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Green Chilli

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Posts posted by Green Chilli

  1. 2 minutes ago, partyon said:

    Wow, this episode was intense.... :fearful:


    I have to organize my thoughts a bit, because so much happened.

    In the meantime, though, I have to say that BHR going after SW with a broken piece of a plate was too much. I was really upset she attacked SW first by pulling her hair, but trying to cut her with that shard was shocking.


    Poor Song Won. I hope this doesn't cause her so much stress that she miscarries.

    Mistress if she is in fragile state of health that she may miscarry a baby should not be hobnobbing with cheaters family so much where there is a risk if she getting exposed.


    i would have liked BHR attacked PSH Instead but mistress is getting what she deserved. For a women who was cheated , BHR  is in no position to think well being if other woman  when in anger 

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  2. 34 minutes ago, Madu Mita said:

    BHR was wrong for hitting a pregnant lady , yes. But it bothers me how much her husband and her family keep acting like she’s dumb and lying and gaslighting her whenever she confronts them. It’s bad that the husband is living a double life, now his family is joining him too in his lies and deception.

    It’s clear they’re only doing this so that don’t come off as a bad husband or in laws - to soothe their guilty conscience .

    He’s emotionally cheating on her with his mistress while trying for a baby with her and assuring he’ll break off things with her.

    BHR is a person of pride, all these acts  drives her insane.

    And like someone said, the mistress has damaged self esteem and believes herself to be in love with him.


    looks like Hae ryung is deciding on divorce tomorrow, best decision. 

    what I hate about the 30 family and mistress is how they like to act mature and morally uptight , like they saints who do the right thing.


    Hae Ryung is not their charity case.

    it’s time to own to your actions . If you fall in love or cheated, just own up to it. 

    Don’t try to act like it was a mistake and you’re saviours doing the right thing.


    unlike the other two , Hae Ryung is not clueless, she can see right through all of them and she’s the one who caught him in the act.


    Don’t try to act like she’s dumb and that you’re a better person than her for not being as brash as her. 

    violence aside, it really is pathetic, how the whole family acts like they’re the victim in this. 

    Hae Ryung was the victim of the marriage and now she’s the victim of their constant manipulation and lies.


    Atleast unlike her husband and in laws, she never tries to pretend like a better person. She is honest and values honesty, they can’t win her over with lies and deceit .


    instead of clinging on to your image, just own up to your actions and live your life.

    Well said . In-laws were worried about reputation , I hope BHR  drags them through mud but knowing the writer it may not happen.


    Goody two shoes act only last so long , the person who knowingly cheats can never be a good person 

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    Only BHR scene was good today when she threw the muffler and when she pulled the mistress hair . PSH Entire family is shameless 


    more to come tomorrow , hopefully it is good. BUT where are the PSH getting hit scenes , I needed to see that.


    40s wife easily taken in but husband got the warning and ended , I guess it will not last long though. But he is sure a quick thinker , gets to see warning signs and tries to avoid mishap.


    on 50s , I guess children will take time but will get back together if father continues efforts. He did good by taking divorce atleast not like other two low lifes.




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  4. 7 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

    An expert in cheating will not get two phones. But disguise her name as someone else, like the slippery smooth Dr. Shin.


    And I went to edit my post above because apparently the personal pronoun "it" was misunderstood as "cheating", when it was supposed to be "beating"


    Experts don’t come one shape or 

    color , he is an expert with his own ways and means . He is very detailed and full of planning for his affair and for what he wants.

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  5. 53 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

    Multiple times with both hands.


    One slap, to stop him from hurting another person.


    One time, after a warning to him to get lost, but he wouldn't.


    Exactly. He was not shell shocked because he already knows the drill, and he was able to take out the SIM card. Only goes to show it was not the first time it happened to him.


    @partyon @joccu I am so looking forward to the 40s couple's confrontation too!

    You mean to say PSH is so expert in cheating that the first thing when got caught  ,what Comes to his mind is hide the evidence , totally agree .


    if he was abused constantly they would have shown the beatings not just in aftermath of cheating. 

    if she was an abuser she would be beating him even now daily be us abusers wont stop at one beating.


    How many slaps or kicks depends on the rage they are feeling at that time . She caught her husband red handed out of blue , so her her anger was more and justified 


    Again he was wrong

    and he deserved all the beatings in world, no two ways about it.


    and the reason all husbands take the beating silently is because they are wrong and probably because it is not much of punishment for what they have done, more of a dent in their ego than physical impact 

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  6. 42 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

    She hit him twice already when she is upset things don't go her way. And judging by PSH's reaction that time we saw him being hit until nose bleed, it wasn't the first time she did that. A normal person's reflex would be shocked and defensive to receive such unexpected violent beating, but he just sat there, not moving when she took the cushion, like he already knows what's to come upon him. She sat down, not getting the answer she wants, she got up, walked across and hit him again. She knew he would stay there and receive her beating. He even have to ask permission to stop his bleeding?

