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angieknows last won the day on June 2 2016

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  1. I'm sure the way she pulls her hair back isn't the only thing Ki finds attractive about Kyo :wink::lol: And Kyo ... so quick-witted!






    Credit to the Awesome Twosome!!! Can't thank you guys enough!



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      @thepixies Correct! Haha. Because he said it so glibly!


      @kyooo929 The "up to you" in parentheses is another way of reading "take care of it yourself." Essentially, Ki was telling her rather glibly, "whatever ... you do what you want." LOL. Per our K friend, in Korean culture, when a man gets jealous and doesn't want to show it, he reacts that way---he's glib and dismissive. But if he is merely her dongsaeng and she only a sunbae/noona to him, then he would have been more polite to her. Our friend said, imagine if Kyo had said that to Park Bo Gum, then how would/should PBG respond? He certainly wouldn't respond the same way as Ki. He would say something very polite and respectful, like "You're still pretty even though you don't pull your hair back." LOL. But to Kyo saying she'll do that in front of men, Ki's reaction was more along the lines of a possibly jealous boyfriend's "yeah, yeah, whatever." LOL.


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