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Green Chilli

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Posts posted by Green Chilli

  1. Loved loved today’s sweet revenge ... the trash parents had to hear from their friends trashing them and their son , I hope the PSH looses the job too.


    BHR was too pretty today in press conference , she milked it and the call to ex FIL later was too good .. loved it.


    i hope she gives up on seo he is not worth it .... first he goes and asks a random if he can play with her unborn child and now sympathizing with husbands .. 


    there will be bette men in the sea for BHR .


    but write may not give a better ending for BHR but I loved today’s sweet revenge how ever short it may live but seeing there smiles of those disgusting faces was well worth it 

    • Like 7
  2. 51 minutes ago, INJINFAN said:

    I feel strongly that NONE of the wives should take these cheaters back.  They deserve better.

    Best response to cheating: Award goes to 40's wife!!!!  So classy, "You can have him!"  50's wife is wrong; 40's wife should not take him back.

    Also,  I agree, best karma for 40's husband is living with these two crazy women.  They may actually try to kill each other.  He is truly going to reap the whirlwind.  

    Best karma for 50's husband is to be dumped by lover, and try to go back home, and told NO.  

    My question about 30's couple is: Does wife really have fertility problems?  and if she does, did she keep it a secret from her husband and just say she did not want children?  What would happen if he finds out the truth?  Or did she just tell her mother that to keep from telling the truth?  I could see this one having a twist: somehow SW is out of picture (dies in childbirth?) and husband returns to 30's wife with baby.  Maybe she would reconsider, but she has lots of choices among other men, and doesn't need to settle.  She should say NO to him and in-laws.

    Number 1 Question: Who fell off the horse?  Looked like a man?  Only people who rode horses were A Mi, 40's husband and A Mi's father, right?  How can it develop story line?

    Number 2 Question:  WTHeck is up with the ghost?  How will he extend the storyline?  Is he just comic relief?  Inquiring minds want to know!

    Looks like she just got to know about her fertility issues after trying for a child. So she divorced him , she does not want to go through treatments and her marriage survival depends on babies and that jerk does not deserve her to be in physical pain trying for a child with fertility issues

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  3. 13 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

    Had a really good laugh watching the scenes at Shin’s residence :joy: The once quiet and elegant home is like a circus now. I want to see more screaming and whining and crying. Maybe some flying chinaware? SPY is really smart with her words when meeting Ami. That shameless girl. My reaction is pretty much the same as SPY at her audacity. 

    Poor BHR... I really admire her for making the decision to divorce after finding out about her difficulty to have a child. But can’t help feeling strange though, why divorce now...? I’d rather she decided to divorce with her head held high because she thinks that’s better for her, instead of because she resigned to her physical condition. I want to see more about her. 

    As for 50s cheating couple ~ don’t care and don’t want to know. 


    Maybe the actor of Ghost Grandpa has a big and important stake in the drama’s production that he has to be included even if for a few seconds screen time... I still don’t understand and cannot guess the point of having him appear in this season. Waiting for the surprise writer has in store for us with this ghost, LOL...


    Because he was enjoying a cake in the cafe, he missed all the fun at his dear son’s house, hahaa...

    BHR knows what her worth is .... she does not over estimate herself . She knows her in-laws  will not take two seconds to discard her if they knew about her infertility and they is not even a remote chance her marriage will survive without a baby , hence the decision 


    she genuinely wanted to maintain the marriage but with the things with her health , I think she made a good decision 

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  4. I am so glad that BHR finally filed divorce . She seemed to have realized that her life will be hell without a baby in that trash household.  yeh to single and newly rich BHR . great plan moving into a chaebol community to find a new husband .... love it ...she is who she is .


    next preview is her dream and I am sure it won’t be me seo , both don’t suit each other .  Seo will need someone like 40s wife who can make his life little cheerful .


    writer is too saintly and negative and she needs someone who is little more bubbly and can fill her life with positivity.


    i would like dong ma for BHR but story line does not support it so hopefully either they interact more and fall for each other or I want a new person for BHR who does not want kids in his life .


    but YEH Hurray to BHR freedom ... and cheers for all single ladies ...