    Then in the OST clip, we see that the way she hit him is also the same way. Him sitting down and she slapping him using both hands. It shows that her hands are not unfamiliar to hitting him that way. 

    now we will go and imagine ourselves that she was beating him regularly to support our views. Let’s stick to what is shown. He was not shell shocked , he was busy calculating how he should get rid of the sim card . He had full senses , in the midst of it , he was able to take the SIM card out of the phone , excused to go to bathroom by using nose bled as advantage and broke and drained the sim or made it unworkable , all to protect his mistress. A very calculating person and it also shows how

    much it hurt probably nothing.


    OST - that is for next week , it may well be a dream but if it is not still I am ok , he deserves it , after telling her that he will cut ties , entire family is eating with a mistress behind her back. 

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  7. 8 minutes ago, hyall said:


    I didn't say it was abuse but if you keep yelling and controlling another person that can become abusive.


    If you start giving justification for beatings it never ends, it works both ways you cannot have the right to not be beaten if you do not respect other people's right not to be beaten. What if he hit her back for hitting him. Is that justified?


    Everyone will have a reason to beat another so the law says you cannot hit another person. 

    he could just go and file a complaint of assault on her , simple. She can be punished according to law.


    This  reason is just not any reason , it is very monumental for a couple in marriage . She lost her cool.

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  8. 58 minutes ago, hyall said:

    One hit is not abuse may be but no person has the right to raise their hand against another. That is battery and it is wrong in every way. No husband or wife should ever beat the other. No justification for that.


    BHR's behaviour is disgusting. I have seen first hand what spousal abuse is like. Shouting and beatings become common enough that it becomes a habit. Say no to it.


    In this case I am ok , first women is no where comparable to man in strength.


    and the pain he inflicted on her is much more than any beating he got from her.  She is not beating him everyday , it is when she found out that he is cheating and answering , he was further aggravating her by not

    answering any of her questions. She was in shock .


    For me Cheating  is much more of a sin and them no

    remorse to add to it.







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  9. 8 hours ago, agenth said:

    I don't think they said that it's not PSH's fault for making that mistake of cheating.


    However, if by your words: cheating is not a mistake, what else is it then?  Nobody said PSH didn't do it out of his free will, in fact making a wrong choice is very much the definition of mistake, is it not? Having options, free will is pretty much the prerequisite to making a mistake.


    For instance, if PSH were drugged and he then cheated on his wife, then it would not be free will, but influenced by something out of his control, thus cheating would not be a mistake on his part - as he did not have free will. 


    Therefore, in this case, cheating was a mistake of PSH's part. However, BHR is no angel, either, she is human and has flaws. I have pointed out some things that contributed to PSH cheating on BHR. If they had a good marriage, nobody would cheat in the first place and marriage is a partnership, it takes two to tango. Their marriage relationship was by far not perfect, and perfection doesn't really exist, it was not even a good relationship. BHR did do some wrong things, but that doesn't mean she deserves to be cheated on. 


    Yes I agree marriage is hard work and cheating is escapism. Some people choose the easy way out, and some people don't know how to deal with the troubles they encounter - therefore some people make the mistake of choosing to cheat. 



    this show literally showed that if wife is good bad angel devil or devoted entire life’s to husbands , still husband cheats.


    good marriage does not stop cheating. They did not have any bad bad marriage , they had few issues which could have discussed and sorted out .


    5 hours ago, agenth said:


    I'm not blaming the wives for being cheated on.


    I'm only pointing out reasons. Unless the husband OR wife is a perennial cheater, there's always an underlying reason for cheating, based on the quality of relationship. 


    It'd be good for people to be introspective and look at their own relationship - not that everyone is going to cheat who is unhappy, not at all. But it wouldn't hurt to take the time and talk AND listen to your partner, would it? 

    again there is no reason for cheating. Cheaters do it because they want to and lack morale .


    2 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:


    now her PRIDE AND JOY MEDAL OF COMPETENCY  is  abusing her emotionally :mrgreen:  





    # wow 

    he is trying to find her views on marrying young man , if she views it as some competency or trophy 


    she effectively answered that she does not think it is her competency and she has to wait and see how it pans out in later years .


