you. I might die because I miss you. Even if I'm sad, I don't want to cry. Even if it hurts, I want to try and endure.Just remember one thing: that I loved you.As time passes, even if you forget me, I will wait for you. Although I might hurt until I want to die, and it might be very hard, you're the only one for me. I love you. 
    ... :(

    Reports from ppl who've heard the OST said that its actually a very very good song. But sad. .. my heart hurts already. 

  13. @myphim: its possible that he IS the man in the black carriage. Just sneaking in for some power plays. I could see it. His character is supposed to be a charismatic spokesperson from Yuan; there to show Yuan's power over Goryeo; I just hope that one of the power plays he makes, isn't for ES. Cuz then he might use his ninja skills against CY, and lord knows - they are both pretty bad-a**.  I don't wanna see my dimples get maimed again. 

  14. Aiigooo there r like no spoilers available as of now! No articles. No stills. No droppings, nothing for me to share.... Sunday is always such a hard day bc u know Monday is coming. I need a shot of something to get me thru this. Hahaha

    @sia3, many thanks for the dimple parade!! I will just keep looking at them. So mesmerizing. dimples just make me feel better. ^^

  15. @myphim: o.m.g. u rock!! I'm absolutely k.o-ed by the dimple magnificence. That or I might be just a teeny bit high on cough syrup - but let's just go with the power of the dimple. Many many thanks for feeding my addiction.

    @xopo17: hey if I can get taken out by the dimples, I'm thinking ES is down for the count. And I for one, completely understand. Haahhahah.

  16. Ok, that's it. I'm officially on Dimple Watch 2012. On my rewatch of episode 18 (for like the 100th time, I kid you not), I noticed that while CY is pacing in jail, after getting his liplock with ES, his dimples show for like .5 seconds. and that knocked me on my butt. My own reaction surprised me. Who knew dimples had that much power? 
    More dimples? Yes, PLEASE. :D
    @xopo17: whoo-hooo~. *sizzle. .. yeah. i'm gonna need a glass of cold water now, please. :\">@bobsavero: PTB is the Positive Thinking Brigade. We pretty much wish things into existence through the power of positive thoughts. ahhahaha. i.e the kiss; happy endings; marriage; babies...  {i love this thread. ^:)^] 

  17. @LuvMinHo, oh man, i almost forgot about ES and her antibiotics.. does that mean she is going to carry a portable lab on her back?  :-B  and i dunno.. its not like ES is contagious or anything so maybe...  :x
    ahhh, wishful pervy thinking. but i'm still gonna think it. hahahahaha. PTB.

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