    I hope BHR reveals that her husband cheated and is having an illegitimate  child in her press conference . She tried her best to give a second chance but husband and in-laws are snakes backstabbing her behind her back and with her fertility issues  they would have gone bonkers and insisted that she divorce , she knew it and took good step .

     She will not have any regrets like this .

    there is stilll no apology from

    husband or

    inlaws ... bastards ...


    and sure want to see that happy smile wiped of all that trash family face.

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  5. 24 minutes ago, hyall said:

    He talked her to death until he convinced her it was her fault. She even said that since he said the affair was inevitable why could it not have happened sooner so she could have forgiven her mum and spent time with her. Class A manipulator he is.


    The whole episode was very good. The actress playing Pi Young is fantastic. The husband is a useless actor. He delivered his lines efficiently but his face has no expression. He looked like a waxed doll. The dialogue was good. He managed to convince her that all men will cheat eventually and that even their daughter will have a cheating husband too and so she should teach the daughter to forgive. I hope she does not change her mind in the next episode and goes through with the divorce. He just laid the groundwork for another affair in the future. 


    He desperately wants to hang on to his marriage and he tried every trick and I felt really bad for the way he made Pi Young feel like she was to blame for the way she is unable to look past his mistakes. This man is unable to actually realise that he deserves no forgiveness. He is going to go around feeling wronged and that she was a cruel woman who didn't want to give him a second chance.


    I loved when she pointed out the differences between him and the 50's husband. How he had basically used A-Mi to satisfy himself.


    Honestly as a person who is supposed to understand the human psychology how could he have gotten involved with a person as unstable as A-Mi.

    Good points , your first few sentences ring very true and I also I found that he and the writeR kind of painted her a very stubborn woman.


    it is good that she did not relent but such a conversation will leave traces If afterthoughts and little guilt 

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  6. 5 hours ago, Jcanqueen12 said:

     Ehh I just don't get how ppl downplay what SW and PSH did. Why have unprotected sex with a married man? She and PSH did BHR dirty. Apart from the child, what about diseases etc? That's why I really can't empathize etc. Say you want to test out your chances of getting pregnant, why choose a man with a wife at home? You have unprotected sex with him and then he goes back home to his wife and more than likely do the same thing. 

    True no one is worried about diseases in this series ... wives are stupid to not get themselves tested .


    i think supporters of Sang-hoon feel it is a small mistake which basically altered some one elses life and they have to live with proof of infidelity all Their  life


    it is an unforgivable mistake more on PSH but also on this slimy mistress 



    5 hours ago, Lfd said:

    She took an envelope of money from his dad hummmm

    She is sly , she will no first but then take ... rings ...money 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Lfd said:

    Why couldn’t he listen to his wife instead of a mistress who took money from him

    And mistress is good at handing out advice she’s the one that needed some good advice and she is old enough to have know better. 

    Because both father and son have wandering eyes and see other women as greater than wife.


    She is worst among mistresses , she is divorced and already experienced the heartache but she uses it to trap other married man and offers to sleep with them in the guise of offering advice on marital problems ...and then puts up a sorry act . 

    she is same like yusin keep justifying her behavior as a mistake and one time thing .

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  8. 6 minutes ago, partyon said:

    Chingus, what a rare treat! :getmygrooveon:

    Korean netizen comments about ep 12:



    Looks like Koreans share our sentiments about the episode 


    It was actually a very good episode which is a surprise from the writer.