    She has her head on her shoulders and does not think him as some

    trophy .


    1 hour ago, agenth said:


    How so? I never said they deserved to be cheated on, but there's always reasons, for example if someone is getting abused and the other then cheats on the abuser. The abuse is the cause for cheating.


    Why do I look at reasons for cheating? There are also relationships that can grow past cheating, that's why some people go for marriage counselling. If you want to work on a relationship, then it can succeed if both people are on board. 


    Personally, I probably wouldn't be able to do so, once trust is broken, I wouldn't be able to forgive (and forget). What the 30s PIL are asking: don't persist etc, is well-meaning advice in the sense of, if you want this marriage to work, you can't be petty and regurgitate the cheating. Does that mean she needs to forget the cheating? No, but forgive. Is forgiveness earned? 


    Why? Because it is not healthy and not going to help your marriage if you keep bringing up RickRoll'D. But in order to grow past cheating / any other mistakes etc, you have to address the issues. And in order to address issues and the problem, you will have to listen also to the cheater, for why they cheat. 


    So for 30s couple:

    Neither actually want to work on their relationship! They haven't addressed anything, they only plan to have a baby! 


    40s couple: wife was clueless until now, we will see what she does when she finds out. 


    50s couple: Woman agreed to divorce because the man didn't want to work on marriage, he wanted an exit. She knew she couldn'T do it on her own (saving marriage). 


    Whole drama shows it is furious to look for reasons and we have hear never ending eulogies to lawyer and his mistress as if it is a pure and innocent love 

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  10. 11 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

    Is PSH a saint then? He is human too, so it’s possible that he made a mistake, ie.fall into the temptation of sleeping with another woman... I get the impression that BHR has done absolutely nothing wrong and PSH is the only one with wrongdoings. No, both are in the wrong and both have to evaluate themselves, change as necessary depending on what they decided as a couple and as individuals. 

    Anyway, I have enough of 30s couple, I actually skipped watch their scenes. I am now more interested in the 40s couple. Waiting for all hell to break loose :naughty:
    Anyone thought about what if when stepmom did kiss stepson successfully, the ghost will suddenly come to life? Or maybe, the kiss made his soul takes over son’s body? I did. I am mashing the genres now :joy:

    PSH sis the coward who did not ask for divorce and went and had affair . pain of partner betraying one is nothing compared to not making food or other small solvable issues.


    again , no pan is asking PSH to stick around and be in misery but he is meek and manipulator and coward hence sleeping with wife while lining for mistress . 

    I find no fault with BHR , before he committed affair , if he went and fight with BHT and told her all grievances , I would have been sympathetic with him but no he first slept with someone and now wants out showing that as an excuse .


    he actually deserve more pain and suffering just like other cheaters . He is his special 

    10 hours ago, africandramalover said:








    Cheating is a justification for domestic violence?? How so.

    no but I think it is on he a good beating ... she took out anger on him . He caused immense pain that she threw up blood , so it is ok for him to shed few drops of blood through nose .



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  11. 33 minutes ago, admonike said:

     I skipped most of the part in season 1 while the story about mistress. Now i'm wondering, what is the reason behind the engineer dumped NGB. Anyone can enlight me?


     Yes @chickfactor, that what I said too! I wont trust the preview or OST anymore until the real episode is airing

    I believe he did not want to settle down like he said not in next five years .


    NGB is older than him and pushing 41 so she wants to get married and have children . So I guess that is the reason 

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  12. 13 minutes ago, hsmz said:

    And I would say too, she deserves to be cheated as her husband who always always say YES to her, listen to her, massage her, lied to his parents for her, did everything to make her happy. But in the end, she never appreciate it, always grumpy & nitpicking and it's always ME NOT YOU. Man like PSH who always hungry for affections, loveable man, he must fed with affection, so he won't turn his head around to other woman. If the wife constantly hurt him inside, and he kept endure and endure and endure, yeahhh the best way to walk away from the hurful marriage is by cheating. He's not happy before and after cheating. BHR just don't get it.... 

    This is all I have to say. 

    walking away marriage not equal to cheating

     he needed to get her out of his life by going for divorce .


    cheating is never an option it is only for morally lacking cowards 


    BHR is also not happy hence she does not give a damn for his happiness 

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  13. 11 minutes ago, hsmz said:

    actually he can do this if he wants, but the already promised to end it and try to get the baby as BHR also promised to her PIL too. He still pinning on his mistress? Of course he remembers her, and sometimes think of her. she pregnant with his child you know, even child out of wedlock, but the child did nothing wrong. He should be responsible but they all won't let him. 