    Kudos to actors both who played Yusin and pi young ... great job 



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  9. I too actually liked the episode and the talk ,I usually skip all the episodes but this one I watched it fully and I thought the talk covered everything and it is exhausting as it should be , in real life in any arguments you linger and linger go in circles to prove your point , the same here.


    the calm nature I believe is because he is used to this as a psychiatrist, it Knows how to present things in this clinical manner . The wife where she could have exploded unfortunately was the time when she found out and that time she went mute plus her mother died , so she had several days where she had to silently agonize over this and to understand the extent of lies plus her nature to hold back and that is why her calm and determination here to not get swayed by his arguments . Even then she did slap him when he brought her mother and father into discussion 


    13 minutes ago, hsmz said:

    It's OK if you think so. But for me they are just being a HUMAN to another HUMAN. You can see from that one perspective - lack morale and bad parents whatever you called it, it's your choice. But for me and some others too, they are just being a human to another human. Yes, they have grandchildren, but they all grown up already. In that woman's womb, going be their grandchild too. Out of wedlock or not, that baby is still become part of their family because the baby is not some stranger.

    They were not human to another human , they were extremely chummy with mistress and even mother had the audacity to tell son that mistress loves you .... gosh which mother says that when she is the one who advised wife to stay put and work in the marriage and asking her to get pregnant ...


    they are backstabbers just like the son and son has learnt the behavior from them 


    I won’t respond to you because we just go in circles so please you too refrain 

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  10. 12 hours ago, hsmz said:


    This is what Sa Pi Young said... I totally agree with her. Why she would disown her own son if the son cheated on his wife? Also, she's the wife, not a mother to that psychopath husband of her. (Anyway, why on earth the psychopath husband dare to say about mother-son thing and wants his wife to imagine he is the son that cheated? What was he thinking??) 


    The parents actually have nothing to do with their son's infidelity and do not have to make any "relationship" with the mistress too. But 30s husband's case is different - there's a baby involved. The baby did nothing wrong, so after a quite deep thinking, I guess it's actually not wrong for them to take care of the mother and their unborn grandchild, at least till the baby is born. Out of the wedlock is another thing, but a baby is still a baby and that baby is innocent. What done can't be undone. Disown their son is definitely not the answer. The parents of the baby should repent as they have made a big sin. As for the 30s wife - if she can truly & sincerely forgives her husband, in future, most probably she can accept the baby. It happens IRL too.

    They enabled the son to go on a wrong on path and they are bad parents full who lack moral values ,  baby is not an excuse to condone cheating period . It is not like they don’t have grandchildren in the house , they have , they are mysogynist .





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  11. 6 hours ago, Lmangla said:

    the few times that this argument felt actually real and human was when he brought up her mom. and frankly she needed those jabs and to hear from someone close to her how she lost out on her relationship with her mother. while her anger at not having contact with her dad was understandable, she blamed her mom for all sorts of unrelated nonsense. like not knowing how to cook and having to learn from some neighbour lady or something. ugh, that has nothing to do with whether you are a child of divorce... so it is good that she is learning and will let jia see her dad.. but at the same, she needs to stop obsessing about perfection, creating this image etc. I won't be surprised if in the end, the 40s couple reconcile (since we had an entire episode of him asking her to stay for on and on and on.... ) but they are more real and less putting up this 'perfect' act -- basically more like 30s parents who snipe and annoy each other one moment and sweet the next. 

    she already realized her folly towards her mother  in the hospital , seeing her husband with another woman had basically  woken up to the fact that what her mother must have experienced , that is why she regrets so much that she could

    not have asked sorry.


    she also herself regretted what she told about writer and what she got after trying so hard to be a perfect wife .


    the only truths he told is about her father which no body knows the story and about the perfection she showed and the youth she maintained is due to their social status And if she did not

    him and the riches she would

    lost her youth and perfection like others.


    i also think that she needs to be more herself and not look for perfection but she did that in good faith to provide husband with a good home and keep him at peace which she thought were negatives in her mother .


    30s parents is a different story , he looked down on wife and never respected but then he did not physically cheat on her as what we were shown so far , if he did that than story would be different plus she is an older woman and did not seem capable of walking away from

    marriage . And it was a pathetic life for wife who spent her entire life serving one man who was not respectful and always admiring other women . Why would you live like that just to get some few moments of peace or praise or thanks at old age , but I believe that is where 30s couple

    are heading even though I want better for BHR.


    i don’t want the 40 couple to

    reconcile , realizing divorcing someone is not a women’s fault is her character ARC I believe , they better not mess with this and show her happy divorced 


    the only compliant I had SPY for major part is how she was grooming her daughter to be this

    Perfect  wife material and I am

    sure that will stop now.


    through  all that 1 hour talk the writer was trying to put blame on SPY for not giving her husband a chance and calling and making her look like a STUBBORN woman . This is

    So Very wrong 

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  12. 10 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

    kekeke... me too; I really wanted to fast forward but was waiting for him to drop the truth bomb about her mother. I seriously had to laugh when she said that her dad never lied to her mom directly. right, this is why you HATED your mom and blamed her for not making up with your dad when he begged. his retort was the best "do you think your dad would have told your mom before he cheated?" :lol:....


    and blames 40s husband for not making up with her mom -- I had to eye roll at that. girl, you mom was in the same city for a year. you wouldn't take her calls, cut her off, wouldn't eat with her and now he is at fault?! 



    he gave some long random spiels but he made certain valid points. while she refuses to admit it to him, she resented her mom like a tornado and said she suffered as a child of divorce and felt humiliated. she yelled at her mom that she was unprepared for marriage because her mom never stayed in the marriage. so who is to say that jia won't blame her and hate her for the same? well, that stupid man has a point there... 


    but yea, other than those moments, it went on for so long that I started hitting the fast forward button. instead of citing books and philosophers, he should have stuck to just one long speech about her mom. that would have finished the argument in five minutes. shrug. 


    even though he did bring up her mom , it does not excuse his behavior nor it gives him to right to get forgiveness from wife 

    She blames her mom

    but her main complaint for her mom was that she prevented any contact with father and daughter and dad died in front of her eyes when he came to see daughter. So obviously the daughter will hold grudge . It was just not a simple case of divorce. 


    SPY learned from that example and she is allowing her daughter to still see the father , so chances are less that jia  will blame her unless Husband manipulates her with lies again on why they got divorce 

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  13. 10 minutes ago, Lfd said:

    When she asked him if it was the first time to cheat was to weak of an answer he barley got yes out I don’t believe it was the first. Mistress said she will have him well until when the next mistress comes along

    He is an expert at manipulating people so we really cannot tell if it was his first affair or not ... in few moments he seen genuine but in others he is not ... he uses his professional Skills to his advantage 

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  14. there is a a dialogue when Yusin asks what would have done if you son had down the same mistake  and sa pi young answer was superb that she would disown the son ..


    it is in direct contrast to 30s husbands enabler parents who dont see any issue in his affair and out of wedlock pregnancy and even going ga ga over mistress , the age does not guarantee wisdom .. Such a slap on those parents 



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  15. The ones disgusting part in today’s episode is when 40s  husband said prepare daughter so she could handle it as her mother by forgiving the affair when the same thing happens to her , he is so sure it will happen ..


    In some sense it may be reality that there are high chances because it could happen to any women but asking mother to forgive now so she can teach daughter to forgive is too much crap to handle .


    it also well established that men will cheat , they don’t need any reasons to cheat , they will cheat if they lack character and moral 

    Yesterday’s episode had totally weaned me off this drama , I am

    no longer interested with what is going for happen because I don’t think any good thing will come out of it ....


    want writer to surprise me by showing the husbands and mistresses actually will get some karma ...


    with only 4 episodes to go , it may even be a very hasty wrap up , they wasted so much time on PILS and mistresses this season .


    todays episode should have happened in first few episodes and we should have been watching the wives stories now but alas writer wants the mistresses to be accepted a good people LOL ...

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  16. Today Entire episode with two characters and their  chat .. i did not skip a sec today , major props to actors , they carried this lengthy episode with excellent acting , dialogues and emotions .


    my god the writer,  how she tried to justify the affairs and putting the blame on wife for not saving the marriage .. amazing it also the same logic most supporters who understand the affair and support it spout LOL ... entire one hour of excuses in all ways possible ...


    there should be a name for  40a husband behavior , they justify themselves and see themselves as a victim .


    it is same as 30s mistress she will justify her wrongdoing and affair and this she is a victim ...