    Mutual benefits, yeahhhhhh that's suit them. 

    Mutual suffers too... Yeahh, that's good for them too.


    her husband said so. It's not like I'm making this up... 

    his mother may know that wives will hit the husbands if they cheat , common reaction.  Did you not see she kicked her husband out of bed with her leg . Wives do hit husbands when they cheat NEWS BREAK 

    That does not establish that she was an abuser.

    her husband as I said is very big MCP and is full of age old patriarchal views just like his father , if he says boyish that mean he does not have any sense  and he still fell for boyish charms , she is strong and independent , he cannot handle her but now is stuck .  They both needed subservient woman Who will spend their entire life as his mother did.


    child did nothing wrong is an excuse , wives don’t need give a damn for mistress child , the child got bad parents so it is hurting the child and will be called names because parents could not have control on themselves 

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  14. 25 minutes ago, hsmz said:

    That means, she will always hurt him, before cheating and after cheating, emotionally and physically. From the MV, we will see another beating at their home, I guess after they all met in the restaurant. This time in front of his parents. I just don't know what to say. Maybe I didn't grow up with BHR's boyish DNA, so I didn't really understand why people have to use domestic violence even towards the cheated man. Maybe one or two slaps should be OK but beat him till bleed like previous season, plus this season in front of his parents.... Hurmmmmm...


    What actually writer-nim wanna show? Woman must beat her cheater husbands for satisfaction of herself? Is it worth it? 


    #BHR - Amber Heard wanna be

    boyish DNA  haha just because she does not fit in patriarchal code does not mean boyish DNA. Women also can hit.


    it is not shown that she inflicts domestic violence , the scene she hit him is for his cheating , she was super angry and yes i think he deserved it and lot more than that .


    one or two slaps for going and sleeping with another women and getting her pregnant UHHH .


    He inflicted pain with unforgivable sin of cheating , he reaps what he gets . Time

    will heal her wounds and then he can get respite , till then he wilL suffer for being a cheater and being a coward and not insisting on divorce and going behind her back and pining for mistress .


    no one is asking him to suffer , he can choose to leave now too why he is sticking around ??? If he is determined he should separate and insist on divorce till cows come home not sleep with wife while pining for

    mistress. He is aggregating her by his behavior , keeps pushing back time for break up , pulls a sorry face , drinking at home as his world crumbled etc etc , then yes he deserves to be suffering.


    what is he doing to get the marriage on track ... zero nothing

    other than giving up on divorce and sleeping with her , that may be for

    his own benefit too.




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  15. 1 hour ago, hsmz said:

    That's why I said, if she really have the effort to save her marriage, why she still hurting him? As you know why he met his life-counselor-turned-mistresss right? To talk about his marriage issues. I guess she also stay in the marriage maybe because she still not confident to get any man like her husband. She knew herself very well, how straightforward she is. Even Dong Ma said so during their first dinner. Now I didn't see any progress of their effort except they both keeping making baby and she wrapped the scarf around PSH's neck to make him look less shabby.

    Yes, she can cheat on him as many times as she please if that will make her happy. But that's will never make PSH's heart longing for her like their early stage of marriage.  And with man like Dong Ma? I think she will get hurt and dump just like NGB. He just wanna feel satisfied with himself that he can go out dinner with celebrity like he did with NGB.

    #Dong Ma's taste is celebrity 

    she is human not a saint so she will want to hurt him for the pain he inflicted on her.


    she is not hoping for PSH to get back to how it was , they can never be same , that chance has gone the moment PSH cheated. He needs to suffer too , he cannot cheat and come back home and find a better wife tending to his needs .


    if they end up together , they will be like bickering PIL couple ... never fully satisfied



    let’s not be very quick to judge , people who talk  more are most likely the people who don’t bite . The silent schemers like PSH and saintly mistress are the ones who inflict max pain.


    and they both believe in being straightforward and setting the record straight in the first meeting itself that he is not settling type and she has husband. If dong ma was a shady character he would not say upfront that he does not plan to settle atleast for 5 more years nor he would say that he would like the dating numbers be more .  No pretense there , laid everything on the table. I guess nam ga bin was like PSH fell for him knowing well he is not settling type than expected him to change and marry. He did not and broke off , that is actually a good thing he did . Did not String along the Actress even though he knew there was a connection may be not enough to leave behind bachelor days. Who knows BHR may get him to think on marriage lines but that is far fetched.


    that is why I firmly believe it is just a dream of revenge of BHR and she kind of making plans in head with a rich handsome hottie in her head as he seems very worthy candidate at first look.