    I am glad after the long talk they finally went for divorce ...


    looks like Next week BHR will turn into a traditional wife but may be still get rejected by her husband and in-laws ... how I want to see her get rid that good for nothing husband 


    Next week preview not interested ... most of it could be 40s step mom imagination and I am

     or longer interested Seon ban , I seriously doubt him as a person if he starts showing interest in a random women who on top is pregnant , I am sure the friend of mistress has fed his some soap story of her being a victim.


    the younger brother even though I feel he is good but there is no story line ..






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  17. 17 minutes ago, wildcherry said:

    I think she will left him eventually, just like what her mother did with her late father. However she will prepare her daughter first before dropping the bomb, also the situation will be different from her time bcs in Jia’s case, her friend Uram’s parents also divorced, so she won’t be alone in such situation.


    And I don’t think 40s husband bother much abt his daughter. The way he talked his way with his wife, stepmom & mistress, I bet he has no problem convincing his daughter he’s a virtuous dad. I think he reall scared of losing his wife. There’s no doubt he loves or at least love to boast her around. She’s what every man’s dream wife. Beautiful, successful, graceful & virtuous. Its just Ami is so stupid. The moment 40s husband brought his madam to his mistress house dutifully, it’s obvious game’s over for Ami. When 40s husband ran after his wife without so much a glance at the mistress, she’s least of his concern because all he thinks now is to go after his wife and stop her from leaving him. Yet the mistress is gullible enough to actually believes 40s husband would go back to her if he made up with his wife! Even now the wife hold his phone & forced him to bring to the mistress & he meekly followed, would she let him loose when the trust is broken if they’re still together? 

    But what I love abt the 40s story, the wife gets to act calm & graceful while the stepmom got all crazy & attacked the mistress. The best line ever when stepmom yell at the mistress, saying the wife is 10 times better than mistress. 


    Yes it was satisfying to watch all the aftermath of the reveal , sure here 40s wife has advantage to take a high road because husband for whatever reason wants to hold onto his perfect family myth .. hence her divorce threat worked for him to drive her all the way to mistress house .


    stepmom sure gelt betrayed as she was very much invested in him but I am so glad to see the slaps land on Ami.


    Ami is young and stupid I believe , she has to run for her life from this manipulator.


    4os wife problem was mother did not

    allow any contact with father not the divorce itself , here I think her Daughter would like to maintain contact. I guess having company of uram in similar situation will help her but also may influence her because 50s wife Is trying for her children not to hate their father and is constantly keeping in touch with husband and for 40s wife , she would like to take away Jia from father and hates the father at the moment .



    my original prediction was 30 stay together , 50 blended family and 40 divorced and separated lets see what happens 

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  18. Seo ban  role seems to be to think mistresses in good light , like 50s mistress , now 30s mistress and not sure when he will meet 40s mistress 


    it will be interesting to watch his reaction when he gets to know the truth that these women are home wreckers  and cheated with husbands of his colleagues ..


    I believe he may catch PSH and Mistress and will come to know of PSH betrayal of BHR .


    BHR sure have scared the mistress and made her see husband in new light ha ha , slap and hair pulling worked .


    40s tactic is working because husband wants to hold onto his family , hope the daughter won’t play I want to spent time with dad because we do not know when some ones dies card ... the little girl was too philosophical in last episode.


    Points to BHR to accurately identify the reason for wine from dong ma , she does not have delusions about herself Lol , I want to see more chance meetings from them.


    when will 50s mistress get slapped and hair pulled like the other two . The stage is passed for now but we need one slap for her too at some point .

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  19. Pi young handling of the issue seems good because the husband wants his marriage to stay in tact. It is like a punishment to think he may loose face in front of daughter and loose the marriage ...


    if it was like a cheater like 50s husband or PSH , this move will make them happy ... but for

    40s husband it is actually a punishment which is why we find it satisfactory ...


    I hope ami wakes up now or her parents knock sense into

    her to get away from this manipulator. She needs to escape from this man ASAP.


    somehow I feel Ami also think her main opponent is 40s husband first love his step mom and not

    the wife.


    does 40s wife know that stepmom

    is first live ,.. I guess not 

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  20. 25 minutes ago, wildcherry said:

    I hope BHR goes for the younger brother, the one that most think as a rich playboy but eventually becomes a dotted husband to BHR. I remember BHR’s arrogance & airhead is what pique his interest & when they converse their wittiness keep each other on their toes. Unlike her boring husband who only whines & sulks


    And I hope the sound engineer is truly interested in 50s wife because I don’t see any reason for him to give allowance money to either kids at all since both are from capable families. However between the 2 URam could do with extra allowance since now he’s raised by a single mom, while Jia is the daughter hospital’s owner. And when watching closely, he asked Uram abt the allowance but since Jia was there too obviously he has to give to both or it would seem lika a insult or 50s wife would tell her son to return back the money. But if she knew he gave to both kids, she won’t think much abt it. Also one thing I find weird abt the sound engineer. I think he has some secret. Could he be infertile that’s why he left his gf? If so that he surely be ok with 50s wife bcs she won’t able to have more kids & he will get 2 instant kids. I really want the 50s wife to shove her cocky husband that there are finer men who still find her desirable 

    Actually I don’t think younger brother Is a player , they mentioned he was in 4 year relationship with 50s mistress and broke off with her as he was not ready to get married ... I think he was a committed boyfriend and has guts to broke off when mistress wanted marriage and he was not interested in marriage 


    But there I don’t think they will end up pairing him  and BHR as there are so less scenes with them ....

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  21. I found the episode boring even though 40s wife was good but I thought she was ready to sweep it under rug , the divorce is her first reaction and I don’t think she will end up actually divorcing him.


    but 40s husband got scared for daughter , I can’t tell if he is really in love with ami or not. He seems to more worried about daughter than loosing wife and playing with ami


    mil outburst is cool , I hope she hits 40s husband with bottle , but I guess not , because next week it is shown he is ok enough to confront 50s husband.


    BHR last weeks outburst looks like worked on song won or she realized that 30s husband is a wuss ... 30s husband today came across as an idiot today with his fortune teller non sense and his parents are his enablers 


    BHR knows that brothers are out of her league , she does not have any grand assumptions about herself , but i hope we see some movement in her story ... it is getting boring to just watch imaginations all the time but it is what she is ... her bark is louder than her bite ... she does not guts to cheat , she only imagines scenario ...

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  22. God with only few more episodes left , I guess we will not see anything ground breaking from the writer .... she will keeping pushing mistresses in our face and we keep seeing the drama for some revenge for wives.


    40s wife mute really ... this is the only thing writer thought to keep drama going  and her not doing anything about it .

    she is heartbroken over her mother cannot even tell sorry to her mother for the way she treated her even though I understand her resentment that her mother did not allow father to meet and father died in front of her eyes which can seriously cause rift between mother and daughter , but it would have been nice for 40s wife to have expressed remorse to a dying mothers, she was robbed of thy opportunity.


    her dumb husband thinks it is mothers illness that causes her to be mute , she fainted outside his mistress room and he cannot figure it out or is he ignoring it.


    Everybody thinks that her mother’s illness caused her to be mute only Ever Perceptive BHR thinks something more Ha ha ha ...


    and the sly RickRoll'D lawyer husband again lacks spine to be upfront to wife about him not wanting to be in marriage and uses pathetic excuse and wife being busy with funeral to go and meet mistress. Cunning and manipulative just pathetic like his parents. His father seems to be living his dreams through son , since he could not have mistress , he is living every moment of his son having a mistress and child out of wed lock just as his own ... pathetic family ...


    ok BHR has a big decision to make who she needs to concentrate on BIG Brother or younger brother tough choice , she seems to know how to identify good men but here it is brothers and she is interested in both.

    better would be to have a fling with younger one and then keep making the life of lawyer miserable ...


    i am bored on 50 wife story , not moving anywhere , it looks like seo ban is interested in her but it is not certain , he may not be interested in 40s or 50s wife but can talk to them because they are at same maturity level . BHR is too immature for him to even hold a conversation . The writer made a big deal of seo ban giving the money to Uram  but he gave money to both children and there was no need to play it up so much ...