    Just like nam ga bin wants to show ex that she is getting married and having babies.

    but will he get jealous at a 50 year old man . He already knows what she is thinking. Everyone want to get back to people who hurt them and show them they are living a good life. That is very human .

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  16. 1 hour ago, hsmz said:

    Yeah, their marriage was already over actually since PSH's heart now no longer longing for her. But to cheat on him before the divorce, if she being caught red-handed by PSH & his parents, you think they all will cry & kneeling in front of her and they blamed themselves because she cheated? They will said she's blablabla..... Since PSH always said he was always been hurt by his wife and that was one of the reason he cheated on her, you think PSH & his parents will feel sad and hurt when she cheats him back? They're so happy if they divorce I guess. They're both now in misery and hurt, no doubt about it.

    If I were BHR, I will not cheat even someone's give 1 Million dollar, instead I will sign the papers, demand a lot of money and maybe a house from PSH's family, then get sweet revenge by marrying a handsome, rich, more richer than PSH's family & successful man, have a lot babies & getting more famous!!! But, yeahhh, that's me, not her.

    Most women who get cheated will end up like 50s wife with confidence shattered , trying to pick up pieces when the scum bug cheaters rubbing their happiness in wife’s face .


    also life is not a fairy tale , however good the wife is , it is not easy to find a better man. It will be a long journey to recovery.  that is why they are showing all her revenge plans as her dreams , she wants to get there and dump the current husband but that is just that in her head.


    i would seriously wish that she ends up with hottie but that kind of thing will happen only if a person is very lucky and we don’t know what his plans are. She may find a person later on but not so immediately.


    so if she wants to get back to husband by cheating then so be it , that way she will have got whatever revenge she gets and move on. She does not need to be a saint and raise somebody else’s child who will remind her lifelong that her husband cheated on her . She has to just think about her, she is unhappy currently so she cannot see husband happy with mistress. If she finds her happiness then it may be easier for her to let go. Also she is younger so not that much maturity .


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  17. I want to see BHR hitting daylights our of PSH next week and then dump

    him and his  lousy parents who are just like him dishonest and backstabbers. 

    10 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:



    I understand if it was first day of him cheating, but she decided to work on relationship, move on this isn’t the way to do it  :D



    why doesn’t he deserve a straight answer 

    The guy seem doing what she ask of him didn’t see his  BABY MAMA  for months  judging by spoiler :phew:




    so can’t she’s be quite nicer  at least  try saving relationship 


    He is pining after the mistress and having parents check on her and  is getting info from them in her , going to mistress place and leaving her stuff , that is not keeping promise that is buying time and tricking wife into believing that he cut links . And more over he is drinking like a love sick puppy for her to see and understand that he is unhappy 

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  18. 8 minutes ago, hsmz said:

    We never know, the writer-nim still "playing" with her character. Her makjang-ness is still there, I'm not surprise if the writer-nim made her sleep with Dong Ma and pregnant with his child & then she didn't know the father of the child, either her husband or Dong Ma. Anything can happen.

    Don't hate me, I just imagine what her makjang-ness will be.

    Just look how she made Prof Park asked his ex-wife to be friended with NGB. 


    I believe it is more in her head . But if writer goes that way , it is the scenario I want,  two out of wedlock children for them and be together an raise each other’s children with some one else .


    that way BHR will be at peace 

    27 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:


    husband want to know simple thing

    she snappy & sarcasm  2aPsmnS.gif



    New lover want to know random thing 

    she wouldn’t mind talking all day AVw3T5p.gif




    # discrimination :D

    PSH does not deserve a straight answer , he does the same with her now.


    an of course hottie needs full day. He is witty and straight forward like her too so conversation will flow .

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  19. Today longer scenes with hottie dong-Ma and BHR scenes . It was nice scene. Better than expected conversation. She is always straight forward with questions and answers. I am glad she did not care if he is a fan or not . Good one and realistically answer for a younger husband, old age will tell the result .


    i love the wardrobe of BHR yesterday her dress with PSH and today the dress on the spa is too good.  I like 40s wife dresses too.


    I find nam ga bin wardrobe little weird .


    like son like father , meeting the mistress behind the back and discussing personal issues , next what sleep with her .


    and PILs inviting her to family home is shameless. 


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  20. Why do I feel


    BHR and lawyer Will get back together ... I want BHR with Hottie  but writer is not going to give us this 


    50s wife and mistress will let each other into their lives 

    40s wife will leave husband , looks like Ami is equally affected here and lacks maturity to let go , she is young and totally mislead by this older guy yuck , hope she also dumps him .

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