    Preview is again a dream for 40s wife 


    2 hours ago, Samuel Yohanes said:

    OMG GUYS THE RATING is 11.3%


    New record for TV chosun


    New record for overall run


    It really deserved the rating. 


    Lets remember that the premiere of season 2 is only 4% and thats really worrying considering season 1 debut in 5% and rising until 9.6% but the writter actually doing good job with this season 2.


    And right after Mine ( tvn drama that air at the same time ) finish their run, the drama rating is up tremendously. 


    Now we are at 11.3% and possibly more for tomorrow episode because sunday is usually higher.


    Can this drama achieve 15% rating before the end? Who knows but every rise right now is a new record for both tv chosun and the drama itself!


    And hopefully the director can keep up the suspense until the end so we dont get disappointed. I remember everyone face here watching ep 9+ in season 1 where it just a flashback after flashback and everyone seems to give up on the drama even vowing to not watch the season 2. Man what a ride

    The ratings show that people are interested in wives stories not mistresses stories , the ratings increased for BHR beating husband and thinking 40s wife potential moves ... 

    5 hours ago, Jcanqueen12 said:


    I agree. Maybe it will take the other 2 wives confessing to her for her to open up to them. They should just form a team against the mistresses (if they're out for revenge) or the other 2 wives show her that you can divorce and there is still life and dignity after this whole ordeal. I really just want HR to move on...

    Anyone notice in the intro to this drama, where the husbands and the brothers are seated together. Dong Ma is facing PSH, while Seo Ban is facing both Yu Sin and Hae Ryun? I feel like they're trying to tell us something lol, or maybe this is my wishful thinking. But BHR could possibly end up with the playboy and either Pi Young and Si Eun end up with Seo Ban? 

    I would have liked that but the brothers are there only as eyecandys and not integrated in stories that much. So I don’t expect them to

    have much role except fuel imagination of all three women .


    they explicitly show BHRs interest because she is immature but all three wives have thought about Seo ban as he intrigues them , he is aloof and successful and they all know he is from rich background , so all want to know more about him.

    8 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

    @joccu , @partyon , @hsmz He probably lost count of how many time she said this your last chance :mrgreen:



    Girl , how many more chances, you gonna give me  :D




    Till he gets sick and dies  of depression or gets into an accident to avoid getting caught ....


    she is not letting him go so easily .atleast till she finds a replacement .



    on a side note

    I believe 50s wife is a push over , she just let her husband go without an ounce of fight and even now letting him walk all over her. At this rate she will soon play nanny to his new baby with mistress .


    hopefully she finds a good man may be seo ban  and have the ex husband experience same things as her and have a big blended family together . Looks like they are heading towards that except we don’t know if she will get a man . 


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  23. It is true that true revenge is living well but even in real life how many of divorced wives get anything better in life . Rarely , most suffer due to emotional loss as well as financial loss , working woman is better in this respect a little bit.


    they take the Responsibility of the children alone most of time and that reduces their social life like husbands who waltz in and out with their new loves. Seen cases like this even in amicable divorce cases.


    at her age BHR does not have the maturity of 50s wife to let go, she is young and hot blooded , so her reaction is apt for her age and circumstances and she has it worst with a baby coming in.


    what did we see on 50s wife life so far , that she alone is unhappy in the situation.


    i feel like BHR should hold out the divorce atleast till the baby is born so it is recorded that it is out of wed lock.


    i am as petty as BHR but ya you cannot let cheaters have an easy way.

    and truth to be told it is not as if someone is waiting for BHR the moment she let the husband go, she has to rebuild her life again which is hard so I think I totally on her side when she makes the life of cheaters miserable. 